One Up

Date uploaded:
30 Jul 2007 at 01:49 (Minor update on 26 May 2020)

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File contents

1UPabase.j2l Action Basement 18.18 kB 27 Jul 2007
1UPbase7.j2l Air Base VII 7.98 kB 26 Jul 2007
1UPgrc.j2l The Genesis Reactor Core 5.48 kB 15 May 2007
1UPlake.j2l Chemical Lake 7.67 kB 26 Jul 2007
1UPn00b.j2l n00bed! CtF v2 3.75 kB 10 Jul 2007
1UPpeasy.j2l Pathetically Easy CTF 6.31 kB 15 May 2007
1UPswins.j2l Server Sometimes Wins 6.43 kB 26 Jul 2007
1UPtssc.j2l Turbo-Shock Star Cruiser CTF 11.34 kB 15 May 2007
serverwins.j2l Server ALWAYS Wins 6.59 kB 30 Apr 2007
Beton Night.j2t Beton Night 29.89 kB 26 Jan 2003
Castle2N.j2t Castle 2 Night 209.43 kB 29 Mar 2002
dd02f.j2t Diamond Dust 02 F 219.44 kB 07 Apr 2004
Heaven.j2t Heaven 156.10 kB 26 Nov 2001
Odyssey01.j2t Odyssey 01 120.00 kB 30 Mar 2003
Sirius1.j2t Dimensions1 74.01 kB 06 Jun 2001
Spacey.j2t Spacey Universe 143.81 kB 27 May 2001
Townsville2e.j2t Townsville ][ Evening 170.21 kB 14 Mar 2004
fmc_sono.j2b : Sonoxity : 669.14 kB 26 Apr 2007
ut_kharisma.j2b Kharismatron 1206.55 kB 09 Mar 2007
ABSNUTS.XM h 102.16 kB 17 Jul 1999
AnaboliqueFlies.xm Anabolique Flies 1080.28 kB 20 Aug 2001
TRAUMATI.XM Traumatic State 903.99 kB 25 Aug 1997
ENERGIA.S3M "energia" - necros / fm 427.65 kB 01 Mar 1996
Technoir.s3m 156.91 kB 07 May 2000


It’s just one CTF pack that took five years to upload. What you need to know:
  • All of these levels have special paths, many of which are only accessible with certain tricks, so make sure to search for them.
  • Server Sometimes Wins has unlockable pits. When unlocked, Carrotade is required.
  • Server ALWAYS Wins is a level made just for the fun of it (where it’s the server versus everyone else), and it is NOT meant to be rated.
  • The music can be downloaded from here.

(Music now added to zip file – no need to download separately. -Stijn)


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