Scorpio Key

Date uploaded:
4 Jan 2012 at 09:32 (Minor update on 4 Jan 2012)

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Violet CLM (More uploads by Violet CLM)
Tileset conversion
Original graphics by Nick Stadler; curvy bridge edit by Obi1mcd
Screenshots (379.93 kB)

File contents

lomatex.j2l Scorpio Key 9.24 kB 03 Jan 2012
Lomat.j2t Scorpio Key 269.49 kB 04 Jan 2012
MONKEYI.MOD monkey island 152.81 kB 26 Apr 2002


Another edit in the same vein as Rage of Aquarius. I was beta testing PT32’s Amphibe and that got me thinking about Carrotus edits and what sorts of bugs and missing tiles the set has. Which apparently is code for “everything needs to be diagonal!!!!!!!!” Unlike Aquarius, which took 48 hours, this was more along the lines of 84, though that’s partly due to there having been a greater number of interruptions.

The example level was made almost entirely in MLLE, plus a little Reworder flourish at the end. Running the level directly from JCS will lose you the foreground trigger, but it’s a very minor one, so you needn’t worry about it.


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Quick Reviews Average: 9.5

RecommendedOlsen rated 9

Oh wow, this is really nice! Finally some decent diagonal tiles (excuse my horrible mess in Carrotus Fix)!
The additions from other official tilesets all work well with the theme.
I wish there would be different palette versions though, seeing as this tileset completes Carrotus in a direction different from mine and zapS’s.

RecommendedDuke rated 10

Both the tileset conversion, and the map are awesome. I don’t know how to describe this but awesome. Good job.

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 9

RecommendedReview by PT32

4 Jan 2012, 23:06 (edited 5 Jan 12, 19:57)
Jazz Jackrabbit (202 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings171 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness61%

Aha! I see my betatester has been rather busy himself.

Scorpio Key had some great colors, tons of potential-packed tiles, and the example level was cool. I was pleased that the tileset was so well organized, and a lot of new, inviting tiles from other JJ2 sets were provided, i.e. the rope bridges and sunken ship blocks.

The song totally fit, too.

I also thought that Violet’s gravity-defying vegetables were pretty fun.

Perhaps the only reason this upload suffers is because it’s yet another remake of Carrotus, easily one of the most overdone planets on J2O. For the most part, Carrotus remakes drive me crazy, since so many people make inferior and (honestly) poor quality versions.

Not so here. This is a refreshingly clean tileset, it’s redefined how I see Carrotus remakes, and I heartily recommend its download. Somebody’s gonna make an amazing level with this set.

9.0 does sound like a good number after all.

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Review by Violet CLM

4 Jan 2012, 17:28 (edited 7 Jan 12, 03:17)
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

The issue with alternate palettes is that the tileset is 100 rows and I already had to truncate its background somewhat to fit in that space. Creating a more straight up Carrotus expansion with regular palette and background but all the expanded walls/bridges/vines/thorns/etc. — CarrotusV, obviously — would definitely result in TSF-only territory. If there’s demand I guess I could do that, but it wasn’t my top priority.

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Review by Sean

7 Jan 2012, 02:02
CTF Bug (7 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings7 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness28%

I suddenly realized this is the Land of Maps and Treasure.

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