Horizon Approaching

Date uploaded:
29 Dec 2015 at 15:29

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Seren (More uploads by Seren)
Level by Sir Ementaler of LH; tileset by Obi1mcd; music by Pip Malt.
seha.zip (767.36 kB)

File contents

SEha.j2l Horizon Approaching 15.43 kB 29 Dec 2015
PalmtreePlazaNight.j2t Palmtree Plaza - Night 140.33 kB 15 Feb 2011
pip-horizonapproaching.it Horizon Approaching 1127.37 kB 24 Feb 2015


This level is the first episode of my series named Contemplation in an Aubergine Garden.

I decided that starting a level series will have several advantages over releasing a pack. You may argue that there is no difference between this and uploading a number of disconnected stand-alone levels, but I deeply believe that my levels are more thematic and related to one another than most contents of level packs.

The idea behind the series was simple: I spent a long time pondering what bothers me about big multiplayer levels, then I posted the results on JCF, and then made a decision to lead by example. In other words, this is my attempt to correct the most omnipresent flaws of modern level design.

Notice that in contrast to the Anniversary Bash edition of the level, this one provides support for 800×600 resolution.



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Quick Reviews Average: 9

RecommendedPurpleJazz rated 9

One of the few battle levels that’s genuinely suitable for games of 16 players and up. Despite being very large, thanks to a well designed layout with a variety of distinctive areas and paths, navigation is intuitive. This style of level design and approach to placing pickups should act as a template for all event sized battle levels to come.

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 9

RecommendedReview by DennisKainz

30 Dec 2015, 14:34
Bee Boy Swarm (25 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings25 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

In this half futuristic, half natural cityscape, you can even walk on clouds. The sky is cloudy, but you can see the sun in the horizon.
There are 2 parts of the level: The one above the clouds, and the one down in the city. In each you can find a variety of weapons and power-ups.
This non-scripted level is complete of tactics, eyecandy, rain, vines, hooks and even sucker tubes.
Paths are smooth, but not too much. You’ll still have to carefully grab the hooks or jump from palm to palm to make your way back sometimes. And the opponents are always lurking around.

One of the best battle levels I’ve ever seen here on J2O

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