Desolation of the Aztecs

Date uploaded:
2 Nov 2018 at 00:51

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happygreenfrog (More uploads by happygreenfrog)
Tilesets by Blade and blurredd!, music by m0d, play-tested by Seren and TreyLina
TSF+ (This file requires JJ2+)

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File contents

hgfDesolationOfTheAztecs.j2l Desolation of the Aztecs 11.23 kB 29 Oct 2018
Aztec2.j2t Aztec 2 401.51 kB 16 May 2018
Desolation03.j2t Desolation 03 148.72 kB 09 Apr 2018
musix-after.mod spo 155.89 kB 22 Oct 2018
hgfDesolationOfTheAztecs.j2as 0.31 kB 29 Oct 2018
MLLE-Include-1.4.asc 9.55 kB 29 Oct 2018
hgfDesolationOfTheAztecs-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 5.37 kB 29 Oct 2018
hgfDesolationOfTheAztecs-MLLE-Data-2.j2l MLLE Extra Data 5.25 kB 29 Oct 2018


My entry for “2-Week Jazz Jam #1: Quirky combo battle!”

…yes, I called it Desolation of the Aztecs just because it uses Desolation and Aztec 2 as the main tilesets. I’m great at naming things. :P

The stage probably isn’t anything particularly special honestly, it’s mostly just another regular ol’ battle stage that isn’t trying to do anything particularly clever or unique (aside from maybe the visuals, which I have perhaps put a bit more of my effort into), but I hope you enjoy it regardless!

Oh, and just for funsies, I wrote a bit of a backstory for the stage in about 10 minutes, feel free to ignore it if you want:

In a dark alternate future, somebody had the bright idea to start building a high-tech military base on cursed Aztec lands, and now the apocalypse has begun. The moon’s orbit is slowly weakening, an eternal night has been cast across the universe, and generally speaking, everybody seems to be just about screwed.

You, however, are not from this point in time, you are one of many immortal beings from beyond time, here to observe and learn from the chaos. And what’s a better way to observe chaos than to have a little fun with a “deathmatch” between beasts you’ve built? And what better beasts to build than a bunch of cute multicolored anthropomorphic rabbits? Okay, sure, they aren’t the most practical weapons of war, but you and your colleagues have given them guns, so you all agree it should be amusing to watch…


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