Rainbow Runner Appendix

Date uploaded:
27 Mar 2023 at 20:48 (Minor update on 28 Mar 2023)

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Blade (More uploads by Blade)
Rainbow Runner Appendix was created with Pro Motion NG 8.0.2
TSF+ (This file requires JJ2+)

File contents

rainbowrunner_appendix.txt 5.63 kB 27 Mar 2023
rainbowrunner_appendix.j2l Rainbow Runner Appendix 17.61 kB 26 Mar 2023
Rainbowrunner_appendix.j2t Rainbow Runner Appendix 228.80 kB 26 Mar 2023
rainbow.xm Rainbow Runner 1951.10 kB 03 Jul 2001
rainbowrunner_appendix_manual.png 1942.29 kB 26 Mar 2023


Welcome to Rainbow Runner Appendix.

This is, in short, a compilation of art assets that I created for Rainbow Runner last year but ended up not including in the final release of that tileset. I am excited to finally share the art (some of which I really liked, such as the JJ characters, the layer 4 tree and the sky castles) I had to cut.

Rainbow Runner Appendix is not meant to be regarded as a standalone Blade tileset. I made sure it’s completely functional and that it does not contain any art errors or overt masking bugs but beyond that I release the tileset as it is. Expect a varying level of quality as most of the art was scrapped before I could give them finishing brush strokes.

This release includes a single player level to show you the ropes with Rainbow Runner Appendix. It’s quite short and simple. For my own amusement, I made this level somewhat unhinged.

Be sure to read “rainbowrunner_appendix.txt” for more information about the tileset. To help you get started with Rainbow Runner Appendix, check out the instructional image “rainbowrunner_appendix_manual.png”.

Many thanks for checking Rainbow Runner Appendix out. Also my sincerest thanks for your enduring support over all these years.

It took ages to create Rainbow Runner and Rainbow Runner Appendix. Keeping this in mind, please remember to credit me if you choose to use the tilesets or their parts in your own Jazz Jackrabbit 2 project.


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Quick Reviews Average: 10

Recommendedsnzspeed rated 10

Umpisuoli ratkeaa, level is tedium!

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 10

RecommendedReview by Ninja

16 May 2023, 23:52
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness16%

I’m not able to do a full review right now, but it’s an amazing tileset. If I ever find the time and motivation to make a level again, this is the tileset I’m going to be using.

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RecommendedReview by FabiAN[NC]

28 Mar 2023, 00:29 (edited 25 May 23, 20:09)
CTF Bug (8 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings8 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

amazing!! thanks so much for uploading it!! :D

of course i got a fan of the first Rainbow runner set!
thats why i was interested of the other pieces
im so much thankfull that you uploaded it for me =)

//good things:
this tileset have a lot of interesting things!!

i like the rainbow with the sparkels very much!!
and the whale, your work is so amazing!!!!!
and.. the sky castle
i love it!
there is a lots of interesting stuff inside!! ;D

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