Downloads containing Riot-11.mod

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|##| Sample Name            |
|01| yo! :)                 |
|02| intro mod by >>>>>>>>  |
|03| >>>>>>>>> corrosion <  |
|04| of degeneration and    |
|05| darkage!               |
|06| this mod was written   |
|07| expecially for an      |
|08| intro by elven11 in    |
|09| only 3 hours. from     |
|10| 23:30 of 22.07.98 to   |
|11| 02:30 of 23.07.98.     |
|12| greetings fly to:      |
|13| rio.mat.manta.calca.   |
|14| modem.yure.pirlaga.    |
|15| voodoo chile.dx0.      |
|16| procton.kaosmaster.    |
|17| and all the others     |
|18| big thanks to dx0      |
|19| for the samples:       |
|20|  |
|21| 0e.0f. the rest are    |
|22| taken from various     |
|23| mods...                |
|24|                        |
|25|                        |
|26|                        |
|27|                        |
|28|                        |
|29|                        |
|30|                        |
|31|  corrosion 23.07.98    |