Downloads containing nb_flame.s3m

Name Author Game Mode Rating
JJ2 1.23 vanilla: Mystic IslandFeatured Download MoonBlazE Tileset 8.6 Download file

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|###| Sample Name                  |
|001|                              |
|002|                              |
|003|     Prophecy in Flames       |
|004|                              |
|005|              by              |
|006|                              |
|007|                              |
|008|     with some help from      |
|009|                              |
|010|    Moonchild/Prometheus      |
|011|                              |
|012|  This song was remixed and   |
|013|  used in the demo with the   |
|014|  same name, released at      |
|015|  Compusphere 8, 1-4 may'97.  |
|016|  Unfortunately, we were in   |
|017|  a big hurry, so some        |
|018|  version got totally messed  |
|019|  up! Well, it doesn't        |
|020|  matter now, as the demo     |
|021|  itself didn't last as long  |
|022|  as the tune, when we ran    |
|023|  it on the compo machine!    |
|024|  It was a P133, and our      |
|025|  coder has a P90, so the     |
|026|  timing was pretty bad :(    |
|027|  Well, the next time we      |
|028|  will start working on the   |
|029|  demo BEFORE the party! ;)   |
|030|                              |
|031|  Some greetz to people at    |
|032|  Compusphere:                |
|033|                              |
|034|   Intruder                   |
|035|   All Dole members           |
|036|   DJ Cat ;)                  |
|037|   Sega-mannen                |
|038|   Han med basl dan           |
|039|                              |
|040|                              |
|041| you who think the sound      |