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Jazz Jackrabbit menu importer\exporter


-The directory must contain a 'epi.000' 'scr.000' and a menu file to read
from. No files will be overwritten; the JAZZ directory is the best place

-You will be asked which version of menu you want to extract

-Data will be automatically exported as several 8-bit bitmaps

-The directory must contain bitmaps of the right size to read from. The
menu file will be overwritten

-Enter the version of menu you wish to create a 'MENU.000' file ill be

Be sure and use the correct version for the menu you are importing or
extracting; the number of screens and episodes depends on what version of
the menu you are working with. Jazz Shareware lacks the two christmas
screens and has only 6 episode images so both the extracter and importer
will ask what version you want to work with.

For the screens, the first palette entry is transparent (This will be blue
for the menu and black for the difficulty sprites by default)

The difficulty screen is sliced directly into 4 pieces by the game

The menu importers will not ask you for what bitmaps you want to import,
there are too many for this to be anything but annoying. Instead it will
look for bitmaps of the same name as those the exporters produce. If it
can't find them it will get mad.

The first 16 colors of both menu palettes are used for the background
swirls, the last and second to last 8 are used for selected and unselected
FONT text respectively. For some odd reason my importer changes the first
16 colors of the palette slightly, I don't know why.

The first 80 colors in the episode selection palette are used by the game
to make the episode pictures appear grey and pass through each other as you
select. They should all be of the same shade or Jazz will look icky.

The menu palette is used throughout with the picture palettes being used
for the pictures ONLY. (Allowing 512 colors max to be displayed at any one

Menu format:
Size of RLE block [Two bytes]
RLE block [Compressed palette used for normal menu]
Size of RLE block [Two bytes]
RLE block [Compressed 320x200 menu screen]
Size of RLE block [Two bytes]
RLE block [Compressed 320x200 menu screen that OVERLAYS 1st screen when
items are highlighted]
Size of RLE block [Two bytes]
RLE block [Compressed palette used for christmas menu]
Size of RLE block [Two bytes]
RLE block [Compressed 320x200 christmas menu screen]
Size of RLE block [Two bytes]
RLE block [Compressed 320x200 christmas menu screen that OVERLAYS 1st
screen when items are highlighted]
RLE block [Compressed palette used for difficulty images]
Size of RLE block [Two bytes]
RLE block [Compressed 320x200 bitmap containing 4 difficulty images]
Size of RLE block [Two bytes]
RLE block [Compressed palette for episode images]

- EPISODES (Variable number depending on version; Holiday Hare has max at
Size of RLE block [Two bytes]
RLE block [Compressed 134x110 episode picture]

#Jazz Shareware lacks the two christmas screens and has only 6 episode