JJ1 Tileset Compiler

5 Dec 2005 at 03:34
JCF Thread.

Ice M A N has just released a program to create tileset (BLOCKS.###) files for JJ1. Check it out here.

Quoted from post:
Give me a heads up if you have something that you think the program should be able to compile but fails to do so. Feel free to email examples to mspear (at) gmail (dot) com .. The only error checking it does is to make sure it has the right number of arguments.

Have fun.

A nicer/GUI version will come eventually once all bugs (if any) are worked out and some basic error handleing is implemented..

(btw, I am aware I haven’t put up a poll yet for this month. It’ll be up in a day or two after people are likely to have read this.)

- Violet CLM


Tik on 5 Dec 2005 at 05:27

yay yay yay yay sir

Hareking on 5 Dec 2005 at 10:40

I’ll try to make a level with JCS94 someday. I first want a Single Player pack for JJ2.. But this tileset program looks great for now.

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