The other side of Diamondus

Date uploaded:
28 May 2005 at 11:20

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Capture the flag

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File contents

SDx1.j2l The other side of Diamondus 7.17 kB 28 May 2005
DiambGarden.j2t Diamondus ? Garden 247.29 kB 03 Feb 2005
ORION.XM The Orion Connection 675.90 kB 18 Apr 1997


Its my first level, i created it with Dx. So enjoy all


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 7

RecommendedReview by JelZe

10 Jun 2005, 22:24
Spaz Slackrabbit (136 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings98 Featured reviews7 Average helpfulness86%

OK, nobody’s reviewed this yet so i’ll do it, being the scavenger I am :)

Lay-out and Flow
For a first level, I don’t expect a mind-boggling lay-out. Here it’s quite simple and easy to grasp. Overall it can be divided into different levels of height; Top, middle and floor. The middle level is an (simplified) arch and the ends of it can only be reached by a hidden sucker tube behind the bases (you end up at the top level), or with Spaz’ double jump. Spaz has a definite advantage here. The top level is just a vertical extension to the ends of the middle level. The floor level however is just one straight line with an “underwater cup” section (more on that later). Overall, you get a “Speedy CTF” level: you just rush right in, grab the flag and rush back hoping you don’t get intercepted by the opponent. However, when both flags are taken, it can get quite problematic. Its simple design makes it like an open field, you just run, run, run.

Tileset Use and Eye Candy
I tell you, the Diamondus beta tileset is becoming as overused as the original JJ2 set in a matter of months! Overall, the use is above average, with some waterfalls in both forground and background and some trees and bushes. The background is very nicely done, tho. The mountain lake is put forward so far, the “mountains” are nothing more than oversized pebbles. Furthermore, the water doesn’t end at the mountain reflections, it goes beyond that without looking odd. Very good job on using the sky like that. The only disappointing thing is that most of the layer 4 eyecandy is on layer 5, even at spots where it isn’t necessary. Still, others have done it before, but when I turn on Low Detail, I sometimes spot a rogue tile of the omitted eye candy. On the bright side, the rest of the eye cnady makes the level look less symmetrical than it already is.

Ammo, Goodies, and other Stuff that’s good
This will be mostly about ammo, as it’s the only type of goodies this level has aside from some Fast Fires in the “water cup”. It’s amazing to see that each side (and therefore team) and level has its own type ammo. I’d like to begin with the sucker tubes behind the bases; Red side has RF, Blue side has bouncer. And let me tell you that compared with the rest, the respawn time is set too low. That makes it easy to stock up on ammo. I won’t go into detail with the rest, as there only Electro Blaster, Pepper Spray (Tip: those two are basically useless), Toaster and Seekers to mention. They’re not clustered, they’re just laying on the floor evenly spread apart. Speaking of Seekers, remember that “Water cup”? That’s where you’ll find the most feared of all CTF weapons: the Seeker Power Up! Evil cackle What’s more, once you reach it, the water level lowers so you can either stomp, kick or uppercut it for max ammo! lots of evil laughter O, Excuse me… on the floor above you’ll find a Super Carrot, if that’s any comfort and normal one hidden in some spikes. On a side note, why is there no ammo on the left top level?

Miscellaneous Stuff
First the music, it’s “The Orion Connection” by Icicle. Not a bad choice, not overwhelming, but it does the job. The next level setting is OK, it’s set to itself.

Final Verdict
Not bad for a first, not bad at all. Recommended for those flag carriers who like to run for their lives. :)

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