Forest Forgotten

Date uploaded:
27 Aug 2016 at 15:49 (Minor update on 31 Aug 2016)

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Spaztic (More uploads by Spaztic)
Single player
Me (except the music)
1.23+ (This file requires JJ2+)

File contents

forestforgotten.txt 0.69 kB 28 Aug 2016
forestforgotten.j2l forest forgotten 49.44 kB 31 Aug 2016
Xargon Gloaming.j2t Xargon (Gloaming) 106.15 kB 27 May 2004 Secret Hours 1608.43 kB 07 Oct 2009


This (decently large) level was started sometime around 2004 and mostly completed in 2009. It’s being released now because I only just remembered its existence.

Please keep in mind one rule to avoid frustration: when you destroy a trigger crate, you should wait a few seconds to see if another appears, and destroy that one as well. It has been so long since I made this level that I cannot recall why events are handled this way, but that is the way it works.

No one has tested this level except me. If you find any bugs, please call the police.

Long live the green bunny game.

EDIT: I have a fix for the bugs mentioned in Slaz’s excellent review (except the one that wasn’t a bug ;D)


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.2

Recommendedgorkemdeniz rated 8.2

Surely this one too not for a newbie as like me.
Again died a lot, then i figured it eventually. Yet skip many stuff.
Atleast kind of satifiying level for me. Bound me on pc a lot of turn.
This Xargon tileset is pretty decent as i always said.
Liked the Secret Hours song. Good job.

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.5

RecommendedReview by Violet CLM

13 Jan 2017, 06:55
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

The irony of Forest Forgotten is that the forest part of it really is better off forgotten.

I’ll explain. The level is divided, like A Generic Single Player Level II, into various biomes, though not as distinctly as in blacky’s take on the same tileset. There’s a leafy forest in the bottom left, a dead forest in the top right, a shrine in the bottom right, and a bunch of vertical spaces, platforms, vines, and grass everywhere else. Most of it’s fairly interesting, but the leafy forest is mostly just aggravating… layer 3 leaves cover up your view of some of JJ2’s most persistent enemies, and there are so many random single food pickups it becomes tedious to try to collect them all. The lack of visibility is the main issue, though. This would be okay as an interlude in the middle of some other level, but here the forest comes right at the beginning—well, depending on which direction you start walking—and gives much the wrong impression for what the rest of the level will be like.

Because I rather liked most of the rest of the level, for all its bizarre design choices. As far as I can tell, the only part of the main level area that’s directly important to completing the level is the ruined shrine in the bottom right. Everything around it—all the grassy platforms, swinging vines, hidden coins, etc.—is there in case you want to beat the level by collecting 40 (mostly hidden, often behind layer 3) coins instead of doing things the more traditional way. Personally I only found 39, but I trust there was another one out there somewhere.

A thought occurs to me that maybe besides the coins, that large area was also there to provide bouncer pickups for accessing the shrine with. In that case, maybe my being able to shoot the toaster powerup through the wall with a bouncer bullet (and thereby gain more than enough ammo to power down through the pit) was a bug, not a clever use of a nearby bouncer pickup to tell me what I was supposed to do. :|

Anyway. I’m not sure this particular brand of non-linear design quite worked for me, mainly because there weren’t a lot of obvious hints pointing the way forward and a lot of the level all looked the same. I had to resort to the tried and true test of looking for uncollected food/undefeated enemies to see if I’d already been somewhere or not. This is a common problem with a lot of sets, but from Xargon I guess I’d have expected more eyecandy diversity.

That confusion aspect is a shame, because when I could tell what was going on, Forest Forgotten was fun, engaging, and creative. Swinging platforms, arrows, animated tiles, crates, and more are all put to good use in puzzles that you’re given just enough information to figure out how to solve. The shrine area sends you on several puzzle-heavy quests in order to smash certain trigger crates before you can beat the level, and they (and the shrine in general) are definitely the most memorable aspects of the level and also where it feels most like a Spaztic work, albeit one that is much fairer than her Mines of Moria ever was. Good fun stuff. The wider exploration areas with all the coins and enemies are close, but there’s something missing that keeps them from feeling quite right.

I don’t know if there was ever a larger story surrounding this level—the shrine at the end stretches on for long enough that I felt it had to be building up to something, but that something never came—but it probably doesn’t really need one. Forest Forgotten is an interesting, often exciting set of ideas that aren’t quite supported by their eyecandy and aren’t quite clearly connected to each other, but definitely worth a play nonetheless.

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