In the wake of the Jazz Jackrabbit Revival Kickstarter fiasco, none other than original Jazz Jackrabbit 2 artist Nick Stadler just visited (and posted on) our forums!

Basically you should just go read his post, but what it comes down to is that he’s found a stack of old JJ2 artwork (the hand-drawn originals) and will be offering them up for sale soon. Included are for example the originals for the Time Warp comic and the game’s box art.

So if you’re interested in getting your hands on those originals, do go visit the thread. Nick says he’ll post some scans/photos too soon, so keeping an eye on the thread for the next few weeks might be useful.

- Stijn


Primpy on 14 Sep 2014 at 17:36

Nice! Now we have to get a bunch of programmers and let’s make a new Jazz game! :D lol jk, this will never happen :(

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