Welcome to Jazz2Online! We're the largest Jazz Jackrabbit fan site, online since 1999. Check out our thousands of levels and other downloads, join the discussions on the forums or, if you're a new player, download the required patches.

User registration was broken for a while. It’s fixed now! If you encountered issues registering an account, try again and it should work.


Permalink JCF Almost ready...

OK, the JCF is almost ready. The Path to it is:


Anyways, the JCF just got one step closer. We got Telnet, and dumped all the original data. Expect a working message board soon ;)

UPDATE: We (Being FQuist and I) have decided that we’re going to wait until InterServer sends us our old data. There were a few problems when we released it, and we’d rather have a dump with all those changes rather then go through all the trouble to fix it again. FQuist needs a break to go spend time with his family, and that’s just as well. So, all in all, the JCF might not be here as quickly as expected, but it will be back soon, and you will not have lost anything. Hope this doesn’t disappoint anyone.

- NebulaUOI

More News

  1. Permalink JCF...and what's happening with it...
  2. Permalink Forget Support...It's Fixed!!
  3. Permalink Uploading Files
  4. Permalink Download System...
  5. Permalink New host
  6. Permalink Server Bought
  7. Permalink JCF down
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  9. Permalink New Articles

Did you know?

The chickens are revolting. Get 'yer swords.

Downloads spotlight

  • Polaris


    By PurpleJazz (Capture the flag)

  • Threed Realms
  • Xenobiotic Xeranthemum
  • Foo Single Player 2/14: Electric Foorufoo: BunnyLover 2018: This Time It's Personnel, Kid
  • Frozen City
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Latest Downloads

  1. JJ2+ Only: CTF at Midnight N/A
  2. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Completed Lost Levels + Battery Jazz as an actual level N/A
  3. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Good Morning Turtleville! N/A
  4. Custom MLLE Naps WeaponPack N/A
  5. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 26 CTF N/A
  6. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 26 Battle N/A
  7. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Saline Shores N/A
  8. TSF with JJ2+ Only: A Great Day for Hockey N/A
  9. JJ2+ Only: Find It Out (Single Player) 8.7 Recommended!
  10. JJ2 1.23 vanilla: "A"-capital building ][ N/A


Where should Bilsy live?

Colonial Chaos
4 votes 9%
Fourteen Carrot
1 votes 2%
Voltage Village
1 votes 2%
Jungle Jump
4 votes 9%
A Cold Day in Heck (replacing Bubba)
9 votes 20%
Rabbit Roast
15 votes 34%
Burnin Biscuits
0 votes 0%
Graveyard Shift
7 votes 16%
2 votes 4%

Total votes: 43