Welcome to Jazz2Online! We're the largest Jazz Jackrabbit fan site, online since 1999. Check out our thousands of levels and other downloads, join the discussions on the forums or, if you're a new player, download the required patches.

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Permalink News

Some of this news is old, but I was away, so live with it.

Noogy uploads cinematics
Source: Monolith
Noogy has uploaded high-resolution versions of the jj2 in-game cinematics. He also uploaded a unfinished cinematic that never made it into the game.
View Noogy’s animation gallery

Noogy updates JazzJackrabbit 3 gallery (old news)
Noogy has also updated the JazzJackrabbit 3 gallery with some more info and pictures. I love the carrottus map. Maybe it can inspire you. Click here to go there.

New loricentral/hideout (old news)
Source: Haze
According to Haze, new versions of Lori Central and Haze’s Hideout are planned. He also has something to say about the shipping of TSF.. Read more

- Fquist

More News

  1. Permalink Jazz 2 Stuff To Stop Updating
  2. Permalink back
  3. Permalink Monolith about list servers
  4. Permalink J2o news
  5. Permalink TSF & CC - a possibility of ordering
  6. Permalink J2lc site
  7. Permalink Private messaging
  8. Permalink It's Dueling Season!
  9. Permalink Sorry for the downtime

Did you know?

If you want to make a Jazz-only or Spaz-only area in your level, make sure the player can't have any TNT to blow up the stomp blocks. [-Enigma]

Downloads spotlight

  • The Queen's Tower

    The Queen's Tower

    By Kiranger (Single player)

  • Corsair's Coast
  • Gothic Cathedral
  • Blizzard Peak
  • Jazz Jackrabbit 2,5 - The Big Rescue (Part 1)
Buy the games

Latest Downloads

  1. JJ2+ Only: CTF at Midnight N/A
  2. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Completed Lost Levels + Battery Jazz as an actual level N/A
  3. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Good Morning Turtleville! N/A
  4. Custom MLLE Naps WeaponPack N/A
  5. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 26 CTF N/A
  6. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Anniversary Bash 26 Battle N/A
  7. TSF with JJ2+ Only: Saline Shores N/A
  8. TSF with JJ2+ Only: A Great Day for Hockey N/A
  9. JJ2+ Only: Find It Out (Single Player) 8.7 Recommended!
  10. JJ2 1.23 vanilla: "A"-capital building ][ N/A


Where should Bilsy live?

Colonial Chaos
4 votes 9%
Fourteen Carrot
1 votes 2%
Voltage Village
1 votes 2%
Jungle Jump
4 votes 9%
A Cold Day in Heck (replacing Bubba)
9 votes 20%
Rabbit Roast
15 votes 34%
Burnin Biscuits
0 votes 0%
Graveyard Shift
7 votes 16%
2 votes 4%

Total votes: 43