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JJnet Duel Tournament v3.0

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Aug 21, 2011, 10:09 AM
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JJnet Duel Tournament v3.0

Yes, it's time to open the signups for the third edition of the big tourney. Alike last time, there are 48 spots available for interested duelists to take. I want to make clear that this tournament is FREE FOR ALL, as long as the player is able to understand/speak enough english to be able to understand the common rules, and arrange matches with foreign players.

The tournament will most probably work similar to last time(Group Stage+Double-Elimination), but however there are some significant changes behind the structure as well. For example the tournament Mappool with 3 brand new maps that won in the level contest before the tournament. You should especially see the Special rule about Tyuka's Realm Forsaken:

"Players can agree together on custom start positions on this map if they wish to start with ammunition. However if no agreement can be made, the default way to start is to put /autostart on, restart the level (/r), and start immediately with no ammo. If a player is caught from cheating by using another start position than what the players agreed on, the player may be warned/punished depending on the case.

You should also note that previously there were players facing each other from certain groups in the first elimination round(like Group A vs Group H, or D vs E.) However, this time the facing groups will be drawn by random after the Group Stage finishes, so the first opponent isn't all clear beforehand. This is to encourage all players to play for the best position possible in their groups till the end.

At the end of the tournament, if the winner belongs to a clan, that clan will be awarded under "awards" here on jjnet. Additional tournament prizes are to be decided later, if the crew can come up with a good idea.

Finally, if you're interested, then SIGN UP HERE! Also don't bother to sign up fake players, since I will notice that. If you should sign up a friend or your bro/sis, please tell that to me.

Like last time, all players are allowed to pick 2 VETO-maps(maps that your opponent cannot pick against yourself.) After you have played your first duel with them, you cannot change those picks anymore. However, if you don't wish to pick any right now, you can still pick them later in the tournament. I suggest you use the IRC Chan/Net-field in the signups-page for your VETOs, since it's a rather useless field otherwise anyway. For the E-mail-field would of course be good to have your MSN-address most importantly, if you have one.

Sites: Rules, Group Stage, and Elimination, which is of course to be edited later for 32 players.

~Originally posted for JJnet~
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Aug 21, 2011, 01:19 PM
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mayby next year if I will get better I will signup...
Sean Sean's Avatar

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Aug 21, 2011, 07:05 PM
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I guess I'll enter if I have the time to play. What would the time the duels take place typically be?
drop by my SoundCloud or something if you want, it's my life's pride

Last edited by Sean; Aug 21, 2011 at 07:05 PM. Reason: bad spelling
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Aug 22, 2011, 07:55 AM
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You are free to arrange your duels with your opponent as you like. All matches have a timelimit of 10 minutes per round in group stage(2 rounds against each opponent in your group.) However if there are problems contacting/arranging your duels with certain players, I can of course help with that.
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Aug 22, 2011, 08:26 AM
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Great, in which case sign me up.
drop by my SoundCloud or something if you want, it's my life's pride
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Sep 1, 2011, 06:22 AM
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I have a problem...
I signed up some weeks ago, but now I'm not on that list what Vivando posted abouth participants. Was this just a pasteing mistake or...?
Could anyone tell me why happens things like this allways with me?
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Sep 1, 2011, 07:19 AM
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I might have accidentally removed your name when there was a lot of spam in the signup-list which I had to clear, sorry about that. If you still wish to play, I can add you as a reserve player, and you'll get to play immediately just like the others. Alright? :P
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Sep 1, 2011, 07:31 AM
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