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Permalink JJ1 Planet Bracket WINNER

It’s been five weeks and the results are in! Let’s take a quick look at the final planets, starting with their descriptions from Jazz Jackrabbit 1’s manual:

MEDIVO — The atmosphere of this ghostly planet is incredibly thick; so thick that it is constantly raining on the surface. The planet is covered with enormous marble ruins which hold many secrets. Watch out for spikes and ghost swords.

It seemed inevitable that at least one of the Turtle Terror planets would make it into the finals. Players who only know JJ1 from its shareware demo, and/or JJ2’s Flashback episode, will obviously gravitate to them, and indeed Diamondus lost to Medivo itself, and Tubelectric lost to Crysilis only by the flip of a coin. But Medivo also has a killer soundtrack, impressive palette tricks (rain splashing onto bricks, lightning illuminating a turtle silhouette), swinging platforms, JJ1’s first airboard sequence, and a guardian battle with two distinct stages.

CRYSILIS — Once a barren wasteland, now a shimmering gem in the night sky. Crysilis is Devan’s depository for all of his (stolen) treasures… Time to raid it!

The most successful non-Turtle-Terror planet! While Medivo is ultimately just a castle, Crysilis is a truly unique setting filled with coins, jewels, and sparkling colors. With vast bridges overhanging bouncing orbs, an amusing enemy with a unique attack pattern, and a hauntingly attractive background, this planet is what you get the turtle who has everything. And who can forget getting suckered by a golden bounce spike hiding in front of a waterfall of molten gold?

On their way to the finals, Medivo triumphed over the rat planet, Letni, Scraparap, and Diamondus. Crysilis vanquished Orbitus, Tubelectric, Deserto, and Technoir.

And the best planet, by 13 votes to 11, is…


But while we’re in the mood for brackets, let’s pick the best locale from Jazz Jackrabbit 2! You can pick your preferred locations using any criteria you like… art quality, enemy design, level design, soundtrack, tileset ease of use, whatever. Once again, we’ll run each bracket round for a week at a time, giving everyone plenty of time to think.

- Violet CLM

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