Holiday Hare Fix v2

Date uploaded:
17 Jul 2010 at 15:21 (Minor update on 28 Jul 2010)

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Feaw (More uploads by Feaw)
Tileset conversion
Me and Epic

File contents

HolidayCandyEx.j2l HH Fix Candy Example 7.09 kB 17 Jul 2010
HolidayMornEx.j2l HH Fix Morning Example 7.09 kB 17 Jul 2010
XMas 1 Feaw.j2t Holiday Morning Feaw 239.60 kB 17 Jul 2010
XMas 2 Feaw.j2t Holiday Day1 Feaw 239.58 kB 17 Jul 2010
XMas 3 Feaw.j2t Holiday Day2 Feaw 239.57 kB 17 Jul 2010
XMas 4 Feaw.j2t Holiday Evening Feaw 239.54 kB 17 Jul 2010
XMas 5 Feaw.j2t Holiday Night Feaw 239.52 kB 17 Jul 2010
XMas 6 Feaw.j2t Holiday Candy Feaw 239.60 kB 17 Jul 2010
XMas 7 Feaw.j2t Holiday Candy v2 Feaw 239.61 kB 17 Jul 2010


Huff puff huff puff… That was a lot of work.
This tileset fix got a total overhaul. Fawful made some good points, and I had many ideas to improve it. So I did.

If you downloaded the old one, download this one and replace everything (and remove Xmas1Morn.j2l).

Here’s a copy pasta from the old one, kinda;

Well, hello there, J2O.

This is my first upload, as you can see.
It’s nothing really exciting, but it could be helpful for you people who like to make Xmas themed levels.
What are you saying? Xmas during summer? Well, yeah.
I know this is far from being the appropriate time to upload this, but hey, it gives people who are planning on making Xmas levels for when the time comes this year plenty of time to do so.

The reasons for this “fix” are:
The horrible masking in the original tilesets has bothered me for quite some time now, and I fixed it (woohoo).
I added a lot of new tiles.
I included a Morning version, which I thought was missing. And the thought of an orange version appealed to me.
Another new version included is the candy version. It’s kinda happy colored, and there are 2 versions of it.
I also included two versions of the day version. The only difference is the textured background (different hues of blue). Nothing much.

The tilesets don’t work in version 1.23 anymore, since they have 1100 tiles =(.
Well, it shouldn’t matter too much…

There was no room for Whare.j2b, but it’s easy to get anyway.

Credits go to Epic for the original tilesets, and myself for everything mentioned above.

Well, that’s all you need to know, basically.
Happy levelmaking~

EDIT: No file preview since it’s screwed up >__>
Instead, here are a couple of pics;

Don’t forget to redownload if you didn’t do so already.


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.675

RecommendedStarLORD rated 7.7

awesome nice tileset conveRSion.
dr: yes

RecommendedNarsist rated 8

Very good colors. Good idea.

RecommendedMilloCz rated 10

I think Treylina wrote enough, i can only add that it is very fresh and cold weather.

RecommendedKiraImmortal rated 9

Great expansion! Might make use of this myself sometime soon.

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 0

Review by Zoro

6 Aug 2010, 05:16
Bee Boy Swarm (28 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings16 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness61%

It will be better, if you try convert it to 1.23…

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