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4I Falcon

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Nov 20, 2002, 03:48 AM
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Originally posted by Nightshade
One reply. Hmm, I guess this topic kinda fell out of favor a while back. 41 Falcon, you're going to have to tell Kovu and Ducky and defalcon and all the other guys that this story is now officially revived. In the meantime, I shall tell more of it because somebody actually replied.
FARG! It's 4I Falcon, Copper! As in four-eye!

In other news, did i mention that this is a godly story? Are you writing this all on the spot, or do you have it already somewhere? 'Cuz either way... uh, yeah. In-foogin'-credible story.

And I think Def already figured out that the story's back, copper. I'll tell the others tho.

How's the moving process going?
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Nov 20, 2002, 10:51 AM
Nightshade is offline
Sorry, didn't notice that ...
HAH! You missed your chance! I claim fourth page in the name of Conquests!
Here's some more, I hope it'll keep you happy.

Saturn sat, medatatively sipping her carrot juice. Her life, which had slowly begun disintigrating and had eroded faster when her ship was attacked, was now completely destroyed and had been ever since she woke up in the escape pod, surrounded by her beloved ship's debris.
Now what?
Return to Carrotus? Never. She'd been fleeing from there. She couldn't, wouldn't, return there unless she was on a mission.
The dim bar around her was filled with galactic aliens of all sorts, all yelling and laughing and shouting rude things at the bartender. The majority were rabbits, and most were telling tales. What was it called? Oh yes, the War Tavern.
It was odd, she mused, that one could find a portal to the War Tavern in almost any world. No one was really sure anymore what planet it was on. Traditionalists argued that it remained on Carrotus, but Saturn had lived there and had never heard of any War Tavern, although she was sure there was a portal there, too. A few oddballs said that the War Tavern was situated in the mechanical heart of Tubelectric, but Saturn dismissed that with a laugh because she'd been to the heart of Tubelectric, and there was no Tavern there. A couple thought that the War Tavern was just an illusion, a hologram. Well, Saturn thought, the carrot juice she was sipping was a very good imitation, then.
Majority of the Tavern customers didn't care where the Tavern was. They all agreed that it was the best place in the galaxy for drinks, atmosphere, and tall tales of the veterans' adventures.
Saturn sat in a corner, half shadowed, enjoying the ambience. The soft chatting filled the Tavern, becoming a general murmur of indistinguishable words. Customers with haunted, shadowed eyes and dangerous auras warned off others, hunched over a drink or a map, muttering quietly. The lights flickered slightly, casting dingy shadows on the walls, playing over the purple-furred features of the young, bored looking bartender. Saturn sat back and watched as a silent, dangerous-looking black rabbit with a saber entered the Tavern, his sharp gaze missing nothing, even seeing her in the shadows.
This ought to be interesting ...

Kovu, Ducky, clean out your mailboxes!
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nov 20, 2002, 10:52 AM
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AND some more.

Zazz Darkfist, young bounty hunter and totally bored bartender, watched with increasing interest as the black rabbit seated himself at a shadowed table and began sharpening his sword. He'd been here for a month, and was growing increasingly dissatisfied. Zazz had originally taken the job because:
1) The veterans' tales were extremely interesting, and
2) He was flat out of money. The interestingness of the tales had declined as they repeated the same storyline over and over. The money was welcome, but that was about it.
So he perked up when the black warrior entered because the rabbit might have a new tale to tell. When it became obvious that the only way to find out was to ask, he did so.
"Got any stories to tell, warrior?" he asked lazily. The dark rabbit glanced at him.
"You want a tale? Aye, I have tales."
"Tell them, then," he encouraged.
"You want a bit of adventure, I think, not my tales," said the warrior, and he sheathed his sword and got up, coming to the counter. Leaning on it and watching the customers, he added, "not that I blame you."
"Oh, thanks ... I think. Say, I'm Zazz Darkfist."
"Darkfist?" the stranger looked up sharply. "Of the Darkfist warriors?"
"Yup, last of 'em."
"I see. I'm Shinyso - and that's my companion." He gestured towards a tall, slender grey rabbit who stood in the shadows. The female looked at him questioningly, and he jerked his head. She slid through the shadows towards him, frowning slightly.
"Shinyso, are you sure this is wise? I could understand it if it was just us, but with him here - ?" Her voice had a musical accent to it that Zazz couldn't place. "And he has the look of a bounty hunter."
Shinyso shrugged.
"It's not like you're not fast enough on your feet to avoid him if he does try," he pointed out, "and I don't think he will, not here."
"You could be right," she admitted. "Very well, then, though it may spell the death of me yet."
"It hasn't yet."
"True. Very well, say on."
"Yah. So, Darkfist, seen anything - heard anything - odd lately?"
"Naw, just the usual."
"Nothing about the ... Deathless Ones?"
"Now that you mention it, a couple. Why?" Zazz looked up sharply.
"Didn't you tell him?"
"Tell me what?"
"Shinyso, you are so absentminded. All right, lad, although I suppose you're not, believe it or not, I am the famed and dreaded Coppertop the Mercenary." She grimaced heroically. Zazz smothered a laugh, turned it into a cough. Then what she just said hit him like an iron log between the eyes.
"Coppertop the Mercenary? THE Coppertop the Mercenary? For real?"
"See, Copper, that's why I didn't tell him. You'll get nothing else out of him for the rest of his days."
"You won't what? Yes I heard tales about mysterious Deathless Ones. They're like those tales about vampires that we were told when we were young."
"Which turned out to be true," Copper said dryly, obviously remembering a run-in with one of those fictional vampires that had nearly ended with her death.
"You mean there are vampires?"
"Yes, they're very real. Back to work. What about them?"
"Well, that they come up on moonless nights to trap unwary rabbits. And anyone they bite turns into one of them. And they're supposed to have these freaky red eyes and fangs -"
"Whoa, whoa. I meant the Deathless Ones, you dork! Not the vampires."
"Riiight. Sorry. Okay, let's see ... they're supposed to be able to kill at a look or a touch ... nothing can get close enough to kill one, hence the name, and people and arrows melt alike when in their general vincinity ... they can vanish and teleport, their ships have no hyperdrives and are transported by magic ... they have wondrous motherships that appear from nowhere and take up empty space ... Kronans are at their beck and call ...they're trying to mop up after Kroys by taking the galaxy over again, not that we need that ... they've got some leader they call 'Lord Deathwreaker' and someone else called Beren ... they take prisoners, nasty business that. Pity they can't be killed."
"Well that's a help. Some of that we already knew, and you should too. 'Lord Deathwreaker' and Beren are the same Deathless One, their leader. They use magic, but can shift between ... realities, hence the vanishing. They are distantly related to the Firenzev Faders, though I don't know if that name is useful to you," and Coppertop watched him closely. Zazz noticed that Shinyso had retired to a dark corner and was concentrating hard. And a large and ugly looking lynx mercenary was watching him viciously ...
Zazz stood, ready to draw if the lynx caused trouble, but a drunken Medivan staggered into his way. The lynx stood still, and Zazz relaxed slightly.
He shouldn't have. Shinyso nodded, opened his eyes and stood, making his way back to Copper and Zazz - to find his path blocked by the sneering mercenary or assassin. Looking down his nose at the lynx, Shinyso surreptiously loosened his saber. He was at a serious disadvantage there, seeing as the lynx was at least a foot taller than he, so one might say he looked more up his nose than down it.
The lynx sneered even more, if possible, and looked down at the tall and slender, though muscular warrior standing impatiently before it.
"Not so brave, are you? Not now, when you're alone, eh?"
"You have obviously mistaken me for someone else, cat," Shinyso responded frostily. "Move aside before I damage you permanently."
"Not so fast. I require vengeance for my slain companions, who you slew."
"I have never met another of your kind, cat, and, if they are all as lacking in manners as you, I have no wish to," came the prompt retort. "Get out of the way."
"Vengeance," insisted the lynx. Shinyso drew his saber.
Zazz found his hand at his blaster handle, but Copper waved him away. She seemed rather amused by this all. "Relax. I daresay, if Shinyso cannot protect himself he is on his deathbed." Reluctantly Zazz lowered his gun.
"You'll get no satisfaction for your ruined sense of justice from me, cat," Shinyso was saying, his blade glittering in the dim light. The lynx snarled.
"Yes! Your name was on their dying breath, for I have heard it."
"And? Tell me, what was it that they said?"
"'The bearer of the emerald sword shall strike us down, bondbrother, but one sword cannot stand against three - you shall perservere against the Emerald Dragon!'"
"I told you you had the wrong person. My name is Shinyso, known as the Ninja - you shall regret forcing this encounter."
"Shinyso, Emerald Dragon, it does not matter!" roared the lynx, who jerked his battleaxe up. "You shall die this day!"
"I think not. In fact, I rather think it is the other way round ..." Shinyso leapt in, his sword touching the lynx's ribs and drawing a red line before snapping out to catch the battleaxe. The enraged lynx leapt forward, battering the rabbit's defences, but Shinyso beat him back. Quicker than his opponent, he circled warily.
The customers had quickly cleared the tables from around the combatants, and were standing back, betting on the outcome. The lynx drew a disc from his belt, one that had serrated edges. Zazz recognized it. It was a common mercenary tool. The lynx threw it, spinning it towards Shinyso, who casually ducked and tossed his own dagger. The spinning disc hissed overhead and shattered one of the windows, but Shinyso's buried itself up to the hilt in the lynx's shoulder.
"You do know that you'll be charged for that window," he said calmly. The lynx hissed at him, and he shrugged and ran it through.
"Foolish, you know, to leave yourself wide open like that - but I'm guessing that you won't make that mistake again," he said to the dying lynx. Despite his flippancy, a shadow of - sorrow? - passed over his face quickly as the light died from those savage green eyes. Copper sent him a meaningful look, and he wiped his bloody sword off and sheathed it.
"Wow," said Zazz. "Do you always fight like that?"
"No, he's usually better," Copper said dryly. "You all right, Shinyso? Did he get you?"
"No, didn't touch me. Aah, I hate taking lives like that. If he'd just listened, hadn't forced it like that - "
"He would have killed you sometime or another. That kind of demented killer cannot be stopped by words. And if you had not killed him, he would have killed someone else."
A young, golden-furred female spoke without looking up from one of the corner tables. She raised her shadowed green eyes, a shade lighter than Copper's, and looked right at them. Copper raised a brow questioningly. The rabbit stood and strode over to them.
"I am known as Saturn. My service is bought - or was, before the Deathess Ones' ships destroyed mine. I have information that you may need, that Darkfist could not tell you."
"For a price, of course," said Copper sardonically.
"Not that great of one, mercenary. My only request is that you include me in your search for freedom - I too have a score to settle with the Deathless One Beren Deathwreaker."
"The big kahoona himself, eh," said Zazz cheerfully. "Well, count me in. I was a very prosperous bounty hunter until these Deathly guys entered the picture. Hey Copper, got a ship?"

(Ninja would kill me if he was here ...)
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
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Nov 20, 2002, 11:25 AM
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W00t, CT. That was SPIFFY.

remember? (:

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Nov 20, 2002, 07:47 PM
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Thumbs up

Toppings aren't good enough if there isn't any cheese. Did you know I only come here nowadays if Kovu, CT, or Nightshade posts? O.o
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Nov 21, 2002, 08:20 AM
Nightshade is offline
ha ha (hi Ducky)

I am CT, Kaz. I can't be Coppertop right now (it doesn't recognize that I've logged in) so I'm Nightshade for a little while. Maybe forever. Oh well ... and Shade won't be updating Slate anymore, she thinks it was, ah, "childish" and "stupid" I think she said? Maybe she meant she's older and wiser now, I don't know ...

More updates, I'll be killing off a few ppl soon. *sniffs* Very sad, I love you all, but ...

"Okay, Greeneyes, what have you got?" Copper glanced at Claw, who like always preferred the shadows.
"Mmm ... 'kay. Lord Beren Deathwreaker, Deathless One leader, Conquerer of a Million Worlds, Lord of a Thousand Suns, Unchallenged of a Hundred Kings, Monarch of Two Hundred Emperors, Sovreign of Two Galaxies, Mage of the Second Order of Sorcery, Master of the First, Traveller of the Triplanes, and Ruler of the Lesser Beings is his full title, though most people just call him Lord Beren Deathwreaker, or 'milord'. I do not know how much of his title is true, or simply boasting, but it is impressive enough, and long enough, to cow anyone into submission."
"'Mage of the Second Order of Sorcery, Master of the First', you said," Coppertop mused.
"Yes. That is supposed to be very very good. Kroys was Mage of the Third Order."
"Wild Angel's better. She's Sorceress of the Second, Adept of the First. That's two entire ranks above Beren," Claw muttered. Saturn looked up sharply.
"You have a mage here? That would be very helpful. She could neutralize Beren while we take him out."
"She beat Kroys how many times?" said Ducky proudly from the airlock. Saturn merely spared her a passing glance, but Zazz stared with astonishment.
Oh, he'd heard of her, and her odd appearance, but hearing and seeing are two different things. He found himself almost hypnotized by the way the blue bolts of electricity leapt their random way over Ducky's body, accenting her aqua eyes. Her features were plain and she wasn't glamorous (nobody there was except for Saturn, who would have been if she hadn't cut her hair), but the sheer, exotic difference masked that from uncaring eyes. She grinned jauntily at him, and flopped down into a chair carelessly.
"I thought you were at the nav while I was talking to Greeneyes here, Ducky," Copper accused. Ducky flashed a smile.
"I was, until I got sore. Kaz and Grath started fighting over it, so I told Kovu he could have a turn. The Terrible Two are sulking right now, and making life miserable, too."
"Thanks. See if Angel needs any help ... seeing as Shinyso's piloting and you were playing navigator."
"Playing? Fine, seeya later." She got to her feet with a grimace and trotted down the very short corridor to Wild Angel's bunk. Zazz wondered if all of Coppertop's friends were as strange ... Claw and Shinyso certainly were oddballs, not to mention Copper herself. Saturn, if not a friend, then an aquaintance, was very different from his perceptions of normality. And she'd said they even had a mage with them ...
What next? he wondered. And how had he gotten himself into this?
"... well, that's about it, Greeneyes. Claw, can you go get Shade? Darkfist's of the same breed as she is ... sort of." She grinned at him.
"Bounty hunter?" Zazz asked alertly.
"No, assassin. Same sort of thing, killing people. Or catching them."
"If you say so," he said dubiously.
"Yes I do," said Copper. "Thanks, Claw." Claw slid back in and glanced at Zazz.
"She'll be here shortly. She is ... was ... cutting her dagger out of the target when I saw her."
"She's that good?" asked Zazz, astonished. Cutting it out instead of pulling it ... it would have to be very deep for that.
"She's that good," Copper said proudly. She glanced up as the doorway hissed open. "Thanks, Shade. Zazz, this is Nightshade ... Shade, Zazz Darkfist. C'mon, Greeneyes, Claw." She rose and left, Claw mumbling something about females and Saturn trailing behind. Zazz grinned at her before turning his attention to Nightshade.
His first impression of her was black. Her deep blue eyes watched him warily, as he watched her, and her grey paws were never far from her daggers. Her jet fur repelled the light without a betraying gleam, and even as he looked at her she sank half into the shadows. He noted with some skepticism her green satin shirt and black tights, before seeing (with that feeling vanishing) her small pouches of poison at her belt. Definitely an assassin. Finally she spoke.
"Killer to killer, what is thy name? Meet thou here in hatred, or in peace?" Zazz blinked as she intoned the ancient greeting between assassins, mercenaries and bounty hunters.
"Killer to killer, I am the Darkfist. I meet thee in peace. Call me Zazz if thou will. What is thy name? Meet thou here in hatred, or peace?" The response leapt from his tongue.
"Killer to killer, I am the Assassin. I meet thee in truce. Call me Nightshade if thou will. Greetings, brethren."
"Greetings to thee also, brethren. Thy trade?"
"I am the assassin, shadow among shadows. What is thy trade?"
"I am the bounty hunter, feared by the hunted. Well met."
"Well met." There was a long pause. Then he said awkwardly, "uh, have a seat."
"Thanks." She sank down onto the chair and mock-wiped her brow. "Whew. I hate formalities. Call me Shade."
"Thanks yourself. I'm Zazz ... and it was your idea."
"Yeah, well, you looked so ... cold. I thought I'd better break the ice."
"It helped." Another awkward silence. Then he burst out, "isn't anybody normal in this place?" Nightshade laughed darkly.
"Better get used to it. You've yet to meet the wisecracking Kaz, the sarcastic Grath, the infernally friendly Kovu, the heroine Phoebe, and the irrepressible Blacksheep. If I'm not mistaken, the only normal guy around here is poor old KRSplat. He has to put up with us all ... and we've yet to find him. He's a pretty good spy - he doesn't stick in anybody's mind. Speaking of which," and she looked alarmed, "I'd better remind Copper. I'd hate to see him killed." She got up. "Care to come along?"

Hi Duckster, where's Kovey?
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nov 21, 2002, 08:25 AM
Nightshade is offline
I've run out of things to say ...

There is no reason for life, or at least none that mortals can find. Precious life can last an eon or a second, hardly of any importance in the scheme of things. Life can be given or taken in an instant, and is a thing to be treasured above all. And yet who truly has the authority to give it or take it, who truly has the right? When it is threatened, the liver will fight with strength dredged up from the sheer will to live, will fight tenaciously and fiercely, and will even take another's life to keep their own. But few think of these things in the heat of battle, where life is as common as the weapons that take it, and where there is no mercy. There it is kill or be killed.
But life has meaning for the holder. When it loses this meaning and becomes worthless, then it follows that the killer's life is forfiet. And yet even the merciless killer will fight ferociously for his life, refusing to let go to his awareness and abilities to be engulfed by the emptiness of Death. Life is a thing prized above all, or should be.
Life exists for its' own sake. Life makes changes, change makes life. Life holds so many things dependant on its' very existance, things that would be as empty and meaningless without life in the same way that dark has no meaning without light to compare it to. If life did not exist, Death wouldn't either, and nor would any emotion or change. Only one who has met the blank, hungry eyes of Death itself without flinching, trading stare for stare and accepting his fate, and yet surviving, can truly appreciate the great privelege of life.
KRSplat had met those empty eyes. He had defied both Death and Life, and so had kept his life when it no longer mattered. He was one of the few who would not kill if he could help it in a galaxy full of murderous assassins. Now he roved in a tiny one-man ship, the Eyes of Death. Few understood the name, but he didn't care. It meant something to him.
The Eyes of Death was a ship that had just enough room for him, a few simple controls, the engines and the life-support system. It had no weapons, and was the true black of space, with deep blue stripes along the wings. It was shaped in a crescent, like a large ring on which the band didn't quite meet in the back, but instead the two halves had been tapered into points. It had a solar-powered hyperdrive, and was quite a nice piece of work in KRSplat's opinion.
The Eyes of Death was just now powering up to enter hyperspace again. She needed some repairs from a run-in with a couple of pirates, but KRSplat had used the old trick of no shields, then flipping them on suddenly. Strangely, the ship had also let out a burst of brilliant white light that had dazzled the pirates and had given him time to enter hyperspace. He intended to check out what had made it do that, and to enhance it if he could. Tubelectric was the logical choice.
Unknown to KRSplat, Tubelectric had undergone a cloaking operation, making it virtually invisible to any questing eyes. Standard scanners could not pick it up.
Luckily, the Eyes of Death did not have a standard scanner.

"It's no good, Copper," said Grath, shaking his head. "I haven't a clue where he is."
"It might be no good anyhow, Grath," said Claw grimly. "They could have already gotten him."
"No!" Copper hissed. "No! Don't you dare give up! He's a friend, Claw - and I wouldn't leave you to the cares of the Deathless Ones, and you can't tell me you would leave me either. Friends help each other. Keep searching - he may be somewere you haven't been before. Wildie might find him, she knows who he is. He could be anywhere."
"Or not," Claw said gloomily. Copper looked slightly pale - but that could be a trick of the light. Claw watched her with something like confusion. He still didn't know why he remained with the odd mercenary, except to say that he was drawn to her for some reason, like a moth to a light. She had nearly gotten him killed several times, but still he remained. He'd been almost killed so many times he couldn't count them, true, and those details that should have been blurred by the countless seasons, the millions of years that he had been in existance, were still there as if it had just happened. But still -
I may have been 'killed' many times before, but I have never come so close to actual death than with Kroys, he thought caustically. He didn't know what kept reviving him; indeed, those times where he had actually seen the Gates of the Timeless Realms were not exactly few, but just as he always laid a hand on them something always yanked him back. A sense of unfulfilled duty, perhaps, though he could be blasted it he remembered what it was, oh yes. Death was no stranger to him. He had brought more creatures to that One and to the Gates than any other combined, he was sure. He'd met it more times than he might of liked, but he did not fear Death. Disliked, but not feared. Claw never feared. But somehow Coppertop was closer to the edge between Life and Death than any he'd ever seen before, barring himself and Shinyso. For all her youthful looks, he knew that she'd met Death at least three times. She had that look about her.
Why don't I just leave? he asked himself again.
Because, the Answer said, you and she have kindred souls. She is a friend; you cannot abandon her. You know that.
I know it, but I don't have to like it, he growled silently. Copper looked exhausted. While he had been thinking, Wildie had entered and was searching for KRSplat now.
The Assassin was actually situated underwater. Seeing as there was no other 'safe' place to land, they were now on the bottom of the ocean. The life-support system was drawing their oxygen from the water, and several curious fish were now dinner. If one had that kind of sense of humor, their situation was actually quite funny. Well, in a couple hours they could go to find both KRSplat and Emerald Dragon.
Claw was not certain what to think about the newcomers, Zazz Darkfist and Saturn. Zazz swore that he was just staying around for a short time, until they reached wherever they were going. Saturn - he did not like Saturn. She could be either cold or overemotional, with no medium. She was too uncontrolled for his liking, any magic-user could sense those feelings halfway across the galaxy. Blast, he could even feel it now! She was feeling slighted and was disappointed in Copper, but was feeling slightly fascinated by both him and Shinyso. He snorted. He'd disabuse her of the notion as soon as she met him.
He cautiously liked Zazz, because the young bounty hunter was honest and trustworthy. He was also very controlled and lethal, a combination that Claw admired in one so young. Darkfist had told Copper that he was only 16, or Claw would have been tempted to think that he was a bit older. Zazz kept his distance, refraining from becoming friends with anybody, reinforcing his claim of 'just passing through' - except for Coppertop's cousin (he'd never expected that) Nightshade. Darkfist seemed to like Shade unlike anybody else - like kindred souls, the Answer corrected.
Claw didn't know where the Answer came from, but it was always there. He didn't particularly care, either. Mostly he ignored it.
"Copper!" Angel's voice cut through his thoughts. "Copper, I've found him."
"Where is he? Can you reach him?"
"He's on Tubelectric, enhancing some shielding thing on his new ship. I might be able to reach him, but I don't know."
"Try. I think it's worth it."
"'Kay. Hang on." She closed her eyes and settled into a light trance again.
"Tubelectric has recently undergone a cloaking operation that leaves it invisible to searching eyes," Claw informed Coppertop disinterestedly. "Unless you have excellent scanners, you will not find it."
"I'll find it. I have ways," Copper said coolly. She turned as Angel tugged at her shirt. "What?"
"He's not in danger at the moment. He says that he's already eluded the Deathless Ones several times. He thinks he can wait until we find Emerald Dragon."
"Good. Emerald's in more danger anyhow."
"I agree."
"Right. The logical place to look is the city, so I think that we'd better start searching ..."
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Nov 21, 2002, 08:34 AM
Nightshade is offline
Now we lose our first character.

Emerald Dragon stared up at the sky, waiting for the dusk to pass and turn into true night. It had been nearly a week since the ill-fated rescue mission, and although her shoulder throbbed painfully she wanted action. Ferran told her over and over that even though it was not infected, she had to stay out of the fight for a couple of weeks more. Emerald said that infections could go to the hottest, furthest, deepest reaches of Hellantra for all she cared and she was going to fight, and nobody was going to stop her. Ferran had replied by throwing up her hands and growling at her, at which Scimitar had told them both to settle down.
So here she was on sentry duty. Scimitar's wounds had been mysteriously healed - or maybe not so mysteriously, for Emerald had seen Venomarin hovering over him in the night while he slept.
Things had been quiet for the past hour; not unusual for this part of the city. She didn't expect any trouble.
She certainly didn't expect the cold metal pressed to her throat a moment later ...

Sharrakamov had not been idle. He was a powerful Fader, and had quickly reached the renegade Fader Venomarin. She had informed him of Beren's true character.
Xastavoqua. His Fader name. It could mean a number of things; "traitor", "sly/slippery/cunning one", "one whose soul is dead". They all fit his personality. Treacherous, evil, cunning and ruthless - one to whom killing was a game, people the playing pieces, chaos the only rule and life the cards. All this and more Venomarin had learned from the mind of the Deathless One she had killed.
Venomarin. "Restless one", "wanderer", "renegade", "one who keeps their own council", these meanings fit the wearer as aptly as Beren's did. She had long since departed from Firen, leaving the Faders to their own devices. She only thought she had shunned the way of the Fader, the shroud of silence and mystery that every Fader wrapped themselves in - for the way of the Fader was the Fader, the very essence. Sharrakamov knew this as few did, for he too had "shunned" the Faders' lifestyle - to find it was their life.
Sharrakamov. "Silent one", "solitary", "secretive", "one who lives in solitude" - that was him. He preferred not to waste words, knowing that as much if not more could be said in significant silences than in crude, unfeeling words. Life was better off when one did not say rash things, for then, in his mind, the words lost their meaning. Few Faders felt this way, but both Sharrakamov and Venomarin were exceptions.
Sharrakamov had known when Zanzibar had been captured by his enemy. He had felt the indecision and uncertainty of the black cat through the Talisman that he had given to the Firenzev, and had known when Zanzibar had been rescued. He was not needed.

Emerald gasped with shock and surprise, and her hand flew to her saber at her side. "What -"
"Emerald Dragon!" The razor-like iron dropped down, and she could barely make out the form of Claw. Startled, she stepped back.
"Claw? What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you, Dragon. I could be asking the same thing of you."
"Aye, you could. I'm guessing that you want me to go with you - I'm sorry, but count me out of this fight."
"Oh? Why's that?" asked Copper's familiar voice close by. She slid into Emerald's line of sight, sword in hand.
"I'm part of a gang now, Copper. My loyalty is to them. Don't worry about me, because I'm safe enough. And I'm still fighting Beren."
"I see. Could the Saravzan help us out?"
"Maybe. I'd have to go ask."
"Mm. I'm sure Scimitar would agree ... we've a common cause, and 'my enemy's enemy is my friend,' or so runs the truism."
"Yeah. Uh, how did you know Scimitar was my boss?"
"Connections. Let's go ..."

KRSplat surveyed the damage done to the Eyes of Death. It wasn't very much, but enough to worry about. Hopefully he could get going once this meeting with Angel was done. Seriously, he didn't think he'd have to listen very long before he got the gist of it. "You're in danger ... the Deathless Ones are after you ... come on, join with us again, we'll keep you safe ... They'll see you killed if you don't ..."
Well, he had stared Death down before and he could do it again. He had no intentions of going along with Copper and her wacked out friends again, and he had only done so before because he'd had nothing else to do. Now, though ...
Now I've got a job in the Ra system, guarding Isis Station while they get her up and going. And nobody's going to make me break that contract.
Not even Coppertop.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Nov 21, 2002, 08:36 AM
Nightshade is offline
Last bit for today.

No more after this today, you've almost caught up with me! And here I was, thinking I was so far ahead ...

Wild Angel was worried. The Deathless Ones had not pursued her further, although they haunted her waking hours and night dreams until she thought she'd go mad. She had taken her leave of Coppertop's friends when they had landed on Raxizil, passing her absence off as rest, saying that she was still tired from transporting Copper and Shinyso to the War Tavern and then bringing four back.
As soon as she reached the cabin she shared with Ducky and Blacksheep, she formed a warp. Stepping through and collapsing it behind her, she glanced around at her surroundings.
She was on the sun-warmed deck of a battleship that was just pulling in to dock. Several feline sailors looked at her curiously, and she merely shrugged their wondering glances away. Jassiv was what mattered now.
She had preformed the search spell earlier, looking for the place Jass had been last. This was the result, but somehow she knew that he had already gone.
A small, grey-furred female in uniform stalked towards her, keen eyes determined. Angel groaned inwardly. The captain looked angry ...
Well, I can't blame her. I'd be a bit annoyed too if some strange rabbit popped into existance on my ship in the middle of a delicate operation. Oh well.
"I am Captain Tsai Rtyra. Welcome to the ship I am presently commanding, the Yeshi Suun. Now suppose you tell me who you are, and what you think you are doing interrupting my sailors in the midst of a docking operation?"
"I'm Wild Angel, a friend of Jassiv Sevren. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble, but I'm trying to track Jass down. Do you know him?"
"A friend? You are the 'Wild Angel' that Sevren was thinking of the entire time he conveyed me here?"
"Maybe. How do you know what he was thinking?"
"I am a limited telepath. Sevren was here, yes. He departed a day ago, to places unknown, on his starship."
"Thank you. Uh, a limited telepath?"
"In the fact that I limit myself, yes. If you will excuse me, I must oversee the unloading of the Suun." She stalked away, calling out orders in her native tongue.
Wild Angel sighed and closed her eyes, summoning her dwindling energy. One more time, she sent out the search spell, and found Jassiv in his ship circling Carrotus. Concentrating, she teleported herself to his ship

Jassiv Zirconii Sevren was in a most unfortunate position at the time. He was frantically trying to evade several blasts from a circling pirate, and was scrambling to get his low shields evened out over the Starblown when Wild Angel materialized behind him. Silently she worked her magic, creating a sorcerous shield around the small ship. Then she reached and blasted the ship from space.

Jass stared in surprise as the attacking ship suddenly flared like a small star going nova, before imploding and collapsing in on itself, sending white-glowing shards of hull flying. Not one hit his ship, which was a small miracle in itself. Shocked and unable to respond, Jass sat unmoving, staring at the spot where the pirate had been, desperately trying to figure out what had happened and failing miserably.
"Haha! You should have seen your face when I did that," a familiar voice chortled. "It was so funny!"
"Wild Angel, if you do that again I'll - I'll -"
I don't know but I'll think of something! You nearly scared me into hyperspace!"
"Oh, I know, but it was still funny. Your face was hilarious."
"I'm sure," Jassiv growled and began moving the Starblown away from the wreckage of the unfortunate pirates. The blue rabbit, still in a state of battle-calm and surprise, suddenly realized what Angel's appearance meant.
"Angel! What are you doing here? I thought you were on Medivo!"
"I was, but because of the Deathless Ones I left. My ... friends ... needed help, and so did I. Now you needed help, so I came."
"Just as blasted well," Jassiv muttered, before setting to work recharging shields and weapons. Angel relaxed her own shields, and sighed.
"Now, what are you doing, where are you going, and why are you going there? I need to do something."
"Oh. Well, I'm right now trying to get enough power to the hyperdrive to enter hyperspace, I'm headed for Tubelectric, and I'm going there for lack of anything better to do."
"I've got a better idea. Head for Colonia, stay there until my friends arrive, and then take us to Keenrei. But be careful going into Keenrei," Angel cautioned, "Beren's taken it over."
"He has?" Jass demanded, looking stricken, and a look of sorrow passed over Wildie's face.
"I'm sorry, Jass, I really am," she whispered, and he looked at her, unable to comprehend it.
"What happened?" he asked hoarsely, and she told him.
"It was a dawn attack, which was marginally stupid and marginally clever," she said. "Stupid because of your people's abilities, and clever because of their obvious unawareness. He stormed the cities, put them under seige if he had to, and sent out scouts to take over the caravans. The mountain people and their birds escaped, and harry him, but God help any who get caught by him. He tortures, you know, for information, even the birds." Jassiv thought of Iceshadow, and of his friends Slade and Yastam, who followed the caravans on their trade routes. Dead, fled or captured by now, all of them. Wild Angel continued. "Then he set out patrols and a mothership, the Soldier of Fortune, and left. Believe me, there is no way to infiltrate that ship. It itself is ... alive, and the only way to kill ... It is to ... kill that ... awareness." A look of horror brushed over her face, and he looked at her sharply.
"How do you know?"
"I've had ... encounters with It. There are two more, the Yelantra Sentry and the Nightdweller, one of which opresses Raxizil and the other heads to Firen."
"Do they know?"
"Raxilians, yes. Firenzev, no."
"Tell them! I have no friends there, but I know the world and I love it. Let Firen at least escape Beren's clutch, unlike my own home. They have seen too much slavery."
"I -" she faltered, unused to seeing him like this. He pressed his advantage.
"Now! Tell them! Go!"
"But I do not know where to go!"
"Jassiv, I -" she stopped, looked about, and then vanished. Reassured, Jassiv slumped into his seat, mind whirling. Iceshadow, Slade, Yastam; Beren, Kroys; Tsai, Copper, Wild Angel. He tried to remember Coppertop, and his memory of the rebellion flared back.
- A blazing pain is in his arm. A grey rabbit ahead, wielding a sword that catches the light is the leader suddenly, not him, and he gladly follows -
Sighing, he banished the memory, and began to slowly put in the coordinates to Colonia.

Seeya tomorrow!
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
4I Falcon

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Nov 21, 2002, 01:51 PM
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Rar. I don't claim pages that often, so I'll give that one to ya. Consider yourself lucky, Copper...

stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid!

now that that's out of my system... did I mention RUX STORY?!
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

WT (un)masterpieces:
Enter: Jack Flash
System of Turbulence
Profile count: disabled.

Galbadia Hotel: your one-stop shop for all your VG music needs!

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Nov 25, 2002, 11:42 AM
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Have you read Conquerer? If you have then you'll know what's going on.
Nightshade tells me that she will not be coming back under this name *cries* but if you see anyone named Yazz don't be surprised. I will be using this username exclusively, so don't be surprised at that either. I will also be making this announcement on Slate and in J2 talk. Now for Conquests.

Scimitar was making plans, talking to both Ferran and Venomarin in low tones, when Emerald wearily knocked on the door. Scimitar glanced up, a slight frown on his fierce face. Ferran stood, hand on saber, and looked nervous.
"Dragon, the watch isn't over yet -"
"No," said Scimitar softly, stilling Ferran. "What is it, Dragon?" Emerald sighed and moved aside.
"Someone to see you, Boss. She's pretty insistant."
"I always was," the grey rabbit behind Emerald drawled. "Of course, that was years ago - but they say that old habits die hard." She moved into the room, green eyes appraising every detail of Scimitar, noting the new scars, the weary look. "You look like you've got nothing left to give, Scimitar."
"I feel that way, Coppertop," the wildcat said, rising slowly. "Beren has a way of installing exhaustion, but it fuels my determination."
"It always did, catseyes. It always did. Even when you were a small-time rebel."
"Yes ... but you did not come to talk. Well, maybe you did, but there is another motive ..."
"Isn't there always?"
"Not always, although I suppose those days are gone."
"They are now, and have been since the time of Kroys."
"Yess ... I had heard about that. Now you fight Beren."
Emerald slid out the door, heading back for her post. Ferran had vanished, and Venom simply was no longer there. She had a feeling that this meeting was going to take a long time.
Copper saw her go, and glanced at her briefly. Then she turned back to Scimitar.
"Now I fight Beren, for I am against him and his ilk. You?"
"I fight Beren."
"Ah. A common cause. Or something more personal? I wonder."
"Both and neither, friend. I have seen too many lives wasted to allow Beren more. Aah, I miss the days before Devan, the days before Kroys! The days when peace was heard."
"Aye. Those days were good, catseyes, but they are gone. I need help, for no single one can take Beren on and hope to live."
"Not only times have changed, it seems," Scimitar said dryly, and he moved towards the window. "When we were younger I would never have caught you asking for help."
"We are no longer that young, Scimitar. The worlds turn and times change whether we like it or not. No dreams or wishes can change the fact that Beren holds sway, and that none recognize that he is taking over, or the fact that I stand against him and all he stands for. I need your help."
"That desperate, Copper?"
"That desperate, Scimitar."
"Then I shall help you as much as I can. What do you need?"
"Information. Is there a way to destroy the motherships?"
"Ah, the Jakka-class starships. Yes, but it is difficult. Venomarin has sensed a weakness, but only one. The starships are alive, you know, sentient and totally evil. They are magically protected."
"How do I take it out?"
"Magically protected and guided missiles will help, for the Jakkas are kept alive by another being. This being, the Guide, is kept in the very tip of the starship. Thus the tip is very well shielded, and that part of the starship extremely sensitive, rendering it vulnerable if a better mage than Beren can ward the missiles against the magical shields. If you take out the Guide, then you have slain the Jakka."
"Wild Angel called the starship "It", and mentioned that it had marked her out so that the Deathless Ones could seek her."
"Wild Angel? I should have known that you would find that one! Yes, it is sensitive to magic, being created by such. Beren fears Wild Angel, Venomarin has said, and she would know, for she too is better than Beren, who derives his power from the fear and death and life-power of his slaves and oppressed."
"Like Kroys."
"Yes. But you know better than I, of Kroys' atrocities."
"I have questioned Omega, who was a spy working against Kroys and was recently one of Beren's targets."
"And he survived? I laud his resilience."
"Yes, but Omega has surprised us in the past. He says that Kroys recieved a good amount of his knowledge from Beren, and that Beren was pulling both Devan and Kroys' strings."
"Ah, the master puppeteer indeed. Yes, I can believe that. I would not put anything past that one."
"Nor should you, catseyes. Nor should you."

Scimitar turned away from the window. "Dragon will not go with you, mercenary. She's mine now."
Copper watched him silently, and he looked away. Finally she said, "She was never mine, Scimitar. I never claimed her as anything but a friend."
"Aye, she would never stand for that. An independant soul, has our Dragon."
"Like you?"
"I am loyal, yes, to those I call friend."
"Would you call me that?"
"I already have, Scimitar. I already have. I called you friend the day you saved my life."
"Yes ... I had forgotten. Those wild, reckless, joyful days."
"I have not, catseyes. They will return."
"For the younger generation, yes. For me, they will stay dead, and I will watch the young inexperienced rookies fling themselves wholesale into danger, and remember the days that I did that."
"Oh, Scimitar. Surely not?"
"I am no longer young, Coppertop. I am a veteran, and I mourn many many comrades and friends. One day I will mourn you, or you will mourn over me. This is a dangerous life, Copper, and it is a world for the young. There is no place for me in it."
"So you will kill yourself battling against Beren?" Copper demanded, angry suddenly at the way he spoke. Scimitar smiled sadly.
"I grieve for many deaths, my friend, but I admire those who have died for their fearlessness."
"Which you do not possess? Scimitar, you are the most fearless warrior I know."
"My greatest fear, my friend, is that I will die alone, having wrought nothing with either my life or my death. Promise me that I will not die alone, and I will once more be the fearless warrior you knew in my - your - youth."
"Oh, Scimitar," Copper said, and could think of nothing else to say. Scimitar looked down at her, and there was immeasurable sorrow in his feral green eyes. Finally she said, "I will do my best, Scimitar. You will not die alone if I have anything to say about it."
"I thank you," he said quietly, and she turned away, unable to meet his eyes. Looking at her strong, proud face, at her shadowed green eyes, unreadable to any other, he saw that she too grieved for a hundred thousand deaths, for countless lives taken for foolish reasons.
"And yet we slay for a living," he said gently, and she looked up at him with distant eyes.
"No," she corrected, "we slay so that others may live, and not experience the grief that I have seen. We slay so that the world may be free of those craven souls who kill for no reason. We slay so that the next innocent life may, at least for a little while, not know the fear of death."
"Just so. And so we fight Beren?"
"So we fight Beren."
"Then let us fight like warriors, and die fearlessly, knowing that we die so that another may live."
"Come, my friend. Let us go, so that we may fight."
He opened the door, and they left the room for Scimitar, who already knew his doom, so that he might tell his people that they fought alongside Coppertop.

Bah, too much dialogue ...
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Nov 26, 2002, 09:42 AM
Nightshade is offline
No replies ... I will have to wait then.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Nov 28, 2002, 07:43 AM
Nightshade is offline

Alright, so blackmail won't work. I suppose I will continue anyway, just so if anybody DOES reply they can't complain.

Scimitar was making plans, talking to both Ferran and Venomarin in low tones, when Emerald wearily knocked on the door. Scimitar glanced up, a slight frown on his fierce face. Ferran stood, hand on saber, and looked nervous.
"Dragon, the watch isn't over yet -"
"No," said Scimitar softly, stilling Ferran. "What is it, Dragon?" Emerald sighed and moved aside.
"Someone to see you, Boss. She's pretty insistant."
"I always was," the grey rabbit behind Emerald drawled. "Of course, that was years ago - but they say that old habits die hard." She moved into the room, green eyes appraising every detail of Scimitar, noting the new scars, the weary look. "You look like you've got nothing left to give, Scimitar."
"I feel that way, Coppertop," the wildcat said, rising slowly. "Beren has a way of installing exhaustion, but it fuels my determination."
"It always did, catseyes. It always did. Even when you were a small-time rebel."
"Yes ... but you did not come to talk. Well, maybe you did, but there is another motive ..."
"Isn't there always?"
"Not always, although I suppose those days are gone."
"They are now, and have been since the time of Kroys."
"Yess ... I had heard about that. Now you fight Beren."
Emerald slid out the door, heading back for her post. Ferran had vanished, and Venom simply was no longer there. She had a feeling that this meeting was going to take a long time.
Copper saw her go, and glanced at her briefly. Then she turned back to Scimitar.
"Now I fight Beren, for I am against him and his ilk. You?"
"I fight Beren."
"Ah. A common cause. Or something more personal? I wonder."
"Both and neither, friend. I have seen too many lives wasted to allow Beren more. Aah, I miss the days before Devan, the days before Kroys! The days when peace was heard."
"Aye. Those days were good, catseyes, but they are gone. I need help, for no single one can take Beren on and hope to live."
"Not only times have changed, it seems," Scimitar said dryly, and he moved towards the window. "When we were younger I would never have caught you asking for help."
"We are no longer that young, Scimitar. The worlds turn and times change whether we like it or not. No dreams or wishes can change the fact that Beren holds sway, and that none recognize that he is taking over, or the fact that I stand against him and all he stands for. I need your help."
"That desperate, Copper?"
"That desperate, Scimitar."
"Then I shall help you as much as I can. What do you need?"
"Information. Is there a way to destroy the motherships?"
"Ah, the Jakka-class starships. Yes, but it is difficult. Venomarin has sensed a weakness, but only one. The starships are alive, you know, sentient and totally evil. They are magically protected."
"How do I take it out?"
"Magically protected and guided missiles will help, for the Jakkas are kept alive by another being. This being, the Guide, is kept in the very tip of the starship. Thus the tip is very well shielded, and that part of the starship extremely sensitive, rendering it vulnerable if a better mage than Beren can ward the missiles against the magical shields. If you take out the Guide, then you have slain the Jakka."
"Wild Angel called the starship "It", and mentioned that it had marked her out so that the Deathless Ones could seek her."
"Wild Angel? I should have known that you would find that one! Yes, it is sensitive to magic, being created by such. Beren fears Wild Angel, Venomarin has said, and she would know, for she too is better than Beren, who derives his power from the fear and death and life-power of his slaves and oppressed."
"Like Kroys."
"Yes. But you know better than I, of Kroys' atrocities."
"I have questioned Omega, who was a spy working against Kroys and was recently one of Beren's targets."
"And he survived? I laud his resilience."
"Yes, but Omega has surprised us in the past. He says that Kroys recieved a good amount of his knowledge from Beren, and that Beren was pulling both Devan and Kroys' strings."
"Ah, the master puppeteer indeed. Yes, I can believe that. I would not put anything past that one."
"Nor should you, catseyes. Nor should you."

Scimitar turned away from the window. "Dragon will not go with you, mercenary. She's mine now."
Copper watched him silently, and he looked away. Finally she said, "She was never mine, Scimitar. I never claimed her as anything but a friend."
"Aye, she would never stand for that. An independant soul, has our Dragon."
"Like you?"
"I am loyal, yes, to those I call friend."
"Would you call me that?"
"I already have, Scimitar. I already have. I called you friend the day you saved my life."
"Yes ... I had forgotten. Those wild, reckless, joyful days."
"I have not, catseyes. They will return."
"For the younger generation, yes. For me, they will stay dead, and I will watch the young inexperienced rookies fling themselves wholesale into danger, and remember the days that I did that."
"Oh, Scimitar. Surely not?"
"I am no longer young, Coppertop. I am a veteran, and I mourn many many comrades and friends. One day I will mourn you, or you will mourn over me. This is a dangerous life, Copper, and it is a world for the young. There is no place for me in it."
"So you will kill yourself battling against Beren?" Copper demanded, angry suddenly at the way he spoke. Scimitar smiled sadly.
"I grieve for many deaths, my friend, but I admire those who have died for their fearlessness."
"Which you do not possess? Scimitar, you are the most fearless warrior I know."
"My greatest fear, my friend, is that I will die alone, having wrought nothing with either my life or my death. Promise me that I will not die alone, and I will once more be the fearless warrior you knew in my - your - youth."
"Oh, Scimitar," Copper said, and could think of nothing else to say. Scimitar looked down at her, and there was immeasurable sorrow in his feral green eyes. Finally she said, "I will do my best, Scimitar. You will not die alone if I have anything to say about it."
"I thank you," he said quietly, and she turned away, unable to meet his eyes. Looking at her strong, proud face, at her shadowed green eyes, unreadable to any other, he saw that she too grieved for a hundred thousand deaths, for countless lives taken for foolish reasons.
"And yet we slay for a living," he said gently, and she looked up at him with distant eyes.
"No," she corrected, "we slay so that others may live, and not experience the grief that I have seen. We slay so that the world may be free of those craven souls who kill for no reason. We slay so that the next innocent life may, at least for a little while, not know the fear of death."
"Just so. And so we fight Beren?"
"So we fight Beren."
"Then let us fight like warriors, and die fearlessly, knowing that we die so that another may live."
"Come, my friend. Let us go, so that we may fight."
He opened the door, and they left the room for Scimitar, who already knew his doom, so that he might tell his people that they fought alongside Coppertop.

Can anybody tell me where Kovu went? I haven't seen him around ...
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Nov 29, 2002, 06:42 AM
Nightshade is offline
I feel so lonely ...
I am going to get this over with. Maybe when I'm done Conquests I'll write a human story
Now KRSplat really leaves me.

KRSplat scowled at the Eyes of Death. The elegant ship was still a mystery to him, although he had built it. And it refused to divulge its secrets to him. He could not figure out how that flash of light had originated, although it happened every time he suddenly slammed shields up.
"Blast it! I didn't ask for this, whoever's listening, so it's not my fault!" He aimed a kick in the general vicinity of his ship.
"Of course it's not," a cool, quiet voice said behind him. Sighing, KRSplat supposed he should turn around to see who it was, but he didn't want to. "Of course, it might help if I knew what wasn't your fault."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," KRSplat said wearily. "Say, I could use some help here ..."
"We all could, mate," the voice said calmly, "but I'd say that you could use more than the usual dose." Something about that voice ...
"Well, if you say so. In my opinion, I've just got a very stubborn ship and a very incomprehensive shield."
"Yeah, that seems about right. She's elegant, though, I have to give you that." He knew that voice!
"Thanks for the compliment, mate. But - don't they always say, 'beauty is as beauty does'?"
"Mm, I guess so, but she's obviously worth something to you, or you wouldn't be kicking and cursing over it the way you are." He just about had it ...
"Well, she's saved my life several times, Shinyso, so I guess she's worth something."
Shinyso laughed quietly as KRSplat finally turned around to see him leaning against both the wall and his unsheathed saber.
"Aye, life is always the most precious jewel, bought at the dearest costs. What's her name, mate?"
"The Eyes of Death," was the proud reply.
"Met those too many times, eh," came the cool reply. "Maybe that's why you're counting yourself out of this one, I'm thinking."
"You could be right," KRSplat admitted. "But really, Shinyso, I see no need. I really wasn't much help last time, just stood around and fought a few battles and got a few interesting scars to tell tales about. I think, after this job, I'll go back to what I was doing before I stood in the woods and watched a young, battle-hardened mercenary come out of the bush, leading a scarred grey warhorse and talking tough."
"What was that?"
"Doing whatever I wanted to, of course! I'll wander the width and breadth of Carrotus, sit in the War Tavern, hook up with a bunch of old friends. Tell Coppertop that while part of me longs for just another battle, the rest of me has no regrets about living a little longer. Tell her that, eh?"
"I will, KRSplat." There was audible surprise, pleasure and determination (and admiration?) in the controlled voice. The Ninja straightened, sheathing his sword, and offered KRSplat his hand. Startled, KRSplat took it, and the two shook hands in a final handclasp. Then Shinyso said, "Good luck, KRSplat. You deserve it. You may be sure I'll relay your message to Copper and the gang."
"Thank you, Shinyso. By Jazz's carrots, I'll miss you guys! Tell Copper she deserves better than that life, and whatsisname ... Nightshade, she can do better than that. Uh, don't tell Claw I said I'll miss him."
"You'd be surprised. I think he likes the rest of us now ... a little."
"You're right, I would be. Tell Grath and Kaz I want them in the War Tavern one of these days, and then we'll really debate!"
"I will. Goodbye, friend."
"Goodbye, Shinyso. Try not to get killed."
"Ha! Be sure of that. Maybe I'll see you round one of these days, mate."
"Yeah, that'd be great."
"Farewell." Shinyso faded out of sight, vanishing slowly into the brick wall behind him.
With a lingering look and a sad sigh, KRSplat picked up his tools to fix the Eyes of Death, to fly to the stars and beyond, and to leave behind his past for a while.
He looked forward to it.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Nov 30, 2002, 04:44 AM
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I'm sorreeeey Copper, my download limit got all used up and I couldn't get on the net!

Tis great, tho.

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Nov 30, 2002, 08:39 AM
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There is life out there! Thank you defalcon! I am SAVED!!
DiY download limit.

Coppertop arrived back at the Assassin with three Saravzan. Scimitar was beside her, and the two fighters spoke in low voices. The grey vixen Ferran was making sure they weren't being tailed with Emerald Dragon, although Copper doubted the need for that. Shellions and Kronans couldn't track if their lives depended on it. Which it probably did.
The Assassin had been moved to a partially intact hangar on the outskirts of the city at Wild Angel's urging. Her excuse had been that she was getting tired of teleporting everybody to and from the ship. Copper had laughed at her and then complied.
"I'd have thought that your ship would have been vaped long ago," Scimitar said. "You always were hard on your vehicles. What happened to that monster of a warhorse you owned not long ago?"
"Ironheart? When Kroys mounted that attack on my town he got loose, and attacked a group of Shellions. He decimated them before a blade found his heart, I hear."
"He deserved better."
"Aye, he served me well, but his days were numbered anyway. I was using him less and less, and he needed action. He couldn't have died any other way that would have pleased him better, I think."
"Most fighters want to die in battle."
"Yes. Back to your original comment - as long as I'm around, the Assassin will be around. I may be demanding of my other vehicles, but the Assassin ... I take care of the Assassin."
"You must do," Emerald commented. "Especially if you had it in the days before Devan."
Coppertop gave her friend a crooked grin. "Aye, I had it before Devan. Not long before, though."
"You're older than Prince Jazz?" Ferran demanded.
"Actually, no," Copper retorted. "I'm a year younger than him, but I've led a harder life."
"I'm sure," Ferran muttered, but Copper ignored that. Touching her sword, she covered the dark green jewel with her hand. A glimmer of white fire showed between Coppertop's fingers, and when she took her hand away and drew Shale the blade glowed with that same white fire. It drove back the shadows, but cast darker ones in the mercenary's unreadable dark green eyes and in Scimitar's lighter feral ones. Ferran scowled, but the light obviously served some other purpose, for the Assassin's boarding ramp extended. Coppertop tossed a grin over her shoulder at Scimitar and doused the light before leading them into the ship.

The Lessaria 309 glided through space, a bronze-furred rabbit at the controls. Shonar was a fighter pilot, selling his skills to the highest bidder. His heavily modified Protector had once been part of the elite fleet that Kroys had commanded. At his command, they had pursued the Assassin 216 through an asteroid field, and only Shonar had returned. Abandoned by Kroys, he had once more struck out on his own and had assisted Coppertop in sneaking aboard Kroys' private flagship, the Hypernaught (which had resulted in his former employer's death.).
Four hours ago, he had recieved a coded, encrypted message from the mercenary, asking him to meet her on Colonia. He knew Coppertop well - he had given her her current name (unintentionally) - and had fought beside her many times. She trusted him as much as one mercenary trusted another - she knew that he could turn against her if it was to his profit, but she also knew him well enough to know that he had never been able to resist intrigue. He had a vague idea what this was about, but his suspicions would not be mentioned. This was strictly business. If she paid him enough, he would help her. If she didn't, he was gone.
The Lessaria shot through space, a sleek silver splinter of death. In two hours Shonar would arrive at Colonia, and perhaps at his next job ...

Yikes, you've nearly caught up to me ... I shall have to take enough time off to write lots of good parts
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
4I Falcon

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Dec 1, 2002, 05:23 PM
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i still can't believe the quality of this story.

Conqueror, eh? *flips through the dusty pages of the War Tavern Chronicles*
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Dec 4, 2002, 11:25 AM
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Red face

Believe it, buddy.

Just for you, because you replied.

Jassiv sat, slumped in the Starblown's pilot seat, numb with shock. His vessel sat in the smoldering ruins of the shuttle pound on Keenrei. The Soldier of Fortune orbited above the planet, and the Venomstrike, Beren's personal flagship, hung in space quite a distance away.
He sighed and exited his ship, harboring no hope that he would find anyone alive. Climbing over the alternately freezing and smoking rubble, he watched for any sign of life.
Through a shroud of smoke, a dark shape was blurred by the rapidly dissipating heat. Scrambling across the rubble, Jassiv finally made out the shape - it was Slade's personal covered, armored skimmer. The roof was half crushed, one engine torn off, but Jassiv knew with a surge of relief that Slade would have sheltered in the transport. Still, it could be a trap. And it was Beren's style to do just that ...
Drawing his blaster, Jazziv moved cautiously and quietly towards Slade's skimmer. Peering in through the fire-darkened glass, he saw nothing -
A crunch behind him made him freeze, then he drew himself upright very slowly. Of course, the activated vibroblade that shivered dangerously at the base of his neck might have had something to do with that.
"Turn around slowly," Slade's familiar voice, hard and brittle as glass and as cold as ice, filled Jassiv's elated ears. Still, he obeyed.
Slade immediately released him, joy and surprise passing over his face as swiftly as the fleeting song of the Fluters.
"Jass ... why'd you return? Keenrei is destroyed. Icei is nothing but ruins and memory, and Fort Icicle is much the same. Very little remains for you here."
"I came back for you guys. Where's Iceshadow and Yastam? How'd you get away? Beren's still up there ..."
"I know. Deathless Ones have been haunting the ruins, but I've managed to avoid them."
"Where's Yastam and Iceshadow?"
"I don't really know," Slade said, avoiding his eyes. The violet rabbit looked haunted, his eyes shadowed by the emotional and physical scars he had sustained. He would never be the same again. "Yastam left with the trader's train the week before the attack, and I really haven't seen Iceshadow since you left. He keeps to himself mostly."
"He always did. Do you think Yastam made it?"
"I cannot tell. There's a chance, but not much of one ... Beren is very thorough."
"I can check," Jass offered. "The Starblown is in good shape."
"Would you?" his friend brightened perceptibly.
"Sure," he promised. "I'll even take you with me."
"Thank you," Slade said emphatically.

They traced the trader's route, though Jassiv knew that the route took many days to complete on foot. The Starblown's life scanners were running at full power, and after a few hours of slow flying they found the survivors of the traders.
Jassiv had never been so happy to see anyone as he was to see Yastam and his wife, Tarrol. The pair were accompanied by five other traders, and had been living in snow-huts they had made, camoflaging them from Beren's soldiers (who evidentally had not thought of life-scanners). They were in good cheer at Jassiv's arrival, but declined his offer of a lift.
"Nah," Yastam said. He was hardly older than Jass, but had been doing the trade route for several years. "We'll press on to Ireina, see what we can do there. Who knows, maybe they're still standing. We can offer a hand. Thanks for the help, the supplies you gave us'll take us there. Go find out if Iceshadow's still alive. He may be hiding out in the mountains."
"Thanks, Yastam. Take care."

Maybe I'll *coughs* dedicate another part to the next person who replies.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Dec 5, 2002, 12:56 AM
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It's awesome! Keep it coming!

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Dec 5, 2002, 10:17 AM
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Red face

I will.
Okay, you earned it, this next part's yours.

I'm getting an entirely new fan club, am I, to replace the old? Defalcon, you're the only one of the *coughs* old guys! What happened to Kovu? Anyone? Ducky checked in, but I haven't seen him.

This part's sad

Iceshadow was not in the mountains. Nor was he at Icei. It was only as Jassiv was heading for Fort Icicle that his life scanner flickered, indicating that he'd passed a living being. Jass doubled back and began a detailed search.
He had left Slade with Yastam, at the mechanic's request. Therefore he was alone when he found the glacier falcon.
It was clear from the churned snow and frozen blood that Iceshadow had fought for his life, but there were no bodies. Iceshadow was nowhere in sight, but Jass knew that looks could be decieving. Iceshadow was perfectly colored to blend in with the snow.
When he found the falcon, it was when he literally tripped over him. The bird was still breathing, but that was about it. The few weapons he carried with him were gone, including a snow-gem dagger that Jass had given him. As he turned the falcon over, inspecting his wounds, the fierce golden eyes flickered open.
"Jasss ... " his name was barely a whisper. Jass nearly wept to see his friend so diminished, his fighting spirit nearly broken. However, crying would be incredibly stupid in these frozen wastes. He leaned closer to his friend.
"It's me, Ice. I'm back. I'm okay."
"Jasssiv, I ... I can't ... "
"It'll be okay, Ice. Don't try to talk, I'll get you to Ireina, they might have life-support and medics - "
"No ... too late ... the ssewers are ... are the only way ... into the Fort ... "
"No, not the Fort, I'm taking you to Ireina."
"I won't lasst ... lasst that long. You've got to go to ... the Fort."
"Don't say that. I'm not going to the Fort."
"You musst!" Iceshadow roused enough to say. "No choice. Only way ... off planet. They've ... covered all the other wayss ... off."
"All right, I hear you. Now come on, we've got to go to where you can be taken care of."
"Not enough ... time ... left. For both ... of ... us ... "
Jassiv leaned in even closer. His friend was fading fast.
"What do you mean?"
" ... wanderer ..."
But Iceshadow did not respond. He never would again.
With the tears freezing in his eyes, Jassiv left his friend there on the ice plains, a shroud of smoke smudging the sky beyond. Keenrei had been destroyed.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
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Dec 5, 2002, 01:30 PM
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Ducky's got no time to reply in her hasty moderations from the school computers anymore.

*wistful look* You, CT, are an amazing writer. Do continue.

remember? (:

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Dec 7, 2002, 08:35 AM
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Well, look who decided to say hi ...
You may have to wait for some more. I must write like a mad thing. Sowwy
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
4I Falcon

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Dec 8, 2002, 05:37 PM
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Originally posted by Nightshade
Believe it, buddy.

Just for you, because you replied.
I feel specical. Verra specical.

Thankee, CT!

I'm so slow, tralalala... *becomes enthralled with the door*
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Dec 11, 2002, 06:41 AM
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You're welcome.

Sickness in my house ... my brother and sister were sick all day yesterday, I had a bad cold, my eye was nearly swelled shut because of something. Seems my aunt, uncle, granddad, and two cousins were sick too, I think that's where we got it from. But we're all better now.

I am barely keeping ahead of you. You're so lucky

Shonar shook his head at Copper's idea. "You're crazy," he said admiringly. "I might be able to do it, but I'd need to know where it is, how much time we've got, what we're dealing with and what I get out of it."
"I know," she agreed. "Wild Angel can tell you what we're dealing with, and I can find out the rest. As for what you get out of it ... will that suffice?" She tossed him a small pouch. One glance inside at the value of the credits made him nod reluctantly.
"It'll do. Give me a call when you figure out the rest. Location, time, your estimation of security ... the works. You know how to contact me."
"I do. Thanks."
"No problem. Now, let's hear what I'm dealing with."
Wild Angel briefed him quickly on the Jakkas. When she finished Shonar shook his head slowly.
"I dunno. My skills don't really apply here if all is as you say. And if these things are alive, not mechanical-" he left it hanging.
"Actually," said Wild Angel, "one of my contacts found something out. If we can take out the Guardian thing in the nose of the ship, it will revert to a mere mechanical thing again. It's like a living skin over the mechanical structure. Quite interesting. But we can take it out."
"Can we." Coppertop seemed amused. "Well. Let's see ... Grath and Kovu could go in the Moonrise while we go either in Shonar's ship or mine. Wild Angel could go in Claw's Vortex Crawler, if he agrees. Any mage worth their salt can make illusions. A suitable one couldn't be too hard. One shot to the bow, take it out. Have an imaginary fleet attacking it; no one would notice a single ship slipping in. Grath and Angel can teleport."
"You've got this all figured out, haven't you," Shonar said grudgingly. "You usually do. Well, if it works, we'll do it. If it works."
Coppertop said with certainty, "It'll work. It has to."

Sorry about the short parts and all. I'm trying, honestly!
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Dec 12, 2002, 07:48 PM
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-v-... chapters... took... so... long... to catch up to... AGH!

Sorry I haven't replied lately, I wish I could have more to give you a little more support but wishes are for children ;>.

=\ I can't believe you're associating me with Grath, oh well, your story, not mine, and it still pleases me with a weaving of vocabulary and poetry.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Dec 13, 2002, 09:11 AM
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Sorry. Actually, I shouldn't be telling you this, but Grath isn't going to be around much longer. Writer's privelege and all that.
Y'want a list of them who gets killed?
(EDIT: At the request of Kaz, this list has been removed. If you want to view it, just ask:P)

4I Falcon:
In other news, did i mention that this is a godly story? Are you writing this all on the spot, or do you have it already somewhere? 'Cuz either way... uh, yeah. In-foogin'-credible story.
I used to make it up while I posted, but it took too long. Now I write the parts on Word Pad before I post them, gives me a head start on you guys. But you caught up to me and it'll take me some typing before I get ahead of you again.

Some story soon. Sorry
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

Last edited by Nightshade; Dec 17, 2002 at 07:30 AM.

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Dec 13, 2002, 04:08 PM
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Could you take that list down not to spoil it for the others O.o?

Do I get to kill Grath ^v^?
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
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Dec 14, 2002, 05:38 PM
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Well, I surpose the good side to not being in a story is that you don't die in the story...

...waitasec... >_> *nervous*

Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Dec 17, 2002, 07:28 AM
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I can take it down if you want.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
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Dec 17, 2002, 07:33 AM
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Sorry, you can't kill him ... He'd haunt you (and me) for the rest of our cyberlives
Sorry it's so long in coming, I haven't been able to get on computer much. Don't leave!
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist
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Dec 17, 2002, 06:45 PM
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*doesn't leave*

...doo de dum...

*spies a refrigerator in the far corner*

Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Dec 17, 2002, 07:32 PM
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Waiting, I sort of got back on to the JCF for this O.o.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Dec 18, 2002, 11:03 AM
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Finally, the long-awaited part. My fingers are sore, hope you enjoy.

Wild Angel may have quit her information business, but she still had the best contacts of anyone Copper knew. Calling around on a very, very secure line, she finally found out where Beren was, from a young rabbit named Jassiv. When Coppertop heard, she could barely believe it.
"Keenrei? What in the name of Jazz is he doing over there? I mean, Keenrei is back of beyond. There's nothing out there!"
"I dunno. Jass says he's there. He's there."
"So how are we going to work this?"
"Well, Fort Icicle is as good as we're going to get. Shonar can slip in there. We can't. It's too heavily guarded. But Jass knows a way in, says his friend told him. We land in the mountains, he's got a skimmer and will come to get us. There's a way in through the sewers. Give Shonar the co-ordinates, get there on time, and then it's all up to Shonar, me and Grath. One thing for sure, we'd better not miss. We only get one shot."

There you go.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Dec 18, 2002, 11:04 AM
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you thought that was all, didn't you?

Keenrei was indeed back of beyond. It took them almost five hours to get there, even with the Assassin's speed. Copper's excellent (probably illegal) scanners picked up two Jakka-class starships, the largest one orbiting the blue and white globe that was Keenrei, the smaller one a distance out.
There was a small corridor that the larger ship, Soldier of Fortune, with all its' power and scanners, could not detect. This corridor was only a couple hundred meters wide, and a single mistake on Coppertop's part could result in their deaths. This was added to the minor difficulty of not being able to tell where the corridor's edges actually lay.
They were flying blind, operating on Shonar's calculations. Shonar had gotten there a few hours earlier, owing to his ship's smaller mass, excellent programming, good hyperdrive and a bit of waiting on Copper's part before laying her course. He sent them encrypted information that the Deathless Ones hopefully could not translate from his place in Fort Icicle.
Jassiv too had been in communication with them, with barely enough time to give them the landing coordinates before he had to break the connection.
Copper'd been on harder missions before, but at that moment she could not think of any. Added to that was the fact that this mission was self-appointed, and it was unlikely that she would profit from this.
Maybe KRSplat was the wiser one.
"Don't think like that," Shinyso admonished her. She remembered that he was a telepath, and grimaced at him. He flashed a grin at her before turning to check on Angel. This close to the Deathless Ones, her shielding might not hold. Detection at this time would be fatal, and so Angel was concentrating solely on enforcing those shields.
Coppertop and Shonar's plan was going to be difficult to execute. It was likely they would be detected, but hopefully it would be too late. Grath, Kovu and Wild Angel were going through the sewers with them, for when they entered the planet's atmosphere their communications with Shonar would be cut off. Once through, Shonar would explain how they were going to get past Soldier of Fortune. The three pilots had to be there for that. Also, they had decided against the illusion end of it - Deathless Ones could break such things. Instead, both the Sarav and Shonar (and hopefully Jassiv) would help. Shonar had created a devious scanner program that, when the Jakka ships attempted to identify the ship which carried this program, would send back multiple signals, effectively doubling or tripling the amount of ships registered on the enemy's scanners. Kovu and Angel had to take this program to their ships, and then send it to the Sarav. And the Sarav were already there, just beyond the edge of the system, waiting for the order to attack.
This should be simple, if all went as planned.
Unfortunately, even the best plans occasionally fail ...

No kidding, that really is all this time.
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

"Whatever." ~Coppertop

There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

"Only Death keeps a secret. . . ."
-Zazz Darkfist

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Dec 18, 2002, 02:32 PM
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Evil, almost believed that was the whole thing... and then got even more depressed when it was -v-.
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu

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Dec 18, 2002, 05:21 PM
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Great chapter/part thingie.

Kaz, don't you use ICQ anymore? ;P
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Dec 18, 2002, 05:47 PM
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Your imagination is amazing. I seem to have a tendency to always make my character the centre of attention, and CT has the ability to... um... not. ^^

Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Nightshade is doing well so far

Dec 19, 2002, 09:32 AM
Nightshade is offline
I did too, but then I figured out that ppl like it better when I don't. BTW, have you read Conquerer yet? Then you might know what I'm talking about.
More tomorrow. Sorry guys, but I posted all that I had written
"I can do all things through Christ whom strengthens me." ~Phillipians 4:13

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There's a fine line between Good and Evil. . .

read Conquests to find out why.

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Dec 19, 2002, 10:03 AM
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I use ICQ... just not often enough.

Yeah, I like it when people actually use your character in the story .
Uhm... contiue ^^.

;v; I don't get to kill Grath...
"We're like a human in a 13 billion lightyear universe." -Anaiyu
4I Falcon

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Dec 19, 2002, 12:39 PM
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I still have to go find Conqueror first. Then I'll read it. Then Conquests. Considering I have no idea what's going on anymore, I'll just... er... hm.

Character limits suck. >(.


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