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Wastebtl2.j2l | Metal Death Arena | 4.49 kB | 07 Dec 2003 |
Wasteland.j2t | Wasteland | 49.15 kB | 15 Jul 2003 |
demo.mod | 379.07 kB | 03 Dec 2003 |
It’s my second level with the Wasteland tileset.
OkeY let get started
I found obly ONE! WEEEEEEh
ammo placed food coins etc
Well nice placed.
Its small.. thats the bad point
well! The eyecandy is nice!
Download it: Sure
Host this: Mayby Once
6.9 >>> 7.0
Well, good enough for an 7.2! Lets start.
Ammo,coins placement-NICE/GOOD
Bugs-I cant find that bug, DX!
LVL-An little bit small
This review has been edited by Wadledee
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Sheesh, I’m becoming Aiko at this rate. O well, every level needs a good thorough review, right? Not the kind of the two before me (who are probably biased)
First impressions:
When I first ran this level, one thing came to mind: roomy. This level has corridors of at least 4 tiles high. Another thing was emptyness: no noticable eye candy (except for the background), hardly any ammo and goodies. This is a good start…
Like I said before, this level is roomy ,and big. The corridors are like at least 4 high and the platforms are thick. You’re able to run around freely however, I noticed only one real dead end, near the bottom. A good battle level, in my opinion at least, is compact. In the layout department, this level scores medium.
Tileset use:
This level uses the metallic “Wasteland” tileset by Blade, which is included in the zip. I failed to see any outstanding eye candy on layer 4 (the only layer shown in low detail where eye candy is the most important), layer 2 and 5 (tho layer 5 is well done). However, da man tried experimenting with 3D background on layer 7 (3D isn’t restricted to layer 8 :p). Layer 8 is filled with the standard tiles, layer 7 has the (translucent) Textured Background. This form isn’t recommended, but it’s fun to see he has the guts to toy with them. It’s just too bad he didn’t use the set to it’s full potential.
Ammo, candy, stuff that’s good:
When I say “big battle level”, one thing comes to mind: emptyness. The clusters of goodies are far apart from eachother and are smal: 3 by 2 (ammo with one coin). Furthermore, there are some on the slopes, other are just… there. There are two powerups: a seeker powerup at the dead end, and a blaater powerup in the bonus room (20 coins). In a big level, spread out goodies are inevitable. That’s the reason why compact ones are much better.
This level uses a custom music file “demo.mod” by Necros, which is also included. Songs by him are always good, but there’s also the matter of “fitting”. In that matter, it succeeds well. The next level setting is set to itself, which is recommended for stand-alone levels.
Another decent but big level, no big bugs I could find. If the level was smaller and had more goodies, it would have gotten a higher rating. For now, I’ll settle for a 6.5.
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3[This review has been edited by JelZe]
Hmm, i have no much time, so my review is bit smaller than it usually would be. ( sorry for that. )
Hmm, this is a battle level using Blade’s good wasteland tileset, and custom music file ( both were included in zip file. )Eyecandy is good, but quite boring. And there are some tile bugs. eyecandy is ok , though..
Gameplay is average, since its easy move around, there are right amount of springs.Im not a fan of dead ends though, an there is one. Average gameplay.Hmm, there are some ammo too, and its placed averagely, not too bad, but not too good either.
This level is quite boring, because lack of eyecandy. I would rate this better if there would be more eyecandy, 6.7 is my final rating.
~The ChaiR
Nice to see my sets are still used. No one ever tells me when a new new Blade-tileset level comes :)
What? Oh, the level rating, yeah… I’ve seen better battle levels in JJ2. Da Man’s Death Metal Arena is easy to explore and memorise, but that simply isn’t enough. A good JJ2 must be memorable in some way, otherwise it will sink into the large ocean of oblivion. Metal Death Arena will surely sink, I’ll tell you why: 1. There’s not enough eye candy. 2. The level design not interesting enough.
When these two points are combined, it is quite sure that playing Death Metal Arena isn’t fun enough. Da Man does what he is capable of, and maybe in future we will see more interesting JJ2 levels from him.[This review has been edited by Blade]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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