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Marbelara | Marbelara Club Mix | 1024.74 kB | 03 Apr 2005 |
Marbelara music in club sounding with some hard beats + my theme. Enjoy…!
K. Another remix by danyjel.
I like how this one sounds for the most part, but there’s a few things about it I don’t like too much.
Firstly, the lead (or the beep things, don’t really know how to describe them) sound a bit too loud, they take the attention away from the backround stuff and prevent me from turning up the volume. Once again I like the climax of the song. The melody is interesting, kinda upbeat; I can’t really imagine this being used in any jj level though. Otherwise, it’s a good listen. Still not my favorite by you, but sounds good. A lot of parts in this music bring up nostalgia since they remind me from old games, which makes me like the song more. Yay for replacing a bass sample ;p.
Anyways, I don’t really know what to rate this, but I like it enough to give it an 8.5. And a download reccomendation
~Blackraptor (my reviews for music are really short =/)
A Remix :)
I too like how it sounds and I have to agree with Blackraptor with the beep thingies that lead it.
The music sounds very happy. The sounds are very nice and it isn’t too repetitive, but sometimes it is. I really like it. Although I can’t put up my volume too high because off the beep. I think that is one of those things that could have been a litle bit softer.
Very nice remix. It is a kinda Club thing :)
A 8.2 and a download recommendation.Introduction:
Marbelara, done in a sort of fast-paced style. Not really “club” so much as “techno”.
Song Analysis:
The arrangement of this song isn’t very good. It’s basically Marbelara with some added drums, a very basic bassline, some xylophones, and a pitch climb about 3/4 the way through the song.
Sample Analysis:
Samples bad. Samples very bad. Period.
The xylophone is well out of tune with the electronic trumpety sound. Also, the pre-fab drum samples have been done to death. I know it saves on song space and crap, but it gets boring after a while.
Final Analysis:
Rather boring for something this fast and furious. If it wasn’t so noisy, you could probably put someone to sleep with this tune. Heck, it’s making me yawn. Heh.
The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene. . . Joseph Collins
“Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2
Hmmmmmm. the beeps are WAY too loud. if u could lower the volume of those it would really help alot. otherwise its a good dancish song =)i believe that it is sample 2/channels 1-10. dany, its very ovbious, but still w/e. plz lower the volume a bit
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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