Criminal Lab

  • Rating: 2.5

Reviews and comments

    Janus aka Jahari 24 Jun 2006, 05:18


    I have to say, this really isn’t very good. You need to work on adding more eyecandy to your levels. Also, you shouldn’t make the level frustrating for the player. Dark rooms full of baddies are one of the things I hate most. Also, I really didn’t appreciate that warp that sent me to the box with no way out. It was utterly pointless and stupid. That was when I turned off the game.

    1. Work on making more eyecandy.
    2. Make the level less frustrating and more fun.
    3. Choose better music next time :<

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    speedy boy 24 Jun 2006, 16:26 (edited 24 Jun 06, 16:27)

    4Not recommended:

    I agree with Janus aka Jahari for some parts, but it’s definetly not worth a 1.

    not that good, not realy a storyline, sometimes very confusing lights, and don’t forget that if you drop down from the lower rope, only a spaz-player can get up with douple-jump. I can see you didn’t use much layers, i think only 8 for the background, 4 ofcourse and maybe 5.


    Very bad. Like i said, the lightning is very confusing. Make some ricochet on those pipes, it looks more real, let enemies walk! give them some space.


    Tileset use:
    Try to use another tileset next time. Tube electric is used SO many times I won’t be impressed of it. The use isn’t that great eather. Check everything twice before you upload. don’t let a pipe ‘just’ end. doesn’t look great.


    Far from a great level, eyecandy is very bad. try to make more levels. After some while you know how to make a real nice level. If you have something like that, you should upload it. But this is only your second upload, so I won’t rate that heavy.
    Good luck with building!


    Download recommendation: NO

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