Aztec Antics

Date uploaded:
3 Apr 2001 at 04:00

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Leader of DF (More uploads by Leader of DF)

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aztec.j2l Aztec Antics 3.66 kB 02 Apr 2001
Aztec.j2t Aztec 43.14 kB 12 Nov 2000


OMG PPL! I’m back after about half a year The leader of Df aka Chrusher is back with what i hope is a good lvl.I haven’t included the muisc because we’ve all got it


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 5.3333333333333

Review by Leader of DF

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

P.s There’s only 1 lvl cause i wanna add more to my lvl pack

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Review by Stijn

Posted more than 20 years ago
Auto-Reviewing Zombie (461 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings284 Featured reviews14 Average helpfulness87%

This level uses one of Blade’s masterpieces, the Aztec tileset.
The level itself is not good, not bad. But, err… It’s very dull. It uses only some tiles of the tileset, not all the tiles and it are just blocks. You can use this tileset musch better.
It also got lots of dead ends, and the ammo is not placed very well. Sorry Crusher, but i can’t say i like this level.

You might want to download this, but i think you don’t.

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Review by Leader of DF

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0

:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

I don’t belive it………………I’m shattered……….lemme check the lvl……………..I liked it………. I did……..cries cause he’s a total failer.

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Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (111 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings111 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness44%

This level is not very suited for actual battle, I think…

It also doesnt have all the nececary eyecandy, giving it a bit less entertaining sight. Nevertheless, the idea of the level is ok and – besides a few minor layer bugs – so is the way it was put to action.

Concluding this level gets a 6.5.[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]

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Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (510 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings490 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness82%

Lets say it straight away: i don’t like the layout of “Aztec Antics” too much.
There are too many dead-ends, long sucker tubes and the like. Sorry, but the design is not really circular (as it should be in a good battle).
The author obviously made some attempts of putting eyecandy but it still needs more.
The Copter event isn’t a good idea in any case because our sweetness Lori can’t grab it (you may have noticed that).
Apart from that, the Jungle music doesn’t fit very well: i’d like to hear the tune Blade (the author) used for his tileset.
Overall, personally, i don’t find “Aztec Antecs” worth a download. It is below the average.

P.S.: The next level setting leads to a level that isn’t included in this ZiP file. Bad idea.

P.P.S.: Leader of DF, delete your first review here and add your comment to the “author’s description” by clicking on “edit info/re-upload”. And don’t make spam comments/reviews, please!

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