Town+Other JCS

Date uploaded:
31 Oct 2010 at 18:51 (Minor update on 31 Oct 2010)

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nikola (More uploads by nikola)
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File contents

JCS.ini 19.46 kB 31 Oct 2010
town.mid 21.58 kB 14 Apr 2008


After you download this read THIS! I\‘m a doofus of creating Jazz 2 music so I need your help to create an IT (MOD,XM etc.) file of Town on Mod Plug Tracker of something else because I need it for my episode “Rabbits Over The World”.Plus I offer you a JCS of my own with two new enemies: Blue Ghost & Winter Bat (Flobberbat).On some PC\‘s Flobberbat will not show up (Don\‘t know why but I\‘ll find out).Maybe you will be lucky so on your PC he could show up.
And when you create the Town music, just upload it on the Download page.That\‘s all!


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Quick Reviews Average: 7

Narsist rated 7

Winter bat. Oh cool!
I’m trying this and I’ll decide sometning.
Recommend or no recommend? We’ll see. :)

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 6

Review by Zerg

2 Nov 2010, 14:32 (edited 6 Nov 10, 19:09)
CTF Bug (4 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness39%

The Tweedle boss won’t appear, it’s not finished, the Bees and the Butterfly doesn’t work, Addon dog(cat),blue pacman ghost:

How that became featured?:D“This is probably the weirdest upload on J2O ever”
Probably that is the least long featured review xD

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Review by EggsBaconSausage

31 Oct 2010, 21:28 (edited 2 Nov 10, 16:52)
CTF Bug (2 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings2 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness62%

A white Bat? Hmmm.

At the start I thought this would be another file uploaded without previous research – the Blue Ghost is already widely known, but tbh, I’ve never heard of this (new?) enemy. Because of that I’ll give you a 5.5 for “effort”.

EDIT: Dude, you extracted the .mid from WINDOWS\Media folder… Are you sure you want to do that? You know, it may be Microsoft property.

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Review by jcsuser95

1 Nov 2010, 17:12
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness66%

The music is pretty good but on my PC the white bat doesn’t apear :(…Are you sure you didn’t change the jazz pallete colors from purple to white?The blue ghost is apearing but the bat isn’t. Well i give you a 6.5 for the music and would be good to convert your audio,heres a tip: type in your search engine(like google or whatever) convert .mid to .it or .s3m and try finding a program that can convert it for you.

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Review by Panther

4 Nov 2010, 23:29
CTF Bug (4 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings4 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness47%

Even if this did include the “White bat” (which it does not), I could just create this “White bat” on JazzSD. Also, by downloading this (silly me, I was in a rush, forgot to backup my JCS.ini) I messed up My JCS.ini. I will not rate. There isn’t much to do so.

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Review by nikola

1 Nov 2010, 22:46
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

I knew it! I knew this would happen! I will find a solution to this problem:
-Maybe it is your PC. Maybe it is not the same at mine computer? My is PC Windows 3d Turbo.(Or maybe it is not that?)
-Maybe there is an error like the other enemies that don’t want to appear, like “Butterfly”, “Bees”, “Tweedle Boss”, “Addon DOG” etc.
-OR? THAT“S IT! I figure that out! My uncle is a good type of computer program creator.He created a program that can be used to create (mix colors of a) character from another games (Jazz 2 TSF too!).But it is not on the Internet because it is not finished yet! Ha i knew it!

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