Western Wilderness

Date uploaded:
28 Oct 2022 at 20:34 (Minor update on 28 Oct 2022)

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Dragusela (More uploads by Dragusela)
Capture the flag
Tilesets: Agama, Violet and Pyromanus
TSF+ (This file requires JJ2+)
xlmswamp.zip (1.3 MB)

File contents

xlmswamp.j2l Western Wilderness 19.35 kB 28 Oct 2022
DiambDay.j2t Diamondus ? Day 247.22 kB 16 Nov 2004
Jungle1.j2t Jungle 1 224.83 kB 24 Jul 2011
MedvioD.j2t MedvioD 112.00 kB 08 Dec 2017
SwampsD.j2t Swamps Day 196.30 kB 31 Aug 2019
BubbleGun-mlle.j2a 3.32 kB 02 Sep 2021
Meteor.j2a 3.29 kB 08 Mar 2018
Mortar.j2a 5.99 kB 08 Mar 2018
xlmswamp.j2as 1.23 kB 28 Oct 2022
ArcaneWeapon2.asc 5.08 kB 23 Aug 2019
ArcaneWeapon4.asc 5.36 kB 26 Feb 2021
BubbleGun.asc 1.84 kB 02 Sep 2021
MLLE-Weapons.asc 47.25 kB 17 Aug 2020
SEweapon.asc 14.07 kB 17 Aug 2020
SuperToaster.asc 1.96 kB 22 Aug 2019
freedom.mo3 435.43 kB 05 Apr 2018
expmine.wav 25.18 kB 08 Mar 2018
f_gren4.wav 32.92 kB 08 Mar 2018
MLLE-Include-1.5w.asc 13.16 kB 28 Oct 2022
xlmswamp-MLLE-Data-1.j2l MLLE Extra Data 15.84 kB 28 Oct 2022
xlmswamp-MLLE-Data-2.j2l MLLE Extra Data 9.95 kB 28 Oct 2022


This is Western Wilderness, a really big jungle
it’s been over a month and now it’s finished, as you cam see I took inspiration from Forest Swamp.
3 PUs
3 Carrots


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Quick Reviews Average: 9.2

RecommendedFabiAN[NC] rated 9.2

+ i like the way you desinghed it!
+ the level have many interesting desinged parts
+ have many interesting places
- only a few things I miss
+ i really liked it, to play it!! :)
+ the new color scheme for this tileset looks very good!!!!
(the original tileset didn't come with that color, the new color looks new and good.

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