Captain Cook (both versions) v1.2

Date uploaded:
28 Jun 2004 at 04:00 (Minor update on 28 Jun 2004)

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_TK_ (More uploads by _TK_)

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Changelog.txt 0.36 kB 22 Jul 2004
CaptainCook.exe 179.00 kB 22 Jul 2004


Captain Cook is a replacement interface for the internal Home Cooked Levels system in Jazz Jackrabbit 2. It can be used to play custom single-player levels without watching through all the intros and scrolling through the home-cooked levels list. The level list in Captain Cook can contain virtually unlimited amount of levels and it can be filtered to find the level you are looking for more efficiently. A must-download for those with over 100 levels in their Jazz2 directory.
Works with both 1.23 and 1.24.

Updated: Added new features, including level info and episode support. See changelog (included in the zip) for further details.


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.3857142857143

Review by Blackraptor

Posted more than 20 years ago
Way better than Aiko (862 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings464 Featured reviews35 Average helpfulness92%

Y’know what, I’ve been looking for this program for years. Having over 500 levels in my jazz2 directory, gets really annoying, because a lot of the levels I want to play (the SP ones) with a diff. difficulty setting don’t appear in the lists and other MP levels by people who neglected to check off “Hide in homecooked levels list” do. Well, finally. This program works efficiently, even has extra features such as a filter search. Its accurate, it works, I love it. The only things that prevent me from rating this a 10 is that the layout could’ve been a tad more exciting, and perhaps show a bit more details on the levels (i.e, the tileset it uses?). Anyways, THANK YOU. I seriously needed something like this, and this is exactly what I needed. 9.2 for you, and a definite download reccomendation.

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RecommendedReview by wadledee

30 Oct 2004, 08:36
Turtle Goon (67 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings67 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness42%

Well, this is very usefull for people that makes many levels, or download much to review them (like DX :P). Also it’s for me a must, cause I even cant open my own levels to test them :D!

There are enough things what I could tell you, but I will have it short:
This is a must if your HCL is full. You can simpely open levels by searching them with captain cook. All names will apear in a line of the alphabet. Then you choose your character, and press start!

“A new invention for this universe from Jazz Jackrabbit!” – Daily Carrot news
“This is just TOO SIMPLE!! YAY!” – Carrot-Airmail

“everybody, just everybody, needs this! This is a must for yong and old, big and tiny.” – Jazzpress

so how I could say it: DOWNLOAD THIS THIS IS A MUST!!!!


EDIT1: Hey, now they’re not on alphabet line! This makes it very hard to find levels. (-0.2)


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RecommendedReview by Saphir

20 Oct 2006, 21:34
Frog (13 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings13 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness68%

A very useful program!
For people like me, who have over 1000 levels in their Jazz2 directory, this is a must-have. It’s pretty easy to use, too.
Pros: Simple layout, easy to use, etc. Good that it shows wether they are passworded or not, and wether they show in HC levels or not.
Cons: Only mode available is Single Player (well yea. but still); the levels are in a seemingly random order which apparently can’t be seen. It always jumps to the same file if you type a single letter, so you need to type multiple to find what you’re looking for.
Overall: One of the most useful programs around. A must-have. Some features are still missing (mainly the order thing), which prevent this from being a 10.
A solid 9 from me.

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Review by Violet CLM

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (539 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings280 Featured reviews26 Average helpfulness90%

Bah, I was going to do this. Oh well. By the looks of this it doesn’t have all that many features, anyway. I’ll review a bit later when I’m more familiar with the program.

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Review by cooba

Posted more than 20 years ago
Carrot Juice Addict (332 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings112 Featured reviews33 Average helpfulness86%

I have to say, this is very useful. Especially if level isn’t on Home Cooked list (danged option in JCS), and it’s passworded. Also, if you remember only name of level, you can search it here as well. My only complain is that files are completely messed up in list. Anyway, this is l33t program and I reccommend it to all TSFers (only 1.24? Bad.)

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Review by Rapcore

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (11 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings11 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

Well apparently the people say this works, but I hope a 1.23 version comes out.

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Review by PHT

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (109 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings97 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness83%

Hey, very cool programm! :D
I like the idea of the programm, and no one of the errors Trafton mentioned happened as I tried it out.
The bad point is that I also think the layout could’ve been more interesting and some more info on the level would be cool. Overall, I give this a 7.5 and a strong download reccomendation for all those with a bunch of files in their JJ2 directory.

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Review by badger

29 Oct 2004, 12:07
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

excellant.a must have download. nbice one TK!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Read the J2O rules. ~Violet)

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Review by badger

29 Oct 2004, 12:08
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

note. no matter what character you choose it plays as jazz. please repair soon and reupload as major change so i get contacted. otherwise a 10.
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Please do not “review” uploads more than once. It should be added that you can select characters in TSF, but that functionality is not available in 1.23. ~Violet)

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Review by _TK_

11 Nov 2004, 17:22
CTF Bug (0 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings0 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

badger: Did you remember to select the version from the Options window? I just tested the character selection, in both versions, and it worked OK.

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RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

23 Jun 2006, 12:50 (edited 26 Sep 06, 11:00)
Spaz Slackrabbit (162 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings111 Featured reviews6 Average helpfulness73%

Great program! I can search for the levels without having to scroll through all 782 levels in my JJ2 folder! I have that many! This is a must if you have more than 256 levels.

Any plans for new versions yet?

BTW, character selection works fine on mine.

Score = 9

EDIT: I now have 1049 j2l files!

EDIT 2: I have come up with some suggestions of what should be in the next version of CC. There should be an option that lets you choose whether you want to play in 1 or 2 player and be able to choose what mode you want to do it in.

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