
Date uploaded:
11 Feb 2008 at 21:00 (Minor update on 26 Feb 2015)

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PurpleJazz (More uploads by PurpleJazz)
Capture the flag
Legends.zip (3.9 MB)

File contents

xlmleg01.j2l Sunken Realm 12.64 kB 08 Aug 2008
xlmleg02.j2l Doomed Citadel 15.17 kB 09 Mar 2008
xlmleg03.j2l Evening Shades 10.75 kB 29 Jul 2008
xlmleg04.j2l Altitude Terrace 18.22 kB 02 Apr 2008
CarrFixDiam2.j2t Carrotus Fix Diamondus 2 233.34 kB 15 Jan 2008
Heaven.j2t Heaven 156.10 kB 26 Nov 2001
IC - Medivo1.j2t IC - Medivo1 217.25 kB 01 Jan 2007
Mystic Isle 2.j2t Mystic Isle 2 61.02 kB 15 Jan 2008
rocket.it Skygazer 1121.64 kB 03 Feb 2015
_almages.it Almagest 766.81 kB 14 Sep 2014
aws_aq16.xm aquarium - 16 bit 1736.45 kB 20 Feb 2015
flying.xm Flying high... 897.34 kB 20 Feb 2015
Legends.doc 23.50 kB 11 Feb 2008


Well, after 1 whole year, here it is.

There is only 4 levels instead of the planned 5 because one of the levels was removed as it was much lower quality compared to the rest, and I just don’t have much time for JCS atm. Do expect more high-quality levels to come from your’s truly in the future.

Have fun.

See the Readme for details.

EDIT: Changed the music in 04 as the current one may cause JJ2 to crash. Thanks to Viv for pointing that out.

EDIT 2: Fixed several bugs in Sunken Realm, please redownload.

Music is now included in the zip file.


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.7333333333333

RecommendedJimbob rated 8.7

What Bluespaz said.

RecommendedFireSworD rated 8

These are levels that I didn’t mind playing without prior experience. Although not many new concepts, there are more elaborate versions of older ones like the carrot in Evening Shades.

If you can’t think of any levels to play, then host these.

RecommendedNeo--> rated 9.5

Cool 3D Levels!

[Review changed to 3D… I mean quick review. ~cooba]

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.7

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

23 Feb 2008, 18:32 (edited 23 Feb 08, 18:47)
Carrot Juice Addict (307 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings177 Featured reviews14 Average helpfulness85%

It’s been a while since I reviewed but I promised PurpleJazz to review his pack. This pack was going to have 5 levels at first, but it seems the author didn’t want to make another level.

The levels in this pack are all unsymmetrical. The layouts of the levels are a bit experimental, but there’s nothing really wrong with them. The levels don’t have some random platforms, but they are well planned. I think that Sunken Realm has the best layout, but Altitude Terrace and Evening Shades have good layouts too and some new concepts. Doomed Citadel is not bad either, but it can’t compete with the other three levels. People might call Altitude Terrace confusing at first because it’s not easy to learn. A nice concept used is that in Sunken Realm you start with a Gun8 Power-Up.

Eye candy
In my opinion the level with the best eye candy is Altitude Terrace because it uses all layers and the layers have lots of stuff. The other levels also have good eye candy.. it’s pretty original in some places. Sunken Realm uses Mystic Isle II, which hasn’t been used before the old one got updated. It has a nice background with a translucent layer 6. It didn’t crash me though. There is enough eye candy in the walls and also on places where you can actually go.

Placement of stuff
The ammo placement in the levels is nice, with some quite good shapes. I think some people might think there is not enough ammo, especially at the right side in Evening Shades. That level has a Full NRG on an interesting place, a RF PU that’s not very easy to get, and fly carrots. Sunken Realm has a Full NRG and a +1 carrot and they are close to each other. Nothing really wrong here.

Further comments
Because these levels have some original concepts they might not be very competitive. However, I think Sunken Realm can be a good level to play in. These levels are good to host in so-called ‘Random Levels’ but I think they’re more than that. It’s unfortunate that this pack only has four levels, but they’re really good. A CTF fan should download this, they’re well-known for some people already but I’m sure that there are still enough people that don’t have the levels yet.

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