Traditional Japan +

Date uploaded:
31 Dec 2009 at 23:33 (Minor update on 27 Jan 2010)

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Dodges. (More uploads by Dodges.)

File contents

tradjapBATTLE.j2l Traditional Japan Example. 7.93 kB 31 Dec 2009
tradjapCTF.j2l Traditional Japan Example CTF 12.24 kB 31 Dec 2009
tradjap.j2t Traditional Japan 124.78 kB 31 Dec 2009
tradjap_fixed.j2t Traditional Japan Fixed 127.98 kB 26 Mar 2009
flying.xm Flying high... 897.34 kB 16 Aug 2009
tradjapmusic.mp3 1196.73 kB 31 Mar 2009


Traditional Japan – First tileset of 2010 :D

I have been working on this set since July 2008. There aren’t any other japanese tilesets, so I decided to make one. Everything was made in MS-Paint and Tile-Studio. I hope You like it.


Ktos – he made example [battle] level. He also helped me with drawing some animated tiles.
Galavant – he was giving me many important advices from the beginning of making this set. He also drew some background tiles with the little waterfall animation.
Helga aka Cif – she helped Galavant with drawing background and she made few objects like Buddha.
Sperry – help with drawing, etc. [plants, sumo…]
Dragon – same [lamp…]
PlunK – guess what. [bridge…]

Betatesters: Snooze, Angie, Ktos, Helga aka Cif, Dragon, Sperry.

Special thanks for Angie for hosting, etc.

Happy New Year.


Fixed, a bit.


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.995

Recommendedminmay rated 7.4

Great artwork, but the actual execution could be much better. I particularily dislike the reliance on layer 5.

RecommendedRon97 rated 9.4

The only thing I can say is: THIS TILESET RULEZ. I like the colors,I like the tiles…Good job!

(Actually,agreed with Robee but that won’t make the rating lower)

RecommendedPurpleJazz rated 8.2

The theme and overall look of the tileset is great, although some tiles I felt could have used a little more versatility in their usage (like the background). Nonetheless, I’m very satisfied with the end result of this tileset and I am planning to (eventually) release a level with it. :P

EDIT: The temple stuff needs to be much more versatile.

RecommendedPT32 rated 7.9

nice tileset, funky but nice.

RecommendedRagnarok! rated 9.2

Absolutely love it. Well done.

RecommendedFoly rated 9

A verry nice tileset. I especially like the buildings :)

RecommendedNapo-Leon rated 9.2

i actually find this tileset very cool and original :P welldone :)

RecommendedImpossibler rated 9.5

It’s very colorful. I like animations and japanese letters. Well done. :D

Robee rated N/A

Wasting New Year’s party in order to play jj2 and submit tileset as first? Take 7 for determination!

[Flame tag clearance ~cooba]
(Rating clearance. I know quick reviews have reduced standards, but you still need to give at least the slightest indication that you even have an opinion about the upload, let alone downloaded it. ~Violet)

RecommendedCif rated 10

Tileset This looks like a real fairy tale :-)

Recommendedsnzspeed rated 8.5

good art style with great amount of detail involved. must download.. :)

EDIT: I kinda overrated, it seems

RecommendedDennisKainz rated 9.5

Download recommendation? FEATURED DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION! You’re going to have January’s featured DL for sure!

EDIT: Where can I get the Mp3 song included in the pack and other good Mp3 songs along?

Violet CLM rated 7.6

Trying out the Quick Review medium here. Traditional Japan does a lot of things really well, and the only part that falls flat is the coloring/shading. All the right tiles are there, anything a level builder might want to do is possible, the ideas are great, the background amazing — it’s just that it’s too bright and not very attractive. Pity.

RecommendedMicky rated 9.7

Awesome Tileset! =D

Recommended3NZO rated 8

Thanks for posting a Japan tileset. Its original and very nice.
Sorry for my short comentary because I am not from USA. I am from Peru, South America. Far away :P

Good one!

RecommendedSkele rated 9.7

I simply love it! ^^ :)

RecommendedFOX292 rated 10

OMG, I can’t believe that this awesome tileset can be done in MSPAINT

RecommendedLoon rated 9.4

Amazingly good :O

RecommendedToni_ rated 10


RecommendedDragusela rated 9.7

This tileset is fantastic, it gives the idea of the japan.
Good job Dodges!

RecommendedNarsist rated 8

It’s my first comment, because I’m Turkish, so I can’t write English very well.

I like this tileset. It’s nice.

And I’m rating 8.
Yes DR.

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 9.42

RecommendedReview by Ktos.

1 Jan 2010, 00:48 (edited 14 Feb 10, 20:25)
Bee Boy Swarm (25 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings12 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness68%

This tileset is great, it uses 1000 tiles and that can be a small problem, because we can only use 23 animation tiles in the level. While I was working with it i was having a lot of fun.

Drawing style of this tileset is great, there’s a much ways to make good eyecandy. I don’t like that volcano for layer8, its something strange about it, I just don’t think that its good idea about background at layer 8. Other background tiles are ok. I like this pictures which I used at layer 7 at my level. Those clouds are awesome too. Waterfalls are great, everything in this tileset is great and can be useful. When you want you can of course use other tiles(As texture mode) for background than this big volcano, just like I have done. Dodges has made a rain tile too, if someone would like to use it. Animations quality is good. Those big waterfalls looks strange, but that’s not that bad. Small waterfall is better. Water blocks in this level are really good, Dodges has made a bubble animation for it. Of course some of things in levels with this tileset was impossibile to make it without using layer 5, but if Dodges would make this set with possibility to don’t use that layer, this tileset would have to work only at TSF, and that wouldn’t be so good. Masking in this tileset is good, i haven’t found any bugs in it. That’s a great tileset, and in my opinion its one of better sets for jj2. I haven’t found any bugs, everything is fine, except that volcano. So i rate it 9.5. Good Work Dodges!

(Btw, if someone would say that it’s strange that i made a review for tileset which i was making with Dodges, I will say it now, that i didn’t made that much for this set, I only made this example level and one tile which just helped Dodges to make a normal animation)

EDIT: Eh, one small thing, I have just found 2 bugs in my example level. Btw, ammo is not placed good at this level too, but it’s just an tileset example…

EDIT2:Good, you changed some things in tileset. Now I can surely change my rating to 10. Tileset is really better now, so imo rating 10 is just ideal for this tileset.

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RecommendedReview by Angie

1 Jan 2010, 14:49 (edited 3 Jan 10, 15:10 by cooba)
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness75%

I’m in love with this tileset.
“Could be better”, ye? What is bad in Your opinion, Slayer? .
I haven’t seen this kind on drawing style. It’s unique and takes so much time, but there are fantastic effects on finish. I like those castles and buildings very much. Everything seems to be accurate. Dod, You have made many animations, japanese signs and ethnic things. All the stuff is amazing. Originality is awesome. I couldn’t find any bugs. Masking seems to be good too. It’s easy to use, I think. Waterfalls animations are wonderful, especially this small one. This set makes good atmosphere, it can take You to the Japan! The only thing I don’t like here is this volcano [Fuji?], but it’s only a background. I hope many people will use it for their levels. If I were a good levelmaker, i would use it for my levels. :)

Btw. You have placed funny trap on exaple level :D, and fantastic music i like it too..

[Flame tag clearance ~cooba]

6 of 8 users found this a good review. Did you? Yes/No

RecommendedReview by Galavant !

3 Jan 2010, 13:18
Frog (13 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings13 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness58%

This is not first japaness tileset in j2o, but it’s – I think – first good japaness tilset :)
I think, that giving rating less than 9.0 is crime. Yes, It’s crime. Today there are less and less tileset creators, but some of them – Gus or Dodges – are enought independent from j2o elites to be real free tileset artists. I don’t want explain this, but I shall review his tileset. There are also some subiective reviers, who decress theirs rating, because they didn’t like Dodges (clan wars in reals etc). This is the shame!
There are too much people, who make “dark” tileset. I like funny, orginal, but not at all perfect draw tileset (some of CraccoBoy works). For me, more important is felling in tilesets. It can be paint maid, by a need something magic and unique.
What.s more, I little helped Dodges which background. I know something time consuming wokrs. Every tileset creators know, how much time it can take.

Tileset is full of colors. Sometimes there are too bright elements (red wood), but in general, everything is so good. Thera are also good detalis like Buddha. Also blocks looks like from sonic, but all are easy to use.
What’s more, masks and pallete are also good made. This is not disatventage, that was made in paint. Do you wana see, how paint can be powerfull? see:
Also there is logical placement of tiles.
There are also some animations. I like waterfalls and other enivorment things. This is giving “live style”. Tress and leafs are also beauty. This white is best one :). Sumo warrior is best too. The houses (dodo?) is kind of alternative main blocks.Maybe I should call this “secondary blocks”. In general, this makes realy japanesse character of this tileset.
Bacground is also fun. I like cartoon stuff, and it looks realy intresting.

Ok, that’s enought. Tileset is very original and unique. If I redit original JazzJackrabit, a would put this tileset there,
Good luck Dodges in your next projects!

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Review by Dodges.

7 Jan 2010, 14:03
CTF Bug (7 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings3 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness46%

Jgke: Not really. That wasn’t final version.

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RecommendedReview by Zoro

1 Jan 2010, 02:07 (edited 4 Jan 10, 08:33 by Crazy Rabbit)
Bee Boy Swarm (28 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings16 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness61%

I must say only one: This tileset must be FEATURED… xD

[EDITED]Ok, now little review:
WaterFalls is good, good animation, no bugs…Small WaterFalls well good too…
Background is good but it looks some weirdry, Buddha is nice draw, Ground tiles, hmmm… Ground tiles is good too…Wow…What about big carrot, i found little bug! See carrot end on ground? What about buildings, i like it… This tileset have enough stuff for decorating…Hehe, Sumo is funny, woman with umbrella looks good too…
I dont know what bad in this tileset! I wanna aplause to this Tileset…
Good job DodgeS!

Note: nice review, cooba! xD

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Review by Jgke

7 Jan 2010, 08:23
Frog (20 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings16 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness52%

Does that mean that I have 002.japan.beta.j2t file, that I was testing this tileset?

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