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Level Advice

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Nov 18, 2018, 09:49 PM
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Level Advice

So I'm making a level (after 14 years). Now I'm sure some of you remember me and that I made some pretty awful levels (I was a kid tho and didn't really know what I was doing. I still don't really.). Well I'm trying to change that this time.

The level I'm making is a battle level in Mez01 (noticed that there aren't too many battle levels using that here). So I've done the background layers and foreground layers, and the main layout. The thing is I'm not sure if my layout is any good, and before I get deep into ammo placement and carrot placement I want to make sure my layout is good. I have a feeling the flow isn't very good, but I need to check with other people to make sure I'm right.

So I'm aiming to get at least a 6.0 (higher is better tho) when I upload it on J2O so I'd like to get feedback first to see if I'm on track for that. And if I'm not, I would like to know what to do to make sure that I am. And please be honest, if my level sucks, please tell me that it sucks.

Here's a link to the level:
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Nov 19, 2018, 11:52 PM
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For me personally It's important to build a new level in a very structured and pragmatic way. This includes thinking of layout ideas. It seems to me that you get stuck while building the level, you made a block and end up with a lot of blank space where you don't yet know what to do with. You move some files further and start your new block.

It's good that you divide your level in chunks, so you can keep sight on what you're building. But the key to layout design is connecting and think of how layout chunks interact. When i make a layout part I think of visible parts of the level in a max resolution of 800x600.

For this to work you need to look at chunks seperately and think of different shapes. Shapes that hit the edges of the chunk so you can build towards another area. Most platforms in your level are round and seperated from other parts which makes it really hard for yourself to connect parts to make the level feel as a whole.

I don't think the level is 'bad' by any means though, just hoping my tips help out.

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Nov 24, 2018, 10:08 AM
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Your level:

I think you need to get rid of the foreground eye-candy and perhaps darken the background eye-candy. Levels that are easy on the eye could be more preferable, especially if they are multiplayer. I learned that the hard way.

You feel the flow isn't right, probably because there are no slope tiles on the edges of the platforms.

Please make sure that springs don't overshoot platforms too much without a good reason.

Level-making advice for standard battle levels:

Functionality could be very important, which means levels with areas that cater to many different situations might be preferred. Evading shots, performing tricks while running and shooting etc are examples.

Access-ability could also be very important, which means how a level allows a player to reach areas could determine its desirability. Routes that extend all around the level, central hubs etc are examples.

Tricks and strategies can make battle or most other types of levels more interesting.

Last edited by FireSworD; Oct 25, 2019 at 03:41 PM.

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