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How Would You Pitch A Jazz Jackrabbit Cartoon Show


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Mar 27, 2020, 11:33 AM
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Question How Would You Pitch A Jazz Jackrabbit Cartoon Show

All right, I've heard stories about the plans to make a cartoon series on Jazz Jackrabbit. But that got canceled when Epic shifted all their focus on other titles like Unreal, Gears of War, and Fortnite. Still, we can speculate what kind of cartoon Jazz could've got.

Jazz Jackrabbit (C) Epic Games
Jazz Jackrabbit fan characters (C) their original owners

Everyone has their ideas for a Jazz Jackrabbit cartoon series. Some take a comical route (like Earthworm Jim).

First is that my idea for a Jazz Jackrabbit cartoon series would be on the lines of Sonic SatAM, Exosquad, Wing Commander Academy, and Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars.
It would be its semi-canon with some connections to the games (though there will be some references from the games), and fan content would also be referenced and used.
The cartoon would start with Jazz, Spaz, and Eva enjoying the peace on Carrotus. When Devan Shell came by and shattered the once-peaceful Kingdom, by launching a devastating attack on Carrotus after rebuilding his force to what it was in Jazz 1 level. Devan planned on conquering Carrotus and enslaving the surviving rabbits. But, Devan Shell called away to Aeschylus, Devan's homeworld. Devan left Carrotus in ruin, after setting up a secret laboratory on Carrotus.
Elements from both games Jazz Jackrabbit 1 and Jazz Jackrabbit 2. Still aspects from the "made to be" Jazz Jackrabbit 3, and the GBA version of Jazz Jackrabbit. Fan characters are used as well.
It would be a storyline series with the use of story arcs like Steven Universe. Major Arcs cover multiple seasons; Minor Arcs cover a whole season. Major Operations cover multiple episodes; Minor Operations covers a single episode's main plot. In contrast, dispatch and homeworld investigations include an episode's side plot.
Initially, those who are loyal to Jazz Jackrabbit are his brother Spaz, best friend Eva and Queen Earlong. Early on, Lori Jackrabbit and Razz Earlong become loyal to Jazz. Jazz from then forms Team Jazz, a team of rabbits loyal to Jazz dedicated to defeating Devan Shell. Midway in Season 1, Zoe Connentail (from the GBA version of Jazz Jackrabbit) becomes a member of Team Jazz. Another member of Team Jazz joins the fold Ian J. Burn who is the James Bond Jr. of the Jazz Jackrabbit universe and comes from Earth from the milky way galaxy.
Devan Shell will also have his counterpart to Team Jazz at the start of the cartoon consisting of Dirven Shell, Cosmo Shell (Devan's scientist cousin), Evil Jazz, Salti Crust (from the fan comic Guilty Gene), Kazz Jackrabbit (the "modern" Jazz Jackrabbit from the GBA version of Jazz Jackrabbit) and Dark Shell (at first).
Just like Steven Universe, the characters would develop over time. Razz would create his rabbit army to outmatch Devan's turtle army as well as coming up with neat ideas to defend Carrotus and retake planets under turtle control. At the same time, Razz becomes more like a rabbit version of Devan Shell, and Razz starts going too far. Devan Shell realizes what he had done and attempts a heel-face turn. Dark Shell becomes more merciless and frames Devan Shell for killing rabbit civilians. Kazz Slickhare also defects from Team Shell to become a Shadow-like antagonist to Jazz.
There will be new species in the cartoon, like scorpions who are just as cruel and brutal as Razz was towards turtles. A species of smart, intelligent monkeys who conquers other planets to expand their businesses. A species of space-faring toads whose homeworld was destroyed by the scorpions and became allies with the rabbits.
One of the reviles in the cartoon is that Devan Shell's homeworld is Aeschylus. It serves as a significant plot point in Season 4, where Razz's revenge plan is to blow up Aeschylus with the Razz Station laser cannon. The same way Devan Shell did to Carrotus at the start of the cartoon. Unlike Devan plans to enslave every surviving rabbit. Razz plans to execute every surviving turtle. Devan would reveal that he's never a savage towards rabbits. Devan even tells Razz that he and his rabbit army are savages towards turtles. With Razz going after turtle civilians as well as Turtle Terrorists and Devan has to step up protecting the civilians and his troop members.
The later seasons could see Kazz Slickhare and Dark Shell, as the main antagonists. Dark Shell vows to kill everything in the galaxy who does not side with Team Slickhare or has sided with Team Jazz. Kazz Slickhare is more of going after Jazz specifically out of jealously that he's gotten his comeback. Devan completes his heel-face turn at this point, fighting the good fight with Jazz.
Unlike Steven Universe, villain redemptions are sparing. Only Devan Shell, Tweedle, Hook Lee, Cosmo, Satil Crust, and Dirven Shell would be redeemed good guys over the series.
Finally, where it's going to go and who will make it will be a significant break from the usual suspects (Nickelodeon, Disney, and Cartoon Network). it would be created by the same company Universal Animation Studios (the guys who made the Earthworm Jim cartoon), and it would be Peacock exclusive (Universal is going to need some good shows on their streaming service, plus I think NBC would be well known for pushing the boundaries on kid's content)

Next, here are the characters in detail also known as a character sheet

The good guys

Jazz Jackrabbit
The titular hero and main protagonist of the cartoon series, he has green fur and red wristbands and bandana.

Jazz in the cartoon Jazz is still the soldier of fortune, seeker, and justice, just like he was in the games. He also keeps a cool head, attitude, and is very serious about his work. Quick enough to crack a joke before eliminating a foe, and a paragon hero and giving defeated enemies a chance to make a heel-face turn. He's a worthy friend and a well-deserved team leader. He would also show leadership qualities being the leader of Team Jazz, a whole team of rabbits loyal to Jazz.

Character Development
Jazz's character development is that he'd be the same noble hero he was in the games. He looks out for others as well, especially his teammates, and when Razz builds his rabbit army with the queen's go-ahead. Jazz questions Razz about the cost of fighting Devan Shell with a rabbit army even worth it. When Razz dose slowly slips to Devan's level, Jazz worries about Razz's changing personality.

When Razz starts going too far by destroying all turtles, Jazz becomes nervous about Razz's destructive tenor upon turtles. Jazz keeps Razz from going down the same path as his arch-nemesis Devan Shell went.

Still, Razz cites his Carrotonian history saying that the Carrotonian Rabbits used to be the fiercest warrior species in the universe. The generals, especially Mazz, wanted to destroy all turtles in the galaxy and establish rabbit domination throughout the galaxy, viewing themselves as a master race. Jazz would ask Eva and Eliza Earlong if this was true, that the Carrotonians were once a fierce warrior species, and the worse nightmare of the Earlong Clan was coming to light, something that Eliza feared the most. The royals wished to free the slaves and make peace with the turtles and pleaded with the generals to reframe from destroying all turtles and submitting all others to the Carrotonian rule. Still, it ended up in a winding civil war with the royals winning in the end. Since then, they have been peaceful ever since. Countess Amanda von Earlong (the queen at the time the civil war ended) wanted to have Mazz MaTaz in-lawed into the royal family. Rather than the king, who wished for Mazz to be put to death. But the king allowed it to see how they need to also jettison the death penalty. Since then, the Earlong clan hoped that Carrotus would never have another civil war.

Jazz also notes how Razz's rabbit army is a lot like how the Carrotonian Rabbits had before the civil war. Jazz askes Eliza Earlong more about Razz's changing personality and how Razz developed a very murderous stance against the turtles. Eliza would tell Jazz that before the civil war. The Carrotonian Rabbits had conquered and enslaved six species before the civil war, which includes the native grasshoppers of Carrotus, lizards, hornets, scorpweenies, froogs, and Sluggi. Forcing them to work for the rabbits. The royals would also be concerned when Mazz started attacking the turtles on Turtemple and planned to exterminate all life there. Before Mazz was going to wipe out all the Shellion turtles on Turtemple, the royals stepped in and wanted Mazz to be exiled. This, however, led to a civil war. Queen Eliza Earlong also tells Jazz that before the Carrotonian Civil War, the Carrotonian Rabbits had an army larger than Devan's turtle army in the first Jazz game. Eva also chimes in that Mazz didn't care about civilians and collateral damage. Mazz also used his massive rabbit army and fleet of warships to terrorize the native species into surrendering to the rabbits, both traits that Razz inherited. After the war, the royals gave freedom to five of the six species once enslaved, excluding grasshoppers due to the natural chain. Since then, the rabbits had given up their fierce warrior species and became a peaceful rabbit kingdom since. Since then, Eliza is nervous that Razz could restore the Carrotonains to their original vicious warrior species.

Then when Razz starts slaughtering innocent turtles, civilians. Jazz starts getting nervous about Razz and his rabbit army's destructive tendency around turtles, and anyone sided with them. Worrying that one day he may find himself protecting his former arch-nemesis, Devan Shell. From a friend turned genocidal-maniac, that was Razz Earlong.

Interesting notes
Height 3'1
Weight 90 lbs
Favorite food: carrot pizza
Favorite drink: Fruit Punch
Favorite book: Watership Down
Motto: "When you're a little rabbit, carry a big gun."

Spaz Jackrabbit
The younger brother of Jazz, Spaz, has red fur, wears boots, and of course, blue wristbands like Jazz.

Spaz may have one carrot short of a salad and can sometimes be a liability to the team due to him being well "spazzy." But he's very loyal to Jazz, he also has a heart of gold and can outmaneuver Devan's goons. Spaz could even give Razz's Rabbit Raiders a run for their money in maneuverability in a training exercise that is. Spaz also has a big appetite despite his small size, and he is also second in command of Team Jazz.

Character Development
Spaz's character development is that as the series goes on, he becomes less of a liability and more of a competent teammate and even saves Carrotus a few times.

Interesting notes
Height 2'8
Weight 85 lbs
Favorite food: Birds
Favorite drink: Seltzer Carrot Soda
Favorite book: Watership Down
Spaz's motto, "Uh, I ate the Dopefish."

Razz "MaTaz" Earlong
Eva's inventor cousin he has blue fur and wears pilot gear, a master pilot and a genius rolled into one. Still, Razz is not just any genius. Razz is Devan Shell-level genius and is just as intelligent as Devan himself.

Unlike Devan, though, Razz has lots of neat, praiseworthy, and wacky ideas to defend Carrotus and to take control of turtle controlled planets. Unlike Devan Shell, who has surrounded himself with morons, Razz has surrounded himself with veterans. Especially when those veterans happen to be his teammates. Razz would become a member of Team Jazz early in Season 1


Around turtles (up to Season 4)
Unlike Jazz, who is the soldier of fortune, justice, and a paragon hero Razz is more of a ruthless renegade and a mercenary of bitterness and vengeance towards turtles. Emphasis on "vengeance" when he found out about Eva's kidnapping by Devan Shell. Razz reading The Tortoise and the Hare, where the turtle won at the end and The fact that Razz was listening to the White Album while reading that fairy tale.

Razz exacts vengeance on the turtle who kidnapped his princess cousin by doing the same thing Devan did. Build a rabbit army of his own to the point where it can wipe out an entire civilization and destroy all turtles.

Also, Razz's hatred of turtles is greater than Devan's hatred towards rabbits. Razz would go as far as to; wipe out anyone who won't side with the rabbits. Blow up major cities on turtle controlled planets with innocent turtle civilians in said cities. Eliminate turtle civilians as well as the turtle terrorists and in Seasons 3, being too well-defended Razz wound blow-up turtle controlled worlds outright. However, unlike Jazz and Eva, whom they see Devan and his Turtle Terrorists as more of a confused turtle and less of an evil turtle. Razz sees Devan and all turtles as evil monsters who need to be genocided to extinction. In a way, Razz would be worse than Devan by Season 4. Past Season 4, though, he's able to tolerate some turtles but still despise them since they were the ones who started the whole war.

Around rabbits and non-turtle species (and later on turtles)
Razz is a bit of a shy outsider, frequently being cooped up in his little world, and as he builds his rabbit army, he uses one of his troop members as a messenger. Unlike Devan, who smacks his drone upside the head whenever they say something dumb. Razz treats his Rabbit Raiders like he would with his teammates. Also, the rabbit that seems to understand Razz the most is Lori. He also is a bit of an isolationist. Razz would instead be cooped up in his laboratory on Carrotus, creating a new weapon or gadget rather than spending time at a party with the team. He would later show less of this when he realizes that he was mind-controlled into doing acts of evil that even some consider brutal savagery.

Character Development
Razz's character development is that he initially has a hatred towards turtles and has a vengeance to destroy all turtles. Throughout Season 1, Razz builds his rabbit army. However, as Razz's rabbit army grows more significant the more, Razz stoops to Devan's level.

In Season 2, Razz stoops to a level that Devan Shell would consider going too far. By wiping out anyone who didn't side with the rabbits, blowing up cities, and the innocent turtle civilians in said cities. By roasting turtle civilians as well as turtle terrorists to terrify Devan and his turtle goons into surrendering. Also, Razz would find out that his hatred of turtles came from a variety of factors. Still, the most significant factor would be that he was a descendent of the general who wanted to destroy all turtles. Mazz MaTaz also viewed the turtles as evil monsters that need to be destroyed.

In Seasons 3 and 4, Razz would start blowing up turtle controlled planets with a scaled-down orbital cannon on a Rabbit Mothership and execute any turtle survivors, including Deserto. At the end of Season 4, Razz almost blows up Devan's homeworld of Aeschylus. When Jazz and his team show how far Razz has followed down the same wicked path that Devan once went down, only Razz was more monstrous than Devan was.

After Razz realizes how far he's fallen, he takes a heroic BSOD and destroys Dark Shell's fleet with the Razz Station laser cannon. He would develop a tolerance towards some turtles like Devan and redirect his hatred of turtles towards Dark Shell.

In Season 5, Razz mulls over what he almost did to Devan's homeworld and what he did towards the turtle species. By going to a planet filled to the brim with desserts named Prune; The Dessert Planet. However, Ian J. Burn helps him mull over the Ashechlyus incident, and Cosmo even jumps in. Cosmo also helps him unlock his hypnotic gift, which grants him hypnotic abilities and can place anything into a sleep spell.

After Razz unlocks his hypotonic gift, he invents Hypnotic Amplification Gloves; this allows Razz to amplify his hypnotic power. Also, it enables Razz to channel it through his gloves rather than using a pocket watch like Cosmo. It even makes it even more potent than Cosmo himself. His hypnotic energy would be blue instead of the Cosmo's green.

By the end of Season 5, Razz does the unthinkable by blowing up Shellion with the Razz Station's laser cannon. But would regret that decision when he learns that Dark Shell was not on that planet. Then after Dark Shell's defeat and the release of all turtle slaves back to Devan. From Season 6 onwards, Razz focuses his power into building rather than destroying and even encouraging the discovery of new planets, including Prune: The Dessert Planet.

Added note
It's implied that Razz studies martial arts, in the fields of both ninja and samurai. However, feeling that Devan wanted to have ninja skills but that was jettisoned regarding due to some copyright issues regarding ninja turtles. Razz rolls back on his samurai skills as there were some restrictions regarding samurai rabbits.

Prof. Lapin
A rabbit counterpart of Satli Crust, Lapin is Razz's top scientists and chief engineer rolled into one. Lapin would make refinements to Razz's inventions as well as some inventions himself that Razz makes refinements.

Character Development
While he does approve of Razz being more proactive against the turtles, Lapin is worried as Razz builds his rabbit army. However, Lapin fears that Razz could be heading down the same wicked path Devan took if he had not already stooped lower than Devan.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'7
Weight: 90 lbs (w/o or w/ pilot gear) 120 lbs (w/ Royal Blaster, Gizmo Gun, Royal Blazer, Propeller Pack, and pilot gear)
Favorite food: Carrot cake
Favorite drink: Carrot Juice
Favorite book: How to Make Friends and Kill Turtles in Mass
Motto: "Turtles are monsters, and I shall slaughter them all."

Lori Jackrabbit
The sister of Jazz Jackrabbit, a talented painter and lover of all things music, Lori also used to be a major in the Carrotus Army and is the first female. The youngest major of the Carrotus Army Lori is also well trained with the Royal Blazer.

Character Development
Lori would put her skills as a former major as Razz's second in command. Lori would criticize Razz when he starts stooping to Devan's level. However, when Razz starts to become more deprived by stooping to a level that even Devan would consider going too far. Lori becomes concerned for Razz, thinking that he has more carrots short of a salad than Spaz.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'4
Favorite food: Carrot soup
Favorite drink: Apple juice
Favorite book: Crash Corse Carrot Gardening
Motto: "Sometimes, it's better off to capture turtles than executing them outright."

Razz-Bot Unit 2M
(fan character); The first of Razz's three robot helpers he created based on his Razz-Bot design, 2M's unique ability is that he can conjure anything from his hat with his robot arms (think on the lines of Gadget Boy) He also helps out Razz Like Scratch or Decoe from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog or Sonic X

Character Development
Over time, 2M would start as being like Scratch, but over time, he becomes like Decoe by Season 3.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'0
Weight: 95 lbs
Favorite food: N/A
Favorite drink: N/A
Favorite book: N/A
Motto: "If you can think it, I can conjure it."

Razz-Bot Unit 2U
(fan character); The second of Razz's three robot helpers he created based on his Razz-Bot design 2U's unique ability is that he can morph into a ball and roll swift and has a laser blaster mounted on his right arm (think on the lines of Super Metroid) think of Grounder or Bocoe from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic X

Character Development
Like 2M he starts being like Grounder often almost bungling up Razz's plan but manages to fix it last minute, and over time becomes like Bocoe by Season 3

Interesting notes
Height: 3'0
Weight: 120 lbs
Favorite food: N/A
Favorite drink: N/A
Favorite book: N/A
Motto: "Duh, I can shapeshift into a ball and roll fast."

Razz-Bot Unit 2R
(fan character); The third of Razz's three robot helpers he created based on his Razz-Bot design 2R's unique ability is that she can turn invisible (think on the lines of Section or Farid with optical camo from Black Ops 2) think of either Coconuts or Rouge from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic X

Character Development
The most competent from the start 2R has some kinks to work out herself, including the anger problems that she inherited from Lori when she used her personality to compile her personality.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'0
Weight: 80 lbs
Favorite food:
Favorite drink:
Favorite book:
Motto: "With my invisibility, no one can see me."

Razz-Bot 7274
(fan character); A unique Razz-Bot that is not like the other sterile, mass-produced Razz-Bots programmed to kill and follow the orders of their organic masters that Razz had created. Instead, Razz-Bot 7274 is more of a tactician robot. By showing great leadership when he leads a squad of Rabbit Raiders and fellow Razz-Bots to capture a flag with Team Jazz defending. Razz-Bot 7274 also preserves life and reserves killing only for bots and other organics if their organic master's life was in danger. Otherwise, 7274 and the other Razz-Bots would capture enemy turtles.

Character Development
At first, Lapin wanted the bot dismantled and rebuilt with the proper programming. Still, Razz was not too sure on that and tests out if personality can make a difference, so he tests it out by giving Razz-Bot 7274 some Razz-Bots and Rabbit Radiers to command. Razz soon learns that Razz-Bot 7274 is quite a tactician bot. Showing great leadership by in a training exercise against Team Jazz led a squad of Rabbit Raiders and fellow Razz-Bots to capture a flag from Team Jazz and tie them up. They would be cut loose after the training exercise, in any case. RB-7274 also preserves life, reserving roasting only for bots and other organics if their organic master's life was in danger. Otherwise, they would make every attempt to capture enemy turtles rather than killing them.

Interesting notes
Height: 4'0
Weight: 169 lbs
Favorite food: N/A
Favorite drink: N/A
Favorite book: N/A
Motto: "Trust me."

Jason Jackrabbit
(fan character from the War Tavern story "The Life of Jason Jackrabbit"); A red rabbit with a black headband, a White Taster, and a Blaster Cannon Mark 3 was once part of a thriving rabbit colony on Deserto. He had excellent relations with the native lizards, even going as far as to train them with their militia. Until Devan Shell tried to conquer the planet and was able to drive them off the first time, Devan would later capture it and had most of the rabbits and lizards shot. Others were enslaved or had DNA samples taken for cloning.

Jason was one of the few lucky ones to survive Devan's execution squads, by hiding out in a cave system with the other rabbit and turtle survivors. Then when Team Jazz and the Rabbit Raiders find him, Alex and the survivors they retake Deserto. From there, Jason and Alex become members of Team Jazz. Both he and Alex are lost cousins of Jazz Jackrabbit. He also likes to make a surprising entrance, often blowing the door off its hinges with his Blaster Cannon Mark 3 loaded with RF Missiles.

Character Development
At first, Team Jazz and the Rabbit Raiders would find Jason by in Season 1 in a deserted region of Deserto. From there, he's given a spot on Team Jazz as well as a White Taster and a Blaster Cannon Mark 3; he also reviles that he's the. When Jazz Jackrabbit and over the series, he fights alongside Jazz and co. However, Jason wants to give the turtles a taste of their own medicine by enslaving them, but Jazz doesn't want to, saying that doing that would make. Still, when it's no different from turtles. But Razz was open to the idea of enslaving the turtles.

When Razz's forces dose confine the turtles and forced to rebuild the things that they destroyed. They even have to maintain their factories on Scraparap and collect the garbage there as well, assuming if they are well treated.

Still, when Jason sees that the turtles' treatment was worse, Devan treated the rabbit slaves with Schwarzenrabbits electro-prodding enslaved Schwarzenguards for kicks and stuff like that. He begins to oppose Razz stooping below Devan's level. However, in later seasons (2-4) when Razz starts to show his evil towards turtles by executing them.

Like Jazz, Jason and Alex worry that they may someday find himself in the position of protecting their former enemy Devan Shell from a friend-turned-genocidal maniac.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'5
Weight: 97 lbs
Favorite food: Deserto Danish
Favorite drink: Muckamok Ale
Favorite book: Carrotus Atlas
Motto: "The turtles should pay for what they have done, but we can't kill them all."

Alex Jackrabbit
(fan character from the War Tavern story "The Life of Jason Jackrabbit"); An ice-blue rabbit with an orange headband and like Alex he too joins Team Jazz as well, both he and Jason are lost cousins of Jazz Jackrabbit Alex carries a Green Taster Mark 2 and Blue Buster Mark 3

Character Development
Just like Jason, Alex would join Team Jazz. Though unlike Alex, he agrees with Razz wanting to give the turtles a taste of their own medicine since Alex is more revenge obliged than his brother. However, he would oppose the idea of executing turtle civilians and physically stops Razz from going too far at some point. Though he would get hurt doing so, and Razz would realize that Jason was right. Alex just destroyed his species, which later mull over it and apologizes to Alex for it. Then when Devan turns good, he apologizes to Jason and Alex. Devan even apologizes to the rabbits he enslaved. Devan also maks it up to them by appointing them as leaders of the Deserto colony.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'4
Weight: 95 lbs
Favorite food: Fruit salad
Favorite drink: Diamondus Porter
Favorite book: Managing For Dummies
Motto: "Hey, if we can't enslave them, kill them."

Ian J. Burn
(fan character); A human of Earth is the great-great-nephew of MI6's most exceptional agent, Fleming J. Burn. He was also the first human (not known to the public) to make the first contact with extraterrestrial life, specifically; the Galactic Rabbits and, of course, Team Jazz.

Character Development
At first, he's a bit nervous about meeting Team Jazz. Still, as the series goes on, he is more compatible with space rabbits. He eventually comes back to Earth and proves to the world that humans are alone in the galaxy, and he also made contact with friendly aliens.

Interesting notes
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150 lbs
Favorite food: fried chicken
Favorite drink: Fruit punch (shaken not sturred)
Favorite book: the James Bond novel
Motto: "The name's Burn... Ian J. Burn"

Gordon "Gordo" Wade
(fan character)
One of Ian's friends is a proud American and a more satisfied student at Terlawk Academy, the Warfield of Terlawk, and is the top athlete there. He also openly welcomes anyone into Terlawk with open arms, even if they're extraterrestrial and from another part of the galaxy. He's based on Jack Wade from James Bond.

Interesting notes
Height: 6'0
Weight: 190 lbs
Favorite food: Wendy's
Favorite drink: soda pop
Favorite book: 1776
Motto: "I, for one, welcome you to America."

Character Development
It would revile that his love for anything coming into America is cause he wants the aliens to have a good impression of Earth's culture.

Phoebe Galore
(fan character)
The daughter of the owners of Galore Airlines and Boeing, Phebee, is an expert in aerospace engineering and the president of the Terlawk Acamedny's Aero-Engineering club and is not one for adventure. However, she never keeps secrets of her crush on Burn. She's based on Miss Moneypenny from James Bond.

Character Development
Over tile, it would revile that Phebe was into airplanes since she flew on one during his father's business trips. He leaves her with his brother (who is also the secretary) at the hotel room touring wherever the city her father is for the business trip.

Interesting notes
Height: 5'6
Favorite food: Cheese pizza
Favorite drink: Water
Favorite book: Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering: An Introductory Course to Aeronautical Engineering
Motto: "Gee, do I have to come along, especially with animal X-rays."

Lily Bradforth
(fan character)
The daughter of headmaster John Bradforth and one of Burn's best friends. A genius of her right as she can create nifty gadgets for Ian J. Burn with the best Earth technology that The Bureau can offer. Her inventive personality even puts her on Razz's radar. She's based on Q from James Bond thought Razz would fill the niche for R.

Character Development
Her character development is that she has gotten her inventive personality, where she made a makeshift fire hose and saved her family from a house fire. Since then, Lily has been tinkering around with Earth technology ever since when Lily learns of Carrotian technology; she jumps right into it.

Interesting notes
Height: 5'7
Favorite food: Carrot chips
Favorite drink: water
Favorite book:
Motto: "Wow, I never thought their technology was more ."
advanced than ours."

Chris Nosedyke IX (The Ninth)
(fan character)
Coming from a wealthy, well connected, and American royalty. Chris's sense of superiority and self-importance often inflated. Chris as also arrogant, egocentric, spiteful, and distrusts extraterrestrials. Especially since both Devan and Razz had committed some horrendous atrocities. He also tries to cast Burn in a negative light, especially with Bradfoeth is around but fails to and even catches some flak on himself.

Character Development
It would revile that his snobby personality is that he never had the chance to do anything reasonable since his parents were unaware of such activities. That is until he came to Terlawk Academy.

Interesting notes
Height: 6'5
Weight: 150 lbs
Favorite food: Steak
Favorite drink: Apple Cider
Favorite book: The Great Gatsby
Motto: "Oh, dear, why do I have come along."

Picardo Tygen
(fan character)
Current research head for The Bureau, and the science teacher at Terlawk Academy. Tygen often cones alongside due to the research benefits to the things that are involved in said evil plots. He also likes having externals on Earth since it would give potential to advance Earth technology like never before.

Character Development
Upon meeting Team Jazz Tygen would be very intrigued in unlocking the galaxy's mysteries and making the first contact with other species

Interesting notes
Height: 6'10
Weight: 175 lbs
Favorite food: Pork chops
Favorite drink: Orange juice
Favorite book: The Secrets of Area 51
Motto: "I never thought I'd predicted this outcome."

Wendy Vahallen
(fan character)
The top pathologist of The Bureau and the health teacher at Terlak Academy. She often comes along on Ian's adventures as a research assistant. Also, she is intrigued by biology, especially xeno-biology, Razz, and Devan donate their fallen troop members, so they autopsied.

Character Development
Vallen would be intrigued by the biology aspect of the alien animals. By wanting to autopsy the fallen troop members of both Devan and Razz's armies to advance medical science, as well as to gain a better understanding in treating them of their wounds as well.

Interesting notes
Height: 5'11
Favorite food: Bacon
Favorite drink: Grape juice
Favorite book: Color Atlas of the Autopsy
Motto: "My gosh, alien life on Earth soil, this is a first in recorded history."

Ray Shen
(fan character)
The head of engineering of The Bureau and gym teacher at Terlawk Acamendy, Shen, has decent knowledge of Burn's activities, not as much as Bradford. Still, just to where he is aware of what's happening, he is also impressed at what Razz can create.

Character Development
Shen would be intrigued and want to understand technology from both the rabbits and turtles. When Team Slickhare, the toads and scorpions are introduced this only fuels his interests for an understanding of space travel

Interesting notes
Height: 6'2
Weight: 160 lbs
Favorite food: Pepperoni pizza
Favorite drink: water
Favorite book: Engineering for Dummies
Motto: "Since the aliens came in peace, the possibilities with the technology are limitless."

John Bradford
(fan character)
The current deputy director of The Bureau and headmaster of Terlawk Acamendy, Bradforth knows more about Ian J. Burn's activities than even Shen knows about, in fact to where he gives him a more detailed rundown of what's really happening rather than the generalized statement to the rest of the class and sends Ian J. Burn on a mission to stop an evil plot

Character Development
It would revile that Bradforth was once a candidate for the director but turned it down, saying that the cost of living in DC is astronomical. On top of that, he also believes that his place is in Terlawk, no matter how weird it gets.

Interesting notes
Height: 6'1
Weight: 180 lbs
Favorite food: Ham
Favorite drink: Seltzer water
Favorite book: The United States Bureau of Secret Actions (USBOSA)
Motto: "Good luck, Mr. Burn."

The Director
The current Director of The United States Bureau Of Secret Actions (USBOSA); he's responsible for convincing the federal government. To build an academy in Terlawk and authorizing a new government branch to deal with all the weird stuff that goes on in Terlawk. They also do what the CIA once did in keeping democracies and the world safe from EXALT (the SPECTER in the cartoon)

Interesting notes
Favorite food: Steak and mashed potatoes
Favorite drink: Tropical punch
Favorite book: The Book of American Secrets
Motto: "Remember, we will be watching."

Arjan Cottontail
(adapted from the design documentation for the "made to be" game Jazz Jackrabbit 3); An old rabbit master and one who keeps to himself, by fishing in a fishing cabin, Arjan was born right after the Carrotus Civil War. Grew up in Carrotus' peace ear and lived through the turtle attack, after that. Arjan still thinks that the genocide of the turtles is a bad idea. He also does not like Razz's force accumulation, especially when Rabbit Transports fly across the lake where he fishes during flight drills since it scares the fish away.

Character Development
Arjan would be like Big the Cat in Sonic X, often keeping to himself and fishing most of the time. As the series goes on and the more he learns about Razz's atrocities. The more he does not like Razz. Especially when Arjan hears of Razz enslaving the turtles to rebuild everything they had destroyed. Arjan even compares him to Mazz MaTaz, Carrotus' worse war criminal. Arjan also goes as far as to say that Razz has inherited the traits that made him like his atrocious ancestor. Only the rabbit army that he controls now is private and only answers to a team of rabbit mercenaries. Arjan even tells Razz that he still holds the same view towards turtles as his atrocious ancestor; evil monsters need to be genocided to extinction.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'3
Weight: 87 lbs
Favorite food: Carrot salad
Favorite drink: Turnip Juice
Favorite book: FIsher's Guide for Rabbits
Motto: "Those flying machines are going to scare away the fish."

Eva Earlong
The princess of Carrotus, after being captured and held by Devan Shel she had received some blaster training from her cousin Razz and is now a competent member of Team Jazz. However, he does look out for her, and if he sees his princess cousin getting picked on or hurt in any way, Razz would let that person have it, often really hurting that person.

Character Development
She would become a better fighter as she participates in battles with her best friend Jazz and would become Carrotus' first warrior princess. Both Eva and Jazz become an icon of the new hare Kingdom; as a warring hare kingdom. After hearing about Devan's past, Eva sees Devan as less of an evil villain and more of a confused turtle.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'1
Favorite food: Turnip ice cream
Favorite drink: Carrot Juice
Favorite book: My Secret Carrot Garden
Motto: "Take your time, Jazz."

Eliza Earlong (Queen Earlong)
the queen of Carrotus, she initially stays on Carrotus to keep in touch with her subjects. Eliza even supports Eva's decision to be more of a warrior princess, and also go alongside Team Jazz herself. Due to her noble title as the queen, she has majority control over the Carrotian government. All Team Jazz needs to fight Devan's forces is the queen's go-ahead. None of that red tape nightmare of democracies and what had depicted in Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars. With the whole United Animale Security Council (UASC), being obstructive. She also provides DNA samples of her best royal forces for Razz to clone.

Character Development
Eliza would receive some blaster training from Razz most likely, and Eliza fights alongside Team Jazz. Eliza would also support Eva being a member of Team Jazz and being more than the damsel in distress she once was. Eliza would also butt heads with the mayor and Margsly criticizing the whole idea of politics, bureaucracy, and all the unnecessary red tape. Even, it would revile that Eliza was sorry to Jazz for locking him up in the dungeon and offered Eva's hand in marriage. Still, Jazz turned it down, opting to be best friends instead.
Interesting notes
Height: 3'5"
Favorite food: Steamed Turnips
Favorite drink: Carrot Cider
Favorite book: Guide to Being a Benevolent Monarch
Motto: "Only the best guards can partake in Razz's rabbit clone army."

Zoe Cottontail
(a character from Jazz Jackrabbit Advanced); an armory technician for the RABT, the galaxy's peacekeeping force. Zoe is an expert in computer hacking and cyber espionage. She would become a member of Team Jazz and even garner RABT support for Team Jazz. The RABT takes a more allied partnership with Razz's rabbit army once Razz builds his rabbit army called the Rabbit Raiders. Her past is also the most mysterious.

Character Development
Her past would reveal as the show goes on. One of the mysteries is that she is from a lineage of rabbit magicians known as the Rabbit Etherials, a secret society of rabbits who are very powerful with magic. As if they are one with magic, but they have to hide their powers since most of the galaxy is not big fans of magic.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'5"
Favorite food: Turnip Salad
Favorite drink: Carrot Cider
Favorite book: Magicition's Guide
Motto: "Shoot until they're not moving; that's what I'd do."

(a character from the Jazz Jackrabbit Advanced); The commander of RABT initially notes Team Jazz's involvement in the Turtle Wars and becomes a significant supporter for Team Jazz's war effort. He does get along with Tam Jazz. With Razz, though, he's a tad concerned about Razz's hatred towards turtles and that he could be a rabbit version of Devan Shell if his hatred towards turtles is left unrestrained.

Character Development
Margsley would support Team Jazz's efforts in their fight against the turtles. However, he does have some concerns for Razz when he stoops to Devan's level when Magsley learns of Razz's terror tactics towards turtle civilians. He gets nervous since it could give rabbits a bad name and a notorious reputation that would hard to expunge. Margsley is also worried about RABT's public image and doing as a mear arrested Razz because of his color, and who is a distant royal. That would bring disastrous effects to not just their known representation. Still, it would defile the image of the royal Earlong family.

Interesting notes
Height: 4'6
Weight: 150 lbs
Favorite food: Carrot Pizza with pepperoni
Favorite drink: carrot soda
Favorite book: RABT Commander's Handbook
Motto: "Well, as long as you manage to get the job done."

Gazz Slickhare
(fan character); Kazz's cousin, unlike his cousin Kazz. Gazz is a paragon rabbit mercenary who despises his cousin Kazz's jealousy over Jazz's comeback, actually embraces working for the jackrabbit, and is a member of Team Jazz.

Character Development
Gazz, unlike his cousin, appreciates Jazz's comeback and strives to have a spin-off game of his own, he also likes Ian J. Burn and would like him to co-star as well.

Mayor Cliffy
(a character from the Jazz Jackrabbit Advanced as Carrotopous Mayor); The Mayor of Carrotopous, and is not a big fan of Jazz and his team fighting against the turtles with little to no regard for the native life or the environment of said turtle controlled planet, he is a stickler for the rules, and he also seems to not like Razz due to his hatred towards turtles and later when Razz builds his rabbit army with virtually no restriction

Character Development
he initially does not like the way Team Jazz goes after Devan Shell and the turtle terrorists with little to no oversight. Still, he appreciates the work they do. He doesn't like Team Jazz's little to no control because of the political repercussions it could generate. Especially on election years, which could hurt his reelection bid. Also, he despises of Razz's terror tactics and the fact that he goes after civilians since the political fallout is it would prolong the war rather than shorten it.

Hook Lee
(adapted from the design documentation for the "made to be" game Jazz Jackrabbit 3); A human space pirate who captains a human Type-A battlecruiser starship named the CSS Ulysses, Hook Lee is considered to be the galaxy's smallest yet one of the most feared pirates, he also likes to use Confederation weaponry (which shoots white laser bullets in the cartoon to look like they're firing shots with round casings coming out)

Changes from his Jazz 3 appearance
he trades in both his plank limbs and hooks hands in exchange for an energy leash and a Confederation uniform that he wears underneath his pirate clothing.

Character Development
he would often raid Carrotus' carrot supply. Still, when Razz builds his rabbit army and gets into a scrap with his pirate clan. Hook Lee realizes that Razz could wipe out his pirate group if he went up against Razz, making peace with the rabbits and becoming allies.

Boris Toadski
(fan character); The president of the Toad Republic, think of the Toad Empire from Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars but as the good guys. The toads respect Boris while his enemies fear him. He is also responsible for advancing the toads to the same tech level as in Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars. However, that was because they are fighting for survival against the Scorpion Separatists and their Dokongey allies.

(fan character) Zoonik's brother who is nothing like Zoonik and wants to modernize the Muckamok Raptors

Character development
Despite being a good guy for Team Jazz, Zilbarr would revile that he enjoys being tied up. That's because Zoonik used him as practice for when he encounters Jazz Jackrabbit and brings him to Devan Shell bound. Zilbarr would ask Razz to tie him up, and Razz doesn't want to tie up Zilbarr. Still, when Zilbarr tells him that it would also be good practice for when he ties up Devan's goons, he goes for it, it also helps him desinge rope that no turtle can break.

The bad guys

Devan Shell
The nerdy-yet-powerful tortoise king and leader of the Turtle Terrorists Devan Shell, just like the games, is a galactic conquer. In the cartoon, Shell's homeworld is Aeschylus, named after the Greek philosopher who was killed by a falling turtle. Devan prides himself most of Aeschylus and concreates most of his Mega BattleShip fleet on his homeworld to defend it. Devan is the main antagonist at first. Still, the Turtle Terrorists would be based on Aeschylus and was a colony of the Shellion Empire until Dark Shell abandoned it after recognizing it's sovereignty. Devan is also very proud of his homeworld of Asechlyus and would do anything to keep it from being destroyed. Sometimes even Devan Shell would be too by the jackrabbits would be bound and gagged himself but only on a semi-regular basis with Evil Jazz or one of his other turtle allies cutting him loose.

Character Development
He's probably the most transformative. He would retain his hatred towards rabbits. At first, Devan would attempt to stop the rabbits from completing their plans at every opportunity that Devan gets. Yet, when Razz starts building his rabbit army, the Rabbit Raiders and runs Devan out of Carrotus. Devan laughs it off, seeing that Devan is now on his homeworld protected from fleet Mega Battleship, called the Aeschylus Defence Fleet. Still, once Devan sees what Razz is capable of by destroying not one but two of his MegaBattleships, Devan gets a bit nervous. Once Devan sees Razz's first actual terrorist act towards the turtles by massacring turtle civilians and blowing up their objects of culture. Devan gets worried about the safety of his subjects in a move to decrease panic. Devan turns to Dark Shell and allies up. Once Devan knows that the Rabbit Raiders outmatch him by Season 3 with an army that can wipe out the turtle civilization. Something that Devan does not want and not wanting the destruction of his homeworld and his species. He proposes a peace treaty and agrees to a reduction of turtle attacks. Still, when Dark finds out about this. Dark sets Devan up by attacking rabbit civilians. Devan, along with his top goons, is captured and held captive by Razz Earlong and Team Jazz abroad. Dreading that Asechlyus and his Mega BattleShip fleet is about to be destroyed. After the war, he lets all rabbit slaves go and apologies to Queen Earlong and the rabbits for what he has done and is willing to help out against the Shellion Emperor.

Interesting notes
Height: 2'4"
Weight: 163lbs
Favorite food: Asparagus
Favorite drink: prune juice
Favorite book: How to Make Friends and Kill Rabbits
Motto: "Rabbits are lousy." (before seeing Razz killing a ton of innocent turtle civilians and slipping to the Moral Event Horizon) "Rabbits are warmongering savages, especially that blue rabbit." (after seeing Razz killing a ton of innocent turtle civilians slipping to the Moral Event Horizon)

Dirven Shell
Devan's less intelligent but tough younger brother like Spaz he too, is somewhat of a liability. Once per episode, Dirven would get captured by the rabbits, and Evil Jazz would have to bail him out.

Character Development
He becomes less of a liability for the Turtle Terrorists after being captured again, eventually evading capture and linking up with his older brother, Devan, and helps him out. On one of his expires, he tells them that Devan was not always like this and tells them that he knows the ending of The Tortoise and the Hare it just that he has not admitted it yet.

Kazz Slickhare
(adapted from Jazz Jackrabbit Advanced); A "modern" portrayal of Jazz Jackrabbit, who is an ally of Devan Shell and one of his advisors, later goes out on his own and forms Team Slickhare

Character Development
He's more of a renegade and would attack Team Jazz at every chance he gets by using his blaster and carrot grenades. Like Dirven would end with him being bound and gagged by the rabbits as well. However, after Devan goes good and works along with Team Jazz. Kazz Slickhare goes rogue and forms Team Slickhare the "evil" counterpart of Team Jazz going after Jazz for his return to fame. He even adopted the same tactics Razz used on turtle civilians. He'd give Razz a taste of his own medicine on rabbit civilians prompting Razz to take a more protector route to his species.

Salti Crust
(fan character from the fan comic Guilty Gene); One of Devan's scientists and advisors he is responsible for the original Gene Machine, and the creation of Evil Jazz

Character Development
He would be neutral with some of Devan's plans, but when Devan turned good, Satil turns good as well; he even works alongside Razz to make improvements on Razz's Gene Forge.

Evil Jazz
Jazz's evil twin and one of Devan's most valued allies. A merciless evil twin who is very powerful and often requires every member of Team Jazz to defeat.

Character Development
He's a ruthless evil twin who is very powerful and is loyal to Devan. Still, when Devan turns good, he thought about joining Team Slickhare but instead turns it down by throwing a plasma ball at Kazz and sides with Devan. He even goes by Dark Jazz rather than Evil Jazz.

Cosmo Shell
(adapted from the design documentation for the "made to be" game Jazz Jackrabbit 3); Devan's other scientist also likes Salti and has also drawn out his invention the Dreamidifer using a special crystal called Dream Onyx. Allowing transport into the Dream World, it's also where Dreamcells are made, and Cosmo also managed to create their real-world counterpart Element Cells. He's the cousin to both Devan Shell and Dirven Shell.

Character Development
Like Salti's development but the key difference is that he would help Razz unlock his hypnotic gift, and enable Razz to place anything into a sleep spell. With the use of Hypnotic Amplification Gloves

Interesting notes
Height: 2'3
Weight: 145 lbs
Favorite food: Broccoli
Favorite drink: prune juice
Favorite book: Hypnotic's Guide
Motto: "I sense the hypnotic gift within you."

Dark Shell
(adapted from Jazz Jackrabbit Advanced); The Shellion Emperor and the one who pressured Devan to launch a devastating attack on Carrotus, under the threat of his homeworld's destruction, Aeschylus of which Devan is very proud.

Character Development
As the series goes on, Dark Shell gets increasingly merciless. Attacking both Devan and Jazz at the end of Season 4 and revealing his goal to exterminate all non-Slickhare affiliated partisans in the galaxy. Those sided with Team Jazz and become the main antagonist in later seasons. Also serving as the grounds for Devan's redemption since Devan Shell tells Dark that he may be a criminally insane turtle, he is not a genocidal psychopath. Dark Shell is also the third member of Team Slickhare.

Mayor Dodrill
(fan character); Mayor Dodrill is the Mayor of Shelltropous, and while he doses respect Devan as turtle king. He's a bit skeptical of Devan's Aeschylus Defense Fleet being concentrated on Shelltropous and leaving other cities vulnerable. Especially when Razz takes advantage of that to launch rabbit terror attacks.

Character Development
He would be the kind of mayor who respecs Devan as the king of Aeschylus, however. He asks him to be more considerate of defending his homeworld and taking his enemies more seriously instead of being a showboat. To Cliffy, though, the two of then bicker over minor things and ignore the real problems at hand in the galaxy, even if they ignore the fact that Razz runs around terrorizing turtle civilians.

Emperor Razz (also known as Evil Razz)
Emperor Razz is the Emperor of the Carrotian Empire in a parallel universe where Mazz viewed the turtles as evil monsters. Mazz also saw the rabbits as a master race and considered all other races inferior. Emperor Razz or Evil Razz in Razz's parallel universe is worse than Devan Shell. Emperor Razz was the one who carried out Mazz's wishes to wipe out all turtles in the galaxy as well as to rule almost the entire universe.

Lord Iguanus of Noctera
The king of Noctera, Iguanus, is considered to be a bad guy in his own right, is friends with Bilisy and considers Devan a weak, evil villain for getting run out of his laboratory on Carrtous. Thinking Devan is turning to the good side. However, Iguanus would be one with dark magic. He was able to sense the rising evil in Razz and went into Razz's mind and tried to convince him to work for him.

Character Arc
the first introduction of Iguanus is where he establishes his presence with Team Jazz and despises Devan for letting himself get run out of his laboratory by the rabbits. Iguanus also senses the growing dark arura of Razz, probably one more significant than even Devan seeing him as a potential ally. He attempts to lure him to the evil side; however, when Zoe steps in, he also senses that Zoe is also one with light magic. Razz horrified at what the universe would be like if he were worse than Devan with Iguanus and Chelae by his side. Seeing a future where Razz could be the Emperor who'd wiped out all life except for rabbits, Razz would take his fleet to Noctera and blows it up entirely. But Razz spares Noctera when he learns that the native species there were under his rule and shows his change of heart by helping them modernize/\.

The big guy of the inferno, Bilsy, is considered to be a bad guy in his own right and is only as a supporting antagonist. He also becomes a member of Team Slickhare.

Character Development
he would be a nuisance in the Turtle Wars. Still, during the Slickhare Conflict and beyond, he becomes a secondary antagonist, it would also reveal that he's the one who gave Devan his power to transform into Devil Devan. Still, the contract says if Devan went good and used his transformation powers for good. Devan Shell would spend eternity in Heck. But Bilsy releases him with full transformation power to change into Devil Devan after Razz destroys Bilsy's realm. However, after Bilsy takes back Bubba when he exiles him for failing to protect Heck from Razz. Bilsy gives Razz elemental powers and a gift of respect when he rebuilds his realm and takes Bubba back.

Bilsy's brother, who respects his big brother for being the ruler of Heck, he can possess anyone outside Heck demonically.

Bilisy's niece, she appears as the most beautiful demon gal in Heck. She has a crush of Razz, in Nerf Foan Fighter crossovers though she doesn't like Nikki due to her fairy queen lineage.

Bilsy's assistant, he is usually the one to pick a fight with Team Jazz. He manages to hold off Team Jazz when they are about to enter the inferno to rescue Devan. Still, He fails to stop Razz's rabbit army from destroying Heck. He would later join Team Slickhare. Not before opening up a pastry shop, however.

Character Development
he would be Bilsy's advisor but is later exiled after Devan's not only rescued but failed to stop Razz's Rabbit Raiders from entering Heck and leaving his entire realm a wreck and opening a pastor shop in Carrotopols (Carrotus' new capital city) but the pastries are so gross that it gets everyone sick, even the members of Team Jazz and the Carrotopolus mayor has to negotiate with Bilsy, Razz also tells Bilsy that he'd rebuild his realm if he takes back Bubba and gives him some powers of his own

Interesting notes
Weight: 125 lbs
Favorite food: jelly beans
Favorite drink: soda pop
Favorite book: Doesn't know
Motto: "I can spin fast."

Tweedle, the king of the wonderland, is a minor antagonist who's more of a fringe threat than a real danger. He's more of a don't want to get involved in a conflict and that he keeps it to himself. He does have magical abilities, though, as he can summon a giant gloved hand and hold someone in it serving as an entrapment spell.

Character Development
It would revile that Tweedle can also detect who has the magical gift, by holding a person in a giant gloved hand and see if they can poof out if they can, that means they're magic. If they aren't magical or gets out of the entrapment spell through non-magic means like prying yourself out then, Tweedler would either have the giant gloved hand grab them again. Or after two times with non-magic ways, then he sets them down.

Interesting notes
Weight: 125 lbs
Favorite food: Chocolate cake
Favorite drink: soda pop
Favorite book: Wonderland A Novel
Motto: "I can sense the gift in you."

Chameleon King
King of the Chameleon people, he's reluctant with modern technology and prefers to stay away from anything modern
Character development
It would revile that he had a falling out with modern technology. Razz though seeing that he could wipe them out with his rabbit army and take the planet for the rabbits. Instead of dose not do that, and helps the chameleons build and adapt modern technology showing a heroic side that would be prevalent in later seasons.

Interesting notes
Height: 15'5
Weight: 800 lbs
Favorite food: Raisons
Favorite drink: apple cider
Favorite book: Monarch's Guide
Motto: "The last time we tried to go modern, it didn't work out so well."

Abominable Snow Turtle
The Abominable Snow Turtle is a lazier sort of a turtle who doesn't want to fight Team Jazz but tricked into it. Either with Devan or Dark Shell putting his leather jacket is on the line something he prides of himself.

Character development
At first, the Abominable Snow Turtle would be bad. Still, it would revile what he's doing because Devan puts his leather jacket on he like something Abominable Snow Turtle prides the most. When Abominable Snow Turtle doesn't chase after rabbits, he focuses on his Bonzai garden, once he hears of Razz's mercilessness against Devan and the turtles. Abominable Snow Turtle both prases Razz for going after Devan but worries that Razz could wipe out all turtles. Fearing that Abominable Snow Turtle could be next, pleads with Razz (in his Carrot Peeler Mech) not to kill him. In exchange the Abominable Snow Turtle leaves the rabbits alone Devan was outraged about Abominable Snow Turtle switching sides but defends his case saying that if he didn't surrender to Razz, he would've killed him outright and please to Devan to do the same thing and to avoid a fate that even Abominable Snow Turtle wouldn't imagine and Devan scoffs at it though when Razz almost blows up Aeclyus and was going to wipe out Devan's civilization and Devan turns good, Abominable Snow Turtle pulls the "I told you so" card
Interesting notes
Height: 10'5
Weight: 600 lbs
Favorite food: Peanutbutter and lettuce sandwich
Favorite drink: Water
Favorite book: "Guide to Bonzai gardening."
Motto: "I just want to focus on my Bonzi garden."

Jazz's old foe he faced off years ago now has new allies and joins Team Slickhare as well with his Dokongey partners to bolster their numbers. He also joins Team Slickhare because of his embarrassing defeat at the hands of Jazz.

Character Development
Zoonik would have a grudge against Jazz and tries several times to get back at him. However, when Razz had built his rabbit army, he scoffs at it, comparing it to Devan's turtle army. However, Razz returns the favor to Zoonik by terrorizing the native creatures on his homeworld of Muckamok. He suffers a second defeat at the hands of Razz, and Razz blasts him crippled. Benard would also feel some sympathy for him.

Interesting notes
Height: 3'1
Weight: 90 lbs
Favorite food: Didn't ask
Favorite drink: Didn't ask
Favorite book: Didn't ask
Motto: "Pfft, please a rabbit army, fat chance."

Zoonik's father shares the same resentment towards the rabbits as Zoonik has and goes after Jazz. However, when he hears about Razz's rabbit army, he gets nervous about it.

Saurian General
The Saurian General is the leader of the Saurian Mercenaries. He holds a big supporter of the turtles. He holds a grudge against Razz after he attacked his homeworld during the Turtle Wars.

Interesting notes
Height: 9'11
Weight: 450 lbs
Favorite food: fried beef
Favorite drink: lemon juice
Favorite book: Merc's Guide to Being The Most Dangerous and Feared in The Galaxy
Motto: "Kill then all I say."

Janus B. Trev
(fan character); Ian's former friend turned enemy, who was "executed" by the Donkoneys. However, it was a ruse and now is the Janus Group leader, consisting of Saurian Mercenaries, Donkoney Mercenaries, and Scorpion Mercenaries. They also have the backing of Team Slickhare, the Donkoneys, and the Scorpion Separatists.

He would be that the few surviving Orbitian Cossacks: humans. They sided with Devan Shell before he went on a tirade against rabbits. Then when Razz came to Orbitus. It was clear that he had terrorized other planets into surrendering to the rabbits, so the Orbitian Cossacks fought against said rabbits then when the turtles pulled out of Orbitus. The Cossacks fled to Earth and wanted refugee status in Terlawk. But they were turned down by the US government The Bureau and sent back to their home planet of Orbitus, and Razz had them all shot. Those who survived were enslaved by the rabbits and thrown in prison camps. The few like Janus that survived the Earth betrayal and Razz's execution squads on Orbitus had managed to find a spacecraft. From there, Janus and a few of the survivors went straight to Aeschylus, Devan's homeworld, where they'd be safe. When Devan went good, though, he defects and forms the Janus Group. Since then, he has it out against rabbits, especially Razz.

Interesting notes
Height: 5'10
Weight: 174 lbs
Favorite food: Orbitian Omelet
Favorite drink: Orange juice
Favorite book:
Motto: "I had to survive the Earth betrayal and Razz's execution squads."

King Kong Glomerate
(fan character); The ruler of the Donkoneys he has sided with Zoonik initially, Glomerate had conquered many planets until encountering the Toad Republic. Glomerate allies up with Willian Chelae and the Scorpion Separatists after finding how savage the scorpions are. The toads are allied with the rabbits.

Interesting notes
Height: 20'5
Weight: 1200 lbs
Favorite food: Bananas
Favorite drink: Apple juice
Favorite book:
Motto: "We're running out of places to build university business schools for our high school graduates."

Willame Chelae
(fan character); The leader of the Scorpion Separatists, Willame, is just as brutal towards the toads and rabbits as Razz was cruel towards turtles. He also despises the turtles for their inefficiency. He also hates toads because he considers them inferior to the scorpions. He also dislikes the rabbits, especially Razz, when he hears about the atrocities he committed against the turtles. Willame is also a proud, close-range fighter and uses some of the same terror tactics Razz used on the turtles. Also, his tail is strong enough to choke someone as well.

Interesting notes
Height: 7'5
Weight: 250 lbs
Favorite food:
Favorite drink:
Favorite book: How to Terrorize Innocents and Genocide Species
Motto: "Toads are inferior, same with turtles and rabbits; they all should be wiped out."

Makarov "Benard" Zokas
(fan character); Also known as; "Benard the Menace," a villain who wants to bring chaos in any way he sees fit, usually disrupting Razz's world defense operations. Or he does something small like blowing up a part of Earlong Palace and taking out someone. That leads up to something massive like Makarov crippling Razz's world defense operations by overloading a starships fusion reactors. He also holds a grudge against Razz for laser-blasting him in his left eye on Orbitus. Almost blinding him when he tried to stop a civilian execution requiring him to have vision augmentations, Makarov has the support of Team Slickhare.

Interesting notes
Height: 5'6
Weight: 135 lbs
Favorite food: mashed potatoes
Favorite drink: ginger ale
Favorite book: Won't tell
Motto: "You see this implant Razz; this was your doing."

Next is the voice cast.

Jazz Jackrabbit - Jason Michas
Evil Jazz - Billy West
Spaz Jackrabbit - Tom Kenny
Eva Earlong - Jennifer Hale
Lori Jackrabbit - Kath Saucie
Razz Earlong, Devan Shell - Rob Paulsen
Hip Hop, Kazz Slickhare - Gilbert Gottfried
The Merchant, Bubba - Clancy Brown
Zoe Cottontail - Laura Bailey
Dark Shell, Cosmo - Daran Norris
Margsley, Bilisy - Kevin Michale Richardson
Prof. Lapin, Satil Crust - Jeff Bennet
Razz Bot 2M - Charlie Alder
Razz-Bot 2U, Dirven Shell - Jess Harnell
Queen Earlong, Razz-Bot 2R - Tress MacNeille
Zoonik, Tweedler - Roger Bumpass
Ian J. Burn - Cory Burton (he voiced James Bond Jr so it would be natural for him to play a spy)
Mayor Cliffy - Cliff Bleszinski
Mayor Dodrill - Dean Dodrill
Makarov "Benard" Zokas - Roman Varshavsky
William Chelae - JB Blanc
Razz-Bot 7274 - Glenn Steinbaum
Gazz Slickhare - Matthew Mercer
Arjan Cottentail - Arjan Brussee
Jason Jackrabbit - Tim Sweeney
Alex Jackrabbit - Nick Stadler
Janus B. Trev - Elliot Cowan
Saurian General - Anthony De Longis
King Kong Glomerate - Keith David
Boris Toadski - Kristof Konrad
Gordon "Gordo" Wade - Brian Stokes Mitchell
Phoebe Galore - Mona Marshall
Lily Bradforth - Carlye Pollack
Chris Nosedyke IX (The Ninth) - Simon Templeman
Picardo Tygen - Gary Anthony Williams
Wendy Vahallen - Moira Quirk
Ray Shen - François Chau
John Bradford - David Hoffman
The Director - Jon Bailey

Last edited by nimmoisa000; May 18, 2020 at 01:58 AM.
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Mar 27, 2020, 01:36 PM
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Show pitch? You mean masters fanfiction thesis?

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Mar 27, 2020, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Treylina View Post
Show pitch? You mean masters fanfiction thesis?
Kind of but it's unofficial.

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Apr 25, 2020, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Treylina View Post
Show pitch? You mean masters fanfiction thesis?
Well used to now I've updated it to be a show pitch now.
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Apr 25, 2020, 06:37 PM
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Not bad at all. You are a very talented world builder. I get the impression that you're very passionate about writing stories like these, especially with the excellent detail you provided. I think that you are capable of possibly pitching your very own original TV show in the future. There have been a lot of amazing Jazz Jackrabbit fan stories ever since the game released 20 years ago and this is definitely one of them. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

And to answer the question in the title, I'd personally just like a show directed towards a younger audience but also make it so parents could enjoy it. I don't think a Jazz Jackrabbit TV show needs to be dark or even have a complex plot. I mean, the games already don't and hardly anyone complains about that (apart from the GBA game but I wouldn't base the show off of that game, just the original two). It should just be something goofy and fun but still throw in a plot just to keep it interesting.

Last edited by Jelly Jam; Apr 25, 2020 at 06:53 PM.

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Apr 26, 2020, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Jelly Jam View Post
Not bad at all. You are a very talented world builder. I get the impression that you're very passionate about writing stories like these, especially with the excellent detail you provided. I think that you are capable of possibly pitching your very own original TV show in the future. There have been a lot of amazing Jazz Jackrabbit fan stories ever since the game released 20 years ago and this is definitely one of them. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

And to answer the question in the title, I'd personally just like a show directed towards a younger audience but also make it so parents could enjoy it. I don't think a Jazz Jackrabbit TV show needs to be dark or even have a complex plot. I mean, the games already don't and hardly anyone complains about that (apart from the GBA game but I wouldn't base the show off of that game, just the original two). It should just be something goofy and fun but still throw in a plot just to keep it interesting.
Thanks, and it'll be balanced goofy, fun, yet serious, and have a storyline. Like Bucky O'Hare or Sonic SatAM.

But what were your thoughts on my idea?

Last edited by nimmoisa000; Apr 26, 2020 at 11:11 PM.

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