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Whee it's time for the stup story

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Aug 3, 2003, 06:58 PM
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Whee it's time for the stup story

Oh well.

Teh Recon

Current time: 9:35 P.M.
Location: Outskirts of Cortorhal

" ' Tis a good night to be on patrol eh?" said Radix. "Yeah" Charnay replies. It had been only days before that Devan's invasion had finally ceased. There were no need for sentrys and scouts until those days. But now it would be foolish to leave yourself undefended. "Well, looks like another quiet night...thankfully." Radix says. "Huh? Whats tha- BAM!" Charnay got smashed in his side. "Ambush!" Suddenly a group of turtles leap out. Charnay readies his trusty blaster but it gets knocked out of his hand. "Run!" He yells. Charnay turned and ran while the sounds of blaster fire echoed behind him.

Current time: 10:04 P.M.
Location: Cortorhal

Ugh. Charnay stumbles into the town malitia's meeting room. Kodor, Jurdark, and Rasztur are sitting at the table drinking coffe while looking at some maps. "Turtles are in the forest on the outskirts of town." Charnay passes out on the floor. Kodor and Jurdark glance at eachother while Rasztur says " We musn't waste time. I shall alert this areas gaurd."

*moments later*

Rasztur gets off the phone and enters the meeting room. "They are sending in a full scale attack squad." Kodor says "Good good. I"ve awakend the town malitia. They are arming themselves for defense right as we speak." "General!" Jurdark yells as he enters the room. "Turtles have arrived and our malitia is already engaging the enemy." "When the Guard arrives we should be able to fully push them back."

Location: Mt. Teras, overlooking the battle field.

"Sir" a member of the Guard reports. " The battle dosn't look to good, we appear to be winning at the moment but the turtles are hardly letting up. The towns supplies are already running low. Shall we intervene?" "No, it's quite alright." Captain Radiarch says while sipping on some wine. He looks out onto the battle field. The town malitia is currently holding the turtles at bay in a clearing of the forest. The turtles seem to be pouring out of everywere at once and the malitia is starting to fall back. "Jiago" he says. "These turtles down here, what strike force are they part of." Jiago looks down and says "Well sir, they appear to be a part of Deaven shell's B Corp., but their seems to be an endless number of them. However that malitia looks like it needs our help, within a few minutes they will be overun!" "It's alright" the Captain says. "I think we have seen enough here, shall we leave?" Jiago says "But sir, that town needs ou-" "It's quite alright" interrupts Radiarch. "We came here in search of answers and now we've got them. That town down there is of no importence to us and it never was, nor never will. It would be wasteful to attempt to aid them here. Now, I'm the commander here and I say that it's time to leave. Now I know you won't find any...objections with that order would you? Didn't think so. We are leaving now and thats final." "Guard squad #316, Cortorhal Sector, lets move out!"

*on the battlefield*

"Fall back!" General Kordor orders! Rasztur turns to Jurdark as they run back into the city limits. "Were is our backup?!" Rasztur yells. Jurdark points to the peak of Mt. Teras. "What the... why aren't they down here helping us!?" Jurdark shrugs and point's behind them. The Turtle wave is almost 7 feet away from them. They pile into one of the trenches and start to attack the turtles. As the line continues forth literally inches from their foxhole, Rasztur looks up towards Mt. Teras and notices the squad piling into their transport ship. The ship flies overhead, and the line of turtles overuns their trench.

Last edited by Strato; Aug 3, 2003 at 07:22 PM.
4I Falcon

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Aug 3, 2003, 09:12 PM
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Whee. Present tense. *patpat*

Nice job on your introductory stuffs. I eagerly await more. /me rubs his hands together expectantly.
Character limits suck. >(.


"I like driving an automatic, because I can do this." *revs engine* "You like driving a manual?" "What did I say?" "Automatic." "I like my... automatic, uh, arm... it changes the shift-gear on my, uh, manual." - 4IF vs Ken

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Aug 3, 2003, 10:23 PM
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Chapter 2

Soldier of Fortune

Current time: 5:37 P.M 4 days after the intial strike
Location: Meeting room in the Castle (You know the one i'm talking about)

"Let's see now, everyones here? Good. Now let me introduce myself. I am the Matriarch of the Northlands and I have come today too..." the Emmcee begins to drone on and Jazz just tunes himself out. He gazes around the room and sighs. The blue velvet banners hang from the wall and slightly flap from the breeze coming from an open window. The big table in the room seems to be made of very good wood. He sighs again and tries to focus on the speech. "...and in conclusion I would like to say that we will gladly offer our services whenever needed." *clap clap clap* "And now, onto our next order of business. The mobilization of turtle Factions." Jazz stands up. "I can only say this. We only just came out of vicious combat against these turtles. We can't let them mobilize and regroup. Our armies and people are tired, and we may not even stand a chance against their whole army. These recent attacks on the outlaying colonies are reason enough to stir alarm. We need to strike now!" Radiarch stood up. "How would you know whats best for our people? You were too busy off being a soldier of fortune and trying to earn medals then aiding your bretheren. You don't know what it was like out there on the front lines mixing it up." At this note everyone began to argue amongst eachother about wether or not Jazz's heroism was good or bad. Amidst the uproar, Chuck suddenly flew into the window. Jazz looked at him and was shocked. His wing was severly lacerated. Chuck then drew out a small keyboard and began to type. "Bird Land is under attack, send re-enforcments quickly." Jazz said "We've got little time. Ready an attack party, the birds are our allies and they need help." Radiarch said sharply "We just came out of combat at Cortorhal and our troops need rest. If you are so eager as to leap back into the fray then you shall do it with your own resources." Radiarch turned around and stormed out of the meeting room.

Current time: 11:49 P.M
Location: Warp gate to Bird Land

Jazz looked around at the 20 some odd ppl who decided to aid him. Spaz and lori are also here helping to arm and organize their troops. The engineer came up to Jazz and states "The warp gate is prepared, are you sure you are ready, you are going in with only 24 or so troops?" Jazz looks around. "I'm sure we will be able to suffice" "Ok but remember, nobody's got your back in case you need help." Jazz and his "army" steps through the portal.

Current time: moments later
Location Bird Land

Jazz's army steps out of the portal. They look around. It seems like the whole planet is shaking, and the sky is blocked out by smoke and char. The roost they are on top of seems to be fairly close to the main battle field. Below them, the forest is burning and flocks of birds are in a mass retreat. Suddenly, the roost gets hit by a bomb and it begins to collapse. Jazz calls for a flock of birds to save them and soon they are being safely taken towards the next choke point.

Last edited by Strato; Aug 4, 2003 at 08:40 AM.


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Aug 4, 2003, 05:29 AM
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Ooh. Looks good.

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Aug 4, 2003, 08:33 AM
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You can expect the next update tommarow, it's a biggie. But for now I give you this.

And now for a short interlude

Current time: 5:00 P.M.
Location: Strato's computer
Sever: Spazzy Man City

Strato is racing across the battlefield. "Must collect coins!" he thinks. Suddenly, Labratkid looms in the darkness. "Your time has come!" he screams and he begins to up fire upon foo strato. "Erragh!" Strato cries. He returns fire but to no avail. LRK dosn't let up. He retreats into cell's suite to get the only carrot in the level. He restores his life but he is quite shaken up. Strato jumps back into the fray and runs for more coins. But then Pyromanus comes out of nowhere and begins to fire on our hapless hero. Being greatly injured he retreats into the store and buys a coin to save his money from being wasted. Then the merciful god that is Spazzyman turns on the death controller, and our hero ventures out to recollect coins, for the auction starts in 5 minutes...
Old Aug 4, 2003, 09:22 PM
This message has been deleted by Strato.

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Aug 5, 2003, 11:06 AM
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As a special treat i'm going to leave some of the random things I normally remove, like stuipid little comments I add while typing. After typing this, I think my brain was formatted, so you can expect stupid interludes for the next few days.

Back to the Story

Chapter 3

Battle at Bird Land

Current time: 3:13 A.M.
Location: Bird Land, Kiris pass

Jazz and his "army" lands in front of Kiris Pass, where the next battle will probably begin. Jazz begins to look at his surroundings. 2 large mountains on either side of a wide valley. It was really rough and rocky here and vegetation was scarce. The winds here chilled him to the bone and felt like knives on his skin. Still, he needed to organize his force and set up proper defence. A bird flew over to him and perched on a rock, got out his keyboard and began to type "Greetings Jazz, it's good to see you. The turtles will take at least 3 days to get here, so that gives us time to rest and prepare. Beyond this pass is one of our industrial citys and we can't afford to lose it. This battle will be very important but our morale seems to be up and we should have no time restocking. We should easly be able to defeat them here." Jazz nodded and turned towards his troops. "Alright my army, we can rest for now but tom..." His entire army was already fast asleep.

Current time: 11:48 A.M.
Location: Bird Land, Kiris pass

Jazz's troops are now fully awake and Jazz himself is off having a confernce with the bird captain of this area. Spaz walks amongst the troops and helps them get prepared for the upcoming assult. Lori comes out from her recon around the mountain pass. "Not a turtle in sight." She says to Spaz. Spaz nods and continues to help the troops.


Jazz steps into the meeting room. Flip and some other birds are already there drinking nectar and talking about the big game last night. Jazz sits down and a waiter flies over to him, holding a small glass of carrot juice. He takes a sip and looks at some random maps sprawled across the table. Finally the door opens and a bird flies in. The bird is dark dark blue, almost black, with Green eyes. He is wearing very heavy looking golden armor across chest and has a rocket launcher strapped to his wing. He glides into the room and perches across the table from you and chirps "I am sorry for being late Flip, but ran into a small bit of resistence along the way. These new comers don't seem to like us very much, what is going on?" Flip replies "shgf(Drax), these are the turtles we warned you about. Jazz defeated their leader a small time ago and now they seem to be on a rampage, killing and conquering everything in sight." Drax closes his eyes and sighs. "I knew meddling in the affairs of Jackrabbits would only result in our demise. Yet you wouldn't listen." Jazz suddenly injerjects "Wait, you said you had run into some troubles along the way here. If you are a bird then how come you couldn't have just flown away." Draz turned on Jazz and said "They were on crude flying mechanisms" Scilence rang over the meeting room. Then it struck Jazz. It would take days for turtles to arrive here on land, but how long would it take for them to arrive in flying machines. Realizing this Jazz fled from the room, hoping he wasn't to late.

Current time: 12:37 P.M.
Location: Bird Land, Kiris pass

Jazz came running back into the pass thinking the worst. The valley loomed into his sight, and he gasped. Everyone was still there, setting up defenses. He came up to Spaz and asked "Spaz, has anything happened yet?" "No" Spaz answered. "Why?" Jazz said "I heard that the turtles have built flying devices and they may be arriving any second." Spaz laughed and replied "Bro, you need to lighten up. We are well prepared to withstand any attack. Land, sea, or air." He turned around and began to walk away. Jazz sighed, and sat down on a rock.

Current time: 6:17 P.M.
Location: Bird Kand, Kiris pass

BOOM! Jazz jerks awake and looks around. Wham! He crashed back down to the earth. The rock he was sleeping on literally exploded. Admist the dust he heard the sounds of Blaster fire and got out his own gun. He Stood up and ran towards the sound of the battle feild. When he emerged from the dust and smoke, noticed a large force of lizards flying about the pass. While most where being shot down, many were still making their way towards the city. Jazz loading some seekers into his gun and began to fire on the swarm of lizards. A group of fallen lizards began to circle Jazz, but Lori came up and shot them all down. Lori turned to Jazz and said "We won't be able to get rid of all of the Lizard from down here." Jazz reeled in frustration, trying to think of someway to stop the lizards. He said "We must do as much damage to them as we possibly can, how many do you think are coming this way?" Lori answered "We estimate 14,897 lizards are approaching us." They stood in scilence for a second, and Jazz began to fire on the swarm again. Lori turned around and ran back towards the front lines.

*Phew, too much typing. My keyboard must hate me*

Jazz fallowed Lori and continued to fire seekers at the lizards. When they arrived at the front lines, Jazz noticed that the turtle ground force was already approaching them. "This dosn't look too good. We need re-enforcements." Spaz reported. "I think I can supply that need." Jazz looked up and saw Drax and a few birds flying towards them. "You worry about the ground force, I'll take out the lizards. "Jazz readied his blaster on top of some crates set up as a make shif barricade. He popped a few fast fire augments into his gun and began to fire. The turtles seemed impervious to their pathetic attempts and continued to storm up the hill towards them. The birds overhead where decimating their opponents with strange laser type weaponry. The land mines set up ahead of them were of little use, as the turtles relentlessly charged. Jazz yelled "FALL BACK!" and his army turned and ran towards their secondary defence. Within seconds, the turtles had overran the previous blockade and where already piling into the vally. Bombs are detonating all around them and sevral rabbits are directly hit. The remainder of the army pile into the bunkers and begin firing on the turtles yet again. The combat rages on, and the turtles begin to directly attack their bunkers. Many turtles are killed, and finally they retreat, but they left a mark upon their army. Out of the 28 soldiers they had, 5 survived, bird casulties were in the 100's, and Spaz was nowhere to be found. Jazz relaxed about a hair until suddenly, the turtles came charging back. They had no choice but to run back into the city, collect villagers, and teleport back to their main base.

Current time: 2:22 P.M. , 2 days after the battle at Kiris pass
Location: Bird Land command center

Jazz was walking down the cold steel hallways of the command center. The building itself is basicly a hollowed out mountain, and the peak of this particular mountain almost brakes the strato-sphere. The walls of the command center are lined with doors and special transit warps which allow you to slide any distance ranging from 11 inches to 11 miles almost instantly, and the floor is nice and carpeted. But Jazz's mind is elsewhere, wonder where Spaz could be. As he walks aimlessly down the hallways, Drax slides out of a shadow. "Greetings, jackrabbit." He says. "We have gotten our reports from various cities, and we are calling a meeting in the main hall to discuss our next plan. Fallow me." He steps into a crack inside a wall which would be wide enough for a piece of paper. Jazz tries to step into it and...He is suddenly in a chair at the meeting room (Again, I need to think of something more original) in a great hall. On both walls long banners hang and statues are seemingly everywere. The floor is made of the finest marble, and there seems to be a small ditch where water is running through. Vegetation seems to be growing out of random places in the room, and the table is made out of an exotic material which isn't found on Carrotus. A robot floats over to Jazz and offers him a Tab. He drinks it and then looks towards the other people in the room. Drax, Flip, Chuck, and a few other birds. Drax clears his voice and says "Well it seems like everyone has arrived. Now as it currently stands the turtles have taken control over 14 out of our 18 major countries and are advancing on us right now. As you can see we hardly stand a chance if they can simply absorb casulties like they do. We have only one option, leave our homeland and escape to the Jackrabbit Homeworld.

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Aug 6, 2003, 08:05 AM
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This lack of feedback is annoying me.
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Sep 23, 2003, 03:36 PM
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*reads it*

OK, this is the first story I have ever read here, so sorry if anything goes wrong with my comments.

I LOVE IT SO FAR! It was a great crossover between something I can see in the game (the warp to the birdland...awww...good old days) and something fictional. I can imagine almost everything in it, though some characters seem to be a bit unknown to me.

I'd definitely love to see more of it ^_^

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Sep 23, 2003, 03:45 PM
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ahem, I thought I killed this...Oh well, this is topic revival of a dead story which really sucks when you think about it. I advise you delete your reply.
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Sep 23, 2003, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Infinite Spaz
ahem, I thought I killed this...Oh well, this is topic revival of a dead story which really sucks when you think about it. I advise you delete your reply.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

<i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds.

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Sep 23, 2003, 03:51 PM
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Sep 24, 2003, 06:26 AM
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In other words it has potential.
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Sep 25, 2003, 07:33 AM
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Oh please, I really like the story. I am not going to delete my reply, I'll even bug you until you write more ^_^

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Sep 25, 2003, 12:57 PM
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It will take a lot of bugging for me to post my next chapter. But It's not important because I already have one in the making, but unless I feel that it is really good It's staying on my hard drive.
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Sep 27, 2003, 03:12 PM
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*treatens you with seekers*

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Sep 29, 2003, 07:57 AM
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more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more

Is that enough persuation?
What goes HAHAHA-clunk?
A droid laughing its head off

Only Death holds a secret--Zazz Darkfist

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Sep 29, 2003, 12:57 PM
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Sep 30, 2003, 06:12 AM
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And y'were so sure it would be, too, Zazzyboy.
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Sep 30, 2003, 11:30 AM
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I haven't read this, but please continue.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

<i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds.

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Sep 30, 2003, 03:50 PM
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Thats a good example why I killed this. Nobody was even reading it.


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Oct 1, 2003, 05:44 AM
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I read it.
4I read it.
Hardtana read it.
Zazz read it.

How can you SAY that?

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Oct 1, 2003, 07:02 PM
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If you really wanted me to update it, why didn't you say something before I killed it.

Fine, I'll see if I can dig up and rewrite the chapter...>(


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Oct 2, 2003, 05:36 AM
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How were WE to know you were killing it? 4I takes months on his chapters, I thought you were doing the same.

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Oct 2, 2003, 01:22 PM
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The magic file deleting fearies chose my text file...>(
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Oct 3, 2003, 06:28 AM
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