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Uuummm....War Stories Might Be Back? - by various people


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Aug 3, 2001, 04:50 PM
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ARG!!!!! just cause i accidentally opened a jpg on my desktop before i posted my part, I LOST THE WHOLE PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bah, oh well, i'll just host cannibal feud...

maybe that will make me feel better


BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ, being somewat drained from the warping of the tavern, decided to host canibal feud...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ turned on the mike, then with the snap of his fingers, he was in the usual gamehost outfit*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: ladies and gentlebunnies, lil' wabbits and other things, i present to u...


BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Cannibal Feud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with ur host, BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ!!!

*the crowd cheered*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: and today, the opponent will be... Total Terror Toad, a.k.a. TTT!

*the crowd booed at him*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: and our challenger is... Slayer, come on up! u havn't been a canibal in a while, so thus, u must play!

(perfect person for it to, considering Slayer usually acts all rugged )

*The crowd cheers to the max*

*Slayer walks up onto the platform, pulling off his shirt to not get it dirty*

TTT: I'm going to rip ur kidney out with my pinky, and then squish ur eyeballs with my thumb, with one hand tied behind my back! watcha have to say to that?!?!?!

*Slayer just stood there, and then spit on TTT's foot*

TTT: Why i outta...

*TTT lunges at Slayer*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Oi! It's not starting time!

*with BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ's hand, he projects a magic hold over TTT, and slams him to the ground*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: ok, cannibals, get ready... 3... 2... 1...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ shoots off a green spark over the arena*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Go!!!

*TTT then jumped into the air, stomping onto slayer's stomach, smashing him to the ground*

TTT: and i thought u rabbits were fast, heh!

*this was all according to Slayer's plan*

Slayer: Nimwit, u won't see wat's coming!

*Slayer then grabs the toad's ankles, biting off his feet, free toes flying out into the audience*


*just then, the toad bit Slayer's ear*

*slayer laughed*


Slayer: u don't have teeth!

TTT: Uh Oh...

*Slayer then bit open the toads stomach, blood and guts spilling everywhere*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: We havn't seen quite as good of a show like this in a while, folks! i give slayer the Gore Award, erm... make that the Blood Award!

*so slayer ensued his munching of the victim that was the toad, while most covered thier ears cause of the continued agonizing screams, until slayer finally pulled out the toad's vocal cords*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: it seems that the Toad is dead... FREE EATZ FOR ALLZ!

*all of a sudden, the audience flooded the stage, unfortunately slayer being knocked outta the way*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: hey slay, catch!

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ throws the blood covered gold medalion, enscribed "Blood Award"*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: and that's another show of Cannibal Feud! As Rocky Raccoon used to say... This is BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ, signing off!

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ then apparated to behind his shop counter, helping some cutstomers*


this was much shorter than my original post, which was erased in cyberspace.

HA! i got the begining of page 12!

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Aug 4, 2001, 06:10 AM
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Unknown zoomed through the air. I don't know on what, but he did. Kovu launched himself at his feet and they came crashing to the roof as Ducky blinked, and stabbed the air with her pocket protector borrowed from Gen.. who twirled the box that said 'SAV TEH DUKKY FUND' (with backward k's) and said "Enemies! Taverners! Fellow oxymorons! Lend me you-" Unknown was catapulted into the box, which was much to small for him to fit into but that didn't matter.Gen started to throw a fit, saying that Unknown interrupted him and he did NOT say to put yourSELF in the box, but if you had only listened you would have...someone passing with a cabbage swatted him briskly and volunteered him for the next act. Kovu awoke under the table, realizing it was not Unknown's legs he was clinging to but the chair's. Ducky realized that there was a post she hadn't read and quickly put a dime in the SAV TEH DUKKY FUND with backward k's box and fled.

Beau glared around. "Hey, I had a post here, no one read it or something??"

Ducky yelled over her shoulder at the angry modbs,

"Kovu spams!" And they all turned.

Whoa, that was interesting..

remember? (:

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Aug 4, 2001, 09:38 AM
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we need more of that, the stuff that makes completely no sense (refer to my sig).



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Aug 4, 2001, 09:42 AM
So everyone sat down to a warm meal cooked by the new Bar Tender *cries* Slayer with the help of never-around NightFire. It was delicious, a steak and rhuebarb pie , with turnip dumplings and boiled brussel sprouts for dessert. After that, they sat all around the fire telling ghost stories and scaring the little ones to bed. Everything was right again, or almost, and as the Taverners got sleepy, no one noticed that Kovu started to wheeze. And cough. And turn purple. Finally, Ducky got sleepy and turned to give Kovu a hug before she went to bed. As he keeled over (and\or fell over), he breathed his last words, "It was the Brussel Sprouts!"

Or something.

Well everyone was quite disturbed by this. I mean heck, just cause all Kovey every said was "Hmmmmm" doesn't mean they wanted him dead. He was an all around nice guy.

"They should have killed Velkasha!" Ducky sobbed on her husband's body.

"Can I have his boots now?" Lancie asked politely when the tears had subsided.
Yanagi VelKasha

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Aug 4, 2001, 11:08 AM
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"Curse you!" shouted VelKasha. "killing me does no good. I'm a ghost, silly. And besides, what would my sweetheart say?"

Everyone stared at her.

Sweetheart? Who is that?

Ducky feels rather Evil.....I see....or was it BlackSheep's fault? Why does everyone want to kill me!? Why can't I simply be who I am?

Yanagi VelKasha

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Aug 4, 2001, 11:15 AM
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"Eating that kind of food is not what I intended to do " coughed VelKasha, who had suddenly begun to start choking and wheezing, and turning purple. "what evil food, that's all i care to say st the *cough* moment. I'm not letting my sweetheart eat this kind of food *cough*, no." *cough cough cough*

My brother wants to try pygmy lawn bowling. Is that all right with you people? sweetheart is the one and only ElectroPiZZa....please don't tell anyone!

Ummm...*cough cough* Okay....I basically told everyone...but if you poison him, I'm going to get really mad. *cries loudly*
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Aug 4, 2001, 02:18 PM
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But suddenly there was a burst of light, and BlackSheep realized everything was quite familiar.."The median!" She shouted suddenly, startling the lot of us. Lancie babbleing in his ridiculous brit-speak tried to calm her and Velkasha tried to strangle a tree. Ducky yelped and jumped away as Beau "apparated(??)" into their cozy atmosphere. "Hey! What'd I miss?" He'd missed nothing[of interest], but Slay and Night Fire had misplaced the tabasco sauce with the highly alchoholic pepermint extract and were now clutching each others' paws and careening around the 'Tavern singing, "Hey come on!(come on) And wreck my car! Hey come on! (come...)" And so on.

Kovu stirred and woke up the color of Ducky's fur. "My HAIR!" she screeched. VelKasha now collapsed, also turning purple, and everyone except Slay and Nigh'F, who had adjourned to their kitchen during the meal to dine on cold cereal laced with chocolate icing and the tabasco sauce that wasn't. Because they didn't really trust their own cooking. They hadn't really managed to sort out Ducky's odd categorization since Slay's recent election and they sometimes put things in they didn't mean to.

remember? (:
Yanagi VelKasha

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Aug 4, 2001, 03:06 PM
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Bwahahaha....VelKasha, who hates purple, coughed and then turned white.

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Aug 4, 2001, 07:57 PM
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*remembers that somebody called him Gen*



The Tavern wall exploded and Devan's snowshipâ„¢ appeared.

Many rabbits armed themselves. But a white flag suddenly appeared over the ship.

GenEX:"I've been expecting you..."

Devan Shell stepped forth carrying his brother's carcuss.

Devan:"Then you know why I am here, right?"

GenEX nodded.

GenEX:*whistles*Exterminator, JazzWeapon, Atma, and BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ. Over here."

The rabbits stared in awe as the 5 formed a pentagon shape and a pentagon form of energy appeared in the center of them. A light from above came thru the roof and fell on Shellion's body.

Shellion:"..............Ungh, mmmmmmph..."

Everybody gasped.

Shellion then snapped out of unconsious state.

Shellion:*stands up*"Where am I...? HUH?"

*Readies gun*

Devan:"Shellion, NO!"


Devan:"Although I hate to say it, the rabbits just saved your life."

Shellion:"....... Ok, Ok, We'll back off... for now. You've won the battle, but not the war. We'll be back, right Devan?"


BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ, GenEx and co.:"WE'LL BE READY."

The Snowshipâ„¢ then left at a blinding speed.

GenEX:"Ummmmmmm........ PARTY!!!"


BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ and GenEX:"Whew."
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 4, 2001, 11:29 PM
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*Batty Buddy came up behind BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ*

Batty Buddy: BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ...

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Yes?

Batty Buddy: why did u guys ressurect Devan Shell's brother, one of our many arch-enemies?

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ, who was kinda foggy minded right now, just started jabbering wat he knew*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: well, Batty Buddy, see... the forces of evil and the forces of good are not currently balanced... as myself being a designated neutral, even i mostly fight on the side of good, Shellion needed to be revived to put the balance in order again, for because after Shellion and Devan go back to thier HQ, they will... HEY, why am i telling u all this?

*slaps himself on his forehead*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: STUPID! STUPID! i almost broke the laws of neutrality... get away, Batty! ur evil interigation tactics won't work on me!

Batty Buddy: Right... i think i will go get a drink...

*Batty walks off towards the bar counter*

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ slumps over to behind his counter, and pours himself a goblet of Sindarin Wine*

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ sips the goblet, feeling some of his mana return to him*

Cloaked Figure: Excuse me, sir?

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: yes, how can i help u?

Cloaked Figure: I'd like to order everything on this list...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ looked at the rather long list, listing many high tech destructive devices*

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ eyed the dark cloaked figure*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: u know this is going to cost u, right?

Cloaked Figure: Yes... How about...

*the cloaked figured drops a see-through sphere on the counter, which holding in it is liquid Ultranite*(a liquid metalic substance, which is considered a very rare and valuable metal for it's ease to build with and durability)

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: hmmmmmmmm.... wat else do u got to offer?

*the cloaked figured drops a LFG Dragonite Litmited edition siries blaster on the table*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: u drive a good bargain...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ sniffs the air, smelling a great stench*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: turtle... i shall sell u these supplies, but that is all... i am only a vendor, do not get me involved, and no warranty on those parts...

*the evil grin can be seen through the hood*

Cloaked Turtle: Deal...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ has his droids load all the equpment onto the hover transport waiting outside, which then the transport departs with haste*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Interesting who villans go to these days for thier stuff...
Yanagi VelKasha

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Aug 5, 2001, 09:36 AM
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I think I'm flying in the air.




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Aug 5, 2001, 10:04 AM
What a glorious feeling.


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Aug 5, 2001, 11:09 AM
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*orders a super large size carrot cream soda*

GenEX:Who wants to play at the brand spankin new war tavern N64 game center?

(Note: The names that I call mean you cannot say you don't wanna write about it. If you don't like it, I'll drop rubber chickens on you).

SlaYer, Psycho, and Cobra:We do!

GenEX:*tries to make a joke*Ummmmm...I dunno if 3 people can get married at the same time...

They all looked disgusted.

GenEX:Nevermind! Now then, BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ, we need a host for this tourney!

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ:I'll do it.

The group walked into the room with the big, shiny Nintendo logo printed above the doorway.

GenEX:A half-colloseum shaped arena so the audience may watch.

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ:*points finger around them* Check.

GenEX:A 6' telivision moniter.

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ:*points finger in front of them*Check.

GenEX:N64 consoles and controllers with SSB cartridge.

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ:*points at TV*Check.

GenEXverhead status moniter and larger television so audience can see.


GenEXecent spacing and barrier around this part of the arena.


GenEX:I believe we're ready!

*crowd cheers*


I'd like BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ to continue by hosting the tourney. And note that I'll be playing as Kirby. And I'm VERY VERY VERY good at the game with him. Er, continue this please.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Aug 6, 2001, 06:23 AM
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The bored spectators got much more raucous and drunker. Several brawls broke out as they awaited Beau.

"Ooh, I want some of these-" a rabbit yanked up a handful of carrots. Ducky launched herself at him, screeching and clawing."Those are MY CARROTS!!! I RAISED THEM FROM SEEDS"

A bloody fight ensued.

The evening wore on, and out, and into night.

An enormous moon rose, and the atmosphere in the 'Tavern grew decidedly more alchoholic.

The old jukebox rattled on.


remember? (:

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Aug 6, 2001, 09:36 AM
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*Editor's Note: what Ducky said happened did not happen because it didn't involve the actual event and it was pointless yet not even funny. Besides, I asked BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ to post next as a host. So it wouldn't be fair(no offense meant to The Duck).*
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 6, 2001, 09:46 AM
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Sorry, you can't reserve plots or posts here. What comes comes, and you are going to have to deal with the posts made.
please leave the satanic fish alone

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Aug 6, 2001, 09:54 AM
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Geez, I wonder how many people would actually reply to MY ******* plot twists.*sob*
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Yanagi VelKasha

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Aug 7, 2001, 02:17 PM
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I think I just fell through the roof of the War Tavern while flying in the air. Is that all right with you folks? I didn't mean to interrupt anything....Whoever stole Ducky's carrots had better give them back....mmmm...I'm intoxicated....whoo hooo.....
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Aug 7, 2001, 03:46 PM
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YOU're intoxicated. I think I better get my stomach pumped. I'm assuming rubbing acohold is poisonous? I guess I shouldn't have sanitized anything that was in my mouth.

The onlookers were brawling in the streets.


remember? (:

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Aug 7, 2001, 03:49 PM
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*wonders where the host is*


*grabs a uniform*

I'm selling Carrot Cream Soda for only 1.00 cc!

*gets lots of buyers*

B's got competition
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 7, 2001, 06:03 PM
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sorry, my best friend is over, and it's been a long time since i've seen him, since he moved to LA. anyhow, he's been taking advatage of my satelite (cable fast) modem, downloading Password: Swordfish and Castaway, and hoping to find Rush Hour 2 for download that actually IS Rush Hour 2. anyhow, now that the Simpsons is on, i think i can get on and post . btw, Ducky's post DID count. now... *cracks knuckles* my awaited post

(Note: For all those who don't know, SSB = Super Smash Brothers (no, not Kirby's clan))


as the barfight continued, BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ figured he'd make an ever so famous, War Tavern entrance

*the tavern door flew off it's hinges, knocking Batty Buddy out cold*

*then red smoke appeared out of the entrance, putting all the drunk rabbits in a daze of awe*

Voice: Ladies and Gentleman, Lil' wabbits and... erm... other stuff! i present to u... another Edition of Jazz Sports Night!

*Everyone recognized the voice as BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: This is ur host, BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ!

*the crowd cheered again, some hurling from realizing they were majorly drunk*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Today is a JSN special event, tis not a duel of the skill of the gun, but a duel of Button Mashing, Stategy, and just pretty much bashing the other person's polygons outta each other's fighters! I present to u... Super Smash Brothers Tournament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*the crowd cheered louder*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: today, our contestants... GenEX, Cobra, and Slayer!!! of course... this is only 3 contestants, so we need a 4th...

*everyone actually raised thier hands this time*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: which means, i shall bring a new contestant... not of carrotus...

*there were still a lot of hands raised

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: and not in this room...

*everyone started running outside*


e hem... anyhow, i present...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ turns on his plot whole director and throws a plot hole onto the floor*

*then a Japanese human in his late 30s, earlyer 40s, wearing a buisness suit walks out of it*

Japanese Person: *japanes Jibberish*... Where am i?

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: You are in the Wartavern!

Japenese Person: Pardon?

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: bah...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ pulls out a translator and puts it on the Japanese person's throat*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: you are in the wartavern!

Japenese Person: How did i get here?

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: i am, erm... from the Future! also an alternate reality... anyhow...

*puts mike up to his mouth again*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: I also present the 4th contestant... Shieguru Miyomoto!!!

*the crowd is baffled*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: shame on all of u, for not knowing this great gaming Genius! He is basically Nintendo's best Game Designer! He is the Idea Man of Nintendo, the creator of Zelda and director of many other Nintendo Games!

(Real Life Note: This dude is like, my role model, heh. He is the reason why i wanted to pursue a career somewhere in the gaming industry since i was 4. If ANYONE disses him, i shall litterally cut ur throat, then use the vocal cords for guitar strings!)

*the crowd then cheers, now knowing who this person was*

Shieguru Miyamoto: Wait... i am in the Future? and Nintendo still lives?

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: of course it does, and ur going to be playing Super Smash Brother against our home competitors!

SM: really? WoW! wat year is this?

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: erm... well... it's hard to say according to the Ancient human calendar... so i cannot say, currently...

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: anyhow, here is ur seat... ur controller...

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: one this is missing those... ah, yes... these monitors are outdated...

GenEX: wat?

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: yes, let me replace them with my more favorite ones...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ goes behind the tavern bar, and presses a red button under the counter*

*Auto Turrets started popping out*

Auto Turret Computer: Life forms detected, iniitating attack in 5...

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: oops, wrong button!

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ presses the red button again, and then presses the blue button, which causes the Halo Table to pop out of the floor, and hovering Halo Discs, with minature halos on them, hovering around the area*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Now... Everybunny, the moment u've been waiting for... Super Smash Brothers Tournament!

*the game popped up, completly 3D*

*Everyone started picking thier characters*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: and now thier picking thier characters... it seems GenEX has picked Ness, Slayer has picked Captain Falco, Cobra has picked Samus, and Shieguru Miyamoto has picked Link, in his Silver Suit, my personal favorite!

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Now to start the game... we shall play on Hyrule Castle, because of our special guest.

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: ready.... set... START!

*the mode was picked, regular hit points, 15 lives, weapons including: Light Sabers, Bo-Bombs, Prox. Mines, Lasers, and various other weapons that were preferred*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: it seems to be a very tough battle, while GenEX seems to be very skilled in the ways of SSB, Slayer and Cobra seem a little rusty... Shieguru Miyamoto seems to be playing well also...

*the game continued, now With GenEX with 11 lives, Slayer with 7 lives, Cobra with 8 lives, and SM(Shieguru Miyamoto) with 11 lives*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: this is a very competative game, i might add... GenEX, being an Extraodinary player, and SM winning also, probably from just working at Nintendo, having enough time to test the games, is creating quite a fury... Genex, launching my PK Thunder and PK Fire attacks at Cobra, SM using Spin Sword and the Drop Sword attack much, inflicting much damage. While Cobra using mainly the Summersault bomb attack and Blaster Charge, and Slayer, using mainly the Falco Punch and Falco Kick attack.

*The Game Continued even longer, now closing to almost an end, GenEX with 4 lives, Slayer and Cobra on thier last lives, and SM with 4 lives also*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: It seems this match shall come to a close soon, folks... Uh Oh, it seems than SM and GenEX are ganging up on Cobra

*Cobra, button mashing like crazy, has suddenly was hit across the other side of the arena by GenEX, using his PK Thunder Smash Attack, but then slammed out of the ring by SM, using his Spinning Sword attack*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: and there goes Cobra, now officially out of the Tournament! Only Slayer, SM, and GenEX left now!

*at that second, SM did a Drop Sword Attack on Slayer, and then before Slayer flew outta the ring, GenEX hit him with PK thunder, basically Stealing the kill*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: and that's it for Slayer, now gone outta the game, only leaving GenEX and SM!

*after a while, they were only left, only 1 life each*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: This is it, folks... the final showdown... just 1 life for each of them... who will win this extaordinary battle?

*after much weakening of eachother, they both knocked eachother out to fall for thier deaths on the same side... it looked as if it was going to be a tie...*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: a tie... it can't possibly.. but wait!

*SM then, as a last ditch attempt, did a drop sword attempt, plummeting faster down the pit*

*GenEX Laughed*

*then, SM made a direct hit on top of GenEX's head, causing him to bounce slightly up, and GenEX plummeting into the pit first, SM being declared the winner*

*GenEX frowned*


BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: *cough* erm... we'll see... anyhow... Shieguru Miyamoto IS THE WINNER!!!

*the whole tavern cheered*

*after the tournament was done and over, Shieguru Miyamoto talked with the taverners for a little while, and then realized he was late for an E3 conference, and BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ let him be transported back to the planet earth he knew*

*then, the tavern resumed it's usual status, loud voices jabbering abot the local news, telling Tall Tales, and various other things that we don't mention so we don't sound insane *


bah, next post?

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Aug 7, 2001, 07:49 PM
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Cobra looked at her controllers. Since when did the game controllers have little red eyes and squirming tentacles?

"DIE!" she shouted as she dropped the writhing creature. Mutant cockroach? Octopus? Alien?

Making a mental note to never again play a game she'd never played before, she staggered up to the bar. "Loganberry wine, please!"

Tapping her foot a few, irratated times, she saw that she was on the wrong side of the bar. Hopping over, she proceeded to 'accidently' knock Beauman over.

"Tee hee, sorry dude!" she said, mocking a valley girl as much as possible.

Leaping onto a table, she threw her arms up and proclaimed "SPORKS FOR ALL!"

Well, normally when a girl with really weird hair, weird makeup, and wearing all black (comeplete with fingerless gloves and a cloak) hops onto a table, people stare. But when the psyco hollers something like "sporks for all", people can't help but stare.

Ducky, being the good Bartenderess taht she is, proceeded to pull the table out from under her.

"None of that!" Ducky said, whacking her over the head with her nifty staff.

Cobra proceeded to go off and sulk inthe corner.
please leave the satanic fish alone

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Aug 8, 2001, 06:07 AM
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GenEXMRT was fed up with everybody killing themselves just so a stupid game would finish(or at least start).

GenEX:The event is cancelled.

All the rabbits cheered and ran over GenEX.

Sobbing, he went to a closet-like place in the Tavern, put up a sign and closed the door.

The sign read:


Need a pick-me-up, somebody help cheer me up.

I feel so angry at this Tavern that I feel

like destroying the Tavern and all the heart-

less rabbits with it. Unless I make a friend

here soon, I may do something horrible, so

please have pity and be my friend or do some-

thing nice for me. It's not right to let

another rabbit miss out on all the fun, but

if I don't have any friends here, then what

good will being there do when they treat you

like you don't exist. This is not a joke, I

need a friend here soon. I'm very lonely...


*note: I really am friend-less here, so the sign isn't just for the story*
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 8, 2001, 11:19 AM
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*puts up another sign*




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Aug 8, 2001, 12:09 PM
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Aug 8, 2001, 01:06 PM
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*has none*
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 8, 2001, 06:24 PM
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Kovu aimlessly wanders through the immense throng of Taverners. It's been, what, three days, since all this rot started and he's rather tired, so, since he can't leave(due to the fact that ANTI-TUBBS came again when no one was looking and covered the Tavern in bricks again) he finds the closet and falls in.

"Ow!" Someone shouts.

"Hey, this is a one rabbit closet!" Kovu snapps.

"I was here first!" It's apparently Gen.

Kovu sticks his head out tha' door and reads the sign.

"Aww, yousa lonely? I've got just the thing."

Kovu signals Beauman and he uses his ultra spiffy amount of technology and turns part of the Tavern into the Jerry Springer show...

"Today," Beauman hostifies, as people take seats,

"We have a lonely person who uh...found his way inside the tavern and want's to join in the fun or something like that, anyone with a similair problem?"

Tanpopo, Sakura, Tubbs, Timothy, Velkasha, that general person, raises there hand.

"I do!"

"Well c'mon down!"

As the show continues on(someone continue it, or not, whatever)Kovu creeps behind into the SSB thingy and steals(hah, what else would he be doing?) the nintendo and the game and the controllers and the mini-tv for

good measure.

Shigeru Miyamoto walks up,

"Hey, whatever yer name is, you've got something in you're back (he's ofcourse, referring to the hump caused by the nintendo crap)

"Huh? Wha? No, no."

"But it's right there," Shigeru Mitamoto reaches to feel it, prehaps suspecting something, prehaps not(hey, using parentheses is fun!)

"Ah, no, no, better not,, uh, contagious, y'know..."


Lol, but serious Gen(in refrence to the sign thingy, wee, I love parens) if you just post like everyone else and not try to take over the story(meaning, if someone posts something contradictory, you just have to go with it, more paren action)

and that should work.


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Aug 9, 2001, 06:06 AM
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*wants to be in cannibal feud*
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 9, 2001, 08:03 AM
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And Nintendo stuff is NOT crap!

I could lecture you about the HISTORY of it, which is VERY long, but I won't do that here...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Tha Psycho

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Aug 9, 2001, 08:07 AM
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Darkness began to rise upon Psycho and his existance continued in Rage of Evil. The guy himself understood he was called by his own mind. The inner struggle began to rise when suddenly the dark room was filled with mirrors. He began to look around, finding the mirror reflecting his true face. He heard feet coming upon him and he quickly looked around him. A wraith walked towards him and grabbed a knife. He held it high and Psycho backed off, avoiding the knife's way to him. The fight begun...

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Aug 9, 2001, 09:40 AM
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Tyffiez walks into the war tavern quietly, caring not to disturb anyone. She walks to some seat far away from the others, sits onto it, puts her gun on the bar and waits till somethin happens? yah. hehe... (dont ask ;p)
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Aug 9, 2001, 11:35 AM
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Ducky sniffled at Cobra. I am NOT the Bartendigeress, " she stated, messed up her words."I believe if you want a drink he's the one to ask," she pointed at Cobra's Ex. Cobra stomped on the edge of her six-inch heels and toppled over. From the floor, tangled in her cloak, she hollered,"He cheated me out of my widescreen tv! I speak not to such doers of evil!" She carried on in this manner for a few more minutes and then stretched a fingerless-glove garbed paw up and snatched someone's drink off the table.

Slay tried to break up the raging battle which now involved more then the original contenders(who did not exist), and every now and then a paw of The Psycho's would stick out of the roiling mass of fur and clamp onto another rabbit's ear or nose.

Kiki, extremely drunk on the Loganberry wine that had been placed for Cobra by unseen hands on the counter(undoubtedly NF's), now proceeded to launch herself over the tables by the rickety chendeliers, and Ducky, because of her past attachmant to them started clobbering her with Cobra's Metallic fuschia rod of administration.

Tyffay idley scratched her nose and rubbed at something attached to her fingernail. A small timid bunny waitress approached and handed her a martini.

Ducky puttered behind the bar until Slay spotted her and started on into a tirade.

All was chaos..

remember? (:

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Aug 9, 2001, 11:40 AM
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GenEX then sees that he can do something now. He puts up his barrier and joins the brawling. In 2 minutes, he was the only rabbit still up on its feet.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 9, 2001, 11:40 AM
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GenEX then sees that he can do something now. He puts up his barrier and joins the brawling. In 2 minutes, he was the only rabbit still up on its feet.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 9, 2001, 11:40 AM
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GenEX then sees that he can do something now. He puts up his barrier and joins the brawling. In 2 minutes, he was the only rabbit still up on its feet.

And no they weren't dead.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Avalanche [Rage of Evil]

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Aug 9, 2001, 01:47 PM
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Avalanche closes his eyes and places himself in Psycho's world of trance. Telepathic connected they see eachother in the world. Avalanche sees the wraith and walks to him. He gives the wraith an uppercut and the wraith lies high in the air. He keeps floating and returns to the ground. Like nothing happened he grabs his knife again and runs to Avalanche. Psycho tackles him and grabs his knife. In one crazy twist he puts the knife in the wraith's back. The wraith falls down and crawls up. He pulls the knife out of his back and looks at it. He licks the blood from the cold steel and it looks like he found pleasure in it. He grabs another knife and walks to the two. 'You can't defeat the inner aggression. I am you, Psycho. I am you, Avalanche. I am all, i am victorious. As long as you keep fighting me, as long as you fight yourself. Every move is worthless and now i've got to say goodbye. One slash with my knife...' The wraith held his knife high and tried to stab Psycho and Avalanche quickly. They undermined his attack and turned around. The gfight had found its balance again. PSycho and Avalanche face to face with the wraith. A person which could change their lives. For always.
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Aug 9, 2001, 01:48 PM
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Then a brick fell on GenEXMRT and he keeled over onto the pile of other bodies. ANTI-TUBBS used his super huge magnet to pick up the tavern as it was rather attached to the impossibly metal bricks and then dumped it in the river. If Tubbs had been in there, whoever he was, that should have finished him. Pity about all the innocent creatures in there, though.
Tha Psycho

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Aug 9, 2001, 02:12 PM
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Into trance they were. Both Psycho as Avalanche knew the danger they were facing, but how can you find a medicine for a disease that doesn't exist. They realised all the hurt they caused eventually went to them. When they thought they were killing the wraith, they were killing their own darkside. A side you need, because you have to stand up for yourself sometimes. Psycho wandered between always and never. Between above and beyond. Fighting a demon that was inside his head. The sweat came down his face and he looked at Avalanche. Due these circumstances Avlanche still looked like he was cold as ice, unbreakable and unmoveable. Avlanche was looking the same way to Psycho, tried to keep himself strong, while some paranoid feelings were eating him from within. The wraith walked away from the two and faced a mirror. Then something strange happened. Everwhere Psycho and Avalanche looked, they saw the wraith. Then they saw the image fade and appearings of their friends. 'These will all die if you try to kill me. These are the sacrafices you can make to get yourself together. Make the choice or die of ignorance.' Psycho and Avlanche looked into all those mirrors. 'What about you get the heck out of this place and never show your face again. You don't even have a real purpose of being here, only causing trouble to us. Only terror.', Avlaanche said with a cold face. He walked to the wraith and took off his knife. Psycho did the same the same thing and together they fronted the wraith. 'One thing about life i ahte, is how things can change in a sudden moment. What about you, you idiotly dressed monkeyguy? What about you?', Psycho sarcastically grinned. The wraith took his cap off and showed his face. One half Psycho's face and the other half Avalanche's face. He held his hand shigh and tried to create a fireball. 'Or we all die or just you two', he said. 'You can't win, guys. YOU JUST DON'T HAVE THE GUTS!!!', he yelled. Psycho and Avalanche threw there knives with great power. The knifes flew through the air and clashed through the wraith hart cross-wise. 'one thing i hate about wraith's...', Psycho said. '...Is that they just ain't got that something special.' They bowed over their trophee and looked at the wraith's face disappearing. Avlanche and Psycho shaked hands. Everything slowly became back to normal and Avalanche and Psycho found themselves back home. They opened their eyes and the first thing they saw was eachother. The first thing they heard was a bullet flashing in front of them. The enxt thing was a window breaking and glass splintering through the room. The stood up from their chairs and ducked under the table. 'Never rest? Is there a god? Why me?', Avalanche said. 'Just luck!', Psycho remarked and both they waited down the table. The shots ended.

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Aug 9, 2001, 03:55 PM
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Tyffay idley scratched her nose and rubbed at something attached to her fingernail. A small timid bunny waitress approached and handed her a martini.

Ducky puttered behind the bar until Slay spotted her and started on into a tirade.

Tyffie looked at the waitress and nodded "Thank you." She slowly turned her head towards the action going on there and shook her head with a sigh. She laid her elbows on the bar and stared down at her reflect into the martini as a tear slowly rolled down her cheek, to fall down into the light liquid. Tyffie grabbed the martini and took a few sips out of it. She quickly put it back on the bar and made a sign to the waitress. "Pardon me... How much do I owe you?"

(W00. ;p gotta hate tryin to type well!! ehe anywayz... . .. lack of imagination here. BRING ME SUM!! tehe)

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Aug 9, 2001, 05:11 PM
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GenEXMRT:*still slightly dazed* You wanna know whose bones these are? They're yur bones! My bones! Bones bones! Bone bone bone bone bone bone bone!*snaps out of it*Urg, ENOUGH OF THIS DARNED FIGHTING NOW!!!

A silent thin barrier almost invisible slowly expands around GenEX and every rabbit touched by it fell asleep.

GenEX:I prefer these nonviolent solutions.

Even that Wraith guy was out cold.

GenEX walked over to the box that read "SAV THE DUKKEY FUND!"(with backwards Ks) and deposits huge amounts of gold bars. Then he seals it so it couldn't be robbed.

GenEX:To saving The Duck's fund!

Then GenEX walked over to the stage that just happened to exist and decided to try balancing on one finger(or something else, maybe)for as long as possible. He did it for a considerable time, btw.

After recieving no applause, he kept on going. Somehow, one way or another, he was going to get at least one friend here, and he didn't care what kind of friend it would be.

GenEXmmmmm... mmmhmmmmm... okay.......... YEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUCCCCCHHHHHHH!!!

GenEX had an arrow sticking out of the back of his head. Ducky, who was brave enough to take a look, found that the arrow immidiatly vanished, and no blood was found on his scalp. Before it vanished, she noticed that the arrow had a rather familiar shape to it...

GenEX:*gets up on his feet very quickly* I love you...

Ducky knew that she was in for a LOOOOOOOONG day. And she a bone to pick with Cupid.

Now howabout THAT for a plot change!
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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