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Uuummm....War Stories Might Be Back? - by various people


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Aug 11, 2001, 05:58 PM
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In the middle of all the coonfusion(which was always there), GenEX decided to make a large deposit of exactly 100 lbs. of gold into the box that read "SAV THE DUKKEY FUND!"(with backwards Ks). He didn't know why, but he felt he was going to deposit as much in here as possible. He had no clue what made him do it, but he knew it wasn't the backwards Ks. Maybe something that even the smartest psychic cannot defeat. Maybe it was who it was for that mattered...

Naw, he should've known better. It was because it was the only place to put all the gold he was always lugging around.

GenEX then thought he should do something for his friends.

GenEX called out, "Hey, Beauman, Ducky, come on over here. I got plenty to share."

Ducky was first in line, of course.

"What is it? You wanna propose marriage, GenEX?" asked Ducky.

GenEX replied,"I hate to dissapoint you, but that's not it. Now let Beaumon be first in line.

Beaumon came up and held out his paws.

GenEX told them, "Both of you, close your eyes. Ducky, you're gift will come next."

Ducky squealed with joy.

GenEX reached into a pocket that he had somewhere and brought out a box. He put it on B's paws and told him to open his eyes.

GenEX told him, "This box has a gold bar in it. Reopen it when you take it out, and there will be another one in there.

Beaumon was so happy he hugged GenEX. "OK, OK, calm down B, it's not that much."

Beaumon rushed back to his store and opened his vault and walked in there, opening and closing the box.

"Your turn, Duck."

Ducky eagerly held out her hands and GenEX reached into a pocket and took out a smaller box. He told himself that he would be embarassed if he did this, but he was feeling generous, so he gave it to Ducky and told her to open it. Ducky did so, and was overwhelmed. It was a hand-made golden ring with a large diamond. "I made it oe day, forgetting to make it a magic ring. I decided to keep it in that box until I found a use for it. This is for you."

Ducky was so thrilled, she tackled him and smothered him with kisses. GenEX was so surprised, his face turned red.

Ducky went dancing thru the tavern, forgetting where she was headed, and accidently went thru a door that said "DANGER DO NOT ENTER".

GenEX knew he was going to be the only rabbit able to do this and decided he better do it before he felt too scared of the consequenses. He ran thru the door and took out his blaster. Something evil was in here, and Ducky's carelessness had put both their lives in danger.

Quickly, he barricaded the door with his mind so only he could open/close it. It was time for him to shine.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Violet CLM Violet CLM's Avatar

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Aug 11, 2001, 06:16 PM
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Can I have the gold?
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 11, 2001, 06:42 PM
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Kovu was angry now, and drew a rapier.

"That's it, I've stood idly by whilst yer did all this stuff to me wife, but A RING, now that's goin' to far."

"Have at you!" GenEx drew a rapier. And suddenly, they were wearing those poofy frillly shirts that fences wear and became embroiled in a deadly duel!

"Hey guys, pass the popcorn." Beauman said, as they all gathered round.


Heh, kiddin Gen, kiddin'
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Aug 12, 2001, 06:02 AM
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Ducky tripped over some brooms for a while, but the nuclear warhead NightFire had been storing there for four years seemed to be kind of stale and soggy, fallen into disrepair, so nothing erupted. Emerging with a spiderweb draped around her ear, she flopped down into an empty chair next to Cobra and her cherry table, reaching idly into someone elses box of popcorn and fiddleing with her new ring(which would probably bring quite a fortune in her old age). Torn as to who to cheer for, she stuffed her mouth full of popcorn as an excuse and ordered some hot chocolate from Slayie, who was temporarily detained at the moment because of the amount of Cobra on his lap..

Anyway, the fight continues, slash, cling! fwishyfwishy, kachong, BONG choooof swish swish! Etc.



"Uh-oh. That can't be good."

-Anonymous, speaking on reality

"It floats!"


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Aug 12, 2001, 06:03 AM
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Oh! I claim the fourteenth page!

(no one else has, right!)

remember? (:

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Aug 12, 2001, 07:16 AM
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Hmmmmmm... I never knew she was your wife... But the potion had to have SOME eeffect...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Tha Psycho

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Aug 12, 2001, 07:17 AM
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Why don't i play in other people's parts?

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Aug 12, 2001, 07:21 AM
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GenEX seemed to have the uper hand at the sword fight, although it wasn't exactly abocve his head. GenEX's sword seemed like a blur. He gave Kovu a nasty cut.

Kovu screamed in agony, even though it wasn't much. When asked why he told them that he looked .1% uglier. What a complainer!
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Yanagi VelKasha

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Aug 12, 2001, 09:32 AM
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VelKasha was amused. First some totally crazy dude wanted to dance with her, and now he was gettin into a fight.
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Aug 12, 2001, 10:40 AM
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Ducky was also amused. "This is better then the gladiators we had in the old days, i'nt it?"

She cackled gleefully again. As Black had once said, "She might be a wife, but she didn't have to be a tame one."

Her chocolate arrived neatly on a tray that swooped in of its own accord, silver cups and pot. Ducky poured some for Vellie who was at the moment cheering for Pizzie, even though he was not in the contest.

Gen was dealt a nasty swipe that might have been lethal except that Kovu had whacked him with the flat of his blade..

remember? (:

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Aug 12, 2001, 11:27 AM
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GenEX was tired of this. He took one mighty swing and cut Kovu's sword in two eneven peices. He knew that the potion's effects had gone too far, and used a spell to reverse it. Everybody returned back to normal, but some started beating on GenEX. He didn't wan't to hurt them, but he couldn't lay there.

When they stopped, he got up, walked to a vacant table, and stood on it. He looked thru the holes in the roof and shivered in fear. The sinister crimson cloud had found him again. He was powerless against it.

Then a dreadful transformation took place. His sky-blue eyes turned crimson, his straight buck teeth turned into razor-sharp fangs, his body grew larger, his fur turned from neon-white to a shade of dark gray with glowing green patches here and there, his paws had giant talons in them, his other selves vanished, and he grinned maliciously. Quickly, before it was too late, he cast all his remaining soul into the ring Ducky was holding. Then GenEX was no more, in his place stood his most feared personality:


Everybody gasped in terror as the once-peaceful GenEX dissappeared into a giant fireball and blasted thru the tavern's roof. The sky turned blood-red and an evil laugh could be heard clearly from miles underground.

Then Ducky's ring literaly jumped off her finger and a rabbit-shaped wisp came out of it. It was GenEX's soul.

It said, "This is deadly serious you guys. The Crimson Cloud has taken over my body and plans to use my powers to bring an end to all existance EVERYWHERE. If you don't stop it, then it will erase all memory, existence, and dimensions for eternity. That means that ALL life everywhere will be gone forever. You must do something, but keep me in the box. I am the only thing that can actually stop the Crimson Cloud. Now go. The fate of every living thing in every dimension is in your hands! Hurry to the great underground opening! A map will be in the box!"

The wisp then vanished back into the ring. It could talk to them, but it couldn't get back out. The map was, as told, in the box. What Claw said was right, everybody here was in for the biggest adventure of anybody's lives...

Creepy plot twist, huh?


These posts are made by a poor child who has no friends and needs one badly. If you pity him, send him a private message about it.



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Aug 12, 2001, 01:28 PM
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C'mon, post...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Tha Psycho

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Aug 12, 2001, 02:02 PM
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Psycho had a vision and saw himself somewhere. We are talking about a place in a dimension that seperated itself from others. A continuim it was called. All lifeforms were sucked into it when the planets were about to crash down. This place could be the place where the weak had to fight the strong and survival would be the only chance to win this game what we call: survival of the fittest. A new revolution were maybe the rabbits will be extincted and other creatures will take over. He wanted to wake up, but found himself in it. He looked tot he right. There stood Avalanche. He looked to the left and saw Ducky standing there. Suddenly he saw more people passing by. GenEX, Tyff, Slayer, Beaumon, FQuist, Kove, Rumbo and many other walked through this area. Psycho thought this couldn't be true and everybody walked to him. A group of rabbits were they, awaiting danger, fighting for their existance and their destiny. A legacy left behind, still it was their future going on. The present, past and future were all mixed up and they were talking.

Psycho: Hey guys, you know what we are doing here? This sure is a weird illusion.

Slayer: Don't you get it, it is meant to be. Now the time has come

GenEX: We are destined to fight for our existance.

Avalanche: Remember the ark of Noah.

Ducky: You're all right. But how do we do this?

Tyff: We're in the war tavern, guys. Better, we are the war tavern.

FQuist: She is right we can't lose.

Rumbo: The writers decision is the only addition.

Kove: And we're the writers.We have that power.

Beaumon: Let's welcome them and let them say hello to their new rulers.

The conversation went on and all of them we're going to the centre of the spot. All sorts of creatures we're stalking them to the centre. Would they have bad or good things in mind? Hostility or friendship? The group were prepairing themselves and faced the creatures. Devan was with them.

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Aug 12, 2001, 03:04 PM
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What about me?
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Violet CLM Violet CLM's Avatar

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Aug 12, 2001, 10:46 PM
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On my soul, I swear Tha Psycho wrote:

GenEX: We are destined to fight for our existance.

What about you?
Tha Psycho

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Aug 13, 2001, 08:02 AM
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Unknown, i totally forgot to mention you....sorry for that
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Aug 13, 2001, 08:26 AM
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Hm. It seems the plot changes never last very long, do they...

Suddenly, Tha Psycho imploded and was left as a charred and tiny parrot.

See? We're all mad. We *ARE* the tavern.

remember? (:
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Aug 13, 2001, 12:43 PM
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Could someone give me a recap?

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Aug 13, 2001, 12:48 PM
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But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Tha Psycho

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Aug 13, 2001, 01:01 PM
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Some hostility, Ducky?

i ignore that remark
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Aug 13, 2001, 05:14 PM
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Nah, that wasn't hostile. You were the second name I thought of, I was going to put Gen. Still for no reason.


remember? (:
Tha Psycho

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Aug 14, 2001, 12:05 AM
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Well, that oughta mean something...well..ok


Psycho woke up from the thing (ducky just mentioned) and looked forward. A line of questions popped into his mind, however he didn't care for the answers.
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Aug 14, 2001, 02:06 AM
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You mean you can understand it, Gen?
Tha Psycho

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Aug 14, 2001, 02:10 AM
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Well i sort of can:

No everybody is in a continuum with all the creatures god ever amde. All of them fight for extinction. This is the final fight for Rabbithood.
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Aug 14, 2001, 06:55 AM
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It is? That can't be good...sounds spooky ^_~

remember? (:

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Aug 14, 2001, 08:30 AM
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Can we PLEASE just continue the story?!
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Aug 14, 2001, 11:47 AM
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I'm waiting for you

remember? (:

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Aug 14, 2001, 12:41 PM
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For ME? I can't continue the story yet! We haven't even gotten 3 coninuations after my last one!
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Tha Psycho

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Aug 14, 2001, 01:47 PM
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Well, i sorta did the last one and posting on your own stuff ain't very clever
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Aug 14, 2001, 02:51 PM
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Well don't look at ME, I'm not the only starfish in the sea. And besides I don't know whats happening.

"A round of sherry, on the first to sing the beer song!" Roared a slightly drunk Blackie, and together she and Cobra began to sing.

"99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall! 98 botles of..."

Through the horrific frightfulness, there singing was a smear of butter on the dry toast of life.

You see? Someone else carry on.


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Aug 14, 2001, 02:55 PM
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OK, fine, ignore my plot, see if I care...

You'll see that I do care...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 14, 2001, 03:06 PM
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*sigh* I guess I'll forget about it.


GenEX slowly walked up on the Tavern's stage that just happened to exist. He grabbed a mike(y) and made an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlebunnies, I prensent to you a near-impossible feat. I will stand on one finger, on a coconut, while balancing a flaming torch on my tail.

The crowd cheered him as he got into place.

"Go ahead, time me, see how long I stay on."

Amazingly, he lasted for way way WAY more than 2 hours. The crowd alnost fell asleep.

"I think that's enough of that, I'll keep balancing, but I'll juggle 4 torches for a whole 5 minutes or I'll pay for your next drink.

Although it seemed impossible, he did it for 5 minutes without a problem.

He decided to balance himself on somebody's head with his pinky, but which person?

He did a EMMM (eeny-meeny-miny-mo) and ended balancing on Ducky. She hardly even knew he was doing it, because he was balancing on a flat tip of his finger.

Very weird indeed...

Continue please.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Aug 14, 2001, 03:20 PM
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this is wat i call a Criss Cross Cut...

A plot appear, Criss... another person crosses it, Cross, and finally... U just lose the plot all together, CUT bleh... maybe i'll post after i get back from bible study, k? then JUST maybe, i might be able to make this plot straight... (that is if someone dosn't attempt before me).
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Aug 16, 2001, 02:47 PM
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Okay finefulness. Suppose we just carry on with chaos like we used to? someone check out page no.1.

remember? (:
Tha Psycho

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Aug 16, 2001, 10:15 PM
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All rabbits were gathered and the demonic toads were walking towards them. It looked like they were with hundred of them. Devan walked in front of them, holding a scepter in his right hand. An army so big seemed undefeatable, but the rabbits knew they were strong. GenEx walked to Psycho and whispered: 'What should we do?'. Psycho gathered all the people with him and spoke to them. 'Let's rock!' Slayer grabbed his blaster and the rest joined. Ducky and Kove were gently sliding their hands over the trigger, pointing the guns to Deva and co. Rumbo and FQuist were loading and Gummy and Beaumon were standing next to Psycho. There they all were. They slowly walked to the toads. The toads stopped and the rabbits did the same. A big noise was ehard and everybody looked around. Big animals like bears, crocodils and many more were crossing the continuum. 'Seems like this fight has to be cancelled and bigger ones will come', PSycho announced. Ducky pointed to the sky and Beaumon saw what she meant. 'Air attacks are what we soon will notice'. Slayer pointed his blaster to the birds, but Gummy pushed him, so he shot in the air. 'We have to stay calm everyone, maybe they mean no harm'. Everybody looked at eachother and noticed the toads were heading to the caves.
Kovu aka Alec

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Aug 17, 2001, 07:28 PM
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Woot! THe toads are dead!
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Aug 17, 2001, 08:10 PM
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Then huge rocks fell on all the bad guys, sucessfully killing them. All the Taverners got 10000000004 points, and went back to normal. (Crazy)

Kovu ran around the Tavern shouting that the toads were dead, while Beauguy sold automatic Kovu shutter-uppers. (Kovu got 50% of the profit, supposedly) Unknown was shrieking he was Privacy years old, VelKasha and Fquist were reading great literature, Tha Psycho was pouting because the villains were all dead, SlaYer was poking the walls as if they were vampires, Nightfire was juggling bottles and generally, everything was as it should be. YaY.
Tha Psycho

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Aug 18, 2001, 01:57 AM
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And that's how it went. The war tavern went back to normal and all rabbits were sitting their round the table, celebrating their victory. A long, crazy story went up in smoke and everybody knew this was a new beginning. A beginning of a new life.

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Aug 18, 2001, 05:09 AM
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And then the spaceship came down, and the alligators got out, and they all ate hot dogs...

Oops, oh well, more gators for Cannibal Feud.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Tha Psycho

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Aug 18, 2001, 07:54 AM
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