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Uuummm....War Stories Might Be Back? - by various people

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Sep 11, 2001, 04:24 PM
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The one whose name is sealed and not revealed lay senseless upon the ground, until he died from a headache. When he came to, he found himself sitting between two huge statues, with Flamingos in ponds all around. "Where am I?" he asked. A rabbit angel with a small scroll..... floated up to him, and answered his question as simply and spiffily as possible. "You are in Heaven, where we worship Agama, our god, whenever we are not doing something else. And yes, I'm Sirius about this."

Before the Unknown one could speak, he was whisked off to Agama, who had something to say to him. Namingly this. "Hello, Hansol Majawk. In view of the good things you have done for all rabbitkind, I shall grant you one wish before you go to the normal chores."

The nameless newly dead was about to say that he wasn't Hansol Majawk, and he hadn't done any good things for rabbitkind, when he remembered that saying nothing was better. (See Kovu's adventure with the happy meal) Therefore, he simply wished his one wish. "I wish that I was about 20 km or so from the War Tavern land, with the stones necessary for my quest. Also a picture book with lots of Bumble Bee pictures!"

And his wish was granted.

Ducky and Cobra, their spiffy stones in a large SNEERS shopping bag also containing a leather couch, got off of the bus at the conviniently located bus stop nearby the 'Tavern. They were, of course, surprised to see the Unnamed Name Maker appear at the bus stop, also carrying the stones needed for the rebuilding.

SlaYer, his cool stones (though rather greasy) with him, encountered his final trial. He had reached the most rocky, uneven spot on all Carrotus, the PLAINS. (What, you expected an appropiate name?) Gathering courage and strength, he spiffily threw all of the stones all the way across the annoying section, and ran at spiffy speed across, just in time to recatch them. When he skidded to a stop, he was surprised to see Ducky, Cobra and a purple rabbit arrive at the same spot. Moments later, Kovu came sprinting up, also with the stones that they all carried in some fashion. (Goodness knows how!)

Gen o' Hare, who had hired a porter (offscreen) to carry his stoney stoned stones for him, was getting tired. The 'Tavern was in sight, but he didn't seem to get any closer. At least he seemed to be beating the others there! Even as he thought that, however, a lot of spiffy things happened. SlaYer and his building materials went flying into the spot, Kovu ran up with his stones, Ducky and Cobra got off of a bus with some very large and bulky bags, that Unknown Rabbit warped in out of nowhere with HIS selection of you know what, birds began singing "Ode to Joy" and a partridge in a pay-air treeeeeeee.

The six of the quest for getting stoned, er, STONES, met the others with gleeful abandon. They all had a big party, for they wouldn't want the others to think they were angry that THEY had suceeded as well, even though they were, and there was much festive stuffness. After a while, they all went back to the 'Tavern, and were welcomed by someone else's post.

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Sep 11, 2001, 05:33 PM
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But what happened to Paper Marioâ„¢ and his friends? I clearly stated in my last continuation that a 2-D plumber wearing overalls and a red cap helped me out. And it WAS Mario.

I hope you didn't forget ON PORPOSE, now DID YOU?!

*makes an explosion-like sound*
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Sep 11, 2001, 09:21 PM
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Some Rabbit: Hey! Who won?

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: errrrr....

*opens a interdemensional portal to look at the history of wat just happened*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: i'd have to say... er... Slayer won!

*a few rabbits jumped with joy, but not many cause most didn't bet on Slayer, thus, causing to BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ be happy with all the profit he made, and so the day was... SPIFFY!*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: and... er... that's the end of the contest!

*but then...*

-=Back in the "Real" Earth=-

News Reporter: There seems to be a plane heading straight for the World Trade Center... It LOOKS LIKE IT"S GOING TO CRASH

-In The Cockpit-

Hijacker dude: FEGWHBWBHRHEFRJNHETTNJETJHETTJEJETJEJ (some palastinenian/Middle eastern gibberish)

Pilot: ARG!!!!!!!! WE"RE GOINg TO CRASH


*all of a sudden a tear appeared, and then the plane went through it, and it seemed to suck 3 other planes, and burped up Paper Mario and his gang, who plummeted to wat seemed to be thier deaths, yet good spiffy video game dudes don't die*

-News Reporter-

News Reporter: It seems the plane has disappeared... and just moments ago, mario was seen plummetting to his most unlikely and less likely to happen death...


*Just then, 4 planes appeared out of a rift in carrotus*


ok, it's a bad knockoff, and i shouldn't be writing about it, bleh... SUE ME!
Violet CLM Violet CLM's Avatar

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Sep 12, 2001, 09:03 AM
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But they all got there at the same time! Grrrrrr.
Wazz Wackrabbit

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Sep 12, 2001, 10:02 AM
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In the Tavern...

Wazz was sitting by a table, drinkin'

his carrot juice. As he finished, doors opened. Wazz sniffed. Perfumes? he thought.

A blue-furred rabbit.. DrJones, Wazz thought, got up and ran to doors.

"Hello, sweet", Wazz heard.

He smiled. "CHAAARGE!"

Wazz, his blaster off, shot Heat-Seekers.

They flew thru the pair, leavin' them untouched... "ACK!" Wazz groaned. He


Outside Tavern...

"Yee, sweeto!" Wazz muttered, watching

Lori and DrJones kiss...

*BANG!* Suddenly, 4 airplanes exploded in air

on Wazz's eyes... Whoa, he thought.

To Be Continued...

Wazz Wackrabbit

"Stupid Fighter.. must destroy..
evil is good...mmm, pie." ~Black Mage.
"Hellooooo Black Mage!" ~White Mage
"Mrph..Is that you pie?" ~BM
"No, silly. It's me. Woman of your dreams." ~WM
"A woman made entirely out of pie?" ~BM (This is from FF1 8-Bit Theatre comic)

Under Scarry Sarry's pen
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Sep 12, 2001, 11:24 AM
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There isNO tavern as of now.

Is there?


*hack hack*

But Now, we set about to rebuild it, out of stone this time.

Cobra glittered happily, her newly dyed hair flipping around. "and we have a new couch for the tavern!" She said, happily. She gave Slayer a big hug and dashed over to the piles of collected stones. "Now.. were shouldbe have the bathroom? And the barshould be here, right?" She clomped over to the middle of a small patch of white flowers.

remember? (:
Wazz Wackrabbit

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Sep 13, 2001, 11:25 AM
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Man, I HAD not to read it FULLY.

N/M. It is another tavern...


Wazz turned around and saw remains

of the War Tavern. Cobra, Slayer and few

other rabbits were over there.

"Heeey!", Wazz shouted.

He ran to them...

"*Too bad the War Tavern is down..*", he thought.

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Sep 14, 2001, 03:42 AM
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well, but u put slayer kinda in a first of the order, and i couldn't tell if it was all at the same time or not...

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Sep 14, 2001, 12:48 PM
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GenEX really hated it when his friends were thrown out thru a plot hole. He grabbed one from B-man's pocket and threw it. Paper Mario and his gang were back, if about to have a heart attack.


Sorry, can't get rid of em'!
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Sep 16, 2001, 02:32 PM
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Strangely enough, the stones everybody had brought (except mine, of course) were fake. They just knew it somehow, so they were disqualified. Bucky won and Beauman was disappointed that he had to give away much of the money he earned.

Bucky was certainly smart to get his friends out of the plothole. The were able to help so much, nobody else even started by the time they finished.

GenEXMRT: I think our guests shoyld be able to stay. I got something they will certainly like.

And he led them inside.

Of course, because everybody was still shocked that the Tavern was rebuilt so fast, they stood in placed with their mouths wide open for a whole 24 hours.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Violet CLM Violet CLM's Avatar

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Sep 19, 2001, 11:21 AM
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Actually, if you read my post carefully, you'll notice Bucky got to the point where they all met first. However, after that they did go on to the 'Tavern together.

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Sep 19, 2001, 07:06 PM
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ok, so genEX won, that means i get the most money of all because no one bets on GenEX, LoL... don't ask why BWAHAHAHAHAHAH! RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sep 22, 2001, 03:55 PM
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EEK! The Story is Almost Dead!
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Kovu aka Alec

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Sep 22, 2001, 09:23 PM
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"So...the Tavern's rebuilt, eh?" Kovu said nonchalantly as they sat about in the Tavern.

"Yea..." Somebunny said.

" quests to go on?"


"No villians to fight?"


"No damsels to save?"



I'm bored."

Suddenly, just at that moment, through the new and freshly waxed door burst a whole brigade of gun toting foxes.

"Agh! Who the heck are you?!" Slayer shouted in a 'get out of my bar' tone of voice.

"I'm Barg." A short, fat one said.

"I'm Clyde." A tall, skinny one said.

"I'm Jugrgd." A squinting one said.

"Blagagnga." A idiot said.

"And I'm ClockWork." A average type one said,

"and we're the friends of...Xavier!"


"Who?"Gen spoke up.

"You know, Xavier, the cloaked chap with whispy writing that didn't talk much who YOU all ran off!"


"Who again?"

"The fox!"

"Ooooooohhh...." Everyone said in unison.

"'re here to get revenge because we ran that Xavier chap off?" Beauthing stated the obvious.

"Yea." And so the inevitable battle ensued with the bullets a' flying and the missles twisting and lazer bolts...lazering and punching and kicking and kung fu fighting and magic spells and general mayhem.


Deh Duh Deeeeh!!!!!

What will happen next, I dunno, do you?!

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Sep 23, 2001, 09:29 AM
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GEEz, Gen doesn't know who Xavier is!


Ducky catiously approachaed ClockWork. "Hi! Want a drink?" The fox looked at her, then set down his bazooka an accepted it. "I'm Ducky!" She sai in a nervous high pitched voice. They immersed themselves in a deep technological conversation about astrophysics and their personal lives while the brawl around them grew in fury and heat.

:P Sue me.

remember? (:

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Sep 23, 2001, 12:14 PM
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BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ, who saw the Ducky and the fox person dude drinking, had thought up an idea...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ jumped up onto the bar*


*everyone stopped wat they were doing*

Ducky: Oh no... not again...

*everyone rushed up in a mob to get thier free beer*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ, noticing how everyone was bored, and how much money he generated from being bet tender, since GenEX won, had an idea...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ then got up on the stage that wasn't really there*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Ladies and Gentlerabbits, lil' wabbits and... er... well, y'know... i would usually present u with Cannibal Feud, but since the recent money i've made, i have decided to host a contest... since i'm feeling lazy right now, i don't feel like searching for this great item... You shall be questing for an item known as the Ishamiko Squalinike, which is some alien language for the artifact... but that's not important right now... the finder of this item shall get a cash prize of 2,000,000,000Ç...

*everyone gaped at the announcement*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: ... Of course, the entrance fee is 8,000,000Ç, which pays for maps, supplies, and various other helpful things which can help lead to the artifact... you may be organized in teams of up to 4 people, which would help eachother pay for the entrance fee... so... SIGN UP NOW!


All who want to participate in this event, due to the lack of storyline around here, sign up
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Sep 23, 2001, 12:47 PM
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Meanwhile, four planes non chelantly crashed into a lake, without anyone noticing.

Unknown (I ran out of weird names) signed up, being as bored as Kovu. Unfortunately, he ended up being grouped with Blagagnga, Bucky and a Waffle on a Loincloth. They somehow managed to all pay for the nifty stuff Beauo (was his name-o) mentioned in his post that I'm too lazy to go and copy into this message in case you're too lazy to scroll up a little and check for yourself, so they somehow managed to start off first. The only problem was that Blagagnga ate the Waffle and wore the loincloth, resulting in a group of three.

Meanwhile, other groups were emerging. Barg, Clockwork, Jugrgd and Clyde were one, while Ducky, Blacksheep, Derby (Who wasn't there) and Tobias (Who also wasn't there) were another.

Blarg, someone else do something.
Kovu aka Alec

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Sep 23, 2001, 05:03 PM
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"What?! I don't get in a ultra spiffy group!?" Kovu pouted, then escaped to the roof of the Tavern, where he planned

eViL rEvEnGe!

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Sep 23, 2001, 05:37 PM
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BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: 3 teams already! any more teams? Kovu is alone so far JOIN NOW!
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Sep 24, 2001, 01:22 PM
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"No need, Beauman!" Kovu shouted down, waving his eViL pIkE, eViLlY,

"I shall get my revenge. Blast thy honor and confuse thy name...wait...or is it confuse thy honor and blast thy name, oh well, never mind, REVENGE COMETH!" And he stalked away, preparing his army of eViL rEvEnGe.
"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5

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Sep 24, 2001, 02:13 PM
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Bucky, feeling very sorry for Kovu, decided to take action before anybody else was killed*.

"Hey, Kovu," He called, "I'll let you join this team."


GenEX almost wished he hadn't done that. He sensed that the waffle and loincloth were both enchanted, but he decided he'd win, anyway.

He asked his other selves to form a circle. Then they joined hands and chanted.

Well, to everybody's disappointment, they summoned it from its hiding spot.**


Beauman was very VERY depressed because everybody asked for a refund. He was ready to kill Gen***, but he knew what to do.

"Er, B-Man, I think you'd like this gift..."

And produced a mountain of gold in B-Man's store vault.

And the Big B was happy.

But everybody else was quite steamed.

Producing a few pouches full of 500 gold chunks****, he made a HUGE mall appear out of Nowhere and said the first 1,000 purchases were free.

And there were 9,754 shops btw.

* Blacksheep was one of them, if you recall.

** Dunno where that was...

*** I might have gotten used to it, but I get it mixed up with Tyf's name.

**** The bags are small, but have huge capacity.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
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Sep 24, 2001, 04:33 PM
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There goes the plot.

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Sep 25, 2001, 03:44 AM
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GenEX, u killed the plot c'mon... I try not to kill ur plots, so don't kill mine! gawd... u'd start thinking it's Beau's Plots season...


BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: hmmmmmmmmmm...

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ examined the item*

BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: er... HEY! THIS AIN'T THE ITEM! This is just one of my old Duhickies!


*So everyone raced out in thier spiffy space ships in one of the 4 different galaxies mentioned*

*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ sat back sipping Sindarin Wine while elevator music played in the backround*


Try to kill meh plot, will ya? heh, tough luck!

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Sep 25, 2001, 06:36 AM
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"DIE!" a figure clad in red and black proclaimed as she shot the speaker that was blaring the evil elevator music.

Throwing a cross at Beauman's head, she proclaimed "Beware the vampires!" then dissapeared into a dark corner.
Kovu aka Alec

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Sep 25, 2001, 01:08 PM
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As Kove was being ushered to one of the four galaxies* he once again drew his eViL pIkE.

"Forget this! I want to be a villian!" So he whacked Gen over the head and stole a fighter in the ships hangar bay and flew back to Carrotous, to once again plan his eViL rEvEnGe.

"Bwah-Bwah ha-bwah ha-bwahahahahahahahaahahahahha!"

"And so it begins."
"If you go to Za'Ha'Dum, you will die."
"We are all Kosh."
-Kosh, Babylon 5

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Sep 25, 2001, 03:23 PM
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Very cute, very cute...

*teleports him out of the war ship and into the tavern jail while the ship blows up*

I told you I'm not gonna kill anybody, and besides, do you LIKE the idea of being sucked into an alternate dimension because some stupid-looking "Comb Man" beat you? It's too humiliating in my opinion...

Now then, any more traitors?

*eyes glow blood red*

I didn't think so...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Sep 25, 2001, 03:40 PM
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Now now Gen. Part of the rules of the War Tavern theme story is that you have to deal with other's stories just as they have to deal with yours. Most of the fun is trying to find a creative way out of things, not just beam people out and blow up their ships.
please leave the satanic fish alone

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Sep 25, 2001, 04:07 PM
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But it's so very LAME! And besides, somebody already tried that and they were HUMILIATED BY A STUPID COMB!!!
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small

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Sep 25, 2001, 04:24 PM
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Anyway, try a better plot PLEASE! And if possible, make it long, because I finish reading entire novels in a few hours, so I'm a very speedy reader.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small
Kovu aka Alec

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Sep 25, 2001, 05:44 PM
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Hello? Gen! I HAVE A PLOT, I am not just being a villian for the sake of it, I AM going places with it.

Suddenly, a evil soceror beamed onto Gen's ship and sapped him of all his powers and made it so his ship couldn't move, and

then the soceror beamed away.


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Sep 25, 2001, 06:04 PM
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But then a stange tapping noise ushered from somewhere else.

Everyone was silent.


"Hey!!"a familiar voice yelped. A small dishelved figure tottered in and swatted at people's ankles with a cane. The cane tapped on the floor and everyone let out their breath. 'Oh , its only you.."

remember? (:
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Sep 25, 2001, 06:21 PM
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It's Xavier, he lives! Wootness

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Sep 25, 2001, 08:22 PM
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i thought only moderaters mainly had canes... so could it be Addie[Or Ducky]?
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Sep 26, 2001, 06:48 AM
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The plot thickens...

da duh duuuuuuuh.

remember? (:

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Sep 26, 2001, 01:02 PM
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Actually, since I DON'T have a ship, you just blew up Kovu's ship, Kovu and all!

And that sorcerer thing seemed like that one plot I made that SOMEBODY HAD TO RUIN! Y'know, the cloud thingy, except here an evil sorcerer is going to use my powers for evil stuff. You should try not to resurrect other people's plots, no matter how different they are than the original.
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small


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Sep 26, 2001, 01:21 PM
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"Can someone get rid of this guy"?

Messenger asked as he suddenly appeard out of a foggy place that was all foggy because it was filled with lots and lots of...fog..
Violet CLM Violet CLM's Avatar

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Sep 26, 2001, 01:36 PM
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"Genky's DOWN!" screamed Never Mind, as BucEX (By the way, does "GenEX" come from the Generation X of Marvel Comics? The short term for Generation X is GenX so I was just wondering) fell down to the ground. The evil-type culprit, Kovu, ran away into a spaceship and ended up teaming up with a Comb that had been mentioned. Together they would destroy the WORLD! Or barring that, a Mc Donalds. Not the one where Wakeman works, of course.

Blagagnga, with loincloth at hand and Waffle at stomach, quickly shot and maimed a nearby dead body and then hurled it through space to Tubelectric. "YOU shot and maimed Mr. Continuity and hurled him through space to Tubelectric and then hurled him through space back here and made him REALLY dead? You're so evil!" shouted Unknown. "Burp." said Blagagnga, looking for more Waffles. Unknown was close to tears, being insane. "What a group! Generation Ex was smashed on the head, the Waffle and the Loincloth were destroyed, they were replaced by a villain who ran away to come back another day, I'm insane and the last member is a worse villain then Kovu! He made Mr. Continuity REALLY dead!" Unknown was always very hyper when it came to Continuity. Meanwhile, Blagagnga walked away in search of more people to shoot and maim and hurl through space.

"BUAHAhaHAhaHAhaHAhaHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted Kovu, dancing around his cubicle which wasn't mentioned before. "I'm so evil, I teamed up with Kovu!" "Actually," said the evil Comb, "you teamed up with me. I'm the one who teamed up with Kovu." "Be quiet," said Kovu grumpily. "I'm writing lines for your speech." "Oh, sorry. So, what do we do today?" Kovu pointed out a large "to do" list on the wall, reading;

Noon: Have fun remarking on the fact that it is Noon.

12:20: Have fun remarking it isn't Noon anymore.

1:00: Have a big party.

1:30: Continue the party.

2:00: Blow up the WORLD! Or barring that, a Mc Donalds. Not the one where Wakeman works, of course.

2:30: In the tradition of all evil villains, try to kill eachother off without using open warfare.

3:00: Vote "Great" on the latest Jazz 2 Online poll 300 times.

3:30: (This time for rent)

4:00: (This time also for rent.)

4:30: (I beg of you, rent me!)

5:00: Play Monopoly.

5:05: Buy Rentnor Avenue.

5:30: Play Monolithpoly.

6:00: Have another party.

7:00: Make tomorrow's "to do" list.

8:00: Sleep.

8:10: Try and kill eachother some more while sleeping.

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Sep 27, 2001, 09:40 PM
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

The evil music player fell to the ground, mortally dead, as Beauman was smashed in the head with a cross. Of course, this wouldn't have happened if it had been Beauman who wrote this. Xavier - feeling unusually helpful because he couldn't really remember if he was evil or not - tackled the red and black figure, who had hidden imperfectly in a dark corner! "It's..... Cleever!" shouted X, recoiling in horror. Cleever, angry that he had been ressurected by an admin, and so couldn't do anything evil, simply fell asleep.

"Spiffy!" shouted Beauman, who was in very painful painish pain. If you don't believe that Beauman was in very painful painish pain, try getting Cleever to throw a cross at your head and see if you feel in very painful painish pain after that. I garuntee you will. Following up with "Ow!", Beauman ran into his weapon shop and didn't come out until everything was safe, which wasn't for quite some time. However, he did have a lot of plot manipulation machines in there.
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Oct 1, 2001, 04:50 PM
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no one really knows where i am or supposed to be so don't ask. but im somewhere. stalking you all...
Majestic 12 is watching you

'it's all smoke and mirrors...'

°The Chrunchmiester°

JCF Member

Joined: May 2001

Posts: 726

BæÅüMàÑ is doing well so far

Oct 1, 2001, 06:31 PM
BæÅüMàÑ is offline
hmmmmmmmmm... a cross in the head would work, but does that effect believers of Christ? bleh... anyhow...
BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ, who was in much painish pain in the back of his shop, muttered about himself not being as buff and strong as he was in the old days
BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: bleh... getting old... right now i could really use one of them mod canes... ah... my back! *cough* *cough*
BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: lets see here... let's cook up a plot...
*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ pushes a button on the wall, causing many plot altering machines to pop up from the floor*
BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: hmmmmmmmm... pull some of these... push this... maybe crank this up a little bit... then...
*within, a microwave like *ding!* could be heard, with a holograph for printed out (these are just a bunch of specially charged electric atoms that turn into matter, and then dissapate in 8 hours, unless u stuff it in a computer )*
BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: hmmmmmmm... Plot # 6,985,163,074,386,209...
The Space Race, being a complete flunk, was completely forgotten by the other people, except Kovu, who is still in space trying to kill his comrades. All of a sudden, a warp field appears, with a giant like Titan, telling them to move (Sound Familar? Hey! So wat if i'm not creative) to another dimension, which the brave rabbits fight, even that old ahernia broken backed fighter wannabe who...
BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: Hey u friggen gadget! i have feelings y'know!
*the long insult seemed to disapear*
BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: thank you... and then... er... well... i shouldn't read this part, otherwise the plot isn't interesting...
*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ reads down at the bottom to find a timer ticking*
BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ: This plot will start in 5:00, 4:59, 4:58... bleh, i'm gonna get some Sindarin Wine...
*BæÅüMÃ(-)Ñ walks over to the bar to chat with everyone one, which he does on a rare occasion, and enjoys his wine, waiting for the plot to develop*

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