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The Doomsday Project.

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Mar 16, 2007, 11:28 PM
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Sorry about that, Ninja. I did put a mention of him, but I forgot the name! Agh! Oh time, I suppose...


Chapter 11: Taste of Defeat. (L)

The remaining heroes gathered around the conference table in the center of the base. All had sustained bad injuries, as well as failing to stop Devan. Worse of all, no sign of Joshua could be found. Even though the girls protested to search the ocean, Joshuwa disagreed. If he had landed somewhere in the sea, he'd already be at the bottom by now. All of them were holding back thier tears, before Jazz slammed his fist against the table.

"Snap out of it! Joshua wasn't expecting Devan to be so powerful. He suffered as a result. We all underestimated our foe. We lost because of it. All of us...Have to go on...and be strong. Joshua would have wanted it. Crying isn't going to bring him back." Jazz commented with some anger.

Joshuwa looked out at the hanger. The J-Wing was still out there...but it didn't have the requirments to go too far underwater. An upgrade would be needed...and the only parts were on thier own planet in the Video Dimension. An idea came into his mind. He kept it to himself and waited.

"But...He can't be gone...I refuse to belive that he's dead!" Sugar yelled.

She got to her feet to lunge at Joshuwa, but was restrained by the other girls.

"We all know how you feel, Sugar. Something will happen...there's got to be a way we can find him!" Adis yelled.

Joshuwa thought for a second, remembering the battle between Devan that nearly killed all three of them.

"Joshua...Took some pretty bad wounds. When we saw him, he seemed to be barely able to hold himself together....I fear he may have died from the landing..." Joshuwa sighed.

Silence. All sat there, mixed emotions flowing through them. Hatred. Sadness. Sympathy...


"Nothing but the sight of seems so vast...makes me feel kinda small...I guess drifting out here won't be so bad..." Joshua sighed to himself.

A sharp sting went through his body as the salty water lapped against his partially torn torso. Most of the flesh had been ripped off, leaving nothing but some crushed bones, dying muscles and the large amount of blood trickling into the ocean. A series of teeth-marks were lined up from his waist to his shoulder, apart from the small mass missing from around his waist, the upper half of his body seemed intact. Probably a few scratches though...

"Dang it...I had to ditch my armor...but it still might not have been enough...these marks are quite deep..." Joshua groaned.

There was no sign of life in any direction. What to do...He could barely keep himself above the salty water, so swimming was out of the question...signalling for the J-Wing could prove to be dangerous...Only left with the choice to stay where he was and wait, he did so. Night slowly began to fall, the water around him began to get colder. Touching his exposed skin, he shuddered from the cold. Even if he couldn't move...the occasional wave sent him back towards the city...he hoped.

"I thought I was done for that time...heh...Devan's stronger...but he was holding back on his full power...Why? Did he wish to use it if I managed to beat him? If that was the case, I wouldn't be alive...The Gameboy Jewels are supposed to be helping me...I just don't see how..." Joshua laughed bitterly.

Night had come. Hunger and fatigue had taken thier toll. Unable to stay awake any longer, Joshua sank under the waves, unconcious during his descent to the ocean floor. Bubbles of air gently brushed past him, causing him to stir slightly in his slumber. Something approached. Glancing down at the wounded hero, it poked him with a small spear, making Joshua slowly open his eyes, still tired. When he saw that he was under-water, his eyes sprang open in horror. He couldn't breathe!

His body flaied around wildly, only to realise that he was back on the sandy shore. Embarrased between belief, he decided to rest here...for the night.

Back at HQ...

"Fine...Fine. We'll look in the morning then. It's way too late to search for him now..." Joshuwa sighed as he gave in to the others.

This meant he'd be up all night, adjusting the J-Wing's systems so they'd be able to search for Joshua's corpse and at least give it a proper burial. Sugar was barely able to keep herself from crying, while Jazz tried to release some of his anger for what happened today by blasting a few targets in the Training Room. Joshuwa had already left to fix the J-Wing, Norn was asleep in her room, gently crying herself to sleep...

"It never works out the way you want things to...I thought it'd be easy with Joshua here to fight...but now that he's gone...I don't feel so safe anymore..." Angel Dinah sobbed quietly.

Adis simply stared out the window, looking at the stars in the dark night sky. No shooting stars...nothing to make a wish or prayer on...but...she knew that Joshua couldn't die so easily like that...If he'd managed to pull out of a fight with The Dark One, he'd be back in no time...
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Mar 16, 2007, 11:31 PM
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Chapter 11: Revival of the Assassin... (D)

The Figure sat in his throne, staring down at his servants with a look of amusement. It was still somewhat hard to believe, the Ultimate Gamer defeated by Devan Shell. His powers seemed to be growing weaker...while those of the Darkness grew stronger. Perhaps the Project wouldn't need to be completed after matter...what had been done was well as the preperations for the experiment to be a success. It had been two years...since the Project all finished.

Devan was impatiently standing before the clouded tank, festering blood still spilt over the rim onto the black floor. Hurling the Dark Matter into the tube, all seemed dormant...before all hell got loose. Many of the fixtures around the tank began to burst, sending multpile chemicals flying everywhere, some even hitting a few of Devan's troops, mutating them into stranger creatures. All gazed at the tank as it continued to shake violently. Cracks began to form on the glass before the rotten blood seeped out of the cracks. It didn't hold out very long. There was a loud sound of shattering glass...and the blood and tank liquid splattered onto the floor.

An adult figure had his eyes closed, head down against his chest, which was quite muscular. Long black hair flowed down his back, before the figure rose his head, opening his eyes, causing all to gaze back at the red eyes, glowing with darkness...pulsating with the sheer energy around him. The large gaping hole still visible on his chest, hand quickly reaching out for the complete scythe, vanishing in a blur before bringing the tip of it near Devan's throat.

"Congratulations on reviving me...but I haven't a need for useless followers like you. The powers in you are great...but do you honestly expect to" the adult sneered, the blade dangerously near to cutting through Devan.

The Figure placed a robed hand on the creation, like a fatherly gesture. He rose to his feet, staring at each other.

"Assassin Aharon. We revived you for the purpose of dominating this pathetic planet. All that remains is to wipe out Gaming Force...then all shall be finished...The Ultimate Gamer breathes no more..."

Aharon closed his eyes, the whispers of demons calling him.

"Lies. He still lives. None of you fools couldn't kill him...I...on the other hand...You, freak. Assemble your army. We march to the remains of S.P.I.K.E HQ. I have something I need to retrieve there..." Aharon ordered.

Out of nowhere, a outfit of an assassin, black as his heart wrapped around his body, which concealed his double-ended scythe from view. His red eyes glowered with hatred towards the living things on this planet. For too long...he has not been able to spill matter how many he kills, his lust to kill increases...for he shall not be satisfied until Joshua Lightwalker is slain by his hand. Perhaps then...

Vivid images of an old lab went through his mind...his creation...his birth...all seemed clear...He was...born from darkness...from the darkness in Joshua's heart...

" why he must die..." Aharon muttered to himself, swirling his cape around him before vanishing completely. Demonic laughter echoed throughout the building...but could be heard's sinister laughter pierced through Joshua's mind as he swam before his large foe underwater...Aharon had been reborn...watching Joshua...observing him each passing moment...until he would die...that is what he would do...

"But for now, I shall rest. My body must adjust to these surroundings...Awaken me if some fool needs killing..." Aharon muttered, walking off.

Devan scrambled to his feet, a small expression of fear on his face, but pushed it aside. The Project was complete. Now, all that was left was to see if it would be successful in it's task...bringing Joshua's life to an end, as well as every other living thing on this planet. Plots and plans were quickly schemed, prepared and approved. All would soon be enveloped in burning fire and blood.

(Note: The chapters may be slowed down a bit now, because School's started, and it's quite a handful, meaning less time to type. Not like anyone reads or cares about this story anyway...Heck, many people will only read the last chapter, to see the end of Joshua....Ugh. Sometimes, I think many people are quite selfish. If no-one wants to comment on these, I might as well post em' somewhere they will be...for Or maybe Or somewhere.)

(Note 2: I know many people aren't here, but I would expect some feedback from the posters at the War Tavern to read and review my story. I know it may sound needy, but I really need people to comment on my work, to see if it's good enough, or needs work. It doesn't matter wether you like or hate it, just tell me your opinion, what's wrong with it and any other stuff. Tell you what...If I get enough feedback on this story, I'll type a Jazz 2 Story. WITHOUT Joshua in it. I promise.)

(Note 3: Yes, I know (D) chapters are somewhat shorter. I'm not exactly EVIL. I'm happy walking in the Light, rather than Darkness. I'm also only sixteen years old, so I ain't good with the romance stuff, especially since I've never had a girlfriend in my life.)
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Mar 16, 2007, 11:39 PM
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Chapter 12: Return of a Hero.

Morning had come, trouble was already coming his way. His senses returned to him at full power, making him draw his swords and slash behind him.


It seemed Crustaceon Chaos had returned for another chance to elimnate Joshua. It seemed his 'apparent death' hadn't fooled Devan or his enemy much at all. Placing Michelle out of danger, he planted his feet firmly on the sand, glaring at his foe. More green and purple tentecles lashed out at him, many were either evaded by Joshua tilting his body slightly, or slicing through them. Blood had already began to show on the glittering sand, making Joshua groan with disgust.

"It's over!" Joshua yelled.

The remaining energy that was left simply exploded in a dazzling show of colors around Joshua, which slowed down everything around him. Crustaceon Chaos simply floated there, unable to do nothing but lash out with it's tentacles. But due to the speed disruption the energy had caused, they simply moved through the air slowly...while Joshua, had already raced past him, running across the waves.


Before Crustaceon Chaos had a chance to react, Joshua was already racing back towards him from behind. Unlike before, however, a large split in the ocean had occured, cutting the water in half, revealing the sand at the bottom. The hero had managed to even push Crustaceon Chaos back into the gap between the waves, unable to do anything. It glared at Joshua angrily, before a snap of the fingers could be heard echoing around him.

Then all hell for Crustaceon Chaos was let loose. The two waves simply closed in on him, solid walls of water crushing Crustaceon Chaos until it's shell cracked. The walls slammed shut, sending the bloody remains flying everywhere. It's head landed in front of Joshua, a perpetual stare of shock and horror, before Joshua crushed it under his shoe.

"Good ridance. One less problem to worry about now." Joshua muttered to himself.

The salty waves washed across the beach, removing the sand stained with blood.

"I better get back to the others. Some will be worried sick about me." Joshua suggested.

Having to walk most of the way to Gaming Force HQ, he stood before the large base, still standing. It seemed it hadn't been detected yet, meaning there was still the opportunity to plan and still manage to stop Devan and The Figure from thier plans of conquest. The Project may have been completed, but hasn't been used yet.

"Hello? Anyone here?" Joshua yelled into the empty corridors.

It seemed like the place was deserted. No one was anywhere to be found. The Hanger still housed the J-Wing, the teleporter was still intact...before something made Joshua go racing down the other end of the corridor, dragging him to the Training Center. His eyes opened wide in shock and horror. Blood stained the walls, bodies of various reptiles scattered across the floor...a piece of paper, hanging from the door leading to Joshua's Room.

He quickly grabbed the piece of paper from the door and began to read...

>Joshua Lightwalker. It seems your cowardiance has cost you your friends freedom. During your absecnce, we decided that the project needed the original piece...the one we believe you were hiding. Searching the entire base, which wasn't an easy task due to the losses we suffered...we discovered no trace of it...coming to the have it.< Joshua read.

He looked through the room, finding something of intreset while Joshua continued to read.

>Leaving us no other option but to take your friends hostage. Devan's troops are quite eager to head towards the hideout where you've hidden the citizens from the Capital...and I'm quite looking forward to crushing the life out of your friends with my bare hands...but, we decided to offer you a proposition. You have 48 hours to hand over the missing piece of our project. Refuse, and we will kill the fools mentioned above. Arrive too late, and the same consquence will apply. Farewell, Joshua. I expect to see you at the Dark Territory.

The Figure.

P.S. I've already begun the clock. By the time you read this, you will have 32 hours. Meaning you have until tommorrow at Midnight. And don't bother looking for an easy way out of this. Arriving without the piece will result in your friends termination.<

Joshua punched to door angrily, leaving a large dint in it. The skin on his fist had been torn badly, which began to bleed. His fists were clenched tight, his anger growing..

Racing over to what he had earlier found, he saw both Dinahs, unconcious and badly wounded. Knowing they would die without medical treatment, he picked up both of them in his arms and raced to the Medical Bay...


Joshua simply sat by himself in his room, head in his hands. This wasn't supposed to happen...what was he going to do? His friends were in danger...unless he handed over the final piece...they would all die...And all those people...he couldn't save them if a whole army was against him...sighing loudly. What could HE do? One person against a huge army which would eventually overwhelm him by sheer numbers?!

"(-) it all! I couldn't protect them...I couldn't do anything!! What should I do now?!" Joshua yelled angrily.

Silence was all that greeted him. No answers were coming. Only more questions forming in his mind. If there was a way he hadn't thought of, it would be too dangerous and most likely to fail. He gently held the jewel of his necklack, bringing hope to his heart. He couldn't give up now if he's managed to survive this long. Closing his eyes, he held his necklace tighter.

"Rachel..." Joshua murmered.

The door to his room opened, causing him Joshua to open his eyes. Angel Dinah was leaning on the wall for support, but looked at Joshua and smiled. Her body was still scratched here and there, but alive and well, which brought some relief to Joshua. Devil Dinah was still unconcious, but still alive.

At first, Angel Dinah simply sat next to him, before she wrapped her arms around him, crying.

"I'm so sorry! I couldn't do anything without you here! That...guy said you were dead. He showed us your armor, stained with blood...I didn't want to believe it. But, you're okay...I'm so...happy to see you..." Angel Dinah sobbed.

Joshua sipmly held her, trying to get her to calm down.

"It wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have let myself get into the mess I did. So don't cry. I don't want to see your face stained with your tears...c'mon. Smile like you used to." Joshua suggested.

Angel Dinah raised her head, looking at Joshua, wiping away the tears on her face. Her face slowly managed to smile, before hugging Joshua tightly. He felt somewhat at ease, knowing that with at least someone by his side, he might be able to do something after all.

Night finally fell, Joshua had left Gaming Force HQ to the orphanage, sitting in the center of it's ruins. He sat there, thinking about his younger childhood...about Rachel...his sister and all the others who had died. The disaster seemed so long ago, but still haunted his memories.

His heart however felt somewhat torn. The growing concern about the others who had been captured, made him feel broken. Joshuwa would be injured quite badly, the most threat to Devan's army besides Jazz. Jazz. He'd be getting a severe beating from Devan. Lashed to a wall while being punched in the chest or something...

His concern fell towards the girls. All of them he felt a terrible amount of worry, espically since most of them were smitten with him, awaiting him to rescue them. But, he asked himself, who did his heart really belong to? He couldn't just choose one of them...both Angel and Devil Dinah were part of this problem.

"This isn't the most easy problem to solve. I haven't the slightest clue about how to treat the situation...Eiko's still waiting for me back at on Mobius...Grrrrr. I hate it when I get problems like this stuck in my head!" Joshua complained.

>Well, you're used to it by now, I'd presume.<, another part of his mind commented.

Having more than one side of a person isn't easy. Considering that Joshua isn't normal, he always has some small voice that interrupts his thoughts. Thankfully, it doesn't come into existance unless no-one else is around. People would think Joshua would be slightly crazy if he was seen talking to nothing.

"What do you want? I'm already having a hard enough time as it is." Joshua groaned.

>Just here to point out my opinions. Can't exactly play favourites with one girl, and expect the rest to simply settle down. You've got a major problem on your hands.< the voice replied.

"Listen, is it my fault that all the problems I have is romantical ones?! Like, c'mon! I know I have to tell them how I feel...but...You know, the others would just get mad, and more likely than not, I'd find myself being chased by the others, wanting to tear me limb from limb." Joshua complained.

>Sucks to be you, I guess.<

"Yeah...I...HEY! That wasn't needed you know!" Joshua yelled.

>Well, do you know what I think? I think you should just calm down, give them ALL a large amount of flowers, then try to keep them all happy. You can't stand having one girl happy, the others crying. I know.<

"Hm? How's that?" Joshua asked.

>Because I'm you. Now, let's get ready. We've got some friends of yours to save. And if you just give yourself some time to take things easy, I'm sure you'll be able to sort out your other problems first. But be nice to Angel Dinah, because she was worried sick,<

Joshua smirked in response.

"Anything else you want to say, 'Boss'? I was actually going back to see if Devil Dinah was all right." Joshua calmly responded.

>Nope. Except, will you eat something?! I'm starving up here! I need food!<
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Mar 16, 2007, 11:40 PM
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Joshua reluctantly opened his back-pack. The water hadn't managed to leak in, leaving his sandwichs nice and dry. Taking off the plastic covering, he walked back to Gaming Force HQ, happily taking large mouthfuls out of the Peanut Butter & Jam sandwichs until he bit his finger, making him moan quietly until he walked back inside. It was still late at night, meaning he tip-toed quietly down the corridor. Footsteps could be heard behind him, walking into the kitchen.

"Who's there?!" Joshua yelled.

The figure let out a scream, dropping a tub of ice-cream, sending the contents all over the floor. Joshua looked at the mess with a annoyed glance, before the figure fell to the floor. Many cuts he felt were on her flesh, as well as most of her clothes seemed to be torn. The long blue hair and bright red eyes stared at him with some surprise, but showed pain.

"Dinah, are you sure you should be out here? You're still wounded." Joshua asked, slightly concerned.

"I-It's nothing...I'm fine. Just let me eat something, okay? I'm..hungry..." Devil Dinah groaned, turning on the lights.

Joshua looked at Devil Dinah, eyes dropping in shock at the amount of cuts on her body. Her somewhat...appealing clothing was badly torn, revealing much of her pale skin. He couldn't help but stare before she pushed a spoon of vanilla ice cream into his face.


"You shouldn't stare at girls for too long, they'll get angry." Devil Dinah teased.

>Strange...She never acted like this...maybe those wounds are making her this way...< Joshua thought.

Both sat there, quickly going through the large tub of ice-cream before Joshua clutched his head. Brain Freeze. It wasn't exactly the most fun thing about eating Ice Cream, but Devil Dinah simply laughed at him.

"...What's so funny?"

"The way you look! It's so weird...and cute."

Joshua went red over the last remark. Something was defenitly wrong here. Before he had a chance to object, Devil Dinah had grabbed his arm, pulling him back. Both stared at each other's face, both had some melting ice-cream on thier face. Perhaps this wasn't so bad...if she wasn't hurting my arm! He quickly kept quiet when she dragged him to the Lounge, falling down on Joshua, half-asleep.

"She really needs to get some rest...But, when you think about it...she's not that bad...I think if I give her some Mana, she'll be fine..." Joshua sighed to himself.

Devil Dinah was asleep, leaning on Joshua, her face on his chest, nuzzling against him. Wiping the ice-cream off both of thier faces, Joshua held Devil Dinah close. A few hours past, Joshua was unable to keep his eyes open any longer. Sleep fell upon him, while Dinah awakened. Her eyes slowly opened, finding herself lying next to a sleeping Joshua. Perhaps...he saved her again, it seemed. Even though he might have come late, she was still alive thanks to him.


She gently kissed Joshua on the lips, before going back to sleep...
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Mar 16, 2007, 11:41 PM
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Chapter 12: The Trap is Set (D)

The Figure was staring out towards the devestated planet, slowly being torn apart by the forces of Darkness. Morning has risen, but the sun was nowhere in sight. Glancing up
at the sky was a large black mist, blocking out all light above the planet. Around the globe, people yelled out in fear as the mist continued to spread, smothering the entire world in the
shroud of Darkness. So far, all had gone according to plan...with the TRUE final piece, they would be unstoppable.

"He holds the piece...that completes me. For years he has hidden it, stopping me from my full power being unleashed..." Assassin Aharon groaned.

Aharon's eyes glared out at the world. His vision was much different. He saw nothin but a haze of red...blood...corpses littering the planet. The soil was dry and dead. All life had been extinguished. Large cracks were in the Earth's surface...Even his allies were sliced to pieces, leaving him the only living thing left and after the world was dead, he'd simply go to the Video Dimension, ceasing all life there.

The Figure may be evil, but Assassin Aharon is the most sinister, vile person you'll ever meet. Walking up to the containers which held Joshua's friends in statis, he took note of two of the important ones...Sugar and Adis. Neither of them looked familiar, but the Darkness whipsered to him that he'd be coming after them. An advantage had now landed in Aharon's grasp. Knowing how Joshua's mind works, he'd be dead if Aharon played his cards right.

Devan approached from behind, his large glasses stood out in the lack of light, examining Aharon like a test subject.

"Worm. Get out of my sight you wretched thing." Aharon spat at him.

Shrinking back in fear before rushing away in the other direction, fear was the most efficent tool he had at his disposal. Using it would be simple as slowly whittling down someone's belief and courage, until they were nothing but a trembling child, ready for slaughter.

"Driven to spill blood. Cold...calculating...that's all he was made to do. Nothing more. Any light that may have existed in his heart was crushed long before his creation. He has fallen short of expectations in the past, but know, we have Joshua near the end of his wits. He'll play right into our hands." The Figure murmered, rubbing his hands together.

Part of his robes had been damaged, leaving a small tear. His left leg...looked inhuman. Purple veins pulsed odd fluid around his skeleton-like leg. The bones looked liked they had been gnawed by some animal, stained yellow and brown by the oxygen. His true appearance was unknown to all...a truly horrifying sight if his robes covering him were removed. If his leg looked so foul and aged, did his body look as ancient?

Large military equipment lined up around the outside of the building, ready to fire at any hostile creature that bared some resemblance to a human being. A huge defense had been set up around the Dark Realm. It seems they weren't concerned whether Joshua made it alive or not...

Inside the statis capsule containing Adis, her mind drifted back to everything that had happened since she met he saved her, the way he acted and how much they had gotten close in the small time they had together. Unable to do much but watch for now, she had a trick up her sleeve. Being the smart girl she is, she created a small map of the tower before thier capture.

>I hope this works...<

Pressing the button on her watch, the data was quickly transfered to Joshua's. Which began to ring loudly, stirring him from his sleep...
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Mar 16, 2007, 11:42 PM
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Chapter 13: Breakin' into da base. (2nd Last (L) Chapter!)

Finding Devil Dinah sleeping in his arms, morning had come. But everything was dark. Glancing down at his watch, the digital alarm bleeped, signaling that there was only four hours left. A small flicker caught his attention on the watch, making him press another button.

"A huge map. If I follow this, I might be able to get to the others..." Joshua sighed.

Turning around to still see Devil Dinah asleep, murmuring about mana and other things, Joshua quickly kissed her on the cheek, took a glittering crystal from his back-pack and placed in her hands. Doing the same for Angel Dinah and Michelle, he raced outside, the sky was getting darker. Purple volts of lightning crashed into the ground in the distance, making the Earth shake.

"...Don't hate me if I don't come back." Joshua whipsered, before dashing off towards the source.

Huge machines slowly came into view as he approaced the Dark Sector, missles already raining down around him. Focusing his thoughts on his misson, he weaved through the explosions that had taken out much of the ground below him. Fire burst forth from the dark depths, demons called out to him.

Pushing it from his mind, he leapt over the chasm that blocked his progress. Slashing at the missle platforms with his swords, they were rendered inopereable. The machines exploded, causing the remainder of the road to fall into the fiery depths below. Turning back wasn't an option.

The shadows around him moved quickly, signifiying other living things. Clenching his fists tight, his eyes going red..


Purple energy formed around the bodies of his opposers, trapping them inside an indivdual sphere of Ultima magic. Clicking his fingers, the spheres shattered, the remains of the attackers were scattered around his feet. Giving a disappointed glance at them before procceding, the large tower's shadow grew darker...

Many of Devan's minons rushed at him when he burst through the front doors, but were quickly reduced to smoking corpses by Joshua's Force Lightning. Sparks of electricty danced around the floor as our hero forced his way up the stairs, slicing anything that stood in his way into ribbons.

A large pathway opened, darkened corridors leading in many directions...

Left. Left. Right. Up. Down. Right. Joshua followed the blinking dot on his map as the signal got stronger. Before he had a chance to go any further, a large wall of flame sealed of the end of the passage, laughter coming towards him. He cursed under his breath when the figure appeared. Blisy...with an Xmas hat.

"Of all the had to be you. I guess I better finish you for good." Joshua groaned.

---BATTLE: Xmas Blisy. ---

The red demon teleported down the corridor, before his hands were thrust forward, a large smoke-screen billowed towards Joshua, clouding his sight. Unable to see his foe, Blisy got the hand, grabbing Joshua's left wrist, holding it tight before Blisy's fist ignited into a ball of flames and collided squarely into Joshua's chest.

Fire burned at his flesh, the scent wafted around them, making Joshua want to gag. His shirt was left with a big, black hole on it, the after-effects of Blisy's Fire Fist. Surprisingly, snow rained down on him, making Joshua laugh. Snow wasn't going to stop quickly began to pick up, the wind caused the snowflakes to cut into his flesh, light gashes forming on the surface of his skin.

More wind whipped past him, lifting him into the air and towards the wall of fire. Closing his eyes, he grabbed his swords tightly.


Joshua re-appeared on the ground, breathing heavily, bleeding lighty while Blisy stood over him, unscathed. He quickly changed his attitude when Joshua quickly stabbed him with his sword, his blood dripping down the blade. Everything around Blisy became a large haze of heat, hell-fire shot up in pillars around Joshua, making him dodge, or he'd be fried.

More illusions of Xmas Blisy were created by the heat wave, making Joshua feel dizzy.


A large gust of wind rushed down in front of him, blasting the flames and heat away from him. The haze vanished, leaving the real Blisy vunerable. A simple lunge forward with his swords...STAB! Both of the blades cut directly through his heart. Looking at Blisy's life diminish, he tore the swords apart, making his foe's body go in two directions, blood splattering everywhere.

"Fatality. Now, stay dead." Joshua ordered.

The wall of flame died down, the dark room opened up before him. Now was the time...would Light triumph, or Darkness consume all...?
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Mar 16, 2007, 11:44 PM
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Dark Ending 1: End of A Legacy.

Joshua had finally come. The large throne stood atop the series of stairs, a demonic emblem engraved on it. Weren't his friends supposed to be here? Or was he simply being lured into a trap. He drew his swords, facing the dark.

"Alright! I brought the final piece! Now let my friends go!" Joshua yelled.

From the shadows, a large hand of darkness reached out and snatched the dark material from Joshua's hands. He span around, facing his attacker. The Figure...the one totally wrapped in robes stood before him, holding his prize tightly in his right hand. Harsh laughter echoed around Joshua as The Figure muttered some words, summoning weird creatures that were made of flame.


A huge gust of wind picked up behind Joshua, large particals of sand swept by him, containing the fire monsters. Encasing them in solid rock, a simple smash of his sword turned them into rubble. It seemed it wouldn't be so much of a challenge. Charging forward, swords at the ready, he slashed clean through The Figure...before it simply faded, a dark orb crashed into him from behind, knocking Joshua to the cold floor.


The fight continued, both either on the offensive or defensive. Joshua was doing all he could to keep himself from being hit by another wave of dark energy, his body was already starting to feel the dark energy surge inside him, forcing him to focus on holding the darkness back.

"Take this! Light Flash!"

The entire room was lit up by the white, radiant light that burst from Joshua's body, The Figure backed away, only to trip and stumble, the dark material falling on the floor. A somewhat skeletal hand grasped it, before it was covered with flesh and blood. The body that the hand was attached to began to heal completely.

"It's done!...You have no MY creation!" The Figure yelled.

Aharon's response was to draw his scythe, swing it through the air before thrusting it straight down into the ground...with The Figure as well. The huge blade cut through his body like butter, black blood spilled over the floor before the body vanished, leaving nothing but robes.

"He's fufilled his purpose. Time for me to do what I've wanted to do for a long time. Joshua! Your death will be by my hand! Here and now!" Aharon laughed.

Simply casting his large cloak aside, his muscular body came into view. Despite the large gashes, which were healing at a rapid rate, an aura of dark energy seemed to continue to grow around him, drawing all of the shadows towards him. His red eyes flickered, before vanishing into thin air.

Joshua felt focused air being moved by a scythe, meaning, that Aharon was drawing closer. Leaping to the side of the room, hoping to avoid the attacks, his error was quickly realised. The large scythe pointed out towards Joshua, slicing through the air in a huge arc. His body took the full force of the attack, blood raining onto the floor as Joshua fell a few meters away.

"N-Not bad. But I'm not going to lose to you!"

His agile, yet wounded body dashed around the room, managing to get in a few slashes with his swords whenever he got close to the assassin. Of course, the resistance didn't last long. A quick movement of his scythe, and Joshua was flying through the air, landing on his back. The solid ground cracked underneath him, before Aharon approached.

"Time to die."

Aharon thrust a hand around Joshua's throat and lifted him into the air. Struggling to breath, Aharon held his double-ended scythe in his other hand, and pierced it straight through Joshua's chest. The end of the weapon protruded from his back, blood dripping down the weapon and onto the floor.

Joshua lifted his face, his face covered with the red liquid. Aharon simply withdrew the weapon and flung Joshua onto the ground. Walking away with the satisfaction that his most hated enemy was dying, he decided to leave. There wasn't any point on staying on the pathetic planet.

Tears streamed down Joshua's face as he realised that his promise was broken. Everything was starting to grow dark...

"I-I'm sorry...I loved you...Forgive me..." Joshua sobbed, before his eyes closed, and said no more.

The War Tavern is good. The War Tavern is great. Surrender yourself to it at all haste. Heh.
Ninja 101

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Mar 21, 2007, 03:28 AM
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It was Josef Kane
Remember it well!
Man cannot create an earthworm,
Yet he creates Gods by the hundred!
Doubble Dutch

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Mar 22, 2007, 10:57 PM
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Rosebud was his sled!

nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?

superjwren329 superjwren329's Avatar

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Mar 23, 2007, 01:19 AM
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...Okay, okay. I MAY be able to squeeze him into Ending 4, which is supposed to be the REAL ending.

Of course, there two others. One is a shadowy sort of ending, and one is where not even you could...well, most likely could expect. Heh...

*dons on black cape, sits down on throne and drinks blood from wine glass*
The War Tavern is good. The War Tavern is great. Surrender yourself to it at all haste. Heh.
Ninja 101

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Mar 23, 2007, 06:28 AM
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Originally Posted by superjwren329 View Post
*dons on black cape, sits down on throne and drinks blood from wine glass*
That's The Baron's job.
don't steal his thunder or you won't live to regret it.
Man cannot create an earthworm,
Yet he creates Gods by the hundred!

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