Dec 15, 2015, 08:34 AM | |
Dec 15, 2015, 10:10 AM | |
So you're saying that my hardware is telling to have 800x480 option for only fullscreen?
Do you get 800x480 for window mode? Hmm, thats weird. Cause every other game is able to have 800x480 in window mode.
Just Monika |
Dec 15, 2015, 01:40 PM | |
Running it through something like DXWND might work.
Dec 15, 2015, 08:56 PM | |
Thanks for the help. But it's not working. I still can't switch between window and fullscreen.
The only reason for me to turn into window mode is because, if the game somehow gets alt-tab [minimized] and then if I return to the game: it turn into window mode automatically. But in this case, there's no window resolution available. So the screen gets black. I can still press "alt+enter" to turn it to fullscreen. But the screen still remains black and only way to fix this is by restarting the game.
Just Monika |
Dec 17, 2015, 11:42 AM | |
There is one problem that I have been experiencing. And oddly enough I never experienced it in the old Jazz Jackrabbit 2 game.
When I die after a boss fight and start again from the beginning of the level or the last checkpoint, I get the boss music instead of the music of the level, I'm sure that's not supposed to happen. Thankfully this is a minor problem I can easily overlook, but I still felt like bringing it up. |
Dec 17, 2015, 12:00 PM | |
A known bug, but indeed a bug, thank you.
![]() |
Dec 18, 2015, 01:57 AM | |
Know what's strange? Now that Jazz 2 is fully customizable, its popularity should have raised to the stars. Instead, I look at the downloads page and realize the download rate has halved.
I used to get around 50 downloads for each of my creations, even the worst ones, and now even great levels like Rabbit City and Dilapidation get no more than 50 downloads. Maybe we should advertize JJ2+ around the Internet to get more audience. Otherwise, all the AngelScript thing is kind of wasted ...
Free will was a mistake. - God |
Dec 18, 2015, 08:34 AM | |
If Epic ever re-release it(And I still have no idea why they haven't already), it'll probably get a popularity boost.
And as Stijn said, it comes and goes. Occasionally, someone popular with fond memories of it will mention it, and we'll get a new person or two(Although they rarely stick around). |
Dec 18, 2015, 01:03 PM | |||
--- Getting back on the topic, here's a question: Are we ever gonna get enemies with customizable colors in JJ2+? Don't blame me for asking this question, I don't know much about how Jazz 2 works but since the birds and the frog are now customizable, I'm wondering if this would be possible for the enemies as well.
![]() "Floppy ears and a big butt?" - Slaz |
Dec 18, 2015, 01:46 PM | ||
Dec 18, 2015, 02:03 PM | ||
A better comparison would be the Commander Keen pack, which, if steamspy is accurate, has had about 200,000 sales over the last 8 years. Though tbh I have no idea whether those figures are good, bad, or how they would translate to a JJ2 rerelease.
Define 'normal'. |
Dec 18, 2015, 02:32 PM | |
You guys can be glad that I'm back. I'm somebody who used to be active a lot during the early 2000's.
I am gonna keep this community alive for sure. |
Dec 19, 2015, 01:18 AM | |
I almost forgot ... Thanks to the JJ2+ makers for fixing the copter ears so I don't have to tap to keep gliding!
Free will was a mistake. - God |
Dec 19, 2015, 04:05 AM | |
I just hope they never release it on steam. This game being on steam= VAC= No more JJ+= Shit.
Believe me, this Steam VAC has killed half the of modding of any games. You can only change the 3D models, textures and so on. But once you change some of the gameplay elements- you are good to get a VAC. It may removed cheating, but at the cost of gameplay mods, AI upgrades and what not? Epic should re release JJ2 in HD, but never in Steam. Never.
Just Monika |
Dec 19, 2015, 07:14 AM | |
Wrong, actually; VAC is a Valve thing, and its implementation in other games is optional. Given Epic's position on the franchise, if it made it to Steam, there is zero chance it would have VAC.
Also... Hmm... Looking into it, I don't think it actually does have a way to force the resolution. And regarding JJ2's small fanbase, I don't think it'll fizzle out for a long time. Despite the more dedicated fans(The regular JCF posters) being few and far between, most people who were PC gamers in the '90s have encountered it at some point. |
Dec 19, 2015, 03:25 PM | |
A) They'd need to care enough to open up the source code and put it in there. B) They'd need to care enough to put effort into a digital release. And C) They'd need to care enough to do a digital release. But anyway, I think we're getting pretty seriously off-topic now. |
Dec 22, 2015, 11:10 AM | |
I have replayed some of the levels I made back in 2007. I can't believe Jazz2 now is fully customizable. I never thought this would happen.
![]() I think I'll start remaking that old episode of mine with all the Angelscript features and my now improved drawing skills. Know what else would be nice? A way to import an indexed image separately from the tileset. Perhaps giving the jjPIXELMAP an additional function that instead of reading from a layer, reads from a PNG or PCX 256 colors file, like this: jjPIXELMAP importSky(0, 0, 256, 256, "mySky.pcx");
Free will was a mistake. - God Last edited by DennisKainz; Dec 24, 2015 at 01:04 AM. |
Dec 24, 2015, 10:41 AM | |
I have a question, is it possible to change JCS so I will play the level as Spaz instead of Jazz?
Because I prefer playing as Spaz and always have to use the jjmorph cheat code to change the character or go to the home cookies menu to play it as Spaz. |
Dec 24, 2015, 11:33 AM | |
Hey, guys when I run "plus.exe" I still get the error "win 32 application not valid". This problem is with the two last updates (April and August). Instead, "plusifier.exe" work perfectly with any version.
I also have tried this version of plus: "". But the plus still gives me the same error. By the way, I am playing on Wndows XP. P.S. If you would like to pass me the code I would check by myself what the problem is. Probably is a linking problem of a missing library on xp. |
Dec 24, 2015, 12:34 PM | |
If plusifier works though, what exactly is the problem? What are you doing that you need plus.exe for?
I'm asking because I'm afraid it's unlikely that much effort will be spent on making things XP-compatible. XP is old, unsafe and you shouldn't be using it anymore, and I don't think anyone working on Plus still runs it. |
Dec 25, 2015, 01:09 PM | |
I have a new suggestion.
By default a textured black background with a white fade color looks like this: ![]() I'd like to make it look like this instead: ![]() What I'm asking for is an option to decide where the fade effect starts and ends. I'd also like to be able to change the fade color's alpha, so you can make it transparent even in 16 bit color, like this: ![]() And an option to mirror the textured background, like this: ![]()
Free will was a mistake. - God |
Dec 26, 2015, 08:23 AM | |
I have a suggestion for a gamemode, it's more of a spinoff mode that merges TLRS with CTF.
Basically instead of awarding counting down lives, points will be rewarded in playing rounds, like Flag run. To earn 1 point as a team you play one round. Everyone (in both teams) spawn when a new round starts and play CTF like normal, except you are 'OUT' upon death. You win a round by scoring with the enemy flag or wipe out the enemy team. When a point is rewarded a new round starts. LRS variants are very popular in other games. The infamous game Soldat has the gamemode i described basically and is the most popular mode in this game. More known 'last man standing' variants with side-objectives such as Search & Destroy can be found in more modern games which are also really popular. Thoughts?
Dec 26, 2015, 12:15 PM | |
Sounds like Jailbreak but without the ability to free people from jails manually
Dec 27, 2015, 05:57 AM | |
That confuses me because it doesn't integrate CTF this way. Although the system comes closest to it. Would it be possible to capture flags outside the CTF gamemode? Maybe as a script?
Dec 27, 2015, 06:49 AM | ||
The reason why I'm still using XP, it's because my PC is a very old machine. A Pentium 4, with 512 MB of RAM. About safety I know that it's very easy to open socket on XP, because there are open ports and someone can gain remote access to PC. But I don't mind, since I am using this machine only for abandonware. |
Dec 27, 2015, 09:28 AM | ||
If you really need the functionality, you could consider downloading an older version: These versions are unsupported. |
Dec 27, 2015, 12:19 PM | |
Not sure if you're kidding me, but if you aren't ...
First, the F button can't mirror things vertically. Second, what I want to mirror is not the tiles, but the appearance of the textured background. You know, to create water reflections and all.
Free will was a mistake. - God |
Dec 28, 2015, 12:53 PM | |
You are alive! Welcome back mate
![]() Back on topic, how about increasing the character limit while chatting in game? Because 800x600 has more room for showing the chat on screen.
Just Monika |
Dec 28, 2015, 02:55 PM | |
Cannot you just press enter and continue the sentence on a new line?
Free will was a mistake. - God |
Dec 28, 2015, 03:49 PM | ||
But yeah, the character limit will be increased.
Jan 1, 2016, 06:54 AM | |
*pokes timidly* wow, I didn't even know there was a newly updated version. It's awesooome <3
I have a question though I don't really understand why it's so hard to find a guide for it: How can you play co-op online with friends? I want to host but I'm not sure on how to make it work (I heard it works through command lines?) Currently I understood that if you just start the game and create a normal internet game you can type /gamemode coop to change it and then play normally, but how do others connect? And how can you make levels load normally? I keep getting a "Next Level not found, loading current level" error -.- I would appreciate if you experts could share more informations on all that <3 I grew on playing Jackrabbit on my father's pc and I just want to keep playing it today..! |
Jan 1, 2016, 12:01 PM | |
Welcome! Others connect by going to the server list, choosing your server, and pressing enter. If that's not happening, probably you are either hosting on a Local Area Network instead of the full Internet, or else your server is pinging. In the latter case, that's probably a port forwarding issue. There should be a thread or two about that around somewhere...
As for making levels load normally, they should; if you're seeing that error, it's because the levels you want genuinely aren't in the same folder as your JJ2 executable. |
Jan 2, 2016, 05:42 AM | |
Oooh... This explains many things! I never really tried to play it online (much more fun to make a 4 players split screen
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Jan 2, 2016, 11:56 AM | |
Good luck! Note though that JJ2 was never intended to support online cooperative play (that's why it's not available in the server setup screen), and while JJ2+ has done some work on some rough edges (clients getting hurt properly, for instance) there's still something to be desired about the interior. So after typing
/coop or /gamemode coop , I think you still need to type /r once so that everything loads properly. (Or use their dropdown menu equivalents.) And more vexingly, enemy positions won't be synced among players.
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