Aug 30, 2003, 10:23 AM | |
Use Faw as bait.
Aug 30, 2003, 10:23 AM | |
No, but you kick Faw in the groin and take his page. You have obtained page three! you invintory now contains:
-Faw -Sporkstrudel -Box -Note -Page3 -Brick wall -Log Faw can not be used as bait because Europians taste like brusselsprouts. |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:24 AM | |
Pick up golden toothbrush. Attach Note to Page3 with Sporkstrudel.
Aug 30, 2003, 10:27 AM | |
Sry, Inf, Unknown beat you.
Uh... yeah, you have the toothbrush too. Hey, it's not like I'm writing this down or anything. You combine the Sporkstrudel, Irrelevent Note, and Page3 to make the ThirdNoteStrudel. Invintory: -Thirdnotestrudel -Toothbrush -Box -Log -Faw -Brick Wall -Probably some other stuff I forgot. |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:29 AM | |
Ask Faw if he can heal Araches.
Turn Box and Brick Wall into Shelter. |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:29 AM | |
Use the SporkStrudel to carve the Smooth Log into a log boat
<form action="" method="post"><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="center"><tr><td align="left" colspan="2" bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFFFFF"><b>Happy Deathday!</b></font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFFFFF">Your name:</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDAA"><font color="#000000">Grath</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFFFFF">You will die on:</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDAA"><font color="#000000">Friday, September 13, 2030</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFFFFF">You will die of:</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDAA"><font color="#000000">Deleted from the Matrix </font></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#000000"><font color="#FFFFFF">Username:</font></td><td bgcolor="#DDDDAA"><input type="text" name="username" value="ENTER USERNAME"></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#000000" align="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="What's my Deathday?"></td></tr><tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><font size="-1"><a href="">Created by <img src="" style='vertical-align:bottom;border:0;'>Quill</a></font></td></tr></table></form> |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:32 AM | |
In reply to all:
You make a shelter out of the box and brick wall. Faw can not heal Araches because he is bent over in pain because you just unwillingly kicked him in the groin. And you try make a boat, but mess up and accidently carve it out longways, making it a tube. And Faw has no pockets. And... er... the trout ran away. |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:33 AM | |
Feed Faw Trout, add Tube to Shelter.
Aug 30, 2003, 10:36 AM | |
Gently massage Faw with golden toothbrush until he feels better.
Aug 30, 2003, 10:39 AM | |
Ask Faw to heal Araches.
Aug 30, 2003, 10:41 AM | |
Thank Faw profusely and allow him to use Citadel.
Ask Araches what a Strat Dagger is. |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:45 AM | |
Give Faw Golden Toothbrush and Thirdnotestrudel.
Tell Faw to hunt. Ask Araches about herself. |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:48 AM | |
Faw goes hunting (notably for that runaway trout).
You ask Araches about herself. Araches is a 25 year old homosexual sorceress that skipped grades 1, 3, 3(again) and 7 and has six years of college education in the dark arts. |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:49 AM | |
Check Inventory.
Check Gender. Study dark arts. |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:53 AM | |
Let Araches be real person, instead of an item.
Hope Faw can hunt up Eraser, Illegal MP3 CD and Bag of Popsicles. |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:57 AM | |
If we could just bring any item from real life into a game, I'd take a cruise ship (no eraser, sry). You decide to catagorize your invintory better. Your invintory/party contains:
-Dagger (Invintory) -Eraser (Invintory) -Araches (Party) |
Aug 30, 2003, 10:59 AM | |
Ask Araches if she has Illegal MP3 CD and/or Bag of Popsicles.
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