Nov 29, 2003, 11:22 AM | |
"FFX pwns you all"
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Nov 29, 2003, 11:25 AM | |
Say that to party >l
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Nov 29, 2003, 11:27 AM | |
No. Do something intelligent.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. <i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds. |
![]() |
Violet CLM |
This message has been deleted by Violet CLM.
Dec 6, 2003, 05:48 AM | |
Maybe I just don't like you.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. <i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds. |
Dec 6, 2003, 04:21 PM | |
Or maybe it's the fact that I banned you from this three times.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. <i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds. |
Dec 7, 2003, 05:54 AM | |
Ugh... yeah. It is a lot larger than it needs to be (expecially with the 800 x 600 resolution I have on) and it is ugly, expecially with my color scheme (the red and black one by Dark Moogoo.)
Plus, I can't see anyone's custom title or location. EDIT- but I can see people's post counts, which is nice.
<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy."> I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium Last edited by RSPSS FR; Dec 7, 2003 at 06:09 AM. |
Dec 7, 2003, 07:49 AM | |
Fi >< orz teh JCF!!
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. <i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds. |
Dec 10, 2003, 08:34 PM | |
I doubt this thread will live much longer, but for the heck of it, go find Sear, and fix the jcf ;((((
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Dec 11, 2003, 04:29 PM | |
then go to that wierd screwd up library
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Dec 11, 2003, 04:44 PM | |
Your party walks to the Mind Gate. The door is open. You approach it, but happen to be attacked.
Ultrasuperbionicbandit attacks! Ultrasuperbionicbandit attacks! Ultrasuperbionicbandit attacks! Ultrasuperbionicbandit attacks! Party: -Uberbob -L33tz4n -Araches -Shuriken -Jay Jay's status: -Species: Monkeysomethingperson -Intelligence: 45 -Strength: 480 -Defense: 480 -Magic: 0 Last edited by Radium; Dec 11, 2003 at 04:56 PM. |
Dec 11, 2003, 04:53 PM | |
Evidently I haven't been paying enough attention. Where did we get Foo and Faw?
Dec 11, 2003, 04:56 PM | |
We have had Faw since about the start of the game. No idea how Foo got back from Scholar Sam.
<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy."> I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium |
Dec 12, 2003, 02:04 PM | |
View stats of enemies.
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Dec 13, 2003, 01:13 PM | |
List spells and stats.
Dec 13, 2003, 07:30 PM | |
Can't you just do a search? It's 10:29 PM and I'm tired.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. <i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds. |
Dec 13, 2003, 07:47 PM | |
No wonder this thread is dying =(((
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Dec 22, 2003, 06:18 PM | |
Great revival.
<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy."> I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium |
Dec 22, 2003, 06:59 PM | ||
...or, just have Jay attack everyone. |
Dec 22, 2003, 07:20 PM | |
You get this:
Inventory: -Thirdeighteennoteevenbettercitrusfruityflyingfully clotheductscraptlegalfourseatsestrudelire -Druid Robe -Pearldiver's Knife -Magic Map -Bookmark of Eternity -Magic Mirror -Bracelet Jay's status: -Species: Monkeysomethingperson -Intelligence: 40 -Strength: 570 -Defense: 570 -Magic: 0 L33tz4n's Spells: -Summon Rusty Iron Bat: Summons rusty iron bat. Dispelled after a while. The trick to winning combat is to never be unarmed. Never! -Summon Butterfly: Summons butterfly. Dispelled after a while. I wrote this spell as a joke. I had no idea it would make it in a book. -Summon Battlebutterfly: Summons butterfly with niftular battle attachments. Durnit, if my joke spell has to make it in a book the least I can do is give it an upgrade! -Summon MSN guy: A little more pathetic than Summon Butterfly. Gets fired after a while and commits suicide when MSN stock drops. This is the worst spell. Period. MSN cast it, and look what happened to them. -Summon Einstein: Summons Einstein. Dispelled after a while, takes a lot of MP. Top marks on my homework! Sorcery is fun. -Summon Water Elemental: Summons water elemental. Dispelled after a while and takes a lot of MP. Water is a very destructive force. It can carve through stone or give the strongest warrior a painless death. -Glitch: Causes impossible events to stop happening, takes 2 people. What can not exist, does not exist, but only a rare few can prove it. -Hypnotize: Only Mindmagic spell, puts enemy under your control. What enemy depends on MP used in spell and enemy's intelligence. We all hate it when people don't do what we want. Owned! -Hypnotism Ward: Prevents Mindmagic spells. Takes a lot of MP to cast. You know, I don't like the idea of having some old man with a wand in my head. Uberbob's Spells: -Glitch: Causes impossible events to stop happening, takes 2 people. What can not exist, does not exist, but only a rare few can prove it. -Fysics Phalure: Uberbob is not yet powerful enough to cast this spell. Sometimes the universe seems to be against you. Luckily, you're against it too. -Stoneskin: Increases unit's defense. When we run into battle, the rocks we step on don't complain. Now we know why. -Enchant Weapon: Increases a weapon's speed, strength, ect. Takes a lot of MP, can only be cast once in a long time. Takes 4-8 hours to wear off. Suddenly that pair of saftey scissors looks pretty dangerous -Telekenesis: Moves inanimate objects. Requires line of sight, lifts approximately 10 lbs at most.Things often lie just out of our reach. If only our hands could reach as far as our minds. -Doll Ward: Prevents all Doll Magic spells. Nobody likes dead stuff that moves. Araches' Spells: -Bloodlust: Increases unit's attack. You know the feeling of strength and madness we get in combat? Now picture it in a spell. -Haste: Increases unit's speed. Surprise is key. The enemy won't expect a heavily armored soldier to run like a cheetah. -Life Drain: Target's health slowly goes down. Takes a lot of MP, can only be cast once every long time. When you have this spell, all you need is a large shield. -Magic Dart: Inflicts a small amount of damage, requires line of sight. Why waste ammo? Shuriken's Spells: -Haste: Increases unit's speed. Surprise is key. The enemy won't expect a heavily armored soldier to run like a cheetah. Jay attacks Bionicbandit. Bionicbandit takes 1 damage. All the Bionicbandits attack Jay. Jay loses about a quarter of his health.
GENERATION 22: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. <i>"This picture shows me that the gray bird man is just a bully and picks on smaller birds. Just because he has no friends and takes it out on others smaller than him to look good. I can see in the parrats eyes that it does however have a understanding of the gray bird man and is upset about getting cut."</i> - Speeza on cartoon birds. |
Dec 22, 2003, 07:48 PM | |
How much HP do the bionic bandits have?
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Dec 22, 2003, 07:56 PM | |
Cast Haste on Jay, and have Faw heal him (if Faw can).
<img src="" border="0" alt="The rodent thingy wasn't worthy."> I would not want anyone having sex with my cocktail. ~ Radium |
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