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Streets of Rage 4: UEI Edition


JCF Member

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Feb 16, 2004, 12:17 AM
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Streets of Rage 4: UEI Edition

Whats up yall,
I'm XTREEMMAK creator of a new Streets of RAGE game called Streets of Rage 4: UEI Edition. It is an entirely new game not a rom mod and can be seen at my site. Currently though, there are no real game downloads. However you can download the SOR4 BPD V 1.0 if you wish. Mine you though that it's very buggy and kind of old. A more stable BPD (1.2) should be comming soon. So what makes this game so great? Well besides the fact that this game may be online in the distant future, or the new moves, modes, music, story, combos, codes, and characters that are in the game.....nothing much > The music was produced and copywriten at Enigma Studios(tm)
So when will the full version be out, much less a beta? Well to be honest there still is no release date. Not even for a beta.

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Mar 4, 2004, 12:50 PM
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Wow, sweet. I used to play the Streets of Rage games a lot with my brother. We used to have SOR 2. Lots of fun.

Online mode would certainly rock

"Okay. I'm Understand" - burnout92

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Mar 17, 2004, 12:21 PM
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Red face Development

If you've played the v1.0BPD plz dont look away from the project just yet. This demo is the first and only demo released from us and doesn't (now) refelct the games progress. As of now v1.2 is on it's way and just a few more things have to be tweeked and changed in order for it to look and play close to right. Since v1.0, many things have been changed including:

*Speed - The game loads waaaay faster than it did before! The loading time on v1.0 was rediculous! Almost 5 to 10 min! The loading time on v1.2 as of now is around 50sec to 1min!
*FX - New Battle effects have been added. This at the moment includes spit, hit FX, and cracked floor effects.
*Moves - New attacks have been added to Axel's arsonal, as well as some of the old combos that used to be available now changed. By the time BPD1.2 comes out, he should have 4 of his new moves done.
*Added items - There will be a health apple in the room, as well as a sword to play with (dont poke out an eye lol)
*Requirements - The game in v1.0 was eating up so much memory, the best performance that I've recorded with it was on a computer with 512memory! The v1.2 now runs no problem on at least a 64mb or above computer. Recomend 100mb for excelent speed.
*Old Errors - That goes without saying.

What to expect in v1.3 -
*2 more enemy types
*All of Axels moves complete
*Fixed display bars
*More Items
*and possibly more.

Keep watch as the UEI brings you more of this fine product. More screenshots are on the way on my site. Till next time SOR fans

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Mar 24, 2004, 08:52 AM
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Sweeeet ^_^

Keep up the good work

"Okay. I'm Understand" - burnout92
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