Sep 5, 2003, 06:13 PM | ||
Glitching doesn't work by not knowing something exists, It works by knowing something DOESN'T exist. Actually, since you'll just CyberCafe it anyway, I'll just explain glitching right here by the pool. Glitching works by finding conflicting laws of logic, physics, or knowledge to "glitch" the universe. Running off the theory if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, it does not make a sound, glitching is when multiple laws in the universe conflict to the point that they abort or compraimise. I like it, it takes heavy thinking like magic SHOULD. And Xion... no. |
Sep 5, 2003, 06:17 PM | |
Feed Faw Noberry out of spite.
Check if the water damaged any parts of the inventory. |
Sep 5, 2003, 06:17 PM | ||
No new weapo... Control: Uberbob Equip: Wings (Eagle wings, plz thnx) Go: into pool Get: Chains Go: Party Control: Party Check: Status Check: Inventory
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Sep 5, 2003, 06:23 PM | |
You give faw a Noberry and his tail dissapears.
Invintory: -Wings -Thirdnoteductstrudelire -Scrapmetal (was Flashlight, Pandora's Can Opener, Pandora's Repair Kit) -47 Noberries -Dagger -Snufuss Coat -Pandora's Shoe -Pandora's Can -Pandora's Key -Crystal -Speckled Rock Party: -Uberbob Magic skill: Glitching -Araches Magic skill: Non-healing beneficial -Fawriel Magic skill: Healing -L33tz4n Magic skill: Glitching and summoning Places: -Faw's Domain (yours) -Fort Strato (yours) -Snufuss Lair (yours) -Trading Post (Gremlins') -Cyber Cafe (Gremlins') -Pandora's Pool(yours) The car keys look like a normal pair of keys with the Toyota logo carved in them. You take them, head to the save point. Town Pipe back to Pandora's pool, where to now? |
Sep 5, 2003, 06:26 PM | |
Ask how L33tz4n is pronounced. (eLegion?)
Tell Fawriel to heal L33tz4n's eyes. Add Scrapmetal to Thirdnoteductstrudelire. (Is it still raining?) |
Sep 5, 2003, 06:36 PM | |
You fly to the top of the volcano and find L33tz4n's contacts (wow). Apart from that, an inactive volcano is quite boring. You add the scrapmetal to the Thirdnoteductstrudel, which is now the Thirductnotescraptstrudel.
The rain has died down a bit. You return to the 'Post, only to find their new shipment has arrived! And Gates bought the old one. Items for Trade: -Bag o' Candy -Nowaffle, like a noberry but ten times more random. -Basketball -Peanut Butter Jar -Chaos Cord, a seemingly normal looking rope. L33tz4n: Leetz-ahn Uberbob: Oo-Ber-Bob Araches: Ar-Ach-Aes Fawriel: Faw-Real. |
Sep 5, 2003, 06:39 PM | |
Anyways... Trade Pandora's Key for basketball Trade shiny rock for Chaos Cord. Analyze Chaos Cord. --If: Usable as a weapon ----Then: Equip to Fawriel or Araches. And I pronounce it "Faw-rie-el" with three syllables not two. XD
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Sep 5, 2003, 07:07 PM | |
Invintory: -Wings -Thirductnotescraptstrudelire -47 Noberries -Dagger -Snufuss Coat -Pandora's Shoe -Pandora's Can -Basketball -Crystal -Chaos Cord (not a weapon) Yes, it's Faw-real. It took Faw almost three months to teach me to do it right, I always said it like you. |
Sep 5, 2003, 07:19 PM | |
Go to Faw's Domain.
Get some rest. |
Sep 5, 2003, 07:29 PM | |
Re-explore... that's one of those commands like "win the game".
At last you go to get some well needed rest at Faw's Domain. L33tz4n is also insisting you find her new clothes, when you get the chance. By "when you get the chance", you feel she is planning to kill you if you don't comply. |
Sep 5, 2003, 07:31 PM | |
Give L33tz4n Snufuss Coat.
Apologize for dampness. Think better of trying to kiss Araches goodnight. Sleep (maybe even inside). |
Sep 5, 2003, 07:36 PM | |
Making clothing out of a bag the size of a pineapple is illogical, not to mention Unknown's post comes first in the Topic Review under the reply window. You give L33tz4n the Snufuss cloak. You also think better of kissing Araches goodnight (good job). You actually sleep inside, even on a bed. Amazing.
Sep 5, 2003, 07:43 PM | |
Sep 5, 2003, 07:47 PM | |
You try to dream of Araches, but instead have nightmares about the ebil Blackraptor summoning a terrible combination of Bjarni and Grey Fox, called Bjarfox.
You wake up at five AM in the morning, like those farmer people. Best to get an early start, care to annoyingly wake up the rest of your party? Last edited by Radium; Sep 8, 2003 at 03:30 AM. |
Sep 5, 2003, 07:48 PM | |
'An early start on what?' you wonder, and (try to?) go back to sleep.
Sep 5, 2003, 07:51 PM | |
Very subtle.
Sep 5, 2003, 08:11 PM | |
Wake up L33tz4n.
Shake Fawriel until he wakes up. Wake up Araches as kindly as possible. Wait until everyone is fully awake. Go to Caverns. Go to Orb/Crystal room. Swap Orb for Crystal. Go to Gate. Look around through Orb. |
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