May 6, 2015, 01:42 PM | |
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 on Windows 8/8.1/10 DirectDraw issue
I installed Jazz2 a few days ago on my laptop with Windows 8 and I noticed it just ran as on my old Packard Bell desktop computer from 1998 ![]() Apparently, older versions of DirectDraw are broken on Windows 8, 8.1 and the Windows 10 Tech preview. So I assume it will be broken on the retail version of Windows 10 as well. I didn't find any answer about this on the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 faq so please close this in case a solution has been provided already. There's a small utility called ddwrapper on to solve this problem. It works by intercepting calls of applications and games just like the real DirectDraw library. And this should work for other old games too. You just need to download the package on the site and unzip it on your Jazz2's folder and edit the "aqrit.cfg" file. This is my config Code:
;;; ;;; RealDDrawPath = AUTO BltMirror = 0 BltNoTearing = 0 ColorFix = 1 DisableHighDpiScaling = 0 FakeVsync = 0 FakeVsyncInterval = 0 ForceBltNoTearing = 0 ForceDirectDrawEmulation = 1 NoVideoMemory = 0 SingleProcAffinity = 0 ShowFPS = 15 The sourcecode is included with the tool. -Alberto |
May 6, 2015, 01:44 PM | |
As always, good guy Alberto!
I've made this a sticky topic. Since I can confirm that my Win 8.1 laptop can actually play JJ2 now.
Join clan [GPW]'s discord! S.H.A.D.O.W.: (aka Ins0mnia) Synthetic Hydraulic Android Designed for Observation and Warfare Mystic Legends Follow me on twitter: @Ins0mnia Follow us on twitter: @Mystic_Legends |
May 8, 2015, 02:41 AM | |
A.. Ma.. Zing! My earlier workaround involved disabling hardware accel for DirectDraw as a whole, which brought on some different complications but made it run smooth at least.
This actually makes it run the way it should! So thanks a ton and welcome back Alberto The Great! ![]()
Add SlazRabbit on Xbox Live if you want to play some GoW1/2/3/J or Destiny1/2. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Forever!! Civilian Defence Force - Jazz2 Visual Fantasers ![]() |
May 8, 2015, 04:11 AM | |
Thanks Slaz!
You are welcome SAMI I suppose for more advanced settings you can use dxwnd It's an utility mainly designed to run old games on windowed mode. But it has other series of tweaks that might be useful. Will work in full screen mode too. Take care Last edited by Alberto; May 8, 2015 at 04:28 AM. |
Aug 21, 2015, 12:03 PM | |
You're probably running a particular pirated copy of JJ2 that managed to break home-cooked levels somehow.
Aug 22, 2015, 10:50 AM | |
And HCL probably worked in it.
Aug 23, 2015, 04:54 AM | |
HCL = HomeCooked Levels.
Aug 24, 2015, 05:10 PM | |
For me the problem is a little bit different, I believe. I am using Windows 10. The game runs smooth enough as long as I don't switch to full screen while I'm in game. Whenever I join an online game in windowed mode and switch to full screen, I stop receiving game-packets. I still receive chat and can use commands etc. normally, but all incoming game-related traffic stops for my client. Other clients can still see me in-game but my client will eventually timeout from the server and all servers become unpingable as well, until I restart my client. These pictures should show the issue pretty well.
![]() ![]() Also this does not happen when I switch to full screen in the menus and join a game already in full screen mode. Switching back to windowed mode does not bring any problems either. But everytime I do it from windowed to full screen, this happens. I have tried the fixes here in this thread, and while they nicely improve my fps in full screen mode, they still don't fix this problem. For me it might take a while to get used to the windowed mode, since I've always played full screen and I am likely to accidentally turn on full screen mode at any time, due to my key-preferences.
Find It Out SP: MP: |
Aug 25, 2015, 01:40 AM | ||
MasterSven also confirmed it a while ago. I don't exactly have a clue about what happens, but I believe it's Windows's 8/8.1/10's Window manager being always on while programs are running fullscreen to keep listening to and displaying notifications. Somehow the 'initialization' of this feature (after switching to fullscreen in-game) interferes with JJ2's netcode, but as long as you go into (and stay into) fullscreen mode before starting the in-game server browser you can play fine.
Add SlazRabbit on Xbox Live if you want to play some GoW1/2/3/J or Destiny1/2. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Forever!! Civilian Defence Force - Jazz2 Visual Fantasers ![]() |
Sep 18, 2015, 09:14 PM | |
Seriously, who uses Windows?*
*sorry for this Linux geek spam, but I have 2 good reasons: 1. Windows sux 2. There are some weird settings on this forum. As a new user I can't post a new thread unless I have posted 2 posts in existing threads... ![]() |
Sep 19, 2015, 03:35 AM | |
1. A matter of opinion. I tolerate Windows because it runs every game in existence, and it's good enough. I tried Linux a while back, and while I did like it, I moved back to windows because of gaming. Anyway, that's just my thoughts; opinions are like armpits, everyone has them, and they all stink.
2. That's an anti-spambot measure. Should be gone now. Welcome to the JCF! ![]() |
Jul 29, 2016, 12:41 PM | |
Never mind - figured out my error. I had hardware acceleration enabled in my settings Disabled and the game runs fine!
Last edited by CoaldustPony; Jul 29, 2016 at 12:56 PM. Reason: Problem resolved |
Sep 7, 2016, 12:07 PM | ||
But, I get these weird ass errors, like JJ2 can't set 640x480 etc etc.
Just Monika |
Feb 19, 2017, 02:32 AM | |
We're having a problem on windows 8 as well, but the above fix doesn't work so it's probably unrelated (but restrictions on creating new threads when you haven't replied yet, yada yada). Basically: the left arrow key (and maybe up as well?) is permanently pressed even though we're not doing anything. Makes it impossible to play since the menu is just a game of roulette (and makes a lot of noise) and if you happen to be lucky enough to start a game, you run headlong into the cliff on the left and it refuses to ever go right.
We've tried on two different laptops, both windows 8, with a bunch of different versions. All show the exact same problem. Is there anyone who knows a fix for this? |
Feb 19, 2017, 04:40 AM | ||
Aug 15, 2019, 02:21 AM | ||
Aug 19, 2020, 03:48 AM | |
For those people to can't be run smoothly Jazz 2 in DDraw mode:
1.Download DXWrapper from here: 2.Copy to Jazz Jackrabbit folder these files: dxwrapper.asi, dxwrapper.dll , dxwrapper.ini and from the Stub folder ddraw.dll 3.Open dxwrapper.ini with any editor and look like this: ;; Config file for DirectX DLL Wrapper [General] RealDllPath = AUTO WrapperMode = AUTO LoadCustomDllPath = ExcludeProcess = IncludeProcess = RunProcess = WaitForProcess = 0 DisableLogging = 0 [Plugins] LoadPlugins = 0 LoadFromScriptsOnly = 0 [Compatibility] Dd7to9 = 0 D3d8to9 = 0 DDrawCompat = 0 Dinputto8 = 0 DisableGameUX = 0 DxWnd = 0 EnableDdrawWrapper = 0 EnableDinputWrapper = 0 EnableDsound8Wrapper = 0 HandleExceptions = 0 SingleProcAffinity = 0 [DDrawCompat] DDrawCompat20 = 1 DDrawCompat21 = 0 DDrawCompatExperimental = 0 DDrawCompatDisableGDIHook = 0 DDrawCompatNoProcAffinity = 0 [ddraw] ConvertToDirectDraw7 = 0 ConvertToDirect3D7 = 0 DdrawOverrideBitMode = 0 [Dd7to9] AutoFrameSkip = 0 DdrawEmulateSurface = 0 DdrawWriteToGDI = 0 DdrawLimitDisplayModeCount = 0 DdrawUseNativeResolution = 0 DdrawClippedWidth = 0 DdrawClippedHeight = 0 DdrawOverrideWidth = 0 DdrawOverrideHeight = 0 DdrawOverrideRefreshRate = 0 DdrawIntegerScalingClamp = 0 DdrawMaintainAspectRatio = 0 [d3d9] AnisotropicFiltering = 0 AntiAliasing = 0 EnableVSync = 0 EnableWindowMode = 0 ForceVsyncMode = 0 FullscreenWindowMode = 0 WindowModeBorder = 0 [FullScreen] FullScreen = 0 ForceWindowResize = 0 WaitForWindowChanges = 0 [dinput8] FilterNonActiveInput = 0 [dsound] Num2DBuffers = 0 Num3DBuffers = 0 ForceCertification = 0 ForceExclusiveMode = 0 ForceSoftwareMixing = 0 ForceHardwareMixing = 0 ForceHQ3DSoftMixing = 0 ForceNonStaticBuffers = 0 ForceVoiceManagement = 0 ForcePrimaryBufferFormat = 0 PrimaryBufferBits = 16 PrimaryBufferSamples = 44100 PrimaryBufferChannels = 2 AudioClipDetection = 0 I hope to work this for you. ![]()
"Where I walk, I walk alone. Where I fight, I fight alone" Akuma from Street Fighter Alpha The Animation |
Nov 15, 2020, 06:35 AM | |
Alternative solution for fast and smooth DDraw on Windows 10 using Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit (AKA Compatibility Administrator) 32bit. No 3rd party wrappers required.
1. download and install MS-ACT from Don't worry, you can download and install just MS-ACT (less than 10MB), not the entire 6GB package! ![]() 2. download and Load with MS-ACT this .sdb and Save + Install (use right mouse button) it. ![]() (You can uninstall the patch from Installed programs. MS-ACT is not required to be installed for the patch to work after you applied it, so you can uninstall it if you want) |
Nov 21, 2020, 01:33 AM | ||
Last edited by PeterPham; Nov 24, 2020 at 05:00 AM. |
Aug 25, 2021, 06:02 AM | ||
Last edited by HildegardBlank; Aug 27, 2021 at 07:38 AM. |
Feb 28, 2023, 03:45 AM | ||
I don't know that there is a problem in my system or in the link. Can ypu plz help me? Last edited by Libra Hot; May 19, 2023 at 03:42 AM. |
![]() |
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bug, directdraw, fix, slow, windows 10, windows 8, windows 8.1 |
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