Sep 24, 2012, 03:00 PM | |
Its a Work In Progress stuff, but yeah the blaster will be more... detailed, or what.
And Jazz's scales are original, i leave the old games body-ratio. ...err really sorry about my English, i still learning. Its a better pics about the Blaster: ![]() upload photo But thx, i will work on the blaster. |
Sep 25, 2012, 04:02 AM | ||
I wouldn't mind checking those out, although the thing with UE1 is that you can only use +- low poly models, so if you have any of those, that'd be perfect. UE1 can only use morph target type of animation. Because of this, the vertices are placed on a 3d grid, and they can only move a certain amount in any direction - this is why, if you take a closer look, the animations in a lot of UE1 games look kind of liquid-ish. Besides, a really high poly model in UE1 wouldn't really look all that good, because the environments are so basic (It wouldn't go together that well). It'd be perfect for some pre-rendered graphics, though (Actually I'm planning on including something like that here and there). Also, I'm still trying to port Jazz3 data over to Unreal 227, if that succeeds, I might actually end up using skeletal meshes, instead. P.S. Not entirely sure if PSK will do here, it's what UDK (UE3) reads, right? How about some more tradicional file formats? I actually use Blender myself, so if you want, you can just use the source *.Blend file. Last edited by JazzGruff; Sep 25, 2012 at 05:16 AM. |
Sep 25, 2012, 08:43 AM | |
Thanks, i do my best, but im still learning.
I gladly send you an older .blend file. Where i send it? Its an early but rigged one, with some issue, but it works i guess... It have some animation, and Morph. But the textures... well... not too good, i already fix that in the recent versions (current 12.4, its 2.3). I made some other JJ characters, like the "jumping frog-swordsman", and still making Spaz and Lori. But its really WiP so not much... (sorry again about my english) Last edited by Carpaintergeril; Sep 30, 2012 at 05:49 AM. |
Sep 26, 2012, 01:06 PM | ||
Your work looks neat, actually =P. It kind of inspired me to finally start working on that new Jazz model, and here's some of the progress i've got: (Click to enlarge) ![]() ![]() ![]() Also, you can check out the model itself in your browser right here: No texture yet - This is extremely early in works, nothing too special at all. Now, all this seems kind of interesting for me, but originally I made the hands like in Jazz 3 (Just a fist-like mesh with a texture applied on it ), instead of the fingers. This made me think about something - Do you guys really want this to be made on the Unreal engine? I mean, I like working on this, and it is indeed fun and all that, but wouldn't it be better to have something a lot better on, let's say, the Unity3D engine? What do you think? Maybe I should just focus on something like that instead? |
Sep 27, 2012, 11:01 AM | |
Yeah, I think it should be moved to more general-use (and less outdated) engine. But I'd propose JMonkeyEngine. It's great Java-based engine (don't worry, performance of it is great, there are some pretty graphic-intense games made with it and they work smoothly), so you'll get multiplatform support with no effort (with Unity you'd have to export it for other platforms, with JME you just build JAR). Also JME supports Android.
Don't get me wrong, Unreal engine is powerful, there were some great things done with it (such as recent Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD), but it is mostly shooter-optimized. |
Sep 27, 2012, 02:37 PM | |
No, jj3 is a tetris clone.
![]() Well, I want to use Unity3D because I've already had some quite good experience with it, it is pretty easy to get levels in place and do some really complex work very quickly (For example, I can easily assign anything to any bone of any character in the scene, in a matter of seconds in a graphics based environment.). JMonkeyEngine does look good enough, but I'm afraid I am not enough of a programmer to work with such engine (I assume it requrites more coding in Java than I'd require coding in Java Script in Unity3D). Unlike Unity3D, Unreal has CSG, which is actually quite suited for this kind of project, so I might as well use Unreal 3, actually, but the damn thing is so slow I can't imagine myself working with it. Anyway, if I end up working on something like that in a different engine, don't expect a ported JJ3. Instead, You can expect some of my patch characteristics to be in a project like that, but for the most part it is likely going to be a thing of its own, with its own title (It's probably for the better). If this happens, I'll try to get Patch v1.3 out as soon as possible, and then focus on the new thing, instead, if it seems good enough. ![]() |
Sep 28, 2012, 09:35 AM | |
gears of war is a third-person shooter
Anyway, that's nonsense, there's a gazillion of non-FPS games made using the UE3, which would be weird if it somehow was not suitable for non-FPS games. Last edited by Stijn; Sep 28, 2012 at 10:02 AM. |
Sep 28, 2012, 11:22 AM | |
Then again, there are action games made with RPG Maker or even platformers made with Adventure Game Studio, so it doesn't prove anything.
//edit: My point is: Yes, you can do that, but prepare for big struggle because of wrong tool. |
Sep 28, 2012, 12:45 PM | |
Actually there are a lot of different types of games made with the original Unreal engine, same with Unreal Engine 2.
Take a look at a game called "Rune", they used a modified version of UE1, but most of the things there can be done in the original UE1 as well. I think they added actual skeletal animation support, along with the ability to do some procedural animations with the bones (Make the head look at items independently, for example, or the torso to turn left or right), along with some small changes and added features. Actually seems like a perfect engine to use for something like Jazz 3, since the characters would've have needed to aim with their weapons in multiple directions, makes me wonder how the guys at World Tree Games would've done it if Jazz 3 went deeper into development. Actually speaking of Jazz 3 development, what is the area in the lower left corner of this image? ![]() I don't seem to remember seeing that in any of the maps that came with the leaked alpha. |
Oct 5, 2012, 04:05 AM | |
Man, I need to stop being lazy and re-install JJ3.
<a href="">Episode 1 The War begins</a> Epsiode 2:N/A Episode 3: Probably never Episode 4: Probably never <a href=""> Deckstar V3</a> <a href="">Colonial Fix</a> Jazz 1 Fanolint: 98% <a href="">Finished secret levels</a> |
Oct 7, 2012, 11:20 AM | ||
It seems that the problem lies in mirroring the other side of the mesh, which is kind of wierd, I can't seem to fix that in any way. I can, however, work on meshes without animations - I'll try to add some more content that way. Last edited by JazzGruff; Jun 12, 2013 at 08:21 AM. |
Nov 7, 2012, 02:25 PM | |
![]() Quote:
My important JJR3 Petition at: Project JAZZ T.A.S. at.. ..uhm... cancelled, the project is f******g impossible for my """ability""". The project was cancelled with a 25% of work, a work gone lost. ![]() |
Nov 24, 2012, 01:47 PM | |
* Finally got UnrealED 1.0 working just fine on my pc after my reinstall * I finally figured out how to save mesh animation! * I've changed the origin pivot for some of Jazz's animations (Like his swimming animation was under it for some reason..) Next up - More animations for Jazz! As for other characters, I still have to figure out a couple of things, like why mirroring the other side of my characters makes the triangles disappear after converting, but other than that I'd say it is possible to create those. I'll try to add animations (Or more of them, if necessary) to other things, though, like trees and small plants. Edit: Here's a little test for an extra "Animation" I made for Jazz: ![]() It's just one frame (I was too lazy to make an animation for this), but it works! Last edited by JazzGruff; Nov 24, 2012 at 03:42 PM. |
Nov 24, 2012, 07:18 PM | |
Hey. I'm back, but not to tell anyone off, or get angry, or be mean and idiotic like I was earlier in this thread.
No, this time I am here to apologise for those very events. I was going through an irritable and obsessive phase, and some hard times. So, I started taking my anger out on other people. And I am very sorry for this. So, I hope at least some of you guys can accept my apology. Anyway, getting back on topic, although I'm no expert in 3D modelling, I would just like to point out that maybe the program you're using has problems with flipping objects over a certain Poly Count? Or perhaps the program has issues with rendering flipped objects? Or maybe I'm completely getting the wrong end of the stick, but either way, I think it's probably a bug, and it might be something to do with the verison of Unreal JJ3 uses(Or whichever one you're using if you've ported it to a later version). I mean, you said yourself that you had problems getting it working at first, so maybe Unreal is still messing up. I suggest re-rendering or re-importing it. If it still has the same areas missing, that's one possibility eliminated, although if it either fixes it, or has different areas missing, that's the problem found, which usually makes finding the solution easier(Of course, since I have little knowledge concerning 3D Modelling, I could be looking at this entirely wrong, in which case, feel free to disregard my advice). Anyway, good day/evening/night to you all. |
Nov 27, 2012, 03:22 PM | |
Hey there,
I stumbled on your thread on J2O and Oldunreal and I have to say I’m greatly impressed by your work, I’ve been a huge fan of the JJ3 project and I was hoping someone would continue it someday, seems my dreams are about to come true! I was wondering if you would accept any help on this? I’d be glad to help out with some minor stuff, I have a fair amount of experience with unrealed and the first unreal engine, I can map, even do some textures, modelling and animating. Just let me know what you think. |
Jan 24, 2013, 10:27 AM | |
![]() It looks multiplayer is very cool, but at the console the bots showing errors. Do you can fix it?
Sega Satan somewhat |
Jun 12, 2013, 08:18 AM | |
Hey guys!
I've been away for a pretty long time, it seems, and I hope it's not a serious crime here to revive an old thread like this? Anyway, recently I decided to dig this project up again, and see what I can do with it, so here's some updates on things that I've already done or are in progress of making (Apologies if some of these were brought up already, I haven't been around for such a long time that I don't really remember anymore, sorry about that): * Fixed up animations for Jazz * New alternate animations for Jazz (The idle animation seemed a bit too "jumpy", so I replaced it with something a bit simpler) * Some projectiles now act as light sources * Alternative crosshair (A 2d one, in the middle of the screen, eventually I might actually turn this into the only crosshair... just might. But I'll try to make it as a toggleable alternative) * Improved loading screen Note that this thing was never cancelled, I just got carried away doing other things, and I was overall busy with college and whatnot. Bottom line, you CAN expect 1.3 to come out sometime soon! =) EDIT: Here's a little screenshot of the progress I have so far: You can see the 2D crosshair in the middle of the screen, and the 3d one further away in the level. So far the 2D crosshair easily changes the same way the 3d does, I just have to make Jazz shoot where the 2D one is pointing at, not the 3d one. Like I said, I'll try to add the 2D crosshair as an alternative, and if so, I'll probably leave it as default (Since the 3D one is a bit confusing, actually). Also, the new standing pose! Don't mind the upside down gun, I think I broke something in the code at some point - I'll fix it as soon as possible, once I figure out how to! Last edited by JazzGruff; Jun 12, 2013 at 10:29 AM. |
Jun 12, 2013, 01:25 PM | |
Jazz looks more self-assured in the new standing pose! Keep up the good work, I'll be sure to play through 1.3 once you've released.
Maybe try to make the 2D crosshair (optionally) transparant? The 3D crosshair does indeed feel slightly off aim, but it did it's job of not being in the way, since Jazz3 was supposed to be a third person shooter. Or more precisely, a third person action platformer with lotsa shooting. ![]()
Add SlazRabbit on Xbox Live if you want to play some GoW1/2/3/J. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Forever!! Civilian Defence Force - Jazz2 Visual Fantasers ![]() |
Jun 13, 2013, 02:02 AM | |
I'd actually like to add a transparency option in the settings menu, but even if that doesn't get implemented, the 2D crosshair, like I said, can be changed, just like the 3d one, so you can easily switch to something smaller and less eye-catchy. I might also add one extra crosshair - A simple dot, perhaps.
Jun 13, 2013, 10:18 AM | |
After Half Year, you are here.
Still waiting this day to play JJ3. Before some days I tried to install this patch, but JJ3 didn't run so I needed to revert back to buggy client and leave it.
Sega Satan somewhat |
Jun 21, 2013, 03:06 PM | |
Just want to say that it looks good so far and I appreciate the progress. If you can get the game to a usable state, it would serve as a good base for other fan projects.
<a href="">Episode 1 The War begins</a> Epsiode 2:N/A Episode 3: Probably never Episode 4: Probably never <a href=""> Deckstar V3</a> <a href="">Colonial Fix</a> Jazz 1 Fanolint: 98% <a href="">Finished secret levels</a> |
Jul 16, 2013, 05:02 AM | |
Here's a little update video: The changelog is in the description. Note that the whole rotation-on-slopes feature will be used differently later on. For some reason I seem to be having issues in smoothing it out, but I'll mostly use this for boxes and objects of such nature. Anyway, While I do see quite a bit of interest in this project, I still feel I'm not getting anywhere far enough. That's not to say I'd like to leave this project, but I was hoping for more involvement from others. What does this mean? Well, I've talked about this before, but I'm seriously considering moving onto a different Jazz Jackrabbit themed project, on a different engine. |
Jul 17, 2013, 07:56 AM | |
I think the Unreal engine is good for this game. Because nice looking and friendly system requirements. If you change engine is taken too many time. I think doesn't matter the graphics if good the gameplay.
"Where I walk, I walk alone. Where I fight, I fight alone" Akuma from Street Fighter Alpha The Animation |
Jul 18, 2013, 08:31 AM | ||
I don't have any programming, Unreal, or art skills to help you with this project, yet I really appreciate such work on a game that was never be. Did you add the moving butterflies in the village? I don't remember such small details be there. ![]()
Add SlazRabbit on Xbox Live if you want to play some GoW1/2/3/J. Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Forever!! Civilian Defence Force - Jazz2 Visual Fantasers ![]() |
Jul 18, 2013, 12:11 PM | |||
Thanks everyone, but what I meant by moving over to a new engine, was just starting a completely new project altogether. I'd probably borrow some parts from Jazz3, but as a whole, it would be a thing of its own.
Unity isn't all that bad, actually, it's fast and easy to work with. The big thing for me would be the absence of a CSG editor (Basically the part that allows you create level geometry with ease in UnrealED). Quote:
I can probably add more, if you want. |
Oct 24, 2013, 10:17 AM | |
You do realise that those models were never actually made, right? The best references are the high-res in game artwork in JJ2, and some official artwork lying around. Image search usually finds the official artwork first.
Oct 24, 2013, 01:01 PM | ||
Unity is good for somethings, but I don't see me favoring it. I favor the Irrlicht C++ library, but if you are looking for a GUI game development environment, then a google search gave me this: |
Nov 2, 2013, 03:45 AM | |
Update and sorry
I'm afraid I've left this project. Unfortunately I simply no longer have the patience or time to deal with Unreal Engine 1 (Even though I quite like it in terms of technical stuff). Now, it is a possibility that I'd do something with Jazz on a different engine (Most probably Unity3D since that's what I work on now), but don't put your hopes up just yet - I'm working on a couple of other projects at the moment! Now, I do feel kinda bad for saying that I quit, so I quickly archived up and uploaded everything I have at the moment. So here's the (almost) complete 1.3 update: Note that some things are broken and/or not finished. I tweaked Jazz's model, but in the process I broke it, and thus the weapon models display upside down. There are also some incomplete features, such as crouching (You can crouch, but moving around will make jazz slide, instead. Looks funny). Also, if the patch doesn't work, just contact me, and I'll see what I can do to fix that. It's possible, because I didn't test it yet. I'm actually thinking about showing off some of my projects on this forum, since I learned quite a bit from working on this project, and my current projects share some similarities with Jazz 3 in one way or another, and also because my current project is about a female furry character with guns. Anyway, hope you like the final release! |
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