Nov 12, 2003, 03:39 PM | |
Have Shuri Move SE-Attack(E)
Have Uberbob move S-Attack(E) Have Foo move E-Attack(S) Have Elemental move SE-Attack(SE) Have L33tz4n move SE-SE-Attack(SE) Have Araches move SE-S-S Have Jay move E Have Faw move SE
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Nov 12, 2003, 05:07 PM | |
I wrote the long combat screen here but accidently pressed some odd key combination that closed the window. You win the combat! And Strato, when you copy Xion's directions remember to swap the Easts and Wests.
After defeating the bandits (let's just say the roof fell on them), your party falls back to sleep... on the floor. Hey, you try fighting at 2:00 in the morning. The bandits were carrying nothing of value, but you probably figured out how the Magic Mirror worked. You are in a hotel hallway with a sleeping party. What now? Inventory: -Thirdeighteennoteevenbettercitrusfruityflyingfully clotheductscraptlegalfourseatsestrudelire -Wafflepieces -Snufuss Cloak (big hole in it) -Druid Robe -Pearldiver's Knife -Magic Map -Bookmark of Eternity -Book of Gerbil -Magic Mirror *thinks about revising Combat System* |
Nov 12, 2003, 06:52 PM | |
Take Roofpieces.
Nov 13, 2003, 04:49 AM | |
Take wallpeices.
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Nov 13, 2003, 10:09 AM | |
Try to invision what the invisible goblins look like.
Anyways. PAUSE Control: Xion Change: Annoyance Factor: 6 Annoyance factor changed from 7 to 6. Change: Battle System: Loading CBS "FFTA" ... ... Enter Administrative Password: ****** ... Password Denied. Enter Administrative Password: ******** ... Password Denied. Enter Administrative Password: ******* ... Password Accepted. ... ... File Loaded. UNPAUSE
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Nov 13, 2003, 12:20 PM | |
Alright Xion, you've been banned forever this time.
Uberbob falls asleep and dreams about the evil Blackraptor. And evil Blackraptor's evil lair. And he dreams of a new battle system, an ULTIMATE battle system... You wake up. It's 5:00 AM. Party is still asleep. |
Nov 13, 2003, 01:41 PM | |
Rad, youre making uberbob look gay because he is constantly dreaming about me =/
And take the wallpeices already.
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Nov 13, 2003, 01:58 PM | |
proph·e·sy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prf-s)
v. proph·e·sied, (-sd) proph·e·sy·ing, (-sng) proph·e·sies (-sz) v. tr. To reveal by divine inspiration. To predict with certainty as if by divine inspiration. See Synonyms at foretell. To prefigure; foreshow. v. intr. To reveal the will or message of God. To predict the future as if by divine inspiration. To speak as a prophet.
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Nov 14, 2003, 12:59 PM | |
Can you post a map of the hotel and the parts in it that are unexplored or relevant to the storyline? Check around for anything valuable/important. Check time.
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Nov 14, 2003, 02:25 PM | |
Talk to random people in the hotel and see if they say anything important (ask them questions such as Blackraptor, Wafflelord, Wafflelord's hideout,Xion, the meaning of life etc)
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Nov 14, 2003, 02:34 PM | |
Who is Blackraptor?
Where is Blackraptors hideout? (just asking again to make sure) Who is Wafflelord? Where is Wafflelord's hideout? Who is the most important party member (other than Uberbob) to the storyline? Who is Xion? Can Jay self-destruct? If not, can you teach Jay how to self-destruct? Plz thnx
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Nov 14, 2003, 02:45 PM | |
"Who is Blackraptor," you ask.
"Nobody is quite sure. All that is known is that he resides on the Isle of Darkness. And is evil," he replies. "Who is Wafflelord?" you ask, hoping this person won't run away. "Wafflelord is the evil king of thieves," he tells you, "a semi-robotic bandit that can move faster than a bullet and crush stone with his hands. His most powerful tool is his mind, though. Brain always wins over brawn." "Where is Wafflelord's hideout?" "Wafflelord has no hideout," Randomperson tells you, "he walks around and takes stuff. The police force is too weak to stop him, so nothing can be done." "Who is the most important party member (other than Uberbob) to the storyline?" "L33tz4n, then Jay or Araches. Shuri and Foo are really just helpers, and Fawriel is cannon fodder." "Who is Xion?" "There is no Xion." he replies. "Can Jay self-destruct?" you ask. "Not as far as I know," says Randomperson, "but he is essential to this part of the storyline, so don't blow him up." "Plzthx" you tell the person, and he waves and leaves. He turns around and says "someone named Sear told me the answers to those questions before I got here. I didn't think anyone'd actually ask them." |
Nov 14, 2003, 02:56 PM | |
View places you haven't been to before.
Fear cuts deeper than swords |
Nov 14, 2003, 06:51 PM | |
eat wall
talk to wall beat head on wall kick wall sharpen weapons on wall view inventory throw all items in inventory at wall throw party at wall wake Foo up and make him clobber the wall
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