Added from cooldude31:

/list Lists server. /delist Delists server. /relist Relists server. /public Makes server public. /private Makes server private /servername Renames server. Server name cannot exceed 30 characters. /maxplayers Sets the max number of players allowed in server. Must be between 1 and 32. /gamemode Sets Game Mode. Mode must be either sp, coop, battle, race, treasure, or ctf. Warning: Game Mode changes causes glitches for splitscreeners not running JJ2+. /password Sets server password. Password cannot exceed 14 characters. /bluescore Sets Blue Team’s score. /redscore Sets Red Team’s score. /maxscore Sets Max Score. Warning: Max Score changes causes glitches for splitscreeners not running JJ2+. Note: In CTF mode, setting Max Score above any team’s score will cause the level to cycle. /alwaysupdatepos Enables/disables always updating clients of other players’ positions. This feature should only be used by servers with fast enough internet connections. /blockdownloads Enables/disables blocking downloads. /multiversion Allows players from other JJ2 versions to join the server. /plusonly Allows only players with JJ2+ to be in the server. All players not running JJ2+ are automatically kicked. See Plus Only Features section. /latestversiononly Allows only players running a JJ2+ version that is equal to or greater than the server’s JJ2+ version. All players not running the latest JJ2+ version are automatically kicked. Note that to use Plus Only features, Plus Only must be enabled. /nosplitscreeners Allows only players who aren’t splitscreeners join the server. /welcomer When enabled, clients joining the server are greeted with a custom message. /welcomemessage Sets the welcome message clients see when they join the server if the Welcomer is on. For longer messages, manually edit the setting in the configuration file. Welcome message cannot exceed 50 characters. /rename Changes player’s name to a new name. /swapversion Changes whether or not a player is using the same version as the server. This command is used to correctly display sprites of clients using other JJ2 versions. /k Kills player (not counted as a death). /spawnobjects Forces all allowed objects created by generators to spawn if they aren’t spawned already.
—> Idle Player Management /kickidlers Enables/disables automatically kicking idlers. /idletime Sets the max number of minutes a client can idle.

—> Idle Server Commands /idleserver Enables/disables Idle Server mode.* Automatically enabled after an hour (or 5 minutes if minimized) of server inactivity in a Battle or CTF game.

—> Spectating /spectating Enables/disables spectating for all players running JJ2+. /joinersspectate Enables/disables automatic spectating for players joining with JJ2+. Players not running JJ2+ will not be able to join the server. /forcespectate Forces spectator mode to turned on/off for specified player or all players. Players not running JJ2+ cannot be forced to spectate.

—> Remote Admin /remoteadmin Enables/disables admin access.* /setadminpass Sets password needed for admins to login.* Must be only letters and numbers and between 3 and 15 characters. /getadminpass Displays password needed for admins to login.*

—> Kick/Ban Commands /kick Kicks player. /ban Bans player. /ban Bans IP address. Asterisks can be used as wildcards. Note that this command does not automatically kick players who have the banned IP address. /unban Removes ban for IP address. Asterisks can be used as wildcards. This command cannot be used to unban IP addressses banned through JJ2’s default ban command or Banlist.lst.

—> Start/Stop, & Time-Based Commands /start Starts game. /cstart Starts game with a countdown. /stop Stops game /nomovement Enables/Disables no movement for when a game is stopped. When enabled and game is stopped: Players running JJ2+ are restricted of movement. -Players not running JJ2+ are sent to the bottom-left corner. When enabled and game is started: -Players running JJ2+ are allowed to move again. -Players not running JJ2+ are roasted (and flags will be lost). /autostart Enables/disables Auto-Start. Game automatically starts after the level cycles. /time Displays time limit and time left. /pregame Enables/disables Pregame. Pregame is automatically extended if there is not enough active players in the server. /pgtimelimit [reset] Sets Pregame time limit. /overtime Enables/disables Overtime. /otlimit [reset] Sets Overtime limit. /autocycle Enables/disables Auto-Cycling. Level automatically cycles after the time limit is reached. /autostop Enables/disables Auto-Stop. Game automatically stops after the time limit is reached or after a player/team wins in a Battle or CTF-based mode. (I’m still working on the command names…) WARNING: Reaching the score limit with Auto-Stop enabled may cause clients not running JJ2+ or using an older version of JJ2+ to see the game end when the level is not cycling. /timelimit [reset] Sets time limit for when the game is in Normal (i.e. when it’s not Pregame or Overtime).

—> Cycling and Next Level Commands /c Cycles to the next level. /c Sets next level to if it exists, then cycles. /nr Sets next level to current level. /n Displays level filename of the next level. /n Sets next level to if it exists. /r Restarts level (i.e. cycles to current level). /levellist Enables/disables Level List Cycling. /levellist shuffle Shuffles levels within the Level List. /levellist Sets next level to the Level List file belonging to the specified number. /llautoshuffle Enables/disables automatic shuffling of the levels within the Level List.

—> General CTF Mode Commands /eventeams Enables/disables Even Teams. Teams are only made more even when a player joins. /selfswap Enables/disables clients to change their own team. When enabled, clients can use !swap, !blue, and !red to change teams. /passing Enables/disables Flag Passing between teammates. To pass a flag, the flag holder must hit at a teammate who is pressing up. If Friendly Fire and Plus Only are enabled, any hit can be used for passing, otherwise only RFs can be used. /capturewait Enables/disables Capture Wait. /ctfmessages Enables/disables CTF+ messages. /shuffle Shuffles all players’ teams. Must be done at the beginning of the game. Doesn’t make sure splitscreeners stay on the same teams. Shuffling teams several seconds after a level cycles or while players are still connecting may cause players to spawn at the wrong start positions. /autoshuffle Automatically shuffles all player’s teams at the start of the level. Doesn’t make sure splitscreeners stay on the same teams. Also, players may not always start at the correct start positions. /swap Changes player’s team. Doesn’t make sure splitscreeners stay on the same teams.

—> Add-on Commands /starthealth Sets the amount of health players start with. Can be between 1 and 7. Setting Start Health to “default” sets Start Health to the default of the current game mode, which is 5 for Battle and 3 for CTF. If the start health is greater than max health, players will start with max health. WARNING: If start health isn’t equal to the game mode’s default, clients not running JJ2+ will be glitched. It is HIGHLY recommended to enable Plus Only. /maxhealth Sets the maximum amount of health players can get. Can be between 1 and 7 Setting Max Health to “default” sets Max Health to the default of the current game mode, which is 5 for Battle and 3 for CTF. WARNING: If max health isn’t equal to the game mode’s default, and there are carrots in the level, clients not running JJ2+ will be glitched. It is HIGHLY recommended to enable Plus Only. /smhealth Sets both Start Health and Max Health at the same time. See above commands for more information. /instagib Enables/disables Instagib. When enabled, all unshielded hits roast opponents instantly. /frustration Enables/disables Frustration. When enabled, players who get a roast will also die themselves. /hfk Enables/disables Health From Kills. Roast gives players health. /hfkmaxhealth Sets HFK Max Health. Must be between 1 and 7. If HFK Max Health is greater than the general max health, players will start with general max health. /hfkhealthinc Sets HFK Health Increase. Must be between -6 and 6. /da Enables/disables Damage Amplifier. Fired shots do +1 extra damage. /noblink Enables/disables No Blink Mode. /friendlyfire Enables/disables Friendly Fire for team games. Note: To have an affect, Plus Only must be enabled. /punishsds Enables/disables Punishment for Self-Destructs. /sdteampointdec Enables/disables team point decreases for Self-Destructs. When disabled, a pit death causes a point increase for the other team. /ffpointdec Enables/disables point decreases for Friendly Fire. When disabled, friendly fire causes a point increase for the other team. /fastammorespawn Enables/disables Fast Ammo Respawn (every 5 seconds at the most). /fastpoweruprespawn Enables/disables Fast Powerup Respawn (every 5 seconds at the most). /weakpowerups Enables/disables Weak Powerups. Makes powerups only do +1 damage. /nopowerups Enables/disables No Powerups. /noammocrates Enables/disables No Ammo Crates. /noseekerammo Enables/disables No Seeker Ammo. /noseekerpowerups Enables/disables No Seeker Powerups. /nocarrots Enables/disables No Carrots. /noshields Enables/disables No Shields. /extendedtnt Enables/disables Extended TNT Range. /tntdamage Sets amount of damage TNT can inflict. Must be between -6 and 7. /evilice When enabled, ice shot by players does 1 heart damage if the victim isn’t frozen already.

—> Settings /resetsettings Loads configution settings of plus.ini (automatically done at startup). Mainly meant for admins. See “/loadsettings” commands below.

—> Player Stats /stats Logs player stats.*

—> Logging Commands /chatlog Enables/disables Chatlog (requires restart).* /playlog Enables/disables Playlog (requires restart).* /iplog Enables/disables IPlog (requires restart).* /autosavechatlog Enables/disables automatic saving of the chatlog.*

—> The ALMIGHTY Trigger Commands Note: Changing the trigger state of the Server Trigger or Team Trigger may cause unintended results. /trigger Turns specified trigger or all triggers on/off for all players. /ptrigger Turns specified trigger or all triggers on/off for specified player.

—> Custom Mode Commands /off Turns Custom Mode off. /latejoiners Enables/disables Allowing Late Joiners (affects LRS, XLRS, and Pestilence). /resetallteams When enabled, both teams have their ammo and health reset after a round ends in Death CTF or Jailbreak. For the time being, this means both teams get roasted after a round ends. /lives Shows each player’s number of lives if custom mode is Extended Last Rabbit Standing. /maxlives Sets Max Lives. Must be between 1 and 100. /setlives Sets player lives. Lives must be between 1 and 100. Can only be used for LRS, XLRS, and TLRS. Cannot be used during pregame in TLRS. /livesperteam Sets number of lives each team receives in Team LRS. Lives must be between 1 and 100. /maxteamplayers For Team Last Rabbit Standing, sets the max number of players allowed to have lives on each team. Must be between 1 and 16. /rt Changes custom mode to Roast Tag. /lrs Changes custom mode to Last Rabbit Standing. /xlrs Changes custom mode to Extended Last Rabbit Standing. /pest Changes custom mode to Pestilence. /tb Changes custom mode to Team Battle. /dctf Changes custom mode to Death CTF. /jb Changes custom mode to Jailbreak. /release Releases all players in jail if custom mode is Jailbreak. /fr Changes custom mode to Flag Run. /tlrs Changes custom mode to Team Last Rabbit Standing. /dom Changes custom mode to Domination. /reset Resets the game.

This command cannot be used by admins
16.2. For Clients and Server running JJ2+
—> Settings /loadsettings Loads configution settings of plus.ini (automatically done at startup). See “/resetsettings” command above. /loadsettings Loads configution settings of the filename specified. /savesettings Saves configution settings to plus.ini. /savesettings Saves configution settings to the filename specified. Filename must be at least 5 characters long ending with the “.ini” extension.

—> Spectating /spectate Enables/disables Spectator Mode if Spectating is enabled and user is in a JJ2+ server. If you are spectating because you are out in a LRS/XLRS game, /spectate on will make you enter normal Spectator Mode. /spectate Spectate target if Spectating is enabled and client is in a JJ2+ server. Target can be: A player number “blue flag” “red flag” “flag” if Flag Run “flag holder” if Roast Tag “bottom feeder” if Roast Tag “cp “ for Control Point if Domination

—> Music /autovolumeleveling Enables Auto Volume Leveling for music files loaded with BASS audio library. When enabled, it automatically attempts to raise the volume level of the music track if it is not loud enough. This feature may momentarily cause a slight slow down to JJ2 as the appropriate volume level is found. JJ2’s music volume setting is never adjusted. Note that j2b files cannot use this feature. /changemusic Changes next level to if it exists. May cause JJ2 to crash with an Amnesia error. /restartmusic Restarts the music currently being played. May cause JJ2 to crash with an Amnesia error, but probably not. /np Indicates which music file is now playing.

—> Other /wc Enables/disables Wall Climbing. When disabled, it becomes harder to get stuck in ceilings. /mute Mutes chat from specified player. If the server mutes a player, that player cannot use Self-Swap and admin commands. /unmute Unmutes chat from specified player.

16.3. For All Clients in JJ2+ Server
—> Remote Admin /login Allows a client to login if the server allows remote admins and the password is correct. No players, including the server, will be able to see the login attempt. Password is NOT case sensitive.

17. New Command Line Arguments
—> Basic /port= Sets server port used for listening for client connections. Default port is 10052. /list Lists the server on the Internet. Requires -server. /levellist [] Enables Level List Cycling and loads the first level (or the level belonging to the specified number) from the Level List. Requires -server. /spaz For offline games, sets character to spaz. Added for 1.23 only since TSF already has this functionality. /menu Skips the intro and goes directly to the menu screen. /minimize Minimizes JJ2 to the tray on startup.

—> Custom Mode (requires -server) /rt Changes custom mode to Roast Tag. /lrs Changes custom mode to Last Rabbit Standing. /xlrs Changes custom mode to Extended Last Rabbit Standing. /pest Changes custom mode to Pestilence. /tb Changes custom mode to Team Battle. /dctf Changes custom mode to Death CTF. /jb Changes custom mode to Jailbreak. /fr Changes custom mode to Flag Run. /tlrs Changes custom mode to Team Last Rabbit Standing. /dom Changes custom mode to Domination.


Jgke on October 18, 2009 12:38


Zoro on October 22, 2009 23:11

YEah…cooldude just made copy from plusreadme.txt…