Another Dimension

Date uploaded:
16 Sep 2000 at 04:00 (Minor update on 29 Jan 2010)

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Blade (More uploads by Blade)
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Another Dimension.txt 2.02 kB 08 Sep 2000
Another Dimension.txt 2.02 kB 08 Sep 2000
Another Dimension.txt 2.02 kB 08 Sep 2000
Another Dimension.txt 2.02 kB 08 Sep 2000
Another Dimension.txt 2.02 kB 08 Sep 2000
Another Dimension.txt 2.02 kB 08 Sep 2000
Another Dimension.txt 2.02 kB 08 Sep 2000
St1.j2l Spike Beach 10.30 kB 20 Jun 2000
St10.j2l Winter Dawn 9.49 kB 20 Jun 2000
St11.j2l Town Trouble 7.97 kB 20 Jun 2000
St12.j2l Mysterious Shadows 11.92 kB 20 Jun 2000
St13.j2l Mystical Garden 8.05 kB 20 Jun 2000
St14.j2l Park Life 20.98 kB 20 Jun 2000
St15.j2l Spooky Cave 9.92 kB 20 Jun 2000
St16.j2l Frankestein's Hacienda 12.53 kB 20 Jun 2000
St17.j2l Dark Landscapes 8.74 kB 20 Jun 2000
St18.j2l Beach Of Baddies 8.36 kB 20 Jun 2000
St19.j2l Chocolate Hare 11.12 kB 20 Jun 2000
St2.j2l Southern Icecaps 9.50 kB 20 Jun 2000
St20.j2l Backstreet Rabbits 32.58 kB 20 Jun 2000
St21.j2l Night Visions 9.76 kB 20 Jun 2000
St22.j2l Snowy Shanties 13.81 kB 20 Jun 2000
St23.j2l Tricky Sewer Trip 10.55 kB 20 Jun 2000
St24.j2l Damned Dizziness 6.30 kB 20 Jun 2000
St25.j2l Jungle Bells 9.21 kB 20 Jun 2000
St26.j2l Pipenet Pastiche 9.05 kB 20 Jun 2000
St27.j2l Christmas Vacation 12.75 kB 20 Jun 2000
St3.j2l Hard Part Of Science 7.72 kB 20 Jun 2000
St4.j2l Watery Grave 6.18 kB 20 Jun 2000
St5.j2l Electric Shock 10.97 kB 20 Jun 2000
St6.j2l Jungle Comic 10.77 kB 20 Jun 2000
St7.j2l Abandoned Labratory 7.70 kB 20 Jun 2000
St8.j2l Cliffhanger 5.27 kB 20 Jun 2000
St9.j2l The Dead Castle 9.19 kB 20 Jun 2000
Stbegin.j2l Another Dimension 3.13 kB 20 Jun 2000
Stsecr.j2l Far Away 2.79 kB 20 Jun 2000
Stsecr2.j2l Dreams 4.32 kB 20 Jun 2000
Stsecr3.j2l Hulabaloo 3.18 kB 20 Jun 2000
Stsecr4.j2l Deeper And Deeper 3.12 kB 20 Jun 2000
Stsecr5.j2l Laser Maze 5.90 kB 20 Jun 2000
Stsecr6.j2l Inner Space 3.57 kB 20 Jun 2000
Stsecr7.j2l Bon Voyage 2.95 kB 20 Jun 2000
Mez01.j2t MEZ01 35.74 kB 11 Jul 1998
Mez02.j2t MEZ02 26.19 kB 22 Jul 1998
Mez03.j2t MEZ03a 42.69 kB 05 Aug 1998
Mez03a.j2t MEZ03a 42.69 kB 06 Aug 1998
Mez03b.j2t MEZ03b 42.69 kB 06 Aug 1998
Xmas1.j2t Holiday Hare 98 Evening 224.51 kB 25 Oct 1998
Xmas2.j2t Holiday Hare 98 Night 224.48 kB 25 Oct 1998
Xmas3.j2t Holiday Hare 98 Day 224.53 kB 25 Oct 1998
Aznoone.j2b No One Like You 655.90 kB 30 Jan 2000
Jdxbe.j2b Be On The Wing 178.67 kB 20 Jun 2000
Jdxdark.j2b Peace and quiet 198.67 kB 06 Feb 2000
Jdxnext.j2b Next Attack 120.61 kB 01 Dec 1998
Jdxtake.j2b Take This Feeling 232.98 kB 20 Jun 2000
Jdxwave.j2b Waves & Vibes 286.96 kB 20 Jun 2000
Jdxway.j2b Way To Nature 304.31 kB 20 Jun 2000
Melancho.j2b ....Melancholy..... 441.41 kB 20 Jun 2000
Reflekti.j2b reflektive 28.19 kB 20 Jun 2000
Remixmas.j2b The ReMiXMAS 173.51 kB 27 Jan 1999
Sphere.j2b Sphere of light 575.54 kB 09 Oct 1999
Time.j2b Time Reflection 201.13 kB 05 Aug 1999
Whare.j2b White Hare 633.13 kB 26 Oct 1998


A high quality Jazzjack Rabbit 2 episode. Another Dimension is the biggest jj2 episode ever, 27 levels plus 7 secret levels!

[Merged separate parts into one download. -stijn]


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Quick Reviews Average: 8.6333333333333

Recommendedval rated 10

super levels….very good! :D

[Review changed to quick review. – Cooba]

Virus41 CZ rated 10

Hi all
Thats !!!! AWESOME !!!!
i think i will not finish this in 1 week !!
Review rating : 9.999999
(Edited. Just… edited. ~Violet)

PurpleJazz rated 7.5

While the level design is fairly solid (for 2000 at least), the main issue here is that the levels are simply way too easy, mainly due to the high amount of food in the levels, especially in the later ones where you get a Sugar Rush roughly every 2 minutes. I rarely took any damage, even on hard. This is still a nice way to kill time though.

RecommendedBlackraptor rated 6.8

An alright way to kill some time, the levels are more or less decent tho very outdated, and feature some interesting ideas and design. The overabundance of food and powerups makes this pack way too easy.

RecommendedZoro rated 8.5

Great level pack… :)

Recommendedcake137 rated 9

Very real levels. How can i play secret levels please guide us there are total 7

User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 8.05

Review by Blade

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (84 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings84 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness64%

Yes, I know this episode is big, and in seven parts. But I still recommend it.

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Review by Enigma

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (30 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings30 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness71%

hmm, what’s that of one sugar rush every level? personally, i had at least three of ‘em every level. in “Backstreet rabbits”, i even initiated a new rush before the old one finished. that’s the only thing on this episode that bothered me a bit: it’s so easy (an episode where i end up with 86 lives is easy in my opinion). still, this episode is some great work. the eyecandy is almost perfect. for some reason, the game crashed every time i found a secret level, i found three of ‘em and i couldn’t enter one (but that’s probably because of my evil and twisted computer). just cut down a bit on pickups next time, and it will be perfect. Great job! :)

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Review by Unknown Rabbit

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (27 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings27 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness50%

I found only two secret levels, but the second one’s tileset was not included and I didn’t have it! Har-rumph.
I had to go back to my saved game 5 or so levels back, which made my points be less. (Same with lives)
Food was amazingly plentiful (I’m really surprised some levels didn’t have too many events), the gem barrels and crates…. well… They didn’t need to be that full. :P
And an invincibility right before Bilsy? I didn’t even have to do a single evasive manuever, I just sat there and he died!

Wow, I really sound like I hate the thing. ;)

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Review by >CelL<

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (265 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings242 Featured reviews4 Average helpfulness73%

Nice level pack.I never had so much action since RHG came out. The layout in the levels is very good, although i have come acros some tiles that where`nt proparly used. But, like some people said before me, the pickups are way to many, especialy food. I got at least one suger rush in each level. I
remember of geting even about 6 suger rushes in Backstreet Rabbits. But besides that it is a very good level
pack. Btw, like i said before, this is NOT the bigest level pack for single player. The bigest is Rabbit honer guard(it has 70 levels).

Btw, another jazz2 fan, the first level was Spike beach. :-0


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Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (261 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings131 Featured reviews15 Average helpfulness89%

Good, but I throw up, because the high quantity of pickups, only a bit too much of them. Good eyecandy.

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Review by Mariek

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (12 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings12 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

(But there is too much pickups)

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Review by the WINNER

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (46 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings46 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness47%

Why the level pack is BIG for me(I HAVE A MODEM 52K)! (Why there is another dimension part 1, another dimension part 2…)

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Review by chandie

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (97 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings97 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness43%

It was so good but also so long that can make sb got bored!

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RecommendedReview by aritra1115

7 Dec 2010, 04:27
Frog (13 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings13 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness22%

well blade the level pack is awesome like your tilesets
but you made one mistake after the medivo level my
game crashes and says fatal application error
level is not found! i think that you have put a wrong
name in it plese reupload it i could’nt fix this problem
because the level was passworded but i still like your pack
very much.

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Review by Arclite288

12 Apr 2011, 20:25 (edited 17 Apr 11, 14:38)
Frog (19 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings19 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness17%

The original comment is now dead and gone. Please don’t ever remind me of the abusive comments that I posted.

This pack gets a revised rating of 5.5 from me, as a result of me being too heavy-handed.

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Review by American

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (708 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings577 Featured reviews5 Average helpfulness85%

This level pack is, in one word, HUGE. And it’s not only file size-wise. While I’m sure it must be torture for those with “52K” (Do you mean 56K?) modems, it was still bad downloading it even on cable. However, it was worth it.

The actual pack is all-around excellent. Gameplay is very good, with very good weapon placement, eyecandy, and good flow. But there were some tile glitches, but it didn’t really subtract from the overall package.

Download recommendation? Yes, if you can afford the time and space that it takes to download and install a multi-megabyte level pack.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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Review by BossipCR

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

Well, there are too many pickups for me!
I always make blocks of 4 banana’s or gems! Other than that I have nothing to say ‘bout this!

An 8


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Review by Cheeze

Posted more than 20 years ago
CTF Bug (1 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings1 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness0%

The whole point of the 1 meg limit is so that you don’t abuse the space given to you. Onag does only have a certain amount of space and we DON’T want to waste it. Do not do this again. If you need music for your level or something else that’s big, place it somewhere else and link to it.

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Review by Bobby aka Dizzy

Posted more than 20 years ago
Bee Boy Swarm (38 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings34 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness41%

Cheeze already said this, but I feel it necessary to repeat it. The point of the one meg limit so you do not waste the limited space we have. If we had more space we would have no limit, but that is not the case.

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Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (17 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings17 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

Nice levels and all… but it took me like an hour to figure out where to start. For future reference, when making an episode, ALWAYS:

make it clear what is the first level, and have all the rest not appear in Home-cooked levs.

Begin each levels filename with an abreviation for the episode (example: AD….. .j2l). In my Race-Tournament Pack, all levs start with "RTP" then the name. This is important so that the levels are grouped together.

PS: I hope the first level was the colony one… because that is where I finally started.

Other than those issues, the levels are great! Real fun…. blablabla…

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Review by Another Jazz 2 fan

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (17 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings17 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness30%

Oh, and it was annoying d/ling all those files, when it turns out I have most of them….

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