Bloody Battle

Date uploaded:
31 Oct 2002 at 05:00 (Minor update on 31 Oct 2002)

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Violet CLM (More uploads by Violet CLM)
Tileset by Dih-skys.

No screenshots yet. (198.18 kB)

File contents

bloodbattle.j2l Bloody Battle 3.44 kB 31 Oct 2002
DarkenedL.j2t Darkened Landscape 31.14 kB 15 Jul 2001
Deserto2.s3m Deserto Action 174.84 kB 27 Oct 2002
Bluebeta.pcx 84.85 kB 31 Oct 2002


Yah, yah, unoriginal name, I know. Anyway, I made this because I wanted to host a Halloween server (and I did, you might well have been there). It\‘s kind of spooky, and kind of psychedelic (flashing pinball bumpers, blinking eyes, fake floors), and kind of just fun. The .zip also includes a screenshot of a beta version, so people can see just how much Halloween changes things.. (SCREENSHOT WAS NOT EDITED)

Happy Haunting :.(=)


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 7.62

Review by aiko

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (510 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings490 Featured reviews3 Average helpfulness82%

Okay, well, i do find this…interesting. “Bloody Battle” is about 55*55 tiles small and uses Disguise’s nice little “Darkened Landscape” tileset (which i have never seen until a minute ago, shame on me).

The design of the level is okay, nothing special. Kinda open with some nice gimmecks like springs, sucker tubes, good use of one-ways and even pinball events. The “elevator” thing at the right is original, but doesn’t add a lot of gameplay in my opinion. Ammo placement is okay, very slightly above the average maybe.

Same with the eyecandy: nothing spectacular, the typical lack of foreground elements and some nice ideas in the background layers (really, the idea with the eyes is neat).

But the thing that annoys me most in this level is the background music: “Deserto Action” by JSZ Jazz is not really the Scream Tracker hit of the month, it sounds more like a set of wild electric guitar and other samples. Sorry, not my style.

The value of this level derives solely from its originality. It’s worth a look because of some nice ideas, but not really something you’ll like playing for hours. “Bloody Battle” gets a high 6.5 from me (again, i tend to 6.5 instead of 7 because of all the overrating taking place).
And btw, i have no idea how people can rate this 8.7.

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Review by American

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (708 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings577 Featured reviews5 Average helpfulness85%

Wow. This level has a 10 without being reviewed. The ghosts must be out tonight. There’s officially 2 hours left before my Halloween ends, but that doesn’t mean that I’m out of the spirit. I played this level on a server and I must say that I am impressed. I really thought the blinking parts would annoy me, but during normal play, they never did. Eyecandy was very good, and flow was not bad at all. I liked the background, and it fit the season well. A very nice work, and definitely worth a download recommendation. Nice job, Violet.

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Review by Taz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (279 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings279 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness39%

Another crazy level of Purple Violet.
The first what i see, uh, hear is the barfin’ music. It is ok with the level, but the music itself is very eeeeek.
The level rocks, you have a Climbable wall, what means that if you run and jump you can go up.
You see as background two eyes blinking. I’m not annoyed about the blinking things, only about the * smilies.
It’s really a lol level for Halloween, so download this. Nice job.

Boo! Yesh, i see it, you shock..

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Review by DoubleGJ

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (81 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings73 Featured reviews2 Average helpfulness73%

Nice level, I see the changes you made. BTW, thanks for using my music. __ (yes Taz, it’s barfin’ but it fits) These eyes in background are preety creepy! But what if somebody plays in lower resolution?

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Review by MoonBlazE

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (91 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings87 Featured reviews1 Average helpfulness73%

The levels eyecandy is very cool, I like the blinking eye, its a good idea.
Also, Violet made some tricks with pinball, looks really cool too.
The weapon placement seens being okay for me too, the only thing that drags my rating down is “JSZ Jazz”‘s very special music, you have to have a hard music taste for like it, and I did diffinately not host it just becuse of the music, unless I’d shut my sound off.

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