Intergalactic Isometry

Date uploaded:
21 Mar 2003 at 05:00 (Minor update on 21 Mar 2003)

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Disguise (More uploads by Disguise)
Capture the flag
TRAFTON THE GREAT wants me to reupload because it didn\'t include the \'oh so great\' SPACE WARBASE tileset! YaY for trafton :P

No screenshots yet. (649.07 kB)

File contents

Dis67.j2l Intergalactic Isometry 7.21 kB 21 Feb 2003
SpaceWarbase.j2t Space Warbase 138.96 kB 30 May 2002
ASTRAY.S3M Astraying Voyages 703.03 kB 25 Aug 2001


Ok, lets try do it right this time. This is a ctf level I made for BlurredD\‘s CTF cmpetition using my Space Warbase tileset (sucks but I havent used it yet). Being the lazy person that I am, this was made early morning before on the competition deadline, so don\‘t expect much :P

EDIT: Reuploaded to include tileset


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 7.6

Review by American

Posted more than 20 years ago
I might as well work here (708 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings577 Featured reviews5 Average helpfulness85%

Well, what do we have here? Another level by Wisety Face, it appears. And not a bad one to boot. The whole thing got off to a bad start, as the upload lacks a tileset (it uses Disguise’s own tileset, which he apparently considers common enough to not upload). Anyway, the tileset that this DOES use is “Space Warbase”. And the level uses it pretty well. Let’s go to the review.

TILESET/TILESET USE: Well, the tileset use is actually pretty good in general. The only problem I really have with it is that some parts of the level seem a bit blank. Most of the level is quite full, but just a few areas seem blank. Still, tileset use was good enough (after all, who better to use a tilest than the tileset maker?). I didn’t see any tileset errors at all, which is not that surprising, and everything that was there looked good.
Pros: Looks pretty nice.
Cons: A few empty sections.
Rating: 7.5

WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Item and weapon placement were both pretty well-done. Weapons were placed with lots of consideration in a way so that they are in places many people would go. There is also a seeker powerup in the middle. This level is well-banalanced and placement is well-done.
Pros: Nice placement.
Cons: None to mention.
Rating: 8.0

ORIGINALITY: If this level lacks one thing, it is probably originality. It is not that this level is really flawed in anyway or boring, it’s just that there is nothing to differentiate it from other levels. This is easily the level’s weakest area, but it isn’t bad.
Rating: 7.0

GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Gameplay was definitely the strongesst point of this levels, namely flow. There are many different preset paths to take, and the level is dynamic. The flow is easily the best part of this level, in that one rarely has to turn around to get from base to base and can just run without hitting anything for quite a while. This is probably the best CTF level flow that I have seen in a while. Nicely done.
Pros: Great flow.
Cons: None to mention.
Rating: 8.5

REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This level gets boring after a while, but not extremely quickly. It’s solid, but its lack of originality is disappointing.
Pros: Good level.
Cons: Not all that original.
Rating: 7.5

OVERALL (not an average): All things considered, this is quite a good level. There is nothing really all that disappointing about it. It’s solid and features a good flow and layout, though not an extremely original one. Flow, item placement, and the like is well-done and obviously showed thought. It was apparently rushed, and this shows some, in that there is not much eyecandy (especially surprising coming from an eyecandy master like Disguise). Still, its a solid play, though there are a few reasons why it probably lost BlurredD’s contest. Still, “Intergalactic Isometry” is a great play that I’m sure will be hosted quite extensively.
Pros: A solid level in every way…
Cons: …except possibly originality.
Rating: 7.7

Flow: A
Layout: A
Creativity: B
Bugs: B+

Tileset use: B+
Eyecandy look: B+
Creativity: B-
Bugs: A -

Weapons: A
Bases: A -
Carrots: A -



+ PROS: As said before, this is a solid and enjoyable Capture the Flag level, which has excellent flow.
- CONS: Nothing much new here, though it still is solid.

- Trafton[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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Review by blurredd

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (198 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings198 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness90%

And still another compacted contest level review:

Intergalactic Isometry

GAMEPLAY: Balanced. Good flow and layout.
EYE CANDY: Good. A little different.
HOST THIS OFTEN? Every now and then.

Overall review: This is definitely on of the better levels in my contest. It’s balanced and has nice flow. And best of all, it uses mostly slopes so it can make the weaker bouncers (compared to the RFs) slightly more useful. I don’t know about the ice in the level… Although it can be useful at times, like when you don’t have any powerups at hand, it makes me skeptical. There are 3 powerups total, and even though the ice is close to the base, there’s a powerup nearby, too. And all of the inclines may make it harder to use. Other than that (it’s nothing big anyway), it’s a good level and I liked it when I first saw it. A 7.7 is what I’ll rate this.

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