Hustar Blast: Road Rage

Date uploaded:
31 Mar 2003 at 05:00 (Minor update on 31 Mar 2003)

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4I Falcon (More uploads by 4I Falcon)
Waz and Lotus, for the tileset and music, respectively.

No screenshots yet. (119.2 kB)

File contents

roadrage.j2l Hustar Blast: Road Rage 8.75 kB 31 Mar 2003
Hustar(waz01).j2t Hustar(waz01) 71.56 kB 03 Aug 2002
lotus3_5.mod L3_CD5-MiamiIce 58.14 kB 04 Apr 1996


4I Falcon returns with a second level! This time, it’s Race format, taking place over the Hustar surface at 3000 tph. Firstly, I apologize for the quality (or lack thereof) of the level; it was originally supposed to look better, but then I realized I didn’t have that much to work with in the first place. On a completely different note, however, despite what it may seem at first glance, this is not just a run-and-jump level: it involves some amount of quick-thinking hand-eye coordination. After all, if you fall down, you get sent backwards a good distance. The only other point I have to make is this: the reason for so much “unnecessary” eyecandy in layer 7 was that I was originally planning on making a battle level counterpart to Road Rage, and I might do so later, but as of now the plans on doing that look mighty hazy. In any case, I hope you enjoy this level; if you don’t, then please tell me what and how much I did wrong. =3 – 4IF


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User Reviews (Sort by Helpful Index or Date Posted) Average: 6.4

Review by Superjazz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Jazz Jackrabbit (261 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings131 Featured reviews15 Average helpfulness89%

Well, I don’t write points this time, so let’s say it straight. And seems, that I’m the first reviewer.

So the level has quite lot of bad things, but the tileset looks ok and the music were from that fun game “lotus III.” I just luv that game, I would still play it, if I could have my old dos-computer still. But the music wasn’t original, it was remixed some. So I checked the tileset it was ok. But the level was quite bad. I tell ya now.

The background in the level moves tooooooooooooooo fast. And the level is also too long for a race level if there’s also a trap that if you fall, ya get back to the start. Eyecandy looks good (except the background.)

So, maybe I rate this pack by these files.

Level 6/10
Tileset 8/10
Music 8/10

+ or – extra points

Overall 7.3333333 Level rank: Medium level.
Download recommendation: If you like to try, but not good to play so that’s why I take 0.5 off. So 6.7 is the real rating for your level. See ya!

Superjazz was here!

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Review by Waz

Posted more than 20 years ago
Turtle Goon (68 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings68 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness75%

Good things about this level: idea was kinda original. Eyecandy is OK. It uses my tileset(the last thing doesn’t influence on the rating, but I’m happy to see someone is actually using one of my sets).

Bad things: no ice or TNT. Boring layout on layer 4( the stuff on layer 7 looked very good, by the way. But, sadly, it was only background eyecandy.) Tileset use wasn’t that great. About the tileset use: the rockets weren’t supposed to get mixed actually, and the stuff on layer 7 wasn’t supposed to go there.

Overall: give it a 6.5

Download: yes, the idea was kinda fun.

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Review by 4I Falcon

Posted more than 20 years ago
Frog (14 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings14 Featured reviews0 Average helpfulness33%

The reason that there were no weaponry and stuff in it was because I put the events there, but apparently nothing happened. I originally wanted to have several places around the level where you could pick up ice p/us, but they simply never showed up. I’m not sure if it’s because of a sprite limit, event limit, or mix of both, but the concept was indeed there.

Well, a whole bunch of sixes. I was expecting something like this. Don’t worry, my next level will be better.

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Review by FireSworD

Posted more than 20 years ago
Spaz Slackrabbit (150 Points)
Number of reviews with ratings66 Featured reviews12 Average helpfulness87%

41… Ahem, AI Falcon creates a semi – original gameplay concept. Is it good? lets see…

Well, all i’ll say is that it’s just pretty basic. You hop on ships over and over again… Until you reach the end. It’s long and repetitive, however the ships aren’t placed in patterns it just gets to the point where it’s the same ol’ same ol’. The eyecandy was ok, but nothing that caught my attention, in fact the fast, very fast, too fast background layers were annoying. I know the author was trying to give a great sense of speed but this goes a bit too far, though this isn’t one of the bigger problems.

The fun factor is here however, though it can get boring after the first for second try. Most of the fun I could imagine would be bumping/shooting (which would be very difficult to do with out ice) other players to the ground which also makes it quite frustrating if your a very competetive player.

The tileset usage was boring but I guess it was ok for the tileset (though I noticed one tile error).

This is an ok race level, it’ll be fun maybe for a few rounds of play but you may get tired of it after that.

Download reccomendation: If you like race or need something to do when you have a lot of time.


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