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Darkillusions.j2l | Dark Illusions | 4.48 kB | 30 Nov 2003 |
Castle2E.j2t | Castle 2 Eclipse | 199.53 kB | 30 Jul 2002 |
Again a CTF level with Castle 2 Eclipse. I just like that tileset.
Nice Capture the flag level.
I go play online with it.
(Unjustified rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
i found many bugs you did’t fixed and i told
you 3 time’s. lets craccoboy or somewhan
yor ctf level(s) betatest!
because CC is a CTF clan.
1-good ammo placed
2-bad eyecandy Ther ar bugs
3-eyecandy bugs
4-no coins
5-no coin warp.
Just a few notes,
1. I asked Vegito but he was busy
2. Craccoboy was busy too.
3. You didn’t say where the bugs were
4. Coins sux.
5. I am going to improve it so don’t rate it until it is reuploaded.[This review has been edited by da man]
At least one person likes my Castle 2 Eclipse tileset to use it on multiple occasions. I don’t even like that tileset enough to use it on multiple occasions.
The layout is a bit bumpy; getting around should be much easier. This level also seems a little too spaz-biased in places. Looks like someone needs to learn the full potential of slopes. This level looks way too squared off. Granted there are a few slopes in groups, a few more slopes throughtout the rest of the level would be a nice improvement. Better spring placement wouldn’t be too bad either. Once again, many of the springs don’t lead me to a platform—just somewhere around a platform. Once again, some springs need to be added—like a red spring near 46,47 for starters. And are these more narrow passage ways? I would like the freedom to move instead of having to go through a one-tile high passage way. With all that being said, let’s talk about the balance: once again not too bad. The blue base is at the top left with the red base at the bottom left. Calculating all of the factors (such as how easy each base is to attack and defend), the layout is once again not too unbalanced. Somehow this is true—I think I’m cracking under pressure in trying to rate all of these CTF levels fairly.
The eye candy is just slightly better (keyword slightly) than the eye candy in the previous level. I say that mainly because the chains in the foreground look like what they actually should look like, and it doesn’t seem as bland as the last time. With all that being true, the level still uses the same exact tiles relentlessly throughout the entire level (which, by the way, is a bad thing). I also failed to mention this with the last level which is true for this level as well: the textured background in 16-bit looks bad fading to black. I also find this somewhat annoying.
The full energy carrot is around the same distance to each base. The same could apply for the bouncer and seeker powerups (I feel like I’m repeating myself). As for ammo placement, it isn’t bad but could use some improving.
Once again my answer is no, but at least there’s some progress being made. This is a 6.5 more or less.
PS: This isn’t related to my review, but I have some questions for Dx: What are you trying to get at with point 4 and 5 in your review? Are you saying it’s good that there are no coins/coin warp, or are you trying to say that’s a bad thing? Either way, I don’t see how that could be a deciding factor in a review for a CTF level or any level for that matter.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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