Mushroom Kingdom (SSB N64)

  • Rating: 6.4

Reviews and comments

    Sacrush Posted more than 20 years ago


    Wadledee was really mad because i didn`t want to review right now so i dicided to give this a review.

    Medium!!! The tileset is a ugly tileset it`s a 8bit tileset so the level looks a little bit ugly but Wadledee did it okay. The background is fine There are multiple layers used.
    In layer 7 there are clouds floating by and that`s good but the clouds don`t come again you need to do in JCS tile width. There are also some things on layer 6 to let things end rightfully. And on layer 5 are a lot of eyecandy things like a big castle and mushroom moantains and more. There is 1 problem with 4 and 5 because sometimes i think i can stand somewhere but that`s eyecandy in layer 5 so it`s a little bit confusing but after playing a while you know what`s in layer 4 and 5. There are also some good animations on layer 5 like a jumping enemy of mario and there is a koopa walking but he doesn`t turn when he walks back. There are also some other things in layer 4 like bushes and vences. The eyecandy would be good if this tileset wouldn`t be that ugly but still okay.

    Medium!!! The ammo is okay placed not to much not too less. There could be more of a kind. There is no powerups in the level only in the shop of 20 coins but there are not much powerups needed because the level is small. The coins are good placed and there are also 3 carrots. 1 carrot is in the level and each shop has a carrot that`s good. Everything is on the right place placed. What you get of the cion shops are also good. With the coin shop 10 are some fast fire`s and some ammo and a carrot. If you go in the shop with 20 coins you get a RF powerup and ammo for that and also a carrot. The coin shops are good placed.

    Medium!!! The level is fun too battle agains somebody but not more. The lvel is small so i think this level is only fun for a duel. There are a lot of platform but i don`t like the 1 block at the end of the screens. Those 1block platform was also not in the original level. The gameplay is good but because of the confusing eyecandy(read above) it`s a little less fun to play. There are some warps and if you warp you go randomly to a other warp target that`s good. What i don`t like is the hurt events although you can get out of it it`s not fun. Also it`s a little bit hard too get out of that pit in the center with Jazz. That`s all i can tell about the gameplay.

    Medium!!! The level is short but the original too. The tilest is not looking good but it was the only one there was for this level. The music is perfect choosen. Also i`m gonna look if the conversion of the level is well done. It`s almost the same except somethings But that`s not a really big mistake because it makes the gameplay better.

    It`s not a bad level but also not that good a ‘6.5’ of me.


    [This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan]t>[This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan][This review has been edited by Satan]

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    Ðx Posted more than 20 years ago




    Not bad but the background sucks. i hate that. next time just choose the wotor block or the blue one. but the eyecandy is oke. not bad at all. next time more extra baddies as eyecandy, the turtle thats walking is little buggy :P his going ahead but you did PINGING its bad because the beast walks with his head left to the right very buggy but oke its bad for that one. so its oke not good.


    its originally nice token from mario 64 or like that. i dont like the gameplay its bored but i wont take manypoints of it.


    MANY! the beast with the black shield is jumping. that jump thing is’t good. look good. as many times its jumps and 2 sec later it will go down thats buggy ;). some bugs under with the coinbunny ( left ) but the rest ok the background is buggy to but ok. You fall in wotor and YOU MUST DIE. thats very bad dont do that ever again in a battle!


    Good placed not bat at all. but its to small yo use seekers . it will be fun with instgib in this level! :D:D but the ammo is kinda bad/good.


    Host this: No
    Download recommed: No


    _ _ /_\ 6.7 /_\

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    snzspeed Posted more than 20 years ago


    Well, its an a small battle level.
    i don’t think this can receive so high
    than a 6.6, because of the size. whatever, lets get started with the real reveiw.


    Okay, this level is very small and boring. luckily it has many eyecandy´, which saves it from getting low rating, like 4-3. i don’t think this is too good for deserve a download recommedation, but lets continue.


    Hmm, quite good. tileset was rightly used, and level has much eyecandy. and weird looking texture background. there is no tilebugs, or atleast i didnt see any.animations are good too. standard eyecandy/set use


    i don’t like it too much. level is small, and it ruins the gameplay. levels should be much bigger than this.


    Hmm.. standard. some ammo, but there should be more, there are few packs of ammo, but enough.


    Not fun.. its too samll an boring. make your levels bigger.


    Average level.. looks like being worth of 5.7
    RANK: average level
    HOST THIS:no..
    RATING:5.7 ( i may change the rating number too )

    ~NiQ of j2vf[This review has been edited by NiQ][This review has been edited by NiQ]

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    Mercury Posted more than 20 years ago


    A small battlelvl, hmm?

    I HATE THAT TILESET. it’s ugly. Although, I liked the background with its stars. Good use of animation, Wadledee used the tileset well. Also good use of the different layers. It’s a pity that the small animated turtle didn’t flip over (small stupid detail), but this is not possible, unfortunately. I saw the tileset.

    Short lvl. In the long term it gets BORING. I didn’t like it too much. Fortunately, there was a way to get out of the hurting water.
    Sometimes it was a bit confusing.

    Not bad at all. Coins are well placed, and the ammo was okay. The bonus rooms were well placed.

    I didn’t find many bugs, exept the tilebug near the water. A pity.

    Certainly not a bad lvl but also not very good. Original, though. I think it is worth a 6.5

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    wadledee Posted more than 20 years ago

    ERRM… Satan, those tiles on the end of the screen I putted extra too make the level a little bit bigger.
    Also you say:
    It’s not a bad level but also not that good a ‘6.7’ of me.
    But on the rating-screen is standing a 6.5!
    this review has been edited by Wadledee

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