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Technoir Remix.xm | Technoir Remix! | 466.38 kB | 11 Jun 2004 |
What to say…? It’s just a Technoir Remix…
This a pretty good remix of Technoir.
First off, great instrument choice. All of the instruments chosen really go with the Technoir theme. The variation is also good, the song stays iteresting the whole time.
Now, onto the things that could be improved. You could speed up the progression a bit; you didn’t get to the melody until 1:00, and then when you only held it for 2 measures, it sounded way too short compared to the way the drums and bass had been building up for 1 minute. After the orchestra hits, I sort of missed the “Jackrabbit” and guitars, but that’s just me. The slow section came without much transition, it mostly just snapped into the new tempo. You should have either a buildup, or have some of the instruments calm down before the slow section.
Overall, a great song that could use a few improvements. Great job!
Download reccomended.
Whoa! Another review to ruxxoring song, which has to be renewed…
Technoir in a great style. That’s describe of this tune in five words. How Joeph Collins said, this is how Technoir has to be.
Samples are good, they are very well fitting into the song, sound quality of them is good enough. Rhythm is stable beat – hi-hat – snare – hi-hat, and it perfectly fits into tune.
All details in song like quiet melody playing after orchestra hits or 2:36 make this song just great.
(+) Technoir in great style
(-) Nothing more
Now, forget to original Technoir. This is better than original in all ways. Not much original stuff, it’s just original improved by 200 %. Use it in your levels, in your mp3players. And use loud speakers.
its so good !!!
This is a GREAT song. Your intro is great, your climax is small but awesome, and the music feels like your in a villin’s hideout which is a feeling I like sometimes…anyway…the song does have a flaw in it and that’s you stop compleatly in the middle, then the rest of the song trys to compensate for it. Nevertheless, I’m still going to download it, and maybe use it in a level or two because it loops(Another fine point to the song). I totaly recommend this song for downloading.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.
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